The application has Symfony profiling enabled.
It enables an attacker to access the following sensitive content :
Fingerprint: 407cf4363b0e62fafca67e078b7f14888b7f14888b7f14888b7f14888b7f1488
Symfony profiler enabled:
The application has Symfony profiling enabled.
It enables an attacker to access the following sensitive content :
Fingerprint: 407cf4363b0e62fafca67e070aa23d5f0aa23d5f0aa23d5f0aa23d5f0aa23d5f
Symfony profiler enabled:
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652259ce3427
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [branch "itemist"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/itemist
The application has Symfony profiling enabled.
It enables an attacker to access the following sensitive content :
Fingerprint: 407cf4363b0e62fafca67e07d4ccee36d4ccee36d4ccee36d4ccee36d4ccee36
Symfony profiler enabled: