Hetzner Online GmbH
  • CouchDB instance is public
    First seen 2021-08-24 20:25
    Last seen 2022-02-13 17:41
    Open for 172 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 144c527ecf99835b48179efa22c670a77ed916d92ba39b332796117b63601cbb

      Databases: 0, document count: 0, size: 0 B
      Schema only
      Found table _replicator with 11 documents (411.2 kB)
      Found table _users with 130 documents (738.9 kB)
      Found table analytics/events with 1001303 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found table distribution with 169332 documents (11.9 GB)
      Found table distribution/apps with 38 documents (271.2 MB)
      Found table events with 110826 documents (2.5 GB)
      Found table events_personal with 37675 documents (69.4 MB)
      Found table frontend with 31566 documents (1.4 GB)
      Found on 2022-02-13 07:46
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 144c527ecf99835b48179efa22c670a77ed916d96a085554e388b744c73712a4

      Databases: 0, document count: 0, size: 0 B
      Schema only
      Found table _replicator with 11 documents (411.2 kB)
      Found table _users with 128 documents (730.7 kB)
      Found table analytics/events with 1001303 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found table distribution with 169181 documents (11.8 GB)
      Found table distribution/apps with 38 documents (271.2 MB)
      Found table events with 110826 documents (2.5 GB)
      Found table events_personal with 37668 documents (68.4 MB)
      Found table frontend with 31486 documents (1.3 GB)
      Found on 2021-08-24 20:25
Domain summary
IP summary