Scaleway S.a.s.
  • MongoDB is publicly available
    First seen 2021-07-28 22:39
    Last seen 2024-04-25 16:54
    Open for 1001 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258889d5306e27f4948d2836962d0a29c203afa77f78546827b

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.0 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (373 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2024-04-25 16:54
      1.0 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258889d5306e27f4948d2836962d0a29c203afa77f7b8cd59d2

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.0 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (376 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2024-04-18 18:33
      1.0 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258889d5306e27f4948d2836962d0a29c203afa77f75d5ef1b1

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.0 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (375 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2024-03-21 10:14
      1.0 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258889d5306e27f4948d2836962d0a29c203afa77f715d22804

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.0 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (374 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2024-03-08 04:34
      1.0 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258d8c247b483f809b663edff00aaeeba3a7d4507457b13b50c

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (373 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 1 documents (99 B)
      Found on 2024-03-02 18:08
      1.1 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab425891f0a902c9f829e4b070818625d13e4c1d5a288b2bc48cd6

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.3 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA.READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA  with 2 documents (700 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2024-02-18 23:29
      1.3 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab42584bd56fc4fca84f2662b709700e7f16eadd0713f55a9b0153

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 1.4 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA.READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA  with 2 documents (700 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 1 documents (99 B)
      Found on 2024-02-14 23:04
      1.4 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258d8c247b483f809b663edff00aaeeba3a7d45074550084ef5

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (374 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 1 documents (99 B)
      Found on 2024-02-01 19:09
      1.1 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258013e01fec10f134058c25a5a59f7600886fd52afec14851c

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 1.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (374 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 2 documents (198 B)
      Found on 2024-01-27 16:59
      1.2 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab425840d84afe05500640cf35235a066689084bb563af475345f2

      Collections: 4, document count: 8, size: 1.4 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (374 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 4 documents (396 B)
      Found on 2024-01-17 01:45
      1.4 kBytes 8 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258013e01fec10f134058c25a5a59f7600886fd52af484216f3

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 1.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (373 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 2 documents (198 B)
      Found on 2023-12-23 19:05
      1.2 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258013e01fec10f134058c25a5a59f7600886fd52af4ccc4d91

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 1.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (371 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 2 documents (198 B)
      Found on 2023-12-11 10:40
      1.2 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258889d5306e27f4948d2836962d0a29c203afa77f73ee8eb25

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.0 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (371 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-11-24 06:23
      1.0 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab425863c924044407f7e6165edf303355d9aa799332354ddcdd1c

      Collections: 4, document count: 15, size: 2.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (371 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 11 documents (1.1 kB)
      Found on 2023-11-16 16:37
      2.1 kBytes 15 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab425891f0a902c9f829e4b070818625d13e4c1d5a288bec0ba981

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.3 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA.READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA  with 2 documents (686 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-10-03 13:59
      1.3 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9ae9381a1cb8a62cfe1f0a12147ad9ee83b192725c

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (746 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-16 13:16
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258ef8f5e7eaf6774c098fbf6dab83c2c885663532f44f57df9

      Collections: 4, document count: 24, size: 16.4 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 21 documents (15.7 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-13 18:02
      16.4 kBytes 24 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab42589b2947c0f40a22523f4d57b442986046501125790b8806ff

      Collections: 4, document count: 21, size: 14.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 18 documents (13.5 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-12 20:53
      14.1 kBytes 21 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258fce25e318197c1d94653baad998fdf7ff3b265b849a817c3

      Collections: 4, document count: 9, size: 5.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 6 documents (4.5 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-10 10:27
      5.2 kBytes 9 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258613761026dd391e4c97339868950f64c87faa08b798dca4f

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 2.9 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 3 documents (2.3 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-06 23:55
      2.9 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258d565a188eef4cf3a7212845c68f9893e99afd701c0e462cf

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 2.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 2 documents (1.5 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-09-03 13:38
      2.2 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258a256bbab12e7c38398cdd10f5274e51d6e7b191238edb9a8

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 2.2 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 2 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 1 documents (99 B)
      Found on 2023-08-27 19:22
      2.2 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9ae9381a1cb8a62cfe1f0a12147ad9ee83deacd1ca

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (722 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-08-25 06:17
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258424c9d3d2694e6f5014335b1d9c0419b2ff2cfdc17bab15b

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 2.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 2 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-08-23 00:53
      2.1 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258945cb0208ddc1232640255d4a52f35e64c328d19e72984e4

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.5 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA.READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_DATA  with 2 documents (890 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-08-21 08:31
      1.5 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab42583b6d8c2cc9c99c2eadc3079886078502f7614fbdc88ff9eb

      Collections: 4, document count: 10, size: 5.9 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 7 documents (5.2 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-08-20 16:43
      5.9 kBytes 10 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258424c9d3d2694e6f5014335b1d9c0419b2ff2cfdc4cdc868c

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 2.1 kB
      HTTP/1.0 200 OK
      Connection: close
      Content-Type: text/plain
      Content-Length: 85
      It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
      Found collection READ_ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 2 documents (1.5 kB)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2023-07-19 16:19
      2.1 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9a2e8840cdf16115f797b83e2abc40311bbc40311b

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (773 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2022-11-13 08:31
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258deee7393e933f81a38aaada2087318b911da950e11da950e

      Collections: 4, document count: 6, size: 1.5 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.GODRANSOM  with 1 documents (621 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 2 documents (198 B)
      Found on 2022-10-07 19:27
      1.5 kBytes 6 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9aecd059c60f9b3b1625b5201da2c38356a2c38356

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (772 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2022-09-02 01:16
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9ae8f3b9189808e9a04bd6947302720c3c02720c3c

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (745 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2022-05-12 22:29
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258945cb0209c2b03719f46abf328c52a16bc8bc54ebc8bc54e

      Collections: 4, document count: 5, size: 1.5 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (744 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 1 documents (99 B)
      Found on 2021-12-20 21:24
      1.5 kBytes 5 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9a2a0dcf4ff89e5311a00c223823dd118923dd1189

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (744 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2021-10-06 15:44
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 436d217a47ab4258cd02ea9a2987979052ae0c9849329b9bc0a80464c0a80464

      Collections: 4, document count: 4, size: 1.4 kB
      Found collection READ__ME_TO_RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.README  with 1 documents (738 B)
      Found collection admin.system.version  with 2 documents (104 B)
      Found collection admin.system.users  with 1 documents (540 B)
      Found collection config.system.sessions  with 0 documents (0 B)
      Found on 2021-07-28 22:39
      1.4 kBytes 4 rows
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-28 01:11
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65221f9de83b

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "main"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/main
      Found on 2023-01-28 01:11
      256 Bytes
  • Open service

    2024-04-25 16:54

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Length: 85
    It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
    Found 5 hours ago by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-04-18 18:33

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Length: 85
    It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
    Found 2024-04-18 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-04-10 14:42

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Length: 85
    It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
    Found 2024-04-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-03-21 10:14

    HTTP/1.0 200 OK
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/plain
    Content-Length: 85
    It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
    Found 2024-03-21 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
Data leak
16.4 kB
Domain summary