Indices: 7, document count: 234, size: 1.1 MB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index trip-2024-08-07 with 3 documents (16.1 kB)
Found index trip-202...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://log.pcb-qatest.ults.build list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 131, document count: 25871279, size: 33.7 GB
Found index city_selling_data_dev with 0 documents (208 B)
Found index college with 1 docum...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://staging-elk.leapscholar.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 141, document count: 10591246, size: 3.5 GB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index maxworkflow-2024.12 with 102507 documents (20.4 MB)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://log.vijzelmolen.nl list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 85, document count: 693139, size: 585.7 MB
Found index dn_push_notification_count with 12 documents (10.7 kB)
Found index test_bsec_erro...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=http://search-nothi-test-api.tappware.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 848, document count: 35952490, size: 10.0 GB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index logstash-2024.01.15 with documents ()
Found index logs...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://kibana.digitalpayment.online list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 5, document count: 840, size: 3.8 MB
Found index auth with 1 documents (4.3 kB)
Found index domains with 110 documents (13.0 kB)
Found i...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=http://elasticsearch.studiolabs.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 8, document count: 1116, size: 177.9 MB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index .geoip_databases with 36 documents (39.7 MB)
Found index .ki...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://nacos.qshublog.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 8, document count: 13080663, size: 3.0 GB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index foreign_trade with 9622792 documents (2.7 GB)
Found index ...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://elasticsearch.smartalmaty.kz list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 16, document count: 13207142, size: 3.1 GB
Found index .internal.alerts-transform.health.alerts-default-000001 with 0 documents (249 B)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://elasticsearch.dev.cloudethusiast.net list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 2, document count: 3, size: 6.8 kB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index my-test-index with 3 documents (6.5 kB)
Found index my-test-index...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://live.elasticsearch.own-news.org list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 119, document count: 48557, size: 97.3 MB
Found index topics-development-ren with 0 documents (810 B)
Found index campaigns-test- with 7...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=http://elasticsearch5.apps.mobyinc.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 10, document count: 10595, size: 57.3 MB
Found index dmmh with 1913 documents (6.8 MB)
Found index dmmh_eng with 274 documents (1.0 MB)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://elastic.increo.no list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 3, document count: 4481736, size: 807.3 MB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index environmental with 4277036 documents (790.5 MB)
Found ind...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://connected.ryokai.jp list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 16, document count: 761, size: 2.5 MB
Found index .internal.alerts-transform.health.alerts-default-000001 with 0 documents (249 B)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://es.dev.peeba.xyz list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 25, document count: 87, size: 562.0 kB
Found index v1.24 with 1 documents (8.8 kB)
Found index casa with 0 documents (208 B)
Found index...
Ransom notes :
{"message": "Your DB has been back up. The only way of recovery is you must send 0.01 BTC to bc1qaua9cwrp0g2nqg2txn86e7k376v0xm4m0yfcfq. Once paid please email dar0kmdb@tutanota.com with code: `5Xcpm5` and we will recover your database. please read https://paste.sh/u6JYxXwk#PwdBc7jVzqo9-h12zU5hyPYP for more information"}
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://es.jobypepper.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 18, document count: 208, size: 180.0 kB
Found index integration-service-contract-claim-upsert-log with 0 documents (208 B)
Found index i...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://es.test.crlg.xyz list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 10, document count: 41538122, size: 17.5 GB
Found index .ds-filebeat-8.9.0-2024.07.26-000013 with 3316869 documents (1.5 GB)
Found index...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://es.npavxops.accedian.net list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 57, document count: 2471, size: 5.6 MB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index nginx-logs-2024.01.03 with 291 documents (153.5 kB)
Found ind...
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://kibana.monitoring.pro-devops.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 1, document count: 11499, size: 103.6 MB
Found index zeuserp.help with 11499 documents (103.6 MB)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://elastic.infosis.tech list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
Indices: 8, document count: 42, size: 100.0 MB
Through Kibana endpoint
Found index .kibana_task_manager_7.13.1_001 with 10 documents (97.7 MB)
Analysis helper :
estk --url=https://kibana.nasc-consulting.com list
Found by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin