South Africa
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 8082
    First seen 2024-03-06 20:18
    Last seen 2024-09-27 23:00
    Open for 205 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd190ed03f348308d3e300f3086ae38383094358e0eee3418d

      Databases: 461, row count: 28605565, size: 7.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 641 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 529 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48114 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4733 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 511 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 443 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1329 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 527 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 548 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 399 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 357 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 237 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 244 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15360 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4494 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 737 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 486 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2824221 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 25150498 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 545141 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-27 23:00
      7.2 GBytes 28605565 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3c064b39eb6992c106c8b94a3727c51d7fca51063e13d2f6

      Databases: 461, row count: 27435872, size: 7.1 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 662 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 511 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 47217 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4726 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1388 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 533 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 548 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 469 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 357 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 247 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 250 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 20775 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4448 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 737 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 452 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2784755 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 24031375 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 529770 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-25 20:12
      7.1 GBytes 27435872 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1bfec1561497ee18916725f768ef849c2d958e4b70d33d55

      Databases: 461, row count: 27173492, size: 7.1 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 403 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 493 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50065 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5034 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 511 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 534 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1069 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 466 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 313 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 354 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 250 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 241 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15156 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4164 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 113 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 488 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2878748 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23687576 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 520966 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-23 22:52
      7.1 GBytes 27173492 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd073f3f332e058f5f2ac3f6ec7efadc17a972ec9c51c50822

      Databases: 461, row count: 28137182, size: 7.1 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 571 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 53389 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4726 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 555 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 443 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1405 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 540 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 579 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 394 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 257 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 251 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 281 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19551 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4442 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 737 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 461 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2840994 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 24686081 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 515073 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-21 20:26
      7.1 GBytes 28137182 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdedd4a1cd9fa9050d42b7ecfeade2fee1ba2c3ac225441b1b

      Databases: 461, row count: 26704589, size: 7.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 701 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 452 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50435 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5023 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 402 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1388 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 491 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 474 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 345 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 357 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 233 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 179 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19865 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4718 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 737 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 519 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2885865 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23236262 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 489736 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-17 22:34
      7.0 GBytes 26704589 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdbd8fb8c54c3d4e9519dac4462b023af9639a400a539e5157

      Databases: 461, row count: 26902066, size: 7.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 385 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 511 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 49010 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5048 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 555 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1164 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 478 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 350 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 313 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 257 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 262 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19279 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4376 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 113 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 451 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2744792 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23603465 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 464158 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-15 22:47
      7.0 GBytes 26902066 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdfefaf64917e51ab1eeb446bae9033e2d3ae688b6cef5327f

      Databases: 461, row count: 26403233, size: 7.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 44 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 673 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 375 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48747 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5065 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1388 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 512 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 462 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 275 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 357 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 259 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 285 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 18063 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4687 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 737 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 488 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 153 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2721443 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23128397 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 464053 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-13 20:31
      7.0 GBytes 26403233 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9916af0f44e71103cc3779b895d7ae5389c10590ec864468

      Databases: 461, row count: 25896094, size: 6.9 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 42 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 96 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 574 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 47744 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5034 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 152 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 443 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1177 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 522 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 548 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 262 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 254 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 240 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 193 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 88 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 14714 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4733 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 733 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 454 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 152 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2660904 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 22726407 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 424157 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-10 07:51
      6.9 GBytes 25896094 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd5cd2fe64d8b5e632daa58d85e0c1a462843a96bd74e0f9e8

      Databases: 461, row count: 26637299, size: 6.9 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 42 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 96 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 448 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 571 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 58031 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5062 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 152 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1292 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 533 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 302 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 392 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 253 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 269 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19109 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4431 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 111 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 491 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 152 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2682351 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23433444 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 422658 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-09 20:24
      6.9 GBytes 26637299 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9c77b862cc12beec3161fbc32c186228f185b42fd5825a73

