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            <p class="py-6">Your #1 destination for quality foam in the GTA. With Locations in Scarborough, Weston, North York, and New Market, we will get you the foam you need!</p>
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                Welcome to UpdatedFoam, your direct to consumer foam supplier in the GTA and neighbouring areas.  UpdatedFoam manufactures quality foam products for the furniture, bedding, automotive and packaging industries. We stock flexible polyurethane foam that can be cut, shaped and fabricated to the exact specifications that you require.
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            <h1 class="text-5xl font-bold">Welcome to Updated<em class="text-secondary-focus">Foam</em>!</h1>
            <p class="py-6">Your #1 destination for quality foam in the GTA. With Locations in Scarborough, Weston, North York, and New Market, we will get you the foam you need!</p>
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                Welcome to UpdatedFoam, your direct to consumer foam supplier in the GTA and neighbouring areas.  UpdatedFoam manufactures quality foam products for the furniture, bedding, automotive and packaging industries. We stock flexible polyurethane foam that can be cut, shaped and fabricated to the exact specifications that you require.
        <!-- Image Carosel -->
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