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      Found on 2024-09-18 19:05
      304 Bytes
  • Open service ·

    2024-09-14 14:57

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    Page title: Men Aleb Yves
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
    	<section class="contact contact-video" id="aboutyves">
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-09-14 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-12 03:25

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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-09-12 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-10 09:00

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    	<section class="home" id="home">
    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-09-10 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-08 21:00

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    	<section class="home" id="home">
    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/mascot_logo.png">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-09-08 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-09-06 11:03

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    	<section class="home" id="home">
    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/mascot_logo.png">
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/video.jpg" alt="Video Thumbnail">
    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
    	<section class="contact contact-video" id="aboutyves">
    		<h2>About Yves</h2>
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    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    2024-08-12 04:51

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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-08-12 by HttpPlugin
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    2024-08-10 03:48

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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
    		<div class="home-img">
    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/mascot_logo.png">
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
    	<section class="contact contact-video" id="aboutyves">
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    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
    Found 2024-08-10 by HttpPlugin
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    2024-08-08 23:59

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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
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    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    		<div class="home-text">
    			<h1>So his heart keeps beating within us...</h1>
    			<h5>Yves' heart has stopped but MenalebYves is his beating heart.</h5>
    			<p>We are commited to making a difference- one life at a time by promoting humanitarian efforts and creating
    				safer environments for everyone.</p>
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    		<div class="about-text">
    			<h3>About Us</h3>
    			<h2>The heart of Yves Douaihy stopped beating as a result of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.</h2>
    			<p>To honor his memory and help assist when such tragedies happen again, MenalebYves was founded on May 31,
    				which also marked Yves' birthday.</p>
    			<a href=""
    				class="btn">JOIN US</a>
    	<section class="contact contact-video" id="aboutyves">
    		<h2>About Yves</h2>
    		<div class="video-thumbnail2">
    			<div class="overlay2"></div>
    			<div class="videocontainer">
    			<div class="play-icon" data-videoPath="img/aboutyves.mp4">
    				<img loading="lazy" src="img/play-icon.svg" alt="Play Video">
    			<img loading="lazy" src="img-cpd/cover.jpeg" alt="Video Thumbnail" class="thumb">
    	<section class="mission-section">
    		<h1 class="section-title">Our mission is to provide public spaces and sports arenas with First Aid Medical
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    2024-08-08 13:12

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