      Databases: 461, row count: 27035321, size: 6.8 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 42 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 95 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 102 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 423 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 449 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 40781 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5009 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 319 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1326 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 578 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 244 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 385 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 218 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 200 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 18012 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4767 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 109 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 490 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2635257 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23913588 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 406074 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-05 22:49
      6.8 GBytes 27035321 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd35f1c1ac8dbb9a8a500e3e1db8485e0aa3d77f55b078630e

      Databases: 461, row count: 26783331, size: 6.8 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 42 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 95 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 102 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 631 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 474 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 40570 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5058 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 443 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1168 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 503 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 468 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 355 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 227 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 296 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 18029 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4394 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 729 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 509 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2679593 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23632878 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 390031 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-03 22:17
      6.8 GBytes 26783331 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2b3eb60b1313f30723e7f254635d5bef5118ece406cfb21d

      Databases: 461, row count: 26008022, size: 6.8 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 42 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 95 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 102 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 634 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 431 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 39093 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5062 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 412 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1133 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 526 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 443 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 460 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 254 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 262 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 261 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 18616 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4463 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 729 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 457 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 151 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2573409 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 22980735 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 374248 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-09-01 21:54
      6.8 GBytes 26008022 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdba86e1f8e249bfaeb92ecbf9d4fa31166e4b68e96b847973

      Databases: 461, row count: 26727407, size: 6.6 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 282 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 508 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 46953 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5027 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1236 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 463 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 397 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 255 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15921 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4376 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 652 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 454 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2585255 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 23533353 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 524369 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-25 19:51
      6.6 GBytes 26727407 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd960cfe1e35168a30b4e8da4ff7104944ccc00783bf3d6a43

      Databases: 461, row count: 25406111, size: 6.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 602 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 571 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 56026 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5055 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 568 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 383 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1277 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 343 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 352 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 230 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 241 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 81 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 17749 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4707 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 559 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 522 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2623666 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 22195942 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 490422 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-19 21:21
      6.5 GBytes 25406111 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd203c964ed2e83e002a20f55f5dd09af476da4313b05eade6

      Databases: 461, row count: 25668337, size: 6.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 440 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 607 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52967 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4866 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1236 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 513 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 330 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 433 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 261 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 205 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19763 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4744 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 559 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 472 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2571397 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 22527328 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 474875 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-15 21:13
      6.5 GBytes 25668337 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb6a4e79f91d7e9f3d08d01a81403a6a3fa020080c2227794

      Databases: 461, row count: 24971349, size: 6.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 349 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 346 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 49327 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5002 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 329 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1293 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 442 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 409 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 367 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 259 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 270 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 105 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 16831 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4678 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 559 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 466 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2479315 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21950168 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 454156 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-13 21:29
      6.5 GBytes 24971349 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd761cc4d9179b48a1e91bd6aa6123c9fd370867e681ba1dfe

      Databases: 461, row count: 24801397, size: 6.4 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 373 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 427 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 59719 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4831 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1464 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 487 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 369 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 478 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 215 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 17120 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4089 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 652 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 481 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2512221 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21753846 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 437102 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-11 20:42
      6.4 GBytes 24801397 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9bfba777582623bbca36a2b0d643bbfb94abf528d423e923

      Databases: 461, row count: 25241301, size: 6.4 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 396 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48483 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4967 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 714 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1174 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 477 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 379 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 358 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 243 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 241 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 16185 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4422 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 652 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2533305 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 22184601 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 436885 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-09 20:12
      6.4 GBytes 25241301 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd62e2b7f47248afe224a5a5f5dc64847217ac4ead36259ddc

      Databases: 461, row count: 24221125, size: 6.4 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 602 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 490 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 53178 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4736 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 438 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1309 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 527 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 548 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 385 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 352 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 258 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 283 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 81 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19610 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4434 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 746 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 466 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2453970 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21243591 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 428661 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-07 20:12
      6.4 GBytes 24221125 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda8753a99eb9adfe14bd45d6a7004943dbafc41a684920fce

