South Korea
SK Broadband Co Ltd
redhat-linux-gnu x86_64
Software information

Apache Apache

tcp/443 tcp/80

  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3307
    First seen 2023-07-17 18:58
    Last seen 2024-01-09 08:05
    Open for 175 days
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd07d0515672291f2a4c88783b41ce4354a554a85d36414ca7

      Databases: 557, row count: 10552925, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3887 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 716 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3120 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 480 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202312 with 1903 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202401 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 95 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 919 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2582 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 929 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5688 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22926 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4592 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 277572 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2056 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5738 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 171530 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 97 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 447947 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 445 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 271 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 342367 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80008 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 46 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 63534 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 94417 records
      Found on 2024-01-09 08:05
      2.6 GBytes 10552925 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1d2e9effe633839724f340a6cc1330a72fa8e39e859995bf

      Databases: 557, row count: 10551693, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3885 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 716 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3120 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 480 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202312 with 1903 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202401 with 63 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 95 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 919 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2582 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 929 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
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      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22926 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4592 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 277401 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
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      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
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      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
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      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
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      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2054 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5734 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 171380 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 97 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 447524 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 445 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 271 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 342154 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80008 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 46 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 63368 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 94334 records
      Found on 2024-01-06 22:38
      2.6 GBytes 10551693 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3e937304484ff81ccff6ec1d1ccd290868625171fe6af802

      Databases: 557, row count: 10551012, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3885 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 716 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3120 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 317 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2388 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 311 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1017 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 321 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 471 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 322 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 505 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1662 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 497 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 276 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 419 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 262 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 366 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 480 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202312 with 1903 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202401 with 54 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 95 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 919 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2582 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 942 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5683 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22926 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4592 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 277299 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2054 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5734 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 171212 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 97 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 447409 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 445 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 271 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 341990 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80008 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 46 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 63309 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 94301 records
      Found on 2024-01-05 14:06
      2.6 GBytes 10551012 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdcabcf8f23b332fdeceb4c9c712094a0eeda34f3744ec770c

      Databases: 556, row count: 10544763, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3881 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 716 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3118 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 480 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202312 with 1822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 95 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 916 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2580 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 906 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5669 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22968 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4846 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 276193 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2046 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5718 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 169903 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 445728 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 445 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 271 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 340879 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
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      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80008 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 46 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 62626 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 93825 records
      Found on 2023-12-23 19:05
      2.6 GBytes 10544763 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdee7abc4dd8c0a7e1af0b8340b193a0425318235bd2e17225

      Databases: 556, row count: 10537249, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3873 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 714 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3118 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
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      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
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      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
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      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 317 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2388 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 311 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1017 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 321 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 471 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 322 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 505 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1662 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 497 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 276 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 419 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 262 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 366 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 480 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202312 with 1431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 905 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2540 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 919 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5660 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 21407 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4846 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 274980 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2038 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5702 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
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      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 169180 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
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      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
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      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 444285 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
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      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
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      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
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      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
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      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 445 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 271 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
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      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
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      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
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      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
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      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
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      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
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      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 93431 records
      Found on 2023-12-11 10:39
      2.6 GBytes 10537249 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd520a59a836aaf238a376ed0110f655dfbfed1b2632290f26

      Databases: 555, row count: 10409948, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3864 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 714 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
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      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
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      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 378 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 899 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2526 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 884 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5638 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 94 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 16777 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4438 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 272601 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 258 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2027 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5680 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 168224 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 442504 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
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      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
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      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
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      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
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      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 60988 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 93077 records
      Found on 2023-11-24 13:31
      2.6 GBytes 10409948 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda48a39a1c306461dda01c93470308c4ec8adeaf73e9a81c6

      Databases: 555, row count: 10412189, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3860 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 714 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3118 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 285 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 893 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2508 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 884 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5625 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 94 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22886 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4438 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 271802 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
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      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2021 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5668 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 167715 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 441421 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 225066 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 60530 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 92832 records
      Found on 2023-11-16 16:30
      2.6 GBytes 10412189 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd652b34bd581413f14ceeba70f7029148e4e7d231aebaf776

