netcup GmbH
Windows Server 2019 10.0
Software information

Apache Apache 2.4.57


  • ElasticSearch is publicly available
    First seen 2021-07-03 09:40
    Last seen 2023-02-20 04:44
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df464863c298d9b9853874a86b4fd2661edeac5fb41c53e371d4

      Indices: 26, document count: 90374, size: 67.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.02.20-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2023.02.20-000001 with 140 documents (116.5 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index log-2023.02.20-000001 with 85515 documents (63.0 MB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.02.20-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index fields with 775 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.02.20-000001 with 140 documents (144.9 kB)
      Found index process with 775 documents (581.2 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 852 documents (587.6 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.02.20-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2023.02.20-000001 with 2041 documents (507.5 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.02.20-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2023.02.20-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2023-02-20 04:44
      67.7 MBytes 90374 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46e47a29bba0322b4d2aec168e4233e06331f338be74d80ccb

      Indices: 26, document count: 113885, size: 76.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.02.09-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2023.02.09-000001 with 108789 documents (71.7 MB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 776 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index process with 776 documents (508.4 kB)
      Found index slareport-2023.02.09-000001 with 165 documents (125.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2023.02.09-000001 with 2172 documents (525.4 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2023.02.09-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.02.09-000001 with 165 documents (175.4 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.02.09-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.0 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 906 documents (607.5 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.02.09-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.02.09-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2023-02-09 04:47
      76.3 MBytes 113885 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b3fb07c1cce7a9f32aa0d24ad39457374934c9deb497764e

      Indices: 26, document count: 104887, size: 72.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.02.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.02.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index log-2023.02.03-000001 with 100005 documents (67.8 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 866 documents (554.1 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.02.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.02.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2023.02.03-000001 with 2046 documents (481.3 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 776 documents (485.8 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index fields with 776 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2023.02.03-000001 with 141 documents (140.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.02.03-000001 with 141 documents (126.3 kB)
      Found index botreport-2023.02.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2023-02-03 04:10
      72.3 MBytes 104887 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466c2a9700cc28bdf09d4c222ae165c1fc0e6fd13d761e7d94

      Indices: 26, document count: 137914, size: 80.4 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index comment-2023.01.30-000001 with 2070 documents (490.5 kB)
      Found index process with 781 documents (483.0 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.01.30-000001 with 143 documents (146.4 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.01.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.01.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.01.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 859 documents (557.3 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index slareport-2023.01.30-000001 with 143 documents (141.1 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.01.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index botreport-2023.01.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index fields with 781 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2023.01.30-000001 with 133001 documents (76.0 MB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2023-01-30 11:07
      80.4 MBytes 137914 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466f7e3fe3a784e5a5df8913a74490f9611a2dd1085114509e

      Indices: 26, document count: 165261, size: 92.4 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.01.27-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2023.01.27-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2023.01.27-000001 with 160389 documents (87.8 MB)
      Found index fields with 774 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index process with 774 documents (549.2 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.2 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.01.27-000001 with 141 documents (152.0 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.01.27-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.01.27-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2023.01.27-000001 with 141 documents (132.9 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.01.27-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 839 documents (537.4 kB)
      Found index comment-2023.01.27-000001 with 2067 documents (505.1 kB)
      Found on 2023-01-27 19:17
      92.4 MBytes 165261 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46243f38289db4aac84676aca96a2dc8f06dd5380117411507

      Indices: 26, document count: 69512, size: 45.9 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index log-2023.01.11-000001 with 65716 documents (42.3 MB)
      Found index elementattachments with 763 documents (560.2 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2023.01.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2023.01.11-000001 with 88 documents (143.2 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 792 documents (512.8 kB)
      Found index slareport-2023.01.11-000001 with 88 documents (128.9 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index fields with 792 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index outboundreport-2023.01.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2023.01.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2023.01.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2023.01.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2023.01.11-000001 with 1137 documents (332.1 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2023-01-11 01:58
      45.9 MBytes 69512 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46774360f0dd1b922081c19507598665fd7f9c9ff3656f3199

      Indices: 26, document count: 171905, size: 92.1 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 781 documents (521.3 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.12.26-000001 with 145 documents (146.8 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.12.26-000001 with 145 documents (153.5 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.12.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.12.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.12.26-000001 with 2080 documents (451.6 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index log-2022.12.26-000001 with 166944 documents (87.8 MB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.12.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 893 documents (617.4 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.12.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index fields with 781 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.12.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-12-26 17:04
      92.1 MBytes 171905 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ed9160236d581ae52a77cd0b521ee1478121ce2a824c6892

      Indices: 26, document count: 190978, size: 104.5 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.12.15-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.12.15-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.12.15-000001 with 150 documents (143.0 kB)
      Found index user with 9 documents (32.3 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 2 documents (10.8 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.12.15-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (518 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.12.15-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index comment-2022.12.15-000001 with 2099 documents (517.7 kB)
      Found index fields with 783 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.12.15-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 783 documents (606.8 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.12.15-000001 with 150 documents (105.0 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 906 documents (582.6 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index log-2022.12.15-000001 with 185968 documents (99.8 MB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2022-12-16 00:20
      104.5 MBytes 190978 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4611aa2adc8a377d1c06f193db66512a3e79bb0dd90e705f87

      Indices: 26, document count: 163929, size: 89.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.12.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.12.03-000001 with 145 documents (177.5 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 871 documents (554.8 kB)
      Found index comment-2022.12.03-000001 with 1981 documents (454.3 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.12.03-000001 with 145 documents (166.5 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (21.7 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index log-2022.12.03-000001 with 159095 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.12.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.12.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 778 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 120 documents (454.7 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.12.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index process with 778 documents (522.0 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.12.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-12-03 15:39
      89.8 MBytes 163929 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df462654032ae953ec4aa6aafb7d9847442be95a4a56b2056f43

      Indices: 26, document count: 174223, size: 92.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index comment-2022.11.22-000001 with 2047 documents (460.6 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.11.22-000001 with 137 documents (201.6 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index log-2022.11.22-000001 with 169335 documents (88.3 MB)
      Found index process with 786 documents (524.9 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.11.22-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 860 documents (583.8 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 786 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.11.22-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.11.22-000001 with 137 documents (105.4 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.11.22-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.11.22-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.11.22-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-11-22 15:41
      92.7 MBytes 174223 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46e807dfde63ab855ef5c14c0b2d41104be99ef88f64f0e274

      Indices: 26, document count: 221418, size: 111.6 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.11.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.11.03-000001 with 217619 documents (107.6 MB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 2 documents (10.7 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.11.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.11.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 791 documents (563.1 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.11.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 9 documents (34.3 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.11.03-000001 with 89 documents (138.5 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.11.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.11.03-000001 with 1129 documents (333.8 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 772 documents (596.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index fields with 791 documents (1.7 MB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.11.03-000001 with 89 documents (171.3 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-11-03 08:50
      111.6 MBytes 221418 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c502e23df5b9d28f08e5d0b9d3be51d6c4ab4cd0e9912b91

      Indices: 26, document count: 44476, size: 21.6 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.10.23-000001 with 42159 documents (19.1 MB)
      Found index fields with 800 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index comment-2022.10.23-000001 with 1 documents (6.3 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.0 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 581 documents (511.5 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index process with 800 documents (463.3 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.10.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-10-23 00:47
      21.6 MBytes 44476 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4648701052d37a6fa28e4c5f3c44f9f2a83d3803863f17420c

      Indices: 26, document count: 97797, size: 69.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index log-2022.09.28-000001 with 92907 documents (64.7 MB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.09.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2022.09.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.09.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2022.09.28-000001 with 2049 documents (493.2 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.09.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index fields with 783 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.09.28-000001 with 136 documents (101.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.09.28-000001 with 136 documents (117.6 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 868 documents (577.5 kB)
      Found index process with 783 documents (546.8 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.09.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-09-28 01:30
      69.3 MBytes 97797 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466c0b6d5a9332543ae514afa21776debfba51450bad5b9dea

      Indices: 26, document count: 188436, size: 96.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index process with 786 documents (545.4 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.08.28-000001 with 139 documents (107.0 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.08.28-000001 with 1952 documents (461.3 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 786 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 882 documents (618.6 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.08.28-000001 with 139 documents (131.8 kB)
      Found index log-2022.08.28-000001 with 183617 documents (92.3 MB)
      Found on 2022-08-28 19:37
      96.8 MBytes 188436 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46189338767a8f1506559837b63e817bc41a2353a81e84b2a5

      Indices: 26, document count: 159837, size: 90.1 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index outboundreport-2022.07.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.07.11-000001 with 147 documents (134.6 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.07.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.07.11-000001 with 154894 documents (85.6 MB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.07.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.07.11-000001 with 147 documents (116.2 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2022.07.11-000001 with 2089 documents (488.4 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.07.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 776 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 873 documents (551.5 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.07.11-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 776 documents (579.4 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-07-11 14:26
      90.1 MBytes 159837 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df461800c7082e64a6a889e7fc9c948459725c3af5003eaa3a11

