Deutsche Telekom AG
  • A JSON configuration file has been found
    First seen 2024-05-13 09:59
    Last seen 2024-09-20 22:11
    Open for 130 days
    • Fingerprint: b18befd9dd6536aa30550de51a011a7efe68809c29c5f5e8858bbf47dadd6d1f

        "name": "config.json",
        "versions": {
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            "version": "0.0.1",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": "",
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
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            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
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            "version": "0.0.2",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
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            "scripts": {
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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          "0.0.4": {
            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
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            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "0.7.1"
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            "gitHead": "f5f578629cb7e0cdc6fd0b3a5786cd7a2e7b6dba",
            "homepage": "",
            "_id": "config.json@0.0.4",
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        "dist-tags": {
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        "_rev": "1033-778c6ac3e45ffe46",
        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-09-20 22:11
    • Fingerprint: b18befd9dd6536aa30550de51a011a7efe68809c29c5f5e8858bbf47610c41ae

        "name": "config.json",
        "versions": {
          "0.0.1": {
            "version": "0.0.1",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": "",
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "0.6.7"
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            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
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            "directories": {}
          "0.0.2": {
            "version": "0.0.2",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
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            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
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            "directories": {}
          "0.0.3": {
            "version": "0.0.3",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
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          "0.0.4": {
            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "0.7.1"
            "devDependencies": {
              "mocha": "2.2.1"
            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
            "gitHead": "f5f578629cb7e0cdc6fd0b3a5786cd7a2e7b6dba",
            "homepage": "",
            "_id": "config.json@0.0.4",
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            "dist": {
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        "time": {
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          "created": "2013-04-05T20:03:34.240Z",
          "0.0.1": "2013-04-05T20:03:37.972Z",
          "0.0.2": "2014-01-29T13:40:21.204Z",
          "0.0.3": "2014-04-01T05:03:40.165Z",
          "0.0.4": "2015-03-21T10:13:46.277Z"
        "dist-tags": {
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        "_rev": "1018-d09789c9e72d44e3",
        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-09-18 13:37
    • Fingerprint: b18befd9dd6536aa30550de51a011a7efe68809c29c5f5e8858bbf47dc9b353b

        "name": "config.json",
        "versions": {
          "0.0.1": {
            "version": "0.0.1",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": "",
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "0.6.7"
            "devDependencies": {
              "mocha": "1.9.0"
            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
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            "directories": {}
          "0.0.2": {
            "version": "0.0.2",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "~0.6.9"
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            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
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                "email": ""
            "directories": {}
          "0.0.3": {
            "version": "0.0.3",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
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                "email": ""
            "directories": {}
          "0.0.4": {
            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
              "type": "git",
              "url": ""
            "bugs": {
              "url": ""
            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
              "nconf": "0.7.1"
            "devDependencies": {
              "mocha": "2.2.1"
            "scripts": {
              "test": "mocha test/*-test.js"
            "gitHead": "f5f578629cb7e0cdc6fd0b3a5786cd7a2e7b6dba",
            "homepage": "",
            "_id": "config.json@0.0.4",
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          "0.0.2": "2014-01-29T13:40:21.204Z",
          "0.0.3": "2014-04-01T05:03:40.165Z",
          "0.0.4": "2015-03-21T10:13:46.277Z"
        "dist-tags": {
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        "_rev": "1008-cc89fcb0366fe324",
        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-09-16 16:44
    • Fingerprint: b18befd9dd6536aa30550de51a011a7efe68809c29c5f5e8858bbf47dd8a3b45

        "name": "config.json",
        "versions": {
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            "version": "0.0.1",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
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            "main": "./lib/config.js",
            "dependencies": {
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          "0.0.2": {
            "version": "0.0.2",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
            "keywords": [
            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
            "repository": {
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            "bugs": {
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            "main": "./lib/config.js",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-09-02 19:28
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            "name": "config.json",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-09-01 23:04
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-30 19:39
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-28 07:30
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-26 07:25
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-08-24 07:41
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-22 19:51
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            "name": "config.json",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-16 16:10
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-12 18:12
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-10 20:00
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-08 15:30
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-08-06 18:18
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-08-05 02:02
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-07-02 00:10
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-28 19:59
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-26 19:15
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-06-21 04:27
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-18 12:18
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            "name": "config.json",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-06-12 12:34
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-08 08:28
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-06-06 08:01
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-04 07:38
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-06-01 03:00
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-05-28 22:45
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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        "name": "config.json",
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            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "name": "config.json",
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            "version": "0.0.4",
            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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            "author": {
              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
              "url": ""
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-05-25 06:14
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        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
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      Found on 2024-05-24 02:16
    • Fingerprint: b18befd9dd6536aa30550de51a011a7efe68809c29c5f5e8858bbf47e0a1866b

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          "0.0.4": {
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            "name": "config.json",
            "description": "nconf wrapper that simplifies work with environment specific configuration files.",
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              "name": "Romuald Bulyshko",
              "email": "",
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        "dist-tags": {
          "latest": "0.0.4"
        "_rev": "332-6ba421e65fc54453",
        "readme": "# config.json\n\n[nconf][nconf] wrapper that simplifies work\nwith environment specific configuration files.\n\n[![Build Status][build]][travis] [![Dependency Status][dependency]][david]\n\n**config.json** is easy to use; it:\n\n- loads the default configuration file;\n- loads environment specific configuration file and overrides defaults;\n\nand then:\n\n- uses environment variables;\n- and command-line arguments to override data from configuration files.\n\n## Installation\n\n```\nnpm install config.json\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe top-level of `config.json` is a function that loads configuration file with the given `filepath`.\n\n### Create default configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\",\n  \"mongodb\": {\n    \"host\": \"localhost\",\n    \"port\": 27017\n  }\n}\n```\n\n### Create environment specific configuration file\n\n```\nvi sample.development.json\n```\n\n```json\n{\n  \"domain\": \"\"\n}\n```\n\n**Note:** Environment specific configuration files should be in the same directory as the default one.\n\n### Test config.json in action\n\n```\nvi sample.js\n```\n\n```js\nvar config = require('config.json')('./sample.json');\n\nconsole.log(\"domain:\", config.domain);\nconsole.log(\"mongodb:\\n\",\n  \"host:\",, \"\\n\",\n  \"port:\", config.mongodb.port);\n```\n\nRun the above script:\n\n```\nNODE_ENV=development node ./sample.js --mongodb:host \"\" --mongodb:port 10065\n```\n\nThe output will be:\n\n```\ndomain:\nmongodb:\n host:\n port: 10065\n```\n\n### Load configuration for the specific environment\n\nEnvironment can be set by passing `env` argument:\n\n```js\nvar developmentConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'development');\nvar productionConfig = require('config.json')('./sample.json', 'production');\n```\n\n### One more thing...\n\n`filepath` can be empty if your configuration file is in the current working directory of the process and is called **config.json**.\n\n## License\n\nReleased under the [MIT license][license].\n\n[nconf]:\n[license]:\n[build]:\n[travis]:\n[dependency]:\n[david]:",
        "_attachments": {}
      Found on 2024-05-13 09:59
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