      Databases: 555, row count: 10402676, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3853 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 713 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3117 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 822 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202311 with 62 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 97 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
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      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2504 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 884 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5611 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
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      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 18979 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4116 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
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      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
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      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
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      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 270592 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2013 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5652 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 167036 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 440073 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 224171 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 60008 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 92474 records
      Found on 2023-11-05 22:00
      2.6 GBytes 10402676 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6249a88668113ebaab486eeb5d6d048d93d7c76471f44199

      Databases: 554, row count: 10391992, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3851 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 713 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3116 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 666 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 888 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2501 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 876 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5596 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 16111 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4116 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 5 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 180 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 201 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 266279 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2007 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5640 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 166495 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 438917 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 77 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 82 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 223262 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 59618 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 92242 records
      Found on 2023-10-26 13:51
      2.6 GBytes 10391992 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3e415e3eee72fbd278db156352ac0c3cc5811095ebda9b50

      Databases: 554, row count: 10391897, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3843 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3116 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
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      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
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      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 102 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 878 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2471 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 876 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5583 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22279 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4116 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 264008 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 2000 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5626 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 165922 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 437543 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 222474 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 58990 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91922 records
      Found on 2023-10-16 15:43
      2.6 GBytes 10391897 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7ef4ffec6aa32284b6c4c1c58ea4bd55d0e736bcfd341098

      Databases: 554, row count: 10389436, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3839 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3116 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 364 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 95 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 875 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2459 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 869 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 211 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5575 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22279 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4116 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 263613 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 134 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1996 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5618 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 165585 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
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      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 436812 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
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      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
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      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
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      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
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      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
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      Found table with 12 records
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      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91754 records
      Found on 2023-10-10 22:41
      2.6 GBytes 10389436 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9fd65512f91a18be3d76eaa77955df4fdad12cd6e5baaa7f

      Databases: 554, row count: 10387577, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3835 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3114 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 996 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202310 with 144 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 869 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2433 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5562 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 23680 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3673 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 263114 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1992 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5610 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 165280 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 436200 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 221609 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 58312 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91559 records
      Found on 2023-10-03 13:31
      2.6 GBytes 10387577 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf8596a7e6c62d8923da64fa32122823eda2c93272a5f62d9

      Databases: 553, row count: 10337658, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3834 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 351 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2388 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 949 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 308 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 439 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1772 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 497 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 276 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 324 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 401 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 969 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 869 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2433 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 972 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 193 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5555 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 20353 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 16767 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3812 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 26977 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 858 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 689 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1863010 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 308992 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5181 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1300 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2492 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 390295 records
      Found table with 58250 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 262 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 37403 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 262797 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11449 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
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      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5760 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 5729 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1992 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5610 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 165126 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 435785 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 221287 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 58123 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91424 records
      Found on 2023-09-28 20:57
      2.6 GBytes 10337658 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd93cfede9412741453f05c49ca9c289e10c6013587101e241

      Databases: 553, row count: 10378708, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3834 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 969 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 869 records
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      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2433 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5555 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 16535 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3673 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 262792 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 255 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1992 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5610 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 165126 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 435785 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 221284 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 58120 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91424 records
      Found on 2023-09-28 20:03
      2.6 GBytes 10378708 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd4b513ce535f6a3f910ab16b85544e435050ebd9c0697f2f2

      Databases: 553, row count: 10377451, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3834 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 945 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 869 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2433 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5549 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 16535 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3691 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 262499 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 254 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1991 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5608 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164930 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 435484 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 221043 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 57975 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91359 records
      Found on 2023-09-26 03:08
      2.6 GBytes 10377451 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda4a6257d7a3be03192e00b30ffd1608eae8791b7e9fa738f

      Databases: 553, row count: 10386011, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3833 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 834 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 868 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2432 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5546 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 26530 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3747 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 262258 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 254 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1989 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5604 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164711 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 435202 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
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      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
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      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 220785 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
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      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
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      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
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      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
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      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
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      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91240 records
      Found on 2023-09-22 20:01
      2.6 GBytes 10386011 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd49d56dc0a01730305fe81a99499714e1d0a086587ca59bc4

      Databases: 553, row count: 10376695, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3831 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
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      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
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      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
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      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 579 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 853 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2379 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5538 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 19345 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3812 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261962 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1986 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5598 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164387 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
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      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 434785 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
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      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
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      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
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      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
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      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
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      Found table with 24 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
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      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 57470 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91113 records
      Found on 2023-09-18 22:09
      2.6 GBytes 10376695 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3944364be2ce12bb600aa512694e8fb7d730966e94387ecd

      Databases: 553, row count: 10371895, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3830 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 712 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 96 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 853 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2379 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5531 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 15787 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
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      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261807 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
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      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
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      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1985 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5596 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164242 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 434514 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 80 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 220195 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 57293 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 91022 records
      Found on 2023-09-16 13:29
      2.6 GBytes 10371895 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd474ba2b061d76500c8a35d09abedc7f7cd6fb12edf99f0c9

      Databases: 553, row count: 10363262, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3828 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 711 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 319 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 317 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2236 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 311 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 345 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 473 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 541 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1662 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 306 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 262 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 397 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 297 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 853 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2379 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 842 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 224 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5530 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 20207 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 91 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22154 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3915 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 26977 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 872 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 863 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1845740 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 311603 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5245 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1300 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2415 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 430133 records
      Found table with 58305 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 324 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 42 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 36814 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261559 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11134 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 6033 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 5877 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 5961 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1983 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5592 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164093 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 434100 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219953 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56994 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90916 records
      Found on 2023-09-13 17:42
      2.6 GBytes 10363262 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd51a86f9b77d7c16b3a04e5a282c51c62af8e4c7bc8791c69

      Databases: 553, row count: 10370030, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3826 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 711 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3112 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 285 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 852 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2379 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5529 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 15787 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261504 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1982 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5590 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 164056 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 434002 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219867 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56962 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90867 records
      Found on 2023-09-12 21:06
      2.6 GBytes 10370030 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd387f004c549260a4e187ade56ca3cc27774d431e89ef7b6a

      Databases: 553, row count: 10371328, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3824 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 711 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3110 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 227 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 112 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 850 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2369 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5527 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 18396 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261329 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1980 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5586 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 163914 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 96 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 433568 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219664 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56757 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90778 records
      Found on 2023-09-10 10:15
      2.6 GBytes 10371328 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd63cf281dcc202b348ad394e6dddd687f2456f6d3293f5d6d

      Databases: 552, row count: 10369976, size: 2.6 GB
      Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3824 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 711 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3110 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
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      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
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      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 168 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 850 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2369 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 951 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5522 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 18396 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 261080 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 133 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1978 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5582 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 163750 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 95 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 433143 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219395 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
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      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56577 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
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      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90694 records
      Found on 2023-09-07 00:25
      2.6 GBytes 10369976 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf2031e277f2f4c535c5cd46ae1385633491fe3d77d14c57e

      Databases: 552, row count: 10330815, size: 2.6 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3823 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 710 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3110 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 351 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2388 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 949 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 308 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 439 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1772 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 497 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 276 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 324 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 401 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 66 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 850 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2369 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 972 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 193 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5519 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 20353 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 22918 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3915 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 26977 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 858 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 689 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1863010 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 308992 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 141845 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5181 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1300 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2492 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 390295 records
      Found table with 58250 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 262 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 37403 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 260269 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11449 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6054 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5760 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 5729 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 132 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1975 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5576 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 163523 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
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      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 432590 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
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      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
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      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
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      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
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      Found table with 21 records
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      Found table with 24 records
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      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56418 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90572 records
      Found on 2023-09-03 14:49
      2.6 GBytes 10330815 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf43152e896566dfec8b756f716a0082ed24a71483c84be4f

      Databases: 552, row count: 10367603, size: 2.6 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3823 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 710 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3110 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 850 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2369 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5519 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 18396 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 260259 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 132 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1975 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5576 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 163522 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 95 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 432574 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219159 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56415 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90572 records
      Found on 2023-09-03 11:31
      2.6 GBytes 10367603 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd908a3bd3ecaa1fe76f8ce19e94edca078876425bf59fb5ac

      Databases: 552, row count: 10364814, size: 2.6 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3823 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 710 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3110 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 597 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202308 with 510 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202309 with 48 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 850 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2369 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 839 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 191 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5518 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 15911 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3842 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
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      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 260200 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 132 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 252 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 233 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 270 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 347 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1975 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5576 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 163480 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 95 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 432512 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 219103 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 56379 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 90536 records
      Found on 2023-09-02 12:16
      2.6 GBytes 10364814 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf83657c7cef9bc33f808aafa919b5e4347e94be7789c1583

