Databases: 32, row count: 136203, size: 7.8 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv wi...
Ransom notes :
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 342, row count: 469783, size: 76.1 MB
Found table 4logist_master.app_settings with 8 records
Found table 4logist_master.app_settings_t...
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 319, row count: 943712, size: 358.9 MB
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found table mysql.db with 2 records
Found table m...
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 1, row count: 0, size: 0 B
Found table . with 0 records
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 141909, size: 7.9 MB
Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with...
Ransom notes :
All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.0118 BTC to 1BiSweLxU4N17i9SQpFsmF4eoYfEat9sFF In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data02)
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 1657, row count: 116019328, size: 11.7 GB
Found table billing_engine.billingrespcodesndesc with 44 records
Found table billing_engine....
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 136007, size: 7.8 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv wi...
Ransom notes :
All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.0059 BTC to 1GbLiucJ7fhsM3sYrPKHvZ5mUW2p4AYW7p In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data02)
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 3671, row count: 8941473, size: 3.8 GB
Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 3471 records
Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats wit...
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 138816, size: 7.7 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.proc with 2 rec...
Ransom notes :
All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.0061 BTC to 1BiSweLxU4N17i9SQpFsmF4eoYfEat9sFF In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data02)
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 29, row count: 3050, size: 883.7 kB
Found table A____Z____RECOVER____DATA.README with 1 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 ...
Ransom notes :
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 48, row count: 141367, size: 8.1 MB
Found table chatgpt.ai_record with 259 records
Found table chatgpt.cami_record with 2 records
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 149, row count: 1466706, size: 284.6 MB
Found table manage_sys.charge_equity_service with 0 records
Found table manage_sys.charge_inst...
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 3958, size: 2.4 MB
Found table A____Z____RECOVER____DATA.README with 0 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 re...
Ransom notes :
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 30, row count: 3026, size: 919.9 kB
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found table mysql.db with 2 records
Found table mysq...
Ransom notes :
1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.01 BTC (Bitcoin) to this address: 13eWyQW4YB6ecJjZasXyVNH6eAns5ogjto . Backup List: recover_your_data. After your payment email me at sqlrecover471@onionmail.org with your server IP ( and transaction ID and you will get a download link to your backup. Emails without transaction ID and server IP will be ignored. 13eWyQW4YB6ecJjZasXyVNH6eAns5ogjto 1I have backed up all your databases. To recover them you must pay 0.01 BTC (Bitcoin) to this address: 13eWyQW4YB6ecJjZasXyVNH6eAns5ogjto . Backup List: recover_your_data. After your payment email me at sqlrecover471@onionmail.org with your server IP ( and transaction ID and you will get a download link to your backup. Emails without transaction ID and server IP will be ignored. 13eWyQW4YB6ecJjZasXyVNH6eAns5ogjto
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 3585, size: 2.4 MB
Found table a____z____recover____data.readme with 1 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 re...
Ransom notes :
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 40, row count: 2604, size: 990.2 kB
Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
Found table mysql.daajut32 with 0 records
Found tabl...
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 1, row count: 2, size: 16.4 kB
Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Ransom notes :
All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.0145 BTC to 1KRR5XEkckoo2d21d3FyZ9Spr6CnMEit7d In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to https://is.gd/fajofo)
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 32, row count: 138841, size: 7.8 MB
Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
Found table mysql.columns_priv wi...
Ransom notes :
All your data is backed up. You must pay 0.03 BTC to 14B8iRn9k76fTmgvax4ZPyJDWqM67nrA8v In 48 hours, your data will be publicly disclosed and deleted. (more information: go to http://iplis.ru/data2)
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 1, row count: 0, size: 0 B
Found table . with 0 records
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin
Databases: 1, row count: 0, size: 0 B
Found table . with 0 records
Found by MysqlOpenPlugin