United States
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-12-24 14:44
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522413161ca

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url = git://
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      [branch "MOODLE_36_STABLE"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/MOODLE_36_STABLE
      Found on 2022-12-24 14:44
      338 Bytes
  • Leak detected by CassandraOpenPlugin
    Port: 443
    First seen 2022-01-19 09:15
    Last seen 2022-01-22 10:39
    Open for 3 days
    • Fingerprint: fd14c2e0be231c7d84fac73babc934b13b874584dc5f2ffce63f626ae808af72

      Found table system_auth.resource_role_permissons_index (index of db roles with permissions granted on a resource)
      Found table system_auth.role_members (role memberships lookup table)
      Found table system_auth.role_permissions (permissions granted to db roles)
      Found table system_auth.roles (role definitions)
      Found table cache.oneway_registry ()
      Found table cache.oneway_response ()
      Found table cache.oneway_response_v2 ()
      Found table cache.oneway_response_v3 ()
      Found table cache.roundtrip_registry ()
      Found table cache.roundtrip_response ()
      Found table cache.roundtrip_response_v2 ()
      Found table cache.roundtrip_response_v3 ()
      Found table cache.segments_store ()
      Found table system_schema.aggregates (user defined aggregate definitions)
      Found table system_schema.columns (column definitions)
      Found table system_schema.dropped_columns (dropped column registry)
      Found table system_schema.functions (user defined function definitions)
      Found table system_schema.indexes (secondary index definitions)
      Found table system_schema.keyspaces (keyspace definitions)
      Found table system_schema.tables (table definitions)
      Found table system_schema.triggers (trigger definitions)
      Found table system_schema.types (user defined type definitions)
      Found table system_schema.views (view definitions)
      Found table dse_system.encrypted_keys ()
      Found table dse_system.leases ()
      Found table dse_leases.leases (DSE Lease coordination)
      Found table dse_leases.logs (DSE Lease history)
      Found table system_distributed.parent_repair_history (Repair history)
      Found table system_distributed.repair_history (Repair history)
      Found table system.IndexInfo (built column indexes)
      Found table system.available_ranges (available keyspace/ranges during bootstrap/replace that are ready to be served)
      Found table system.batches (batches awaiting replay)
      Found table system.batchlog (*DEPRECATED* batchlog entries)
      Found table system.built_views (built views)
      Found table system.compaction_history (week-long compaction history)
      Found table system.hints (*DEPRECATED* hints awaiting delivery)
      Found table system.local (information about the local node)
      Found table system.paxos (in-progress paxos proposals)
      Found table system.peer_events (events related to peers)
      Found table system.peers (information about known peers in the cluster)
      Found table system.range_xfers (ranges requested for transfer)
      Found table system.size_estimates (per-table primary range size estimates)
      Found table system.sstable_activity (historic sstable read rates)
      Found table system.views_builds_in_progress (views builds current progress)
      Found table dse_perf.node_slow_log ()
      Found table padcache.oneway_flightselections ()
      Found table padcache.oneway_registry ()
      Found table padcache.oneway_response ()
      Found table padcache.oneway_response_v2 ()
      Found table padcache.oneway_response_v3 ()
      Found table padcache.roundtrip_flightselections ()
      Found table padcache.roundtrip_registry ()
      Found table padcache.roundtrip_response ()
      Found table padcache.roundtrip_response_v2 ()
      Found table padcache.roundtrip_response_v3 ()
      Found table padcache.segments_store ()
      Found table (tracing events)
      Found table system_traces.sessions (tracing sessions)
      Found table dse_security.digest_tokens (digest_tokens)
      Found table dse_security.role_options (role options)
      Found table dse_security.spark_security (Spark security settings)
      Found on 2022-01-19 09:15
Domain summary
No record