      Databases: 550, row count: 10352224, size: 2.6 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3809 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 708 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3108 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 564 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 831 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2334 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 951 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 183 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5475 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 17875 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 4162 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 257520 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 132 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 251 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 229 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 267 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 343 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1954 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5532 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 161644 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 95 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 428595 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 216026 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 54572 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 89660 records
      Found on 2023-07-27 19:28
      2.6 GBytes 10352224 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd65a8a7e6d983bcd090d1c471fd24b3e818d461eebc59e60d

      Databases: 550, row count: 10350274, size: 2.6 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table altaitalia.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table altaitalia.alta_word with 3805 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim with 179 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_allim_back with 178 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news with 708 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_20150817 with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.altainfo_news_back with 465 records
      Found table altaitalia.board with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.code with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.config with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.keyword with 0 records
      Found table with 28 records
      Found table altaitalia.test_back with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_LaFrusta with 59 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA with 3108 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_back20170206 with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_QnA_realBack with 2710 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_LaFrusta with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_QnA with 73 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_freeBoard with 14 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_schoolPreview with 3 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_freeBoard with 320 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_schoolPreview with 36 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiz_test with 13 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizgroup with 2 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizmanager with 5 records
      Found table altaitalia.wiznospam with 200 records
      Found table altaitalia.wizpermission with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.ADM_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.ATV_INTC_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ACDM with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_APPC_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_CRS_MNG with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_MNG_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BIZ_TGT_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC with 74 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_FL with 39 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_ATTC_IMG with 172 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_ARTC_PUB with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CAT with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CMT with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_CONF with 46 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_IFM with 14 records
      Found table dalseosports.BRD_TMPL with 10 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD with 60 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_DTL with 263 records
      Found table dalseosports.COMM_CD_GRP with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.CONTS_IFM with 30 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD with 43 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_DTL with 206 records
      Found table dalseosports.COPY_COMM_CD_GRP with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_APPC with 503 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG with 113 records
      Found table dalseosports.EDU_MNG_ATTC_FL with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_APPC with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_ATTC_IMG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_IFM with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.EVNT_PRGS_IFM with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.FAQ with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.LEC_IFM with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOC_IFM with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.LOGIN_HIST with 1395 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIL with 5076 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_BNR with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.MAIN_POP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_GRP with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_MEM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_AUTH_REL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM with 143 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_IFM_BAK with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL with 169 records
      Found table dalseosports.MENU_URL_ACCS_IFM with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_LOG_202208 with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.MMS_MSG with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_APPC_EML with 20 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_FL with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.NEWS_LTTR_ATTC_IMG with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM with 9 records
      Found table dalseosports.PEOP_IFM_CAT with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.POP_MNG with 13 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC with 8 records
      Found table dalseosports.PROP_APPC_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_FL with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RCMD_BOOK_ATTC_IMG with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.REF_ORGN with 3 records
      Found table dalseosports.RSRC_DATA with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SCH_MNG with 7 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201708 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201709 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201710 with 21 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201711 with 341 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201712 with 2298 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201801 with 106 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201802 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201803 with 1016 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201804 with 469 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201805 with 307 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201806 with 435 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201807 with 267 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201808 with 229 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201809 with 542 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201810 with 249 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201811 with 121 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201812 with 1659 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201901 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201902 with 22 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201903 with 498 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201904 with 231 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201905 with 118 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201906 with 331 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201907 