      Databases: 461, row count: 24758085, size: 6.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 599 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 364 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 56659 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5027 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 438 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 782 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 517 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 493 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 309 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 352 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 243 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 254 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 14978 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4465 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 652 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2423016 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21830699 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 411625 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-05 19:55
      6.3 GBytes 24758085 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdebe0e3a86fbed37e9056dac94ec1c606695409b9c108d8e7

      Databases: 461, row count: 24468811, size: 6.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 441 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 427 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 54127 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4855 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 552 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1572 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 527 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 467 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 419 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 247 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 199 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19576 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4457 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 103 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 538 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 484 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2443752 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21525263 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 404183 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-03 22:14
      6.3 GBytes 24468811 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdeeb28741b684f1992ea767223b96afe532e1b7bef48ad445

      Databases: 461, row count: 24283288, size: 6.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 40 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 595 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 571 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 42891 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5093 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 412 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 383 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 669 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 501 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 468 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 370 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 249 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 223 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 223 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 81 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 16227 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4773 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 580 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 457 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2530932 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 21279027 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 392661 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-08-01 22:51
      6.3 GBytes 24283288 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd52625057a67c15db8b0190d029a0d29bda8eddc8c9e4fc09

      Databases: 461, row count: 24029801, size: 6.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 35 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 93 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 674 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 535 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48905 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4768 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 542 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 793 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 454 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 523 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 345 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 226 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 270 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 16567 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4457 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 715 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 512 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 148 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2596207 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 20815104 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 531343 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-25 22:33
      6.2 GBytes 24029801 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2dd33bea9634ca0498c4737b58801870f603f247aecbe475

      Databases: 461, row count: 23056255, size: 6.1 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 510 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52334 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4355 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 329 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 146 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 444 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1115 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 436 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 533 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 381 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 430 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 237 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 239 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 210 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 63 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 16967 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4736 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 707 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 434 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 146 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2366271 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 20107019 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 492408 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-21 23:34
      6.1 GBytes 23056255 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2dc49a143122af4218a745d5d7a4eed20d7d8a8d2ecf423d

      Databases: 461, row count: 23588266, size: 6.1 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 393 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 574 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52597 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4628 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 146 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 498 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1569 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 436 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 438 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 427 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 256 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 254 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 104 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 17077 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4488 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 512 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 146 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2413462 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 20591223 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 492286 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-19 22:29
      6.1 GBytes 23588266 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdaa8c3ed771a1395b1a03a0508b64f61b85c7ed48674f1fe6

      Databases: 461, row count: 22634467, size: 6.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 88 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 94 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 513 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 510 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52492 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5013 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 308 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 947 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 436 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 559 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 418 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 410 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 231 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 252 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 102 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15733 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4785 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 93 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 514 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2348112 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 19756382 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 440453 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-11 22:19
      6.0 GBytes 22634467 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc5a67815d87f56058b254376d7dc258938aed0fa91b0945a

      Databases: 461, row count: 22461445, size: 5.9 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 88 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 94 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 463 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 423 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 49854 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4831 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 402 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 578 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1194 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 436 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 508 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 339 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 473 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 248 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 197 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15836 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4143 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 93 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 474 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2256188 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 19710952 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 407766 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-07 21:00
      5.9 GBytes 22461445 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd75221927f6618f8b4b0774c04a2c6a6b0efd4ef84bb559b9

      Databases: 461, row count: 22513908, size: 5.9 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 88 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 94 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 709 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 491 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 34979 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4995 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 351 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1329 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 436 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 499 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 521 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 356 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 215 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 215 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 53 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 723 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 18631 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4089 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 695 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 525 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 143 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2321262 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 19709651 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 407654 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-07-05 22:56
      5.9 GBytes 22513908 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd38a1e0339b49e25f9ddb01eca3552f17268ff79c2d4694a9

      Databases: 461, row count: 22095115, size: 5.8 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 86 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 92 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 639 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 534 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 45793 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5034 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 641 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 141 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 585 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1163 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 561 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 504 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 361 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 232 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 227 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 267 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 69 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19174 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4368 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 687 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 545 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 141 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2291012 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 19170792 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 546071 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-27 22:48
      5.8 GBytes 22095115 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd8f1dfb5754dbe6dbb9c949d00a72a39ba01896c8259522b6

