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              <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">04.10.2019</p>
    </div>              <hr>
                  <div class="content is-size-5 has-text-justified">Using <a href="">CircleCI</a> is a fun trip, but there are some things which do not come easy when using this system. Sure, you get Windows, Linux and macOS build support in a SaaS service which is nice, but sometimes you might want to do something not readily supported by CircleCI that you got used to when using another CI system. I know I did.</div>
                  <p class="is-pulled-right"><a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">(read more)</a></p>
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                  <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">11.04.2019</p>
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                    <a href="/posts/2019-04-11-whats-next-in-gcp-SF-19/">What's Next in Google Cloud Platform?</a>
                    <div class="content is-size-6 has-text-justified">Google Cloud Next '19 in San Francisco has been my second Google Cloud Next event, the first one being last year's London edition. While back in London I could only see the last day, this time I've had a pleasure of attending full three days of conference (Thanks, <a href="">CodiLime</a>!). Lots of announcements, lot's of on- and off-site events, lots of interesting sessions. In fact, there were many times when I simply couldn't decide where to go and what to see, but it's all good once you overcome your FOMO since the sessions are also available on the <a href="
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  • Open service 2a05:d014:58f:6201::64:443 ·

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              <h2 class="subtitle">Stories from a man against the machines.</p>
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              <p class="title is-4">
    <a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">Full CircleCI - manual triggers of scheduled workflows</a>          </p>
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              <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">04.10.2019</p>
    </div>              <hr>
                  <div class="content is-size-5 has-text-justified">Using <a href="">CircleCI</a> is a fun trip, but there are some things which do not come easy when using this system. Sure, you get Windows, Linux and macOS build support in a SaaS service which is nice, but sometimes you might want to do something not readily supported by CircleCI that you got used to when using another CI system. I know I did.</div>
                  <p class="is-pulled-right"><a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">(read more)</a></p>
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                  <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">11.04.2019</p>
                  <p class="title is-4">
                    <a href="/posts/2019-04-11-whats-next-in-gcp-SF-19/">What's Next in Google Cloud Platform?</a>
                    <div class="content is-size-6 has-text-justified">Google Cloud Next '19 in San Francisco has been my second Google Cloud Next event, the first one being last year's London edition. While back in London I could only see the last day, this time I've had a pleasure of attending full three days of conference (Thanks, <a href="">CodiLime</a>!). Lots of announcements, lot's of on- and off-site events, lots of interesting sessions. In fact, there were many times when I simply couldn't decide where to go and what to see, but it's all good once you overcome your FOMO since the sessions are also available on the <a href="
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              <h2 class="subtitle">Stories from a man against the machines.</p>
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    <a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">Full CircleCI - manual triggers of scheduled workflows</a>          </p>
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              <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">04.10.2019</p>
    </div>              <hr>
                  <div class="content is-size-5 has-text-justified">Using <a href="">CircleCI</a> is a fun trip, but there are some things which do not come easy when using this system. Sure, you get Windows, Linux and macOS build support in a SaaS service which is nice, but sometimes you might want to do something not readily supported by CircleCI that you got used to when using another CI system. I know I did.</div>
                  <p class="is-pulled-right"><a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">(read more)</a></p>
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                  <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">11.04.2019</p>
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                    <a href="/posts/2019-04-11-whats-next-in-gcp-SF-19/">What's Next in Google Cloud Platform?</a>
                    <div class="content is-size-6 has-text-justified">Google Cloud Next '19 in San Francisco has been my second Google Cloud Next event, the first one being last year's London edition. While back in London I could only see the last day, this time I've had a pleasure of attending full three days of conference (Thanks, <a href="">CodiLime</a>!). Lots of announcements, lot's of on- and off-site events, lots of interesting sessions. In fact, there were many times when I simply couldn't decide where to go and what to see, but it's all good once you overcome your FOMO since the sessions are also available on the <a href="
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              <h2 class="subtitle">Stories from a man against the machines.</p>
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              <p class="title is-4">
    <a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">Full CircleCI - manual triggers of scheduled workflows</a>          </p>
          <div class="level-right">
            <div class="level-item">
              <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">04.10.2019</p>
    </div>              <hr>
                  <div class="content is-size-5 has-text-justified">Using <a href="">CircleCI</a> is a fun trip, but there are some things which do not come easy when using this system. Sure, you get Windows, Linux and macOS build support in a SaaS service which is nice, but sometimes you might want to do something not readily supported by CircleCI that you got used to when using another CI system. I know I did.</div>
                  <p class="is-pulled-right"><a href="/posts/2019-10-04-circleci-manual-scheduled-workflows/">(read more)</a></p>
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                  <p class="subtitle is-6 has-text-grey">11.04.2019</p>
                  <p class="title is-4">
                    <a href="/posts/2019-04-11-whats-next-in-gcp-SF-19/">What's Next in Google Cloud Platform?</a>
                    <div class="content is-size-6 has-text-justified">Google Cloud Next '19 in San Francisco has been my second Google Cloud Next event, the first one being last year's London edition. While back in London I could only see the last day, this time I've had a pleasure of attending full three days of conference (Thanks, <a href="">CodiLime</a>!). Lots of announcements, lot's of on- and off-site events, lots of interesting sessions. In fact, there were many times when I simply couldn't decide where to go and what to see, but it's all good once you overcome your FOMO since the sessions are also available on the <a href="
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