with 453 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201908 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201909 with 360 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201910 with 312 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201911 with 128 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_201912 with 792 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202001 with 414 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202002 with 203 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202003 with 78 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202004 with 286 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202005 with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202006 with 618 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202007 with 363 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202008 with 109 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202009 with 572 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202010 with 288 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202011 with 243 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202012 with 248 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202101 with 242 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202102 with 442 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202103 with 577 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202104 with 292 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202105 with 256 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202106 with 468 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202107 with 1230 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202108 with 146 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202109 with 221 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202110 with 275 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202111 with 465 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202112 with 1836 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202201 with 756 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202202 with 383 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202203 with 687 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202204 with 1058 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202205 with 992 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202206 with 1070 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202207 with 365 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_LOG_202208 with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.SC_TRAN with 431 records
      Found table dalseosports.SEQUENCE with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.SITE_ACCS_STAT with 75911 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202208 with 357 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202209 with 449 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202210 with 552 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202211 with 534 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202212 with 2832 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202301 with 381 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202302 with 630 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202303 with 1029 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202304 with 726 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202305 with 714 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202306 with 1104 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_LOG_202307 with 273 records
      Found table dalseosports.SMS_MSG with 93 records
      Found table dalseosports.TERM_DIC with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.TEST_TABLE with 0 records
      Found table dalseosports.TH with 3400 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_IFM with 244 records
      Found table dalseosports.USR_PSN with 1 records
      Found table dalseosports.admin with 2 records
      Found table dalseosports.banner with 5 records
      Found table dalseosports.base64_data with 65 records
      Found table dalseosports.board with 831 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_bac with 340 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_comment with 6 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_event with 4 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_files with 2334 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_info with 12 records
      Found table dalseosports.board_program with 11 records
      Found table dalseosports.code with 151 records
      Found table dalseosports.control_files with 24 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_appc with 951 records
      Found table dalseosports.edu_mng with 183 records
      Found table dalseosports.facility with 1 records
      Found table with 19 records
      Found table dalseosports.lecturer with 1 records
      Found table with 300 records
      Found table dalseosports.member with 5466 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_20230118 with 5140 records
      Found table dalseosports.member_edu with 21410 records
      Found table with 155 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_200716 with 157 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_2017 with 50 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20190701 with 79 records
      Found table dalseosports.menu_20220927 with 154 records
      Found table dalseosports.popupnotice with 88 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus with 20522 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_sttus_20230224 with 18366 records
      Found table dalseosports.rent_use_date with 3941 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode with 49989 records
      Found table dalseosports.zipcode_road with 2449017 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.bis with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.db_type with 5 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.extend_db with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.group_db with 8 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.link_statistics with 29934 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail with 1054 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_file with 313 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.mail_target with 441 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.member with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.qmail with 2 records
      Found table with 6 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.quest_answer with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.reject_member with 55 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_file with 265 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_mail with 688 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.send_target with 1844660 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.smtp_error_code with 72 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.statistics with 305800 records
      Found table with 113 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_sub with 146211 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp with 509387 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.target_temp_old_2017_11 with 1977338 records
      Found table dgeplus_ems.template with 19 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_Emoticons with 56 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PBGroups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_PhoneBook with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SavedMsgs with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Common_SendPlans with 5236 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Groups with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBConnections with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_DBQueries with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_MessageTemplates with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_PreparedSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_RGroupToSchedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_ReceiverGroups with 3 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Receivers with 100 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Large_Schedules with 0 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Sessions with 1103 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_SmsCharges with 45 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.Neo_Users with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201109 with 2 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201110 with 1 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201111 with 317 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201112 with 285 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201201 with 400 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201202 with 78 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201207 with 217 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201208 with 668 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201209 with 98 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201210 with 126 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201211 with 121 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201212 with 30 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_LOG_201301 with 423 records
