Hong Kong
Shanghai Anchang Network Security Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-14 04:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c83d9eabc5feba3166ca9415ec

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-14 04:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283bf952703d9245b

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-14 04:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c071aa561d299bfd4edab95310

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-14 04:32
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-29 18:23
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cd4047824d404782479c418999efa78c4e3f7c8295e26cf24

      Found 35 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-29 18:23
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46f98a81177e8ab118660331a8

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-29 18:23
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c071aa561d299bfd4edab95310

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-29 18:23
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-08-20 15:34
    Last seen 2022-10-29 18:23
    Open for 70 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65229a6ca707

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-08-20 15:34
      273 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-06-27 17:20
    Last seen 2022-11-14 04:32
    Open for 139 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65229a6ca707

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-06-27 17:20
      273 Bytes