      Databases: 461, row count: 21556205, size: 5.7 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 84 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 90 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 572 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 547 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 41414 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5037 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 329 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1292 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 520 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 390 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 263 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 82 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 22436 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4417 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 679 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 370 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2167557 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18791202 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 511466 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-23 22:24
      5.7 GBytes 21556205 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3eaf0577648d5dbb7b0b6cb01a3ef5fb6d34bf28edf8610d

      Databases: 461, row count: 21151311, size: 5.6 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 84 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 90 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 488 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 474 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 51753 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4449 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 450 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1389 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 452 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 398 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 345 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 244 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 239 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 61 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 15545 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4710 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 612 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2292698 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18285103 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 484938 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-20 03:16
      5.6 GBytes 21151311 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1e97ac59fba647211d4db92adc73c87ded874a66dc811d1f

      Databases: 461, row count: 21346953, size: 5.6 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 84 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 90 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 388 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 408 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 42891 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5013 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 319 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 399 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1377 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 501 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 421 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 482 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 256 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 264 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 70 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 17191 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4767 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 576 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2255418 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18524795 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 484938 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-19 20:25
      5.6 GBytes 21346953 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd16fcd2dfa9f6dcb3da8d90e8d0167963f0b224c03f950ef8

      Databases: 461, row count: 21303879, size: 5.6 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 84 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 90 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 540 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 56923 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4740 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 572 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1141 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 477 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 463 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 329 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 241 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 173 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 69 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21474 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4762 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 679 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 364 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2201888 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18539616 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 462110 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-15 22:29
      5.6 GBytes 21303879 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd81ebe7d309307bbfc0cedf4cc1b59077213af57c1374262c

      Databases: 461, row count: 21340804, size: 5.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 84 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 90 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 336 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 530 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 46531 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4663 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 329 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 359 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1267 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 457 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 309 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 388 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 258 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 274 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 60 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19905 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4103 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 599 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 139 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2143039 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18664520 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 446389 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-12 19:14
      5.5 GBytes 21340804 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6df36cace08d6b8ad797f71dc18c2f0ae6233855272593da

      Databases: 461, row count: 21426415, size: 5.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 82 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 665 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 472 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50857 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5041 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 186 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1182 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 494 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 381 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 322 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 262 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 204 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 50 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 17569 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4790 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 505 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2093156 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18822637 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 420698 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-09 21:21
      5.5 GBytes 21426415 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd24d0882fe0fb86e3e89ba318bba3bf33efac68707e301668

      Databases: 461, row count: 20809726, size: 5.5 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 82 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 673 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 472 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 42786 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4866 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 583 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1182 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 473 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 292 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 421 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 255 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 291 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 56 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 575 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 20476 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4480 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 517 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2147312 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18157058 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 420577 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-07 20:14
      5.5 GBytes 20809726 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdeac21cfcbb715e7a93206d4d75f6b09a25e76605c214696b

      Databases: 461, row count: 20137673, size: 5.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 82 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 483 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 445 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52967 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5013 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 402 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 203 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1110 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 437 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 508 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 260 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 356 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 242 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 300 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 573 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 19601 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4718 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 516 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2079796 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17594023 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 370209 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-06-01 22:21
      5.3 GBytes 20137673 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd0713578b02a422e109fd2790467b39657916f69391171b1

      Databases: 461, row count: 20784097, size: 5.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 556 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 52123 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4824 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 246 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 727 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1189 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 618 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 672 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 385 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 232 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 229 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 225 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 51 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 22091 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4730 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 507 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2033460 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 18118579 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 535375 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-29 22:12
      5.3 GBytes 20784097 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc6e020198a08f861efc9e9ea5b0bacbddcb2ce2602f3ab54