      Found table dgeplus_sms.SC_TRAN with 2504 records
      Found table dgsv.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs with 3 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_appfiles with 33 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_btin with 30 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table dgsv.code with 16 records
      Found table with 26 records
      Found table dgsv.site_log with 223507 records
      Found table dosijokbo.admin with 1 records
      Found table dosijokbo.board with 447690 records
      Found table with 58194 records
      Found table dosijokbo.jongchin with 297 records
      Found table dosijokbo.notice with 56 records
      Found table dosijokbo.sege with 34505 records
      Found table dst.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table dst.bbs with 4 records
      Found table dst.bbs_appfiles with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_btin with 174 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table dst.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table dst.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table dst.site_log with 256706 records
      Found table ebook.category_list with 2 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_album_info with 230 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bg with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_bgmusic with 21 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_first_page with 48 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_help with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_big with 297 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_index_small with 0 records
      Found table ebook.ebook_top_logo with 34 records
      Found table ebook.ok_fboard with 4 records
      Found table ebook.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table ebook.site_member with 24 records
      Found table ebook.user_group_info with 49 records
      Found table flash21.admin_info with 3 records
      Found table flash21.bbs with 5 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_appfiles with 70 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_btin with 36 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret with 0 records
      Found table flash21.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table flash21.code with 21 records
      Found table with 7 records
      Found table flash21.site_log with 0 records
      Found table gp.admin_info with 15 records
      Found table gp.board with 98 records
      Found table gp.code with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_info with 110 records
      Found table gp.equip_info_20140124 with 88 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental with 153 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_20190502 with 130 records
      Found table gp.equip_rental_new with 158 records
      Found table gp.facility_chgfee_mngt with 8 records
      Found table gp.facility_images with 166 records
      Found table gp.facility_income_mngt with 7 records
      Found table gp.facility_info with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_info_20190626 with 40 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental with 5853 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_190709 with 11274 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20131014 with 196 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_20140217 with 532 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail with 5892 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_detail2 with 28 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_mg_def with 6019 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req with 5782 records
      Found table gp.facility_rental_req2 with 6233 records
      Found table gp.facility_using_equip with 816 records
      Found table with 37 records
      Found table with 70 records
      Found table gp.menu_20141212 with 62 records
      Found table gp.menu_20151021 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190430 with 57 records
      Found table gp.menu_20190603 with 30 records
      Found table gp.menu_new with 70 records
      Found table gp.movie_board with 7 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_dsc_std with 5 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std with 317 records
      Found table gp.rental_fee_std_20140122 with 285 records
      Found table gp.rental_files with 2 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20140213 with 367 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_20190502 with 2841 records
      Found table gp.rental_files_new with 147 records
      Found table gp.rental_show_cast with 0 records
      Found table gp.test with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.cnc1 with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_news with 132 records
      Found table hansolgosi.hansol_notice with 250 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_config_bbs with 6 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data01 with 229 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data02 with 267 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_data03 with 343 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_fboard with 0 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01 with 8 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_galley01_back with 27 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_hansolmadang with 1947 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion with 1 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20150206 with 121412 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_opinion20181019 with 141470 records
      Found table hansolgosi.ok_qboard with 5518 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member with 362 records
      Found table hansolgosi.site_member_bac with 332 records
      Found table hansolgosi.vod_member with 14 records
      Found table hyunminmc.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_appfiles with 4 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_btin with 21 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret with 31 records
      Found table hyunminmc.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table hyunminmc.code with 16 records
      Found table with 43 records
      Found table hyunminmc.menu_20170816 with 20 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log with 161087 records
      Found table hyunminmc.site_log2017090 with 3469 records
      Found table iflood.Activities with 871 records
      Found table iflood.BbsNotice with 12 records
      Found table iflood.BbsOpen with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds with 9 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds2 with 10 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsPds4 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.BbsQnA with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Companies with 43 records
      Found table iflood.Contacts with 1 records
      Found table iflood.Members with 182 records
      Found table iflood.Memo with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Outputs with 0 records
      Found table iflood.OverheadCost with 0 records
      Found table iflood.Popup with 0 records
      Found table iflood.ProjectMembers with 1250 records
      Found table iflood.Projects with 10 records
      Found table iflood.Roles with 0 records
      Found table iflood.SubProjects with 52 records
      Found table iflood.TaskSchedules with 287 records
      Found table iflood.Tasks with 553 records
      Found table iflood.ZipCode with 49989 records
      Found table iflood.action with 27 records
      Found table iflood.action2 with 1 records
      Found table iflood.action3 with 0 records
      Found table iflood.statictics with 0 records
      Found table with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_back with 57 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_copy with 54 records
      Found table knu_clinic.menu_set_back with 51 records
      Found table koreaepo.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs with 6 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_appfiles with 109 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_btin with 81 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret with 95 records
