Hetzner Online GmbH
Software information

Apache Apache 2.4.57


  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-03-16 20:47
    Last seen 2024-06-12 17:54
    Open for 453 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522eef66838

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
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      	url = /git/
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      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-06-12 17:54
      243 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-03-16 20:47
    Last seen 2024-06-12 14:38
    Open for 453 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522eef66838

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
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      [remote "origin"]
      	url = /git/
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-06-12 14:38
      243 Bytes
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-12 17:54

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 17:47:53 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-12 14:38

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 14:31:53 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-10 12:34

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 12:28:12 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-10 09:33

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:26:49 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-08 10:34

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 10:28:19 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-08 09:22

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 09:16:20 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-06 08:13

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 08:06:39 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-06 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-06 06:14

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 06:07:29 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-06 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-04 17:25

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:18:57 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-04 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-04 02:00

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2024 01:53:40 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-04 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-02 21:05

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2024 20:58:34 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-02 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-02 18:56

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2024 18:49:36 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-02 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-01 22:14

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 22:08:20 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-01 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-01 18:07

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2024 18:01:14 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-06-01 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-30 11:07

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 11:01:07 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-30 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-30 08:16

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 08:10:32 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-30 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-29 13:31

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 13:24:56 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-29 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-29 13:27

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 29 May 2024 13:21:18 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-29 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-28 16:41

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 16:35:30 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-28 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-28 05:49

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 05:43:21 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-28 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-27 22:48

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 22:41:47 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.57 (Debian)
    Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:54:51 GMT
    ETag: "f8a-60c43d2586b00"
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Content-Length: 3978
    Vary: Accept-Encoding
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Page title: 
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
    	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
    Found 2024-05-27 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-05-27 15:57

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 15:50:48 GMT
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    <!DOCTYPE html>
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    	<title> </title>
    	<meta name="description" content="Andi's personal web page">
    	<meta name="author" content="Andi Shyti">
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    	<link rel="shortcut icon" href="pics/icon.png" type="image/x-icon">
    	<a href="./index.html">
    		<img src="pics/sloth_lying.png" alt="Home"></a>
    	<h1> Welcome to </h1>
    	<h2> Andi's personal website </h2>
    		Greetings! this is my personal website. While it may not have
    		content that's universally captivating, it serves as a digital
    		repository for my assorted thoughts and musings. As someone with
    		a rather chaotic nature, maintaining a public website assists me
    		in staying organized.
    		This website employs nothing more than plain HTML5, brought to
    		life with just a basic text editor.
    			<td> December 11, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu_bridge.html">
    					Qemu Virt-manager and network bridge
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> October 31, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="linux/qemu.html">
    					 Mainline kernel on Qemu x86/64
    			<td> <small> (last update 6 December 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 15, 2023 </td>
    				<a href="random/logo.html"> has a new logo
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 25, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="linux/rpi3.html">
    					An all mainline Raspberry Pi 3
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 4, 2020 </td>
    				<a href="random/favourites.html">
    					 My ten favourite...
    			<td> <small> (last update 15 March 2023) </small> </td>
    			<td> May 2014 </td>
    				<a href="random/myguitar.html">
    					My guitar and gear
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> April 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/archs.html">
    					My boards
    			<td> <small> (last update 27 April 2020) </small> </td>
    			<td> March 2014 </td>
    				<a href="hardware/ledspy.html">
    					Debug GPIO with LED
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> September 2, 2013 </td>
    				<a href="random/nokia.html">
    					Nokia: the end of an era
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> August 2013 </td>
    				<a href="linux/smida-server.html">
    					How I set up server
    			<td> </td>
    			<td> June 2012 </td>
    				<a href="linux/ahti-ii.html">
    					AHTI-II accelerometer
    			<td> </td>
    	<h3> Random thoughts fed by the daily life </h3>
    	<p> <small> <i> 25 November 2023 </i> </small> </p>
    	<p> Daniel Defoe wrote in 1719: </p>
    		In trouble to be troubled, <br>
    		Is to have your trouble doubled.
    		<a href="thoughts/thoughts.hmtl"> other... </a>
    		<a href="whoami/whoami.html"> Andi Shyti </a> <br>
    		email: andi (at) smida (dot) it <br>
    		IRC: cazzacarna
    		<i> The social circles I frequent: </i><br>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/linux_logo.png" alt="Linux"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/gnu_logo.png" alt="GNU"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/etezian.png" alt=""></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/intel_logo.png" alt="Intel"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/freedesktop.png" alt="Freedesktop"></a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img src="pics/polito.png" alt="PoliTo"></a>
    		<a href="credits/credits.html"> Special thanks to... </a>
    		<a href="">
    			<img alt="Coverity Scan Build Status"
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