      Databases: 461, row count: 20067245, size: 5.3 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 613 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 51542 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4845 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 601 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1960 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 683 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 673 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 374 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 227 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 212 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 20200 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4411 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 661 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2013426 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17431629 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 526952 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-27 21:00
      5.3 GBytes 20067245 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3748fd7397f9a81f2598092ca79eaad79022dedc718a05eb

      Databases: 461, row count: 20309102, size: 5.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 565 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 556 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 41784 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4824 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 979 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 2179 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 687 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 620 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 363 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 232 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 215 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 260 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21762 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4465 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 616 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2121345 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17581554 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 518918 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-26 21:52
      5.2 GBytes 20309102 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd9b51103b69e2a4fce75dd9cb01d21e791fd968c4c894993

      Databases: 461, row count: 19726435, size: 5.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 556 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48377 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4841 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 787 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 853 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1226 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 618 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 621 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 473 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 232 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 223 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 172 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 61 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21740 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4695 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 633 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2011177 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17103056 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 518864 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-25 22:44
      5.2 GBytes 19726435 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6d0e71b59f8af1e5a92a8bd6c4550369565150dac41dd475

      Databases: 461, row count: 20041178, size: 5.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 664 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50962 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5062 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 402 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 601 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 2179 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 650 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 621 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 365 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 211 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 280 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 50 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21347 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4402 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 680 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2005338 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17420933 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 518812 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-24 22:18
      5.2 GBytes 20041178 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdcd853c1b9c0df6f7ae7dedc4b3e8a47f710ff8140abe0acf

      Databases: 461, row count: 19784017, size: 5.2 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 413 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 547 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 649 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 42944 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4362 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 660 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1525 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 429 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 415 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 487 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 199 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 202 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 99 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 22038 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4086 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 568 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 2075984 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 17118875 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 503125 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-22 21:52
      5.2 GBytes 19784017 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf4dc7a55ff827fc56ccf25b6ad0012494a00223acba05fcd

      Databases: 461, row count: 18913151, size: 5.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 411 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 647 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 571 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 41784 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4715 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 475 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 714 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1693 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 429 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 414 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 487 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 397 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 541 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 210 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 225 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 61 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21390 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4736 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 446 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1974029 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 16423299 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 430446 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:41
      5.0 GBytes 18913151 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd83551fb0bc61e2f6343e07417226282e6f45fe115dd7d1f3

      Databases: 461, row count: 19216553, size: 5.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 80 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 85 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 614 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 556 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 45951 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 4992 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 714 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 727 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1934 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 685 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 674 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 476 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 232 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 222 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 291 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 50 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 91 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 22165 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4411 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 657 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 722 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 134 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1981538 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 16732134 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 410825 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-05-08 13:11
      5.0 GBytes 19216553 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3d6c37d8a28b7ecec96e799969fd8eb6c5d7ce09301d25c1

      Databases: 461, row count: 18912885, size: 4.9 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 78 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 83 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 609 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 48272 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5027 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 132 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 349 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1576 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 620 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 623 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 483 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 231 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 260 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 49 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21762 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4141 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 649 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 588 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 132 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1879815 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 16320685 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 619629 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:40
      4.9 GBytes 18912885 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd06bd6b628d2427ecc0890cc3264bcb28659ec52ff7977010

      Databases: 461, row count: 18480624, size: 4.8 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 417 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 29 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 78 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 83 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 634 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 637 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50909 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5062 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 132 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 601 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 681 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 721 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 620 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 673 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 491 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 341 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 73 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 204 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 160 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 98 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 589 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21400 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4759 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 195 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 649 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 672 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 132 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1852065 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 15930973 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 602495 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-04-28 17:39
      4.8 GBytes 18480624 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd31b2ef7e0d1899501db6e26f566073641147062335cb2cfb

      Databases: 461, row count: 15560282, size: 4.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 409 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 28 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 700 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 640 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 40043 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5079 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 332 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 2033 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 429 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 606 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 482 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 286 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 226 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 214 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 71 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21432 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4417 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 63 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 538 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1557396 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 13246140 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 672728 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-03-08 04:20
      4.0 GBytes 15560282 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd4467697466556c62b5b87675039240f28c481f2d190e72e8

