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Laposte.fr / Confluence version 6.15.4 likely vulnerable to CVE-2021-26084

BloodyShell reported 2021-09-30

A confluence instance under the domain laposte.fr has been analyzed vulnerable to a recently wildly exploited RCE.

Impacted URL : https://confluence.bnum.net.extra.laposte.fr/login.action

It is critical to update to a safe version as soon as possible.

The CVE-2021-26084 prevention reports are identified and dispatched with the help of HaboubiAnis

Reference :

Detected protocol:
Confluence version 6.15.4 likely vulnerable to CVE-2021-26084
Found by ConfluenceVersionIssue 2021-09-28
Report created by BloodyShell  2021-09-30
Report edited by BloodyShell  2021-09-30
Report approved by BloodyShell  2021-09-30
New PDF report generated by system 2021-09-30
Report dispatched to ...@... by system 2021-09-30
Report dispatched to ...@... by system 2021-09-30
Report dispatched to ...@... by system 2021-09-30
BloodyShell commented 2021-09-30: approved shows in report

Report has been dispatched to all parties

New PDF report generated by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to cybersecurite@laposte.fr by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to anis@com-plete.be by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr by system 2021-09-30
system commented 2021-09-30: approved shows in report

Email from: cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr


We have received your message and have forwarded it to the appropriate department.

Thank you for your report.


Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
Sous-Direction Opération
51, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg - 75700 PARIS 07 SP
Tel : +33 (0)1 71 75 84 68
Mel : cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr<mailto:cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr> - Web : http://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr

Le 30/09/2021 à 14:00, 891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a@reports.leakix.net<mailto:891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a@reports.leakix.net> a écrit :

Dear Laposte.fr,

Security researcher BloodyShell has identified a security issue in your infrastructure through our prevention platform.
The issue has been confirmed by our team and it's priority is critical.
This is a free prevention report and not a sales attempt.

Please use this email address ( 891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a@reports.leakix.net<mailto:891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a@reports.leakix.net> ) for further communications with the involved parties.

LeakIX prevention system is currently in private beta mode. Report links may not work at this point. Please refer to the attached PDF.
Report ID       891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a<http://leakix.net/reports/891797a8-5461-4fc8-82d4-2a8473b1051a>
Owner   Laposte.fr
Title   Confluence version 6.15.4 likely vulnerable to CVE-2021-26084
Researcher report

A confluence instance under the domain laposte.fr has been analyzed vulnerable to a recently wildly exploited RCE.

Impacted URL : https://confluence.bnum.net.extra.laposte.fr/login.action

It is critical to update to a safe version as soon as possible.

The CVE-2021-26084 prevention reports are identified and dispatched with the help of HaboubiAnis<https://twitter.com/HaboubiAnis>

Reference :

*   https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-67940
*   https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-26084

Related events
Host    Port    Source  Country Priority        Infected        Leak rows       Leak size (confluence.bnum.net.extra.laposte.fr)   443     ConfluenceVersionIssue  France
false   0 rows  0 B
Report timeline
Report created by BloodyShell on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:57:28 UTC
Report edited by BloodyShell on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:58:52 UTC
Report approved by BloodyShell on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 11:59:59 UTC
New PDF report generated by system on Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:00:00 UTC
[X]     LeakIX prevention team

Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information
Sous-Direction Opération
51, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg - 75700 PARIS 07 SP
Tel : +33 (0)1 71 75 84 68
Mel : cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr<mailto:cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr> - Web : http://www.cert.ssi.gouv.fr

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Les données à caractère personnel recueillies et traitées dans le cadre de cet échange, le sont à seule fin d’exécution d’une relation professionnelle et s’opèrent dans cette seule finalité et pour la durée nécessaire à cette relation. Si vous souhaitez faire usage de vos droits de consultation, de rectification et de suppression de vos données, veuillez contacter contact.rgpd@sgdsn.gouv.fr. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, nous vous remercions d’en informer l’expéditeur et de détruire le message. The personal data collected and processed during this exchange aims solely at completing a business relationship and is limited to the necessary duration of that relationship. If you wish to use your rights of consultation, rectification and deletion of your data, please contact: contact.rgpd@sgdsn.gouv.fr. If you have received this message in error, we thank you for informing the sender and destroying the message.

Report comment dispatched to BloodyShell by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to iampritam by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to lekol2 by system 2021-09-30
Report comment 191b4b approved by BloodyShell  2021-09-30
New PDF report generated by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to BloodyShell by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to cybersecurite@laposte.fr by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to anis@com-plete.be by system 2021-09-30
Report comment dispatched to cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr by system 2021-09-30
BloodyShell commented 2021-10-01: approved shows in report

The vulnerability looks resolved.

New PDF report generated by system 2021-10-01
Report comment dispatched to cybersecurite@laposte.fr by system 2021-10-01
Report comment dispatched to anis@com-plete.be by system 2021-10-01
Report comment dispatched to cert-fr.cossi@ssi.gouv.fr by system 2021-10-01
Report marked as fixed by BloodyShell  2021-10-01
Report closed by BloodyShell  2021-10-01
New PDF report generated by system 2021-10-01
Report edited by deleted-user  2021-10-09
New PDF report generated by system 2021-10-09
Owner Laposte.fr
Created 2021-09-30 11:57
Updated 2021-11-04 14:31
Fixed true


Status closed
Hosting contacted false
CERT contacted false

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