The Redis instance is open to the public.
This could result to data leak and code execution.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf180bb9df7e0bb9df7e0bb9df7e0bb9df7e0bb9df7e0bb9df7e
Redis is open with 5 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752
Redis is open with 1 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf1897c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab
Redis is open with 4 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18cb5fa067cb5fa067cb5fa067cb5fa067cb5fa067cb5fa067
Redis is open with 8 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf180fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a
Redis is open with 9 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf185497e6545497e6545497e6545497e6545497e6545497e654
Redis is open with 3 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf181b1f02c91b1f02c91b1f02c91b1f02c91b1f02c91b1f02c9
Redis is open with 2 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf185732408f5732408f5732408f5732408f5732408f5732408f
Redis is open with 0 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95
Redis is open with 6 keys in dbs
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d8143ab0e0c57841584db82576a5cfb93a
Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /index.html /static /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d8143ab0e0c57841584db82576a5cfb93a
Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /index.html /static /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d8143ab0e0c57841584db82576a5cfb93a
Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /index.html /static /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js