      Databases: 461, row count: 15395826, size: 4.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 409 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 28 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 499 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 640 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 44527 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5027 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 558 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 264 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1696 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 429 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 687 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 645 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 182 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 204 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 266 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 22 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 77 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21400 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4698 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 63 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 618 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1557396 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 13077417 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 672719 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-03-07 17:41
      4.0 GBytes 15395826 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb8ff356e17549de08025c63f9af587d4f815d573595f9670

      Databases: 461, row count: 15455436, size: 4.0 GB
      Found table asterisk.admin with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_backuprestore_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_heartbeat_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_notifications_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_primary_server_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.adv_recovery_serviceswitch_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ampusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.announcement with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.api_access_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_applications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_asynchronous_transaction_history with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_auth_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.api_refresh_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.areminder_updates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.arimanager with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_callees with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaign_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_campaigns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.broadcast_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_cdr with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_decks_trunks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_rate_patterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callaccounting_ratedeck with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callerid_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.calllimit_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.callrecording_module with 409 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_cas with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_certs with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_csrs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.certman_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.chat_push_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cidlookup_incoming with 28 records
      Found table asterisk.cloud_migration with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.conferencespro_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_emails with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_numbers with 75 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_speeddials with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_userman_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_websites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_entry_xmpps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_general_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_group_entries with 79 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.contactmanager_user_favorites with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cron_jobs with 34 records
      Found table asterisk.cronmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.custom_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_conference_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_email with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_managed_items with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_phone_number with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_queues with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_recording_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_server with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_users with 548 records
      Found table asterisk.cxpanel_voicemail_agent with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced with 23 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_advanced_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_analog_custom with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_configured_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_modules with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdi_spans with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dahdichandids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.daynight with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.devices with 640 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapp_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_alerts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_customapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_networks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_parkapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_phonebooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_device_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_extension_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externalline_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_externallines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_firmware_packages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_general with 11 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_lines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_logos with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpage_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_mcpages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_network_settings with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_networks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebook_entry_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_phonebooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnac_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_pnacs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_queues with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_ringtones with 14 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_status_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_statuses with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digium_phones_voicemail_translations with 59 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_addons_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_ast_versions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_downloads_bits with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_registers with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.digiumaddoninstaller_system with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.directory_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.disa with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.dynroute_dests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.emergencydevices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basefiles with 50698 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_basestations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_brand with 136 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_buttons with 5034 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customExt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_customfw with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_digium_phones_general with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ext_buttons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_extensions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_firmware with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_global with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycid_mac_mappings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_hotdesk_emergencycids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ignoreMac with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_images with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_models with 485 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_multicast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_prelog with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_ringtones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_templates with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_timezones with 36 records
      Found table asterisk.endpoint_xml with 16 records
      Found table asterisk.extensionroutes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_details with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_store with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fax_users with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.faxpro_hook_core with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.featurecodes with 72 records
      Found table asterisk.findmefollow with 512 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2ButtonContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2GroupButton with 1917 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2PermGroup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserGroup with 429 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserPlugin with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2UserTemplate with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2_notes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2buttons with 601 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2contexts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2groups with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerUserContext with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2manageracl with 13 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managersecurelevel with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2managerusers with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2permissions with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2plugins with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2recordings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.fop2users with 482 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.freepbx_settings with 227 records
      Found table asterisk.globals with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.hotelwakeup_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iax with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iaxsettings with 52 records
      Found table asterisk.incoming with 532 records
      Found table asterisk.indications_zonelist with 41 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.iot_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ivr_entries with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvblobstore with 210 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Arimanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Dashboard with 236 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Fax with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Framework with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Hooks with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_Realtime with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Adv_recovery with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Amd with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Cdr with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Conferences with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Contactmanager with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Core with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Customappsreg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Dahdiconfig with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Endpoint with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Filestore with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Firewall with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Iotserver with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Manager with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Paging with 71 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Pbxmfa with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Qxact_reports with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Recording_report with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Restapps with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomaconnect with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomacrm with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sangomartapi with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sipstation with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Sysadmin with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Userman with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voicemail with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Voipinnovations with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Webrtc with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_FreePBX_modules_Zulu with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_OOBE with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.kvstore_Sipsettings with 89 records
