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      Found on 2022-09-16 20:19
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-09-16 20:19
    Last seen 2024-09-18 10:45
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      Found on 2024-09-18 10:45
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      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35ba9728c5967b12a09355d41c81be29bdf

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      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d1fbbfe3f186e91f75f6d24620aca9737

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      Found on 2022-09-16 20:19
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 09:20

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-12 08:46

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-09-12 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-08 10:10

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-09-08 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-18 10:03

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-08-18 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-16 10:13

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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-08-16 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 09:32

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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
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    2024-08-12 08:34

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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-10 02:50

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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
    Found 2024-08-10 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-08 04:23

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         <h1 class="Heading" id="u337-2">I am the Swiss Army Knife of your organization.</h1>
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        <h2 class="Subhead">Hello!</h2>
        <h3 class="Head3">I provide clear brand communication and strategic operational leadership.</h3>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-6">As a designer and hands-on team leader, I've found that a combination of hard work, creativity, and asking the right questions usually leads to the right answers. I am always looking for new perspectives to provide insight and inspiration.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy" id="u104-8">As a client-oriented problem solver and service provider within a large organization, I've gotten used to hearing &quot;you've saved my bacon... once again!&quot;</p>
        <h2 class="Subhead">Find Out More.</h2>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><a class="nonblock" href=""><span id="u104-11">View My Portfolio on Behance</span></a>. <br/>Several collections are forthcoming, including photography, design, and business projects/outcomes.</p>
        <p class="Body-Copy"><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-17">I also invite you to </strong><a class="nonblock" href=""><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-18">connect with or follow me on LinkedIn</strong></a><strong class="Inline-Head" id="u104-20">, where I am most active on a reg
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