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    2024-09-16 08:52

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    <!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta name=generator content="Hugo 0.59.1"><title></title><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><meta name=description content><meta name=keywords content><meta name=robots content="noodp"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=apple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes=144x144 href=><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Welcome to"><meta name=twitter:description content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to"><meta property="og:description" content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content=""><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/index.xml></head><body class=dark-theme><div class=container><header class=header><span class=header__inner><a href= class=logo style=text-decoration:none><span class=logo__mark><svg xmlns="" class="greater-icon" viewBox="0 0 44 44"><path fill="none" d="M15 8l14.729 14.382L15 35.367"/></svg></span><span class=logo__text>Joe Erickson</span>
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    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>I&rsquo;ve spoken to a number of other developers about using Vue in applications that&rsquo;s we&rsquo;re single page applications but just standard MVC applications. Most of the time I get asked, &ldquo;How would you do that?&rdquo; So I finally sat down to explain how I do that.
    I made a video first, because I seem to think better in talking it out with a demo, so you can catch that here.</div><div><a class="read-more button" href=/using-vue-in-non-spa/>Read more →</a></div></div><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Data Management in Vue: an introduction</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-12</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>One of the things I&rsquo;ve been wanting to talk about for a while are the different ways data can be managed in a Vue application. There&rsquo;s always lots of discussions on forums about how data is managed and not a lot of diving into why you would pick one style over the other.
    So I made some videos. I created an application in three different styles, modeled after the three main ways of managing data 
    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 08:52

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    <!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta name=generator content="Hugo 0.59.1"><title></title><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><meta name=description content><meta name=keywords content><meta name=robots content="noodp"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=apple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes=144x144 href=><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Welcome to"><meta name=twitter:description content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to"><meta property="og:description" content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content=""><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/index.xml></head><body class=dark-theme><div class=container><header class=header><span class=header__inner><a href= class=logo style=text-decoration:none><span class=logo__mark><svg xmlns="" class="greater-icon" viewBox="0 0 44 44"><path fill="none" d="M15 8l14.729 14.382L15 35.367"/></svg></span><span class=logo__text>Joe Erickson</span>
    <span class=logo__cursor></span></a><span class=header__right><nav class=menu><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--desktop"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--mobile"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul></nav><span class=menu-trigger><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M3 18h18v-2H3v2zm0-5h18v-2H3v2zm0-7v2h18V6H3z"/></svg></span><span class=theme-toggle><svg class="theme-toggler" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M22 41C32.4934 41 41 32.4934 41 22 41 11.5066 32.4934 3 22 3 11.5066 3 3 11.5066 3 22s8.5066 19 19 19zM7 22C7 13.7157 13.7157 7 22 7V37C13.7157 37 7 30.2843 7 22z"/></svg></span></span></span></header><div class=content><div class=posts><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Using Vue in a non-SPA</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-29</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>I&rsquo;ve spoken to a number of other developers about using Vue in applications that&rsquo;s we&rsquo;re single page applications but just standard MVC applications. Most of the time I get asked, &ldquo;How would you do that?&rdquo; So I finally sat down to explain how I do that.
    I made a video first, because I seem to think better in talking it out with a demo, so you can catch that here.</div><div><a class="read-more button" href=/using-vue-in-non-spa/>Read more →</a></div></div><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Data Management in Vue: an introduction</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-12</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>One of the things I&rsquo;ve been wanting to talk about for a while are the different ways data can be managed in a Vue application. There&rsquo;s always lots of discussions on forums about how data is managed and not a lot of diving into why you would pick one style over the other.
    So I made some videos. I created an application in three different styles, modeled after the three main ways of managing data 
    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 08:52