      Found table asterisk.language_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.languages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_logfiles with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.logfile_settings with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.manager with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.meetme with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscapps with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.miscdests with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.module_xml with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.modules with 124 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.notifications with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_billing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_cdr_temp with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_connector_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.oracle_wakeup_notify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_email with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_patterns with 97 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_sequence with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_route_trunks with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outbound_routes with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.outroutemsg with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_autoanswer with 12 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_core_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.paging_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_crons with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_exclusions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pagingpro_scheduler_range with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_announce with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.parkplus_device with 553 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_all with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_app with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_call with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_auth_via_email with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_email_templates with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_call_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_test_mail_functionality with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_backupcodes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pbxmfa_user_devices with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinset_usage with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pinsets with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pjsip with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_banner with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_booking with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_calendar with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_charges with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_config with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_connectors with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_cos_oracle with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_guest with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_maid_services with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_minibar with 10 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_models with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_privileges with 4 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rates_obrt with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rest_sales with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_restaurant with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_discounting with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_sched_room with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.pms_status with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_list with 6 records
      Found table asterisk.presencestate_prefs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentlog with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_agentstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_callstats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_livestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qs_queuestats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queueprio with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_config with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.queues_details with 87 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_agent_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_reports_scheduler with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.qxact_system_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_files with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recording_report with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.recordings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_general with 3 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_event_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_log_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_details with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_token_user_mapping with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapi_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_rtapi_conferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_settings with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.restapps_stats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ringgroups with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_account_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_phone_locations with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_sngphone_sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_device with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_pre_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomaconnect_user_setup with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_rows with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomacrm_rest_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_salesforce_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomarcrm_suitecrm_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_call_queue_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_login_register with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sangomartapi_registry with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.setcid with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sip with 21772 records
      Found table asterisk.sipsettings with 43 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_blocklisted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_deleted_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_dids with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_media with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_routing with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sms_webhooks with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_customlangs with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_packages with 135 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_prompts with 4736 records
      Found table asterisk.soundlang_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_file_references with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_errors with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_message_id_seq with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_messages with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_preferences with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_rooms with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_user_to_contact with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chat_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_chats with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.srtapi_filestore with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_mf_child with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfecta_to_incoming with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectacache with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.superfectaconfig with 7 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_expiry_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_fail2ban with 8 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_options with 15 records
      Found table asterisk.sysadmin_update_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.timeconditions with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_details with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.timegroups_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.trunk_dialpatterns with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.trunks with 5 records
      Found table asterisk.tts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ttsengines with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.ucp_sessions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_call_activity_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_directories with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_groups_settings with 68 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_template_settings with 2 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_ucp_templates with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users with 63 records
      Found table asterisk.userman_users_settings with 387 records
      Found table asterisk.users with 545 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vega_gateways_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.virtual_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_phones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.visual_phonebook_tags_contacts with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmblast_groups with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_events with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vmnotify_notifications with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.voicemail_admin with 9 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_calls with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_daemon_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_callback_log with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qpause_codes with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_qrule_detail with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.vqplus_queue_config with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webcallback with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.webrtc_clients with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_options with 1 records
      Found table asterisk.xmpp_users with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_contacts with 128 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interaction_states with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_interactions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_members with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_owners with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_actions with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_bodies with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_stream_links with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_interactions_streams with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_login_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_mobile_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_softphones with 0 records
      Found table asterisk.zulu_tokens with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cdr with 1617378 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.cel with 13080693 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.queuelog with 0 records
      Found table asteriskcdrdb.transient_cdr with 662278 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 5 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 25 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 8 records
      Found on 2024-03-06 20:18
      4.0 GBytes 15455436 rows
Data leak
7.2 GB
Domain summary
No record