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  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2024-04-13 19:01
    Last seen 2024-06-20 05:21
    Open for 67 days
    • Severity: medium
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  • Open service ·

    2024-06-20 05:21

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    Page title: 3D元素周期表
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    		<div id="info">3D-元素周期表</div>
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    			<button id="table">表面</button>
    			<button id="sphere">球体</button>
    			<button id="helix">螺旋</button>
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    			var table = [
    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 10 hours ago by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-18 19:15

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    Page title: 3D元素周期表
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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
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    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2 days ago by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-16 22:24

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    Page title: 3D元素周期表
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    			<button id="helix">螺旋</button>
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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
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    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
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    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-16 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service 2a06:98c1:3120::3:80 ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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  • Open service 2a06:98c1:3121::3:80 ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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  • Open service 2a06:98c1:3120::3:443 ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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    Page title: 3D元素周期表
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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-15 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service 2a06:98c1:3121::3:443 ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-15 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
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    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
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    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
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    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-15 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service 2a06:98c1:3121::3:8443 ·

    2024-06-15 15:26

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-12 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-10 08:49

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
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    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-10 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-06-08 14:00

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
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    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-08 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-06-06 15:06

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    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
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    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-06 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service ·

    2024-06-04 17:19

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    Page title: 3D元素周期表
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    		<div id="info">3D-元素周期表</div>
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    			<button id="helix">螺旋</button>
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    			var table = [
    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-04 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service ·

    2024-06-02 20:49

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    		<div id="info">3D-元素周期表</div>
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    			<button id="helix">螺旋</button>
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    			var table = [
    				"H", "飞翔的企鹅", "1.00794", 1, 1,
    				"He", "Helium", "4.002602", 18, 1,
    				"Li", "Lithium", "#6.941", 1, 2,
    				"Be", "Beryllium", "9.012182", 2, 2,
    				"B", "Boron", "#10.811", 13, 2,
    				"C", "Carbon", "#12.0107", 14, 2,
    				"N", "Nitrogen", "#14.0067", 15, 2,
    				"O", "Oxygen", "#15.9994", 16, 2,
    				"F", "Fluorine", "18.9984032", 17, 2,
    				"Ne", "Neon", "#20.1797", 18, 2,
    				"Na", "Sodium", "22.98976...", 1, 3,
    				"Mg", "Magnesium", "#24.305", 2, 3,
    				"Al", "Aluminium", "26.9815386", 13, 3,
    				"Si", "Silicon", "#28.0855", 14, 3,
    				"P", "Phosphorus", "30.973762", 15, 3,
    				"S", "Sulfur", "#32.065", 16, 3,
    				"Cl", "Chlorine", "#35.453", 17, 3,
    				"Ar", "Argon", "#39.948", 18, 3,
    				"K", "Potassium", "#39.948", 1, 4,
    				"Ca", "Calcium", "#40.078", 2, 4,
    				"Sc", "Scandium", "44.955912", 3, 4,
    				"Ti", "Titanium", "#47.867", 4, 4,
    				"V", "Vanadium", "#50.9415", 5, 4,
    				"Cr", "Chromium", "#51.9961", 6, 4,
    				"Mn", "Manganese", "54.938045", 7, 4,
    				"Fe", "Iron", "#55.845", 8, 4,
    				"Co", "Cobalt", "58.933195", 9, 4,
    				"Ni", "Nickel", "#58.6934", 10, 4,
    				"Cu", "Copper", "#63.546", 11, 4,
    Found 2024-06-02 by HttpPlugin
    Create report*
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2024-06-15 14:26
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2024-09-13 14:26
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