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    <!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta name=generator content="Hugo 0.59.1"><title></title><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><meta name=description content><meta name=keywords content><meta name=robots content="noodp"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=apple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes=144x144 href=><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Welcome to"><meta name=twitter:description content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to"><meta property="og:description" content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content=""><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/index.xml></head><body class=dark-theme><div class=container><header class=header><span class=header__inner><a href= class=logo style=text-decoration:none><span class=logo__mark><svg xmlns="" class="greater-icon" viewBox="0 0 44 44"><path fill="none" d="M15 8l14.729 14.382L15 35.367"/></svg></span><span class=logo__text>Joe Erickson</span>
    <span class=logo__cursor></span></a><span class=header__right><nav class=menu><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--desktop"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--mobile"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul></nav><span class=menu-trigger><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M3 18h18v-2H3v2zm0-5h18v-2H3v2zm0-7v2h18V6H3z"/></svg></span><span class=theme-toggle><svg class="theme-toggler" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M22 41C32.4934 41 41 32.4934 41 22 41 11.5066 32.4934 3 22 3 11.5066 3 3 11.5066 3 22s8.5066 19 19 19zM7 22C7 13.7157 13.7157 7 22 7V37C13.7157 37 7 30.2843 7 22z"/></svg></span></span></span></header><div class=content><div class=posts><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Using Vue in a non-SPA</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-29</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>I&rsquo;ve spoken to a number of other developers about using Vue in applications that&rsquo;s we&rsquo;re single page applications but just standard MVC applications. Most of the time I get asked, &ldquo;How would you do that?&rdquo; So I finally sat down to explain how I do that.
    I made a video first, because I seem to think better in talking it out with a demo, so you can catch that here.</div><div><a class="read-more button" href=/using-vue-in-non-spa/>Read more →</a></div></div><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Data Management in Vue: an introduction</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-12</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>One of the things I&rsquo;ve been wanting to talk about for a while are the different ways data can be managed in a Vue application. There&rsquo;s always lots of discussions on forums about how data is managed and not a lot of diving into why you would pick one style over the other.
    So I made some videos. I created an application in three different styles, modeled after the three main ways of managing data 
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 08:52

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  • Open service 2a05:d014:275:cb02::c8:443 ·

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    <!doctype html><html lang=en><head><meta name=generator content="Hugo 0.59.1"><title></title><meta charset=utf-8><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1"><meta name=description content><meta name=keywords content><meta name=robots content="noodp"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=apple-touch-icon-precomposed sizes=144x144 href=><link rel="shortcut icon" href=><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Welcome to"><meta name=twitter:description content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:title" content="Welcome to"><meta property="og:description" content="The blog of Joe Erickson, 20&#43; year web programmer from Cleveland, Ohio."><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:url" content=""><link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml href=/index.xml></head><body class=dark-theme><div class=container><header class=header><span class=header__inner><a href= class=logo style=text-decoration:none><span class=logo__mark><svg xmlns="" class="greater-icon" viewBox="0 0 44 44"><path fill="none" d="M15 8l14.729 14.382L15 35.367"/></svg></span><span class=logo__text>Joe Erickson</span>
    <span class=logo__cursor></span></a><span class=header__right><nav class=menu><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--desktop"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul><ul class="menu__inner menu__inner--mobile"><li><a href=/>Home</a></li><li><a href=/about>About Me</a></li><li><a href=/mentoring>Mentoring Services</a></li></ul></nav><span class=menu-trigger><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M3 18h18v-2H3v2zm0-5h18v-2H3v2zm0-7v2h18V6H3z"/></svg></span><span class=theme-toggle><svg class="theme-toggler" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M22 41C32.4934 41 41 32.4934 41 22 41 11.5066 32.4934 3 22 3 11.5066 3 3 11.5066 3 22s8.5066 19 19 19zM7 22C7 13.7157 13.7157 7 22 7V37C13.7157 37 7 30.2843 7 22z"/></svg></span></span></span></header><div class=content><div class=posts><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Using Vue in a non-SPA</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-29</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>I&rsquo;ve spoken to a number of other developers about using Vue in applications that&rsquo;s we&rsquo;re single page applications but just standard MVC applications. Most of the time I get asked, &ldquo;How would you do that?&rdquo; So I finally sat down to explain how I do that.
    I made a video first, because I seem to think better in talking it out with a demo, so you can catch that here.</div><div><a class="read-more button" href=/using-vue-in-non-spa/>Read more →</a></div></div><div class="post on-list"><h1 class=post-title><a href=>Data Management in Vue: an introduction</a></h1><div class=post-meta><span class=post-date>2021-05-12</span>
    <span class=post-author>— Written by Joe Erickson</span></div><div class=post-content>One of the things I&rsquo;ve been wanting to talk about for a while are the different ways data can be managed in a Vue application. There&rsquo;s always lots of discussions on forums about how data is managed and not a lot of diving into why you would pick one style over the other.
    So I made some videos. I created an application in three different styles, modeled after the three main ways of managing data 
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  • Open service 2a05:d014:58f:6202::64:80 ·

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