Solr 7.7.2
Solr administration interface is currently open without authentication.
This results in all the database data made available publicly and configuration vulnerable to external alteration.
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5270d2da03c236954
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e252ecec14c5c78dfa07e01d10
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e205732b3b55775f98d19aa2be
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core label with 278812 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core place with 65322 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25993fed83f977d7dc49a98a6
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core area with 119207 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25ff5b19b6699c8f3e51f31bc
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2a596addd90bb9e63e6179c7e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2f829379d31e0f72d19fd79f4
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5ea4dddcc17c029cc
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2fae1214edd251b18e7327554
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25ff5b19ba86eb092dee1110c
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2fae1214e3b394ca74bf1805c
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5df0d9105ac2ee746
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2494a4147fce95053666ae4a2
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5df0d91052a00ed3e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2494a4147ca6b35ec18a9fe28
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2a596adddacde52d86ae9c8da
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c512005a05147e9e48
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2f604500a1c4f37f3c216e41c
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core place with 65322 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core label with 278812 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2f604500a36877f1c5a208f84
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e27b385facadafe3417588bf24
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e27b385facdf4cd19f5eeeded4
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core editor with 0 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e252ecec14043757691fd9e480
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e252ecec1480831235e1d2c7d4
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core label with 278812 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2f829379d599b6543abdcb542
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2a596adddab0b4db699e1cbb2
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e27b385facadafe3417c53067c
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c562666324c74e9e5e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2caba82f5ffe7323b5a45e2fc
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5df0d910594811c72
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2f604500ad2c08f95406f9356
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core place with 65322 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2494a414702cc951e761d2d8e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2a596addda10aab4bbec4cbd2
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e28cf0e084462dc5ca314c3458
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e289826d9400fd8ce97d004f30
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e289826d946eba5c17158afcd0
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core event with 83279 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c512005a0574ae5f94
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5dfb58e1570d2e9a4
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2494a4147bb7e162310d9304a
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e27b385fac726a4666ff3c7ca2
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25993fed84768166d90ed527c
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core area with 119207 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e209b8e1a77c4266ca038cdf28
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2fae1214e8f594b08a5e1c63e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2fae1214e0baade194aaeedde
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2ef25770ca67488671c065a90
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5df0d9105ccad40d6
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25993fed8253699691e9000fc
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core area with 119207 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core editor with 0 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e209b8e1a7e392c8e9da0cd602
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e25993fed8c7195ca4126d9422
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core area with 119207 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e20b9184c5df0d9105bf58241e
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core editor with 0 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents
Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522eb9b6b80a464082e2ef25770c9ba6889d969b41a0
Running Solr node without authentication: Version: 7.7.2 (7.7.2 d4c30fc2856154f2c1fefc589eb7cd070a415b94 - janhoy - 2019-05-28 23:37:48) System: Linux 6.8.0-38-generic (amd64) Found core release with 4241209 documents Found core tag with 203889 documents Found core event with 83279 documents Found core cdstub with 277520 documents Found core label with 278812 documents Found core place with 65322 documents Found core recording with 32582676 documents Found core url with 12404666 documents Found core annotation with 773312 documents Found core artist with 2398547 documents Found core instrument with 1048 documents Found core release-group with 3304828 documents Found core series with 24201 documents Found core area with 119207 documents Found core work with 2140272 documents Found core editor with 0 documents
WARNING: This plugin will generate false positive and is purely informative:
regreSSHion: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems (CVE-2024-6387)
Severity: info
Fingerprint: 3f43e0ebb5dce37ab8b59eb50d52828c64fb433164fb433164fb433164fb4331
Found potentially vulnerable SSH version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.6p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu13.4 WARNING, RISK IS ESTIMATED FALSE POSITIVE ARE LIKELY
The Redis instance is open to the public.
This could result to data leak and code execution.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf1836ea5a1536ea5a1536ea5a1536ea5a1536ea5a1536ea5a15
Redis is open with 13 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf1897c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab97c596ab
Redis is open with 4 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf180fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a0fc2d42a
Redis is open with 9 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf1868e07c0f68e07c0f68e07c0f68e07c0f68e07c0f68e07c0f
Redis is open with 15 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18d74663b0d74663b0d74663b0d74663b0d74663b0d74663b0
Redis is open with 7 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752476e4752
Redis is open with 1 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18a973d22ba973d22ba973d22ba973d22ba973d22ba973d22b
Redis is open with 11 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf18253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95253c1e95
Redis is open with 6 keys in dbs
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: d606b92f1b5fdf182ccd3e492ccd3e492ccd3e492ccd3e492ccd3e492ccd3e49
Redis is open with 17 keys in dbs
Open service
2024-12-22 01:00
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
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HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
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2024-12-22 00:18
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
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2024-12-20 00:48
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-20 00:48
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
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2024-12-19 21:44
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-19 21:44
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-18 01:20
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-18 01:20
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Open service
2024-12-18 00:54
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-18 00:54
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Open service
2024-12-17 21:53
Open service
2024-12-15 23:43
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-15 23:43
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-15 23:34
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-15 23:34
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-15 21:53
Open service
2024-12-13 23:59
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-13 23:59
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-13 23:39
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-13 23:39
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-13 21:49
Open service
2024-12-12 00:49
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-12 00:49
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-11 23:53
Open service
2024-12-11 21:29
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-11 21:29
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-02 00:43
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-02 00:43
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-01 23:47
Open service
2024-12-01 22:10
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-12-01 22:10
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-30 00:21
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-30 00:21
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-29 23:13
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-29 23:13
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-29 21:52
Open service
2024-11-28 00:20
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-28 00:20
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-27 23:31
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-27 23:31
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Connection: close Location:
Open service
2024-11-27 22:01