.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719f085dc49cb5c2a31b8bd26402757c956
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /img /img/logos /img/logos/collox /img/logos/companies /img/logos/talpaworld /img/logos/talpaworld/iconified /js /lib /lib/animate /lib/counterup /lib/easing /lib/owlcarousel /lib/waypoints /lib/wow /scss
The following URL is publicly accessible and is leaking deployment credentials
Fingerprint: 13b3a7b17cfc7502c36c325d10487b1ab9667398e87cafb1f2139f6017efcd20
{ "name": "www.talpaworld.de", "host": "dedi09.talpaworld.de", "protocol": "sftp", "port": 22, "username": "talpaworld_ssh01", "password": "mcint0sh28", "remotePath": "/var/www/clients/client1/web12/web", "uploadOnSave": true, "useTempFile": false, "openSsh": false }