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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 14:08

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            <meta name="description" content="iLoan provides a robust Loan Product Suite for Agriculture Loans, Retail Loans, Personal loans and Project Finance. which delivers end-to-end Loan Management functionality for all types of loans & advances. Our Loan Management System offers Configurable Product rule engine consisting of Limit Frame Work, Collateral Setup, Recovery Appropriation Policy, Interest & Changes Structure etc.
    The iLoan management system helps in quality improvement, improving turnaround time and better service for customers. It helps banks and financial institutions to improve the activity, transparency, competency and efficiency of their lending solutions.">
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 14:08

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            <meta name="description" content="iLoan provides a robust Loan Product Suite for Agriculture Loans, Retail Loans, Personal loans and Project Finance. which delivers end-to-end Loan Management functionality for all types of loans & advances. Our Loan Management System offers Configurable Product rule engine consisting of Limit Frame Work, Collateral Setup, Recovery Appropriation Policy, Interest & Changes Structure etc.
    The iLoan management system helps in quality improvement, improving turnaround time and better service for customers. It helps banks and financial institutions to improve the activity, transparency, competency and efficiency of their lending solutions.">
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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 14:08

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  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 14:08

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