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  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-09-03 23:07
    Last seen 2024-09-20 09:12
    Open for 747 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c7c3d3e457c3d3e45c43e06b0283a0a1e8af26e4c72b07aa1

      Found 30 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 09:12
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c87f05b7087f05b705330411de7bac9352c18a837bfe723d0

      Found 26 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 08:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a2ecae49fdc859f373ec736a5aa6dc293

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-14 06:40
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d8ea011687fd62e6635790c4498d5eba7

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-12 09:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e1da4672b9b23b7732b260bc11636f2ed

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-20 19:19
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcfb02efa92f39dc5e86f8cbb42398f13ba

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-16 16:54
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-09-03 23:07
    Last seen 2024-09-20 22:25
    Open for 747 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c7c3d3e457c3d3e45c43e06b0283a0a1e8af26e4c72b07aa1

      Found 30 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 22:25
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcfb02efa92f39dc5e86f8cbb42398f13ba

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-18 10:42
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e1da4672b9b23b7732b260bc11636f2ed

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 07:10
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a2ecae49fdc859f373ec736a5aa6dc293

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-06 07:10
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c87f05b7087f05b705330411de7bac9352c18a837bfe723d0

      Found 26 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 09:23
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02824f3a1798ee9805d7511dbe9a1b9779

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-22 09:40
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa5447e2e4517a3eb8949882fbf9a9ec97ff26

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-06-18 12:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02824f3a176aa8b95f8a85821d978b1b44

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 23:01
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 08:47

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 08:47:47 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-16 07:10

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 07:10:11 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-16 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-14 07:47

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 07:47:21 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-14 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-14 06:40

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 06:40:20 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-14 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-12 09:02

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:02:30 GMT
    Server: nginx/1.21.6
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-08 08:51

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          <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-08 07:52

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-09-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-16 18:36

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-16 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-16 16:54

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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-16 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 21:33

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 21:33:10 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-14 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-14 15:26

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 15:27:01 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-14 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-12 20:24

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 20:24:47 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-12 14:37

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 14:37:59 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-10 12:58

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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-10 10:52

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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-08 13:31

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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-08-08 09:28

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 09:28:19 GMT
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              <td valign="top"><P align="justify" class="style2">Who is 4SE:</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen
                  Entertainment is a teen entertainment media company formed by the
                  partnership of 12to20, the leading teen marketing agency and Rafelson
                  Media, the global music and video production firm.</P>
                <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment develops 
                    teen music stars, web and television programming, films, and brand 
                    campaigns, all focusing on the youth market. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">Its' management arm, RnR Management provides development and artist career guidance for talent geared towards this market.</P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">By leveraging the expertise, 
                    experience and assets of Richard Ellis (Founder of 12to20) and 
                    Peter Rafelson (Founder of RMC), including production, marketing, 
                    online and broadcast programming and recurring live events, FourScreen 
                    Entertainment will create a self-contained development and promotional 
                    vehicle for its young artists. </P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1"><strong>Breaking News:</strong></P>
                  <P align="justify" class="style1">FourScreen Entertainment is proud
                    to announce our first artist signing, 18-year-old Australian rocker,
                    Samantha Lombardi, who comes to FourScreen with her unique style,
                    her in-your-face songs and an eye towards capturing the hearts
                    and minds of young music fans across the globe.&nbsp;
                    FourScreen is currently writing and producing Sam's debut E
    Found 2024-08-08 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
Not before:
2024-07-24 21:32
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2024-10-22 21:32
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