      Indices: 26, document count: 95797, size: 70.5 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index elementattachments with 878 documents (558.7 kB)
      Found index fields with 778 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index slareport-2022.06.10-000001 with 151 documents (135.8 kB)
      Found index log-2022.06.10-000001 with 90821 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.06.10-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.06.10-000001 with 2105 documents (511.7 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.06.10-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.06.10-000001 with 151 documents (156.4 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.06.10-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index process with 778 documents (586.6 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.06.10-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.06.10-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (27.4 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-06-10 04:36
      70.5 MBytes 95797 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4648413533917b50f56b6a3844c53ce147a3890675be692188

      Indices: 26, document count: 194310, size: 101.0 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.06.08-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.06.08-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 861 documents (569.3 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.06.08-000001 with 147 documents (180.0 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 781 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.06.08-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.06.08-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.0 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.06.08-000001 with 2082 documents (503.7 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.06.08-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.06.08-000001 with 189376 documents (96.5 MB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.06.08-000001 with 147 documents (122.5 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 781 documents (562.8 kB)
      Found on 2022-06-08 21:00
      101.0 MBytes 194310 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46aaee47d33feb1f15c845474a68a250c74d0bad6bdb22d855

      Indices: 26, document count: 212463, size: 115.1 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.05.29-000001 with 207426 documents (110.5 MB)
      Found index comment-2022.05.29-000001 with 2124 documents (517.8 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.05.29-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (518 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.05.29-000001 with 155 documents (164.6 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.05.29-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2022.05.29-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 783 documents (458.8 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 902 documents (583.2 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.05.29-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 783 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.05.29-000001 with 155 documents (164.5 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.05.29-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2022-05-29 23:07
      115.1 MBytes 212463 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46f83bcbf6c1fe5386e2648f04bd08444252ae0d09304b7257

      Indices: 26, document count: 113439, size: 74.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index elementattachments with 855 documents (571.3 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.05.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 782 documents (470.6 kB)
      Found index comment-2022.05.28-000001 with 2037 documents (438.8 kB)
      Found index log-2022.05.28-000001 with 108584 documents (69.9 MB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.05.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.05.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.05.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.05.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.05.28-000001 with 132 documents (134.7 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index slareport-2022.05.28-000001 with 132 documents (182.0 kB)
      Found index fields with 782 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found on 2022-05-28 05:00
      74.3 MBytes 113439 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46f9c9355493465e4474e1c788cabeca1f37a4fd08defc29ea

      Indices: 26, document count: 163070, size: 91.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index outboundreport-2022.05.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.05.26-000001 with 158 documents (134.2 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.05.26-000001 with 158 documents (81.1 kB)
      Found index fields with 784 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.05.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.05.26-000001 with 2151 documents (505.0 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.05.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.05.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.05.26-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index process with 784 documents (571.0 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index log-2022.05.26-000001 with 157992 documents (87.3 MB)
      Found index elementattachments with 908 documents (592.2 kB)
      Found on 2022-05-26 17:28
      91.8 MBytes 163070 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46bd2e870ab25a30aae32b96979a585af0839b39bab0d28c81

      Indices: 26, document count: 93064, size: 67.4 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2022.03.02-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 784 documents (545.4 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2022.03.02-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2022.03.02-000001 with 2084 documents (506.1 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2022.03.02-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 784 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index slareport-2022.03.02-000001 with 146 documents (157.9 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2022.03.02-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2022.03.02-000001 with 88122 documents (62.8 MB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 863 documents (562.0 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index botreport-2022.03.02-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2022.03.02-000001 with 146 documents (96.6 kB)
      Found on 2022-03-02 02:58
      67.4 MBytes 93064 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46692b61dece3d7b5e6822648c89f00250df3ee051e205a0bd

      Indices: 26, document count: 91275, size: 66.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index process with 787 documents (534.9 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.12.14-000001 with 2053 documents (475.7 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.12.14-000001 with 137 documents (108.5 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index log-2021.12.14-000001 with 86366 documents (61.8 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 137 documents (105.3 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 873 documents (586.8 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index fields with 787 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-12-14 13:56
      66.3 MBytes 91275 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46083ad36d1fac6abf7a983003abb5eb5f80850430bb114275