      Found table koreaepo.bbs_secret_appfiles with 47 records
      Found table koreaepo.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table koreaepo.site_log with 427506 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 76 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 38 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 404 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 841 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 479 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 4 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 79 records
      Found table npgc.category with 4 records
      Found table npgc.npgc_zone with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_config_bbs with 10 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_news with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_eng_report with 1 records
      Found table npgc.ok_gboard with 19976 records
      Found table npgc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript with 15187 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript01 with 68 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript02 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript03 with 27 records
      Found table npgc.ok_postscript04 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_qboard with 48188 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo01 with 55 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo02 with 32 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo03 with 30 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo05 with 0 records
      Found table npgc.ok_sinfo08 with 16 records
      Found table npgc.product with 21 records
      Found table npgc.site_brand with 20 records
      Found table npgc.site_lecture with 54 records
      Found table npgc.site_member with 32 records
      Found table npgc.site_news with 577 records
      Found table npgc.site_notice with 149 records
      Found table npgc.site_paper with 14 records
      Found table npgc.site_press with 56 records
      Found table npgc.test with 0 records
      Found table sebiteng.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs with 3 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_appfiles with 439 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_btin with 269 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret with 16 records
      Found table sebiteng.bbs_secret_appfiles with 9 records
      Found table sebiteng.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table sebiteng.site_log with 215190 records
      Found table sinyang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs with 7 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_appfiles with 63 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_btin with 40 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret with 14 records
      Found table sinyang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 8 records
      Found table sinyang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 24 records
      Found table sinyang.site_log with 80005 records
      Found table swepc.caree_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs with 5827 records
      Found table swepc.ok_bbs2 with 9 records
      Found table swepc.ok_config_bbs with 2 records
      Found table swepc.ok_en_bbs with 0 records
      Found table swepc.ok_opinion with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_board with 5 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_notice with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq02 with 0 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_pq03 with 2 records
      Found table swepc.swepc_works with 100 records
      Found table totalHousing.admin_info with 1 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs with 3 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_appfiles with 7 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_btin with 10 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret with 4 records
      Found table totalHousing.bbs_secret_appfiles with 0 records
      Found table totalHousing.code with 16 records
      Found table with 12 records
      Found table totalHousing.site_log with 3659 records
      Found table uil.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table uil.bbs with 7 records
      Found table uil.bbs_appfiles with 177 records
      Found table uil.bbs_btin with 110 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret with 45 records
      Found table uil.bbs_secret_appfiles with 21 records
      Found table uil.code with 16 records
      Found table with 21 records
      Found table uil.site_log with 54019 records
      Found table wiset.appmain with 3 records
      Found table wiset.basemember with 2006 records
      Found table wiset.ipin with 284 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter with 2 records
      Found table wiset.newsletter_g with 12 records
      Found table wiset.site_log with 172363 records
      Found table wiset.tour_schedule with 31 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_bbs with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_bbs with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_calendar with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobinfo with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice01 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_notice02 with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_qna with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_rnc with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_comment_test with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_gallery with 39 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo with 1678 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobinfo_temp with 432 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_jobnews with 0 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01 with 92 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice01_20150715 with 72 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_notice02 with 57 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_qna with 12 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_rnc with 18 records
      Found table wiset.wiz_test with 2 records
      Found table wiset.wizmanager with 10 records
      Found table wiset.wizpermission with 28 records
      Found table wiset.zipcode with 98974 records
      Found table yedang.admin_info with 2 records
      Found table yedang.bbs with 6 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_appfiles with 28 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_btin with 53 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret with 3 records
      Found table yedang.bbs_secret_appfiles with 3 records
      Found table yedang.code with 16 records
      Found table with 16 records
      Found table yedang.site_log with 89459 records
      Found on 2023-07-17 18:58
      2.6 GBytes 10350274 rows
  • Open service

    2024-06-22 04:47

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-06-22 by tcpid
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-06-22 01:14

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 01:14:42 GMT
    Server: Apache
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.2
    location: /sub.php?top=1&sub=1&sub2=0&sub3=0&sub4=0
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Found 2024-06-22 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-06-20 13:57

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 13:57:25 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Content-Length: 206
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    Page title: 302 Found
    <title>302 Found</title>
    <p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>
    Found 2024-06-20 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
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    2024-06-20 11:55

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-06-20 by tcpid
    Create report
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    2024-06-15 22:49

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-06-15 by tcpid
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  • Open service

    2024-06-15 15:34

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 15:34:15 GMT
    Server: Apache
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.2
    location: /sub.php?top=1&sub=1&sub2=0&sub3=0&sub4=0
    Content-Length: 0
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: text/html
    Found 2024-06-15 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-06-13 02:57

    MySQL detected
    Found 2024-06-13 by tcpid
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Not before:
2023-06-02 00:00
Not after:
2024-06-01 23:59
Data leak
2.6 GB
Domain summary
No record