      Indices: 26, document count: 91231, size: 66.2 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index process with 787 documents (534.9 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.12.14-000001 with 2053 documents (475.7 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.12.14-000001 with 137 documents (108.5 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index log-2021.12.14-000001 with 86322 documents (61.7 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 137 documents (105.3 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 873 documents (586.8 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index fields with 787 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.12.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-12-14 03:27
      66.2 MBytes 91231 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466ce94504334fca74adbb5019820bbf07d8b8d94642cec701

      Indices: 26, document count: 90198, size: 68.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 912 documents (573.7 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.11.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.11.24-000001 with 159 documents (134.1 kB)
      Found index botreport-2021.11.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 782 documents (567.5 kB)
      Found index log-2021.11.24-000001 with 85112 documents (64.1 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index fields with 782 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.11.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.11.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2021.11.24-000001 with 159 documents (146.7 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.11.24-000001 with 2157 documents (549.3 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.11.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-11-24 15:53
      68.8 MBytes 90198 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4607f86153c57d3f95baf87b6ebe3c677adf5d8112eba13cdd

      Indices: 26, document count: 93244, size: 66.2 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index elementattachments with 886 documents (612.4 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.11.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.11.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.11.14-000001 with 2042 documents (446.4 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.11.14-000001 with 137 documents (98.5 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.11.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index process with 780 documents (573.3 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index fields with 780 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index log-2021.11.14-000001 with 88347 documents (61.9 MB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.11.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.11.14-000001 with 137 documents (150.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.11.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-11-14 18:14
      66.2 MBytes 93244 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df462d184882217d2252cbbb93bb62820e38fa3831cbad7dad7c

      Indices: 26, document count: 94601, size: 68.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index botreport-2021.10.16-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 784 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.2 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.10.16-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2021.10.16-000001 with 2111 documents (503.2 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.10.16-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index process with 784 documents (529.4 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.10.16-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (7.9 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 878 documents (584.7 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.10.16-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.10.16-000001 with 147 documents (173.4 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.10.16-000001 with 147 documents (109.1 kB)
      Found index log-2021.10.16-000001 with 89615 documents (64.2 MB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2021-10-16 05:17
      68.7 MBytes 94601 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df460d2ede1df6d6226fff6e32e2f56848aa3293b45facc7102a

      Indices: 26, document count: 89625, size: 67.9 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2021.10.13-000001 with 160 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 906 documents (590.9 kB)
      Found index process with 780 documents (555.4 kB)
      Found index botreport-2021.10.13-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.10.13-000001 with 2136 documents (493.0 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (7.9 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.2 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.10.13-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.10.13-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.10.13-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.10.13-000001 with 160 documents (153.5 kB)
      Found index log-2021.10.13-000001 with 84568 documents (63.2 MB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 780 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.10.13-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-10-13 07:07
      67.9 MBytes 89625 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c5be79a6e702ca360c97c0ab570ec16b5b5ff26969985468

      Indices: 26, document count: 92607, size: 68.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index botreport-2021.09.30-000001 with 2 documents (13.6 kB)
      Found index fields with 785 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index slareport-2021.09.30-000001 with 155 documents (121.9 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.09.30-000001 with 2125 documents (551.3 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 1 documents (124.0 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.09.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 893 documents (580.1 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.09.30-000001 with 1 documents (4.9 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 3 documents (10.8 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.09.30-000001 with 2 documents (13.2 kB)
      Found index process with 785 documents (511.2 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.09.30-000001 with 157 documents (178.9 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index log-2021.09.30-000001 with 87563 documents (64.0 MB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.09.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-09-30 09:23
      68.7 MBytes 92607 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4647d9611f4699fba1030b0b27d277bc9db21772781e553d68

      Indices: 26, document count: 89633, size: 66.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index process with 777 documents (534.0 kB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.0 kB)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.09.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 777 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.09.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2021.09.24-000001 with 146 documents (111.5 kB)
      Found index log-2021.09.24-000001 with 84694 documents (62.3 MB)
      Found index botreport-2021.09.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.09.24-000001 with 146 documents (160.3 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.09.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.09.24-000001 with 2070 documents (513.7 kB)
      Found index elementattachments with 888 documents (606.9 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.09.24-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-09-24 06:40
      66.7 MBytes 89633 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4604c4fd42557d3f12e0ae8f0b6ffd2a1c2b12c00fead01312

      Indices: 26, document count: 89992, size: 65.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index botreport-2021.09.21-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.09.21-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.09.21-000001 with 133 documents (149.7 kB)
      Found index process with 781 documents (500.5 kB)
      Found index fields with 781 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.09.21-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.09.21-000001 with 133 documents (152.9 kB)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.09.21-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index log-2021.09.21-000001 with 85242 documents (60.8 MB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.09.21-000001 with 1931 documents (457.1 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.2 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 856 documents (584.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.09.21-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-09-21 05:31
      65.3 MBytes 89992 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df462c6700c7c0857459bc491fade91cb2551fb1e20a45768f50

      Indices: 26, document count: 90611, size: 67.4 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index log-2021.08.30-000001 with 85654 documents (61.8 MB)
      Found index process with 786 documents (525.0 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.08.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.08.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 874 documents (573.2 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 786 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.08.30-000001 with 139 documents (170.1 kB)
      Found index user with 9 documents (33.1 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.08.30-000001 with 2085 documents (495.3 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.08.30-000001 with 5 documents (21.9 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.08.30-000001 with 139 documents (125.4 kB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 3 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.08.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (7.9 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 4 documents (16.0 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.08.30-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2021-08-30 14:29
      67.4 MBytes 90611 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46e2bb2d047c0c4274de6fceec4e8e7490d37fe7d91b0e921b

      Indices: 26, document count: 96148, size: 68.1 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index elementattachments with 891 documents (581.0 kB)
      Found index fields with 778 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.08.28-000001 with 144 documents (114.9 kB)
      Found index botreport-2021.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2021.08.28-000001 with 91209 documents (63.6 MB)
      Found index process with 778 documents (534.2 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.08.28-000001 with 2069 documents (478.7 kB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (7.9 kB)
      Found index slareport-2021.08.28-000001 with 144 documents (146.4 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.08.28-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found on 2021-08-28 07:25
      68.1 MBytes 96148 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4674f05338b800fa58b4ab4ffe981681bf1d5dd887beb51678

      Indices: 26, document count: 93960, size: 68.0 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.07.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index comment-2021.07.23-000001 with 2070 documents (510.7 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.07.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 781 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 873 documents (569.7 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index process with 781 documents (548.3 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.07.23-000001 with 142 documents (139.5 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.07.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.07.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2021.07.23-000001 with 89036 documents (63.6 MB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2021.07.23-000001 with 142 documents (163.7 kB)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index botreport-2021.07.23-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found on 2021-07-23 02:19
      68.0 MBytes 93960 rows
    • Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df462803b4750218989730bbe800e42f2db3b4f2bb4d5b76e595

      Indices: 26, document count: 94998, size: 68.3 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index slareport-2021.07.14-000001 with 147 documents (126.8 kB)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.07.14-000001 with 147 documents (128.9 kB)
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.07.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 909 documents (593.0 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (21.7 kB)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.07.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index log-2021.07.14-000001 with 90015 documents (63.6 MB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.07.14-000001 with 2081 documents (522.6 kB)
      Found index process with 782 documents (583.2 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.07.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.07.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.07.14-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index fields with 782 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found on 2021-07-14 22:27
      68.3 MBytes 94998 rows
    • Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4670db384e32ecb14ef11ea18cfec58e77f689938dadd5d5c6

      Indices: 26, document count: 92903, size: 68.0 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index skypeforbusinessmessage-2021.07.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index botreport-2021.07.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index workflowcontext with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index elementattachments with 888 documents (603.4 kB)
      Found index smoopemessage-2021.07.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outbaund with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index xpack with 2 documents (8.0 kB)
      Found index user with 8 documents (28.1 kB)
      Found index notificationcheckentry with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index fields with 780 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index my_index with 3 documents (5.4 kB)
      Found index lastexecuted with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager with 2 documents (13.8 kB)
      Found index responsestate with 0 documents (520 B)
      Found index twitter with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index log-2021.07.03-000001 with 87919 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 119 documents (451.1 kB)
      Found index group with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index outboundreport-2021.07.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index slareport-2021.07.03-000001 with 148 documents (117.0 kB)
      Found index clientcommand with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index child_example with 1 documents (7.0 kB)
      Found index process with 780 documents (507.6 kB)
      Found index comment-2021.07.03-000001 with 2105 documents (458.3 kB)
      Found index reportclientprocessingtime-2021.07.03-000001 with 0 documents (522 B)
      Found index inboundreport-2021.07.03-000001 with 148 documents (129.3 kB)
      Found on 2021-07-03 09:40
      68.0 MBytes 92903 rows
  • Open service

    2024-03-03 09:42

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    Found 2024-03-03 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
Data leak
111.6 MB
Domain summary
No record