South Korea
Seokyung Cable Television Co.. Ltd.
Win64 x86
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2024-04-25 05:00
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd180738e0e3215cf3d993b701d67cbb47aac8e1f3c6c74589

      Databases: 427, row count: 680565, size: 44.3 MB
      Found table kaokaoms.accounts with 1 records
      Found table kaokaoms.achievements with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.alliances with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.auth_server_channel with 20 records
      Found table kaokaoms.auth_server_channel_ip with 19 records
      Found table kaokaoms.auth_server_cs with 1 records
      Found table kaokaoms.auth_server_login with 1 records
      Found table kaokaoms.auth_server_mts with 1 records
      Found table kaokaoms.bbs_replies with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.bbs_threads with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.bosslog with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.buddies with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.cashshop_limit_sell with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.cashshop_modified_items with 81 records
      Found table kaokaoms.character_slots with 3 records
      Found table kaokaoms.characters with 3 records
      Found table kaokaoms.cheatlog with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.csequipment with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.csitems with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.drop_data with 20158 records
      Found table kaokaoms.drop_data_global with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.drop_data_vana with 9899 records
      Found table kaokaoms.dueyequipment with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.dueyitems with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.dueypackages with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.eventstats with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.famelog with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.families with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.game_poll_reply with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.gmlog with 25 records
      Found table kaokaoms.guilds with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.hiredmerch with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.hiredmerchequipment with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.hiredmerchitems with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.htsquads with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.inventoryequipment with 8 records
      Found table kaokaoms.inventoryitems with 12 records
      Found table kaokaoms.inventorylog with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.inventoryslot with 3 records
      Found table kaokaoms.ipbans with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.ipvotelog with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.keymap with 105 records
      Found table kaokaoms.macbans with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.macfilters with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.monsterbook with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mountdata with 3 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mts_cart with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mts_items with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mtsequipment with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mtsitems with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mtstransfer with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mtstransferequipment with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.mulungdojo with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.notes with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.nxcode with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.pets with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.playernpcs with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.playernpcs_equip with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.questactions with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.questinfo with 1 records
      Found table kaokaoms.questrequirements with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.queststatus with 37 records
      Found table kaokaoms.queststatusmobs with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.reactordrops with 728 records
      Found table kaokaoms.readable_cheatlog with 728 records
      Found table kaokaoms.readable_last_hour_cheatlog with 728 records
      Found table kaokaoms.regrocklocations with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.reports with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.rings with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.savedlocations with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.shopitems with 4074 records
      Found table kaokaoms.shops with 106 records
      Found table kaokaoms.skillmacros with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.skills with 4 records
      Found table kaokaoms.skills_cooldowns with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.speedruns with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.storages with 2 records
      Found table kaokaoms.trocklocations with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.wishlist with 0 records
      Found table kaokaoms.wz_oxdata with 553 records
      Found table kaokaoms.zaksquads with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.accounts with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.accountsms with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.accountswait with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.achievements with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.alliances with 1 records
      Found table maplestory.androids with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.auth_server_channel_ip with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.battlelog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.bbs_replies with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.bbs_threads with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.board with 160 records
      Found table maplestory.buddies with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.cashshop_limit_sell with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.cashshop_modified_items with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.character_slots with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.characters with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.cheatlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.compensationlog_confirmed with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.csequipment with 28 records
      Found table maplestory.csitems with 44 records
      Found table maplestory.customaccvalues with 4132 records
      Found table maplestory.donation with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.done_promotion with 189 records
      Found table maplestory.donorlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.drop_data with 33278 records
      Found table maplestory.drop_data2 with 1660 records
      Found table maplestory.drop_data_global with 6 records
      Found table maplestory.drop_data_p with 209 records
      Found table maplestory.dueyequipment with 83 records
      Found table maplestory.dueyitems with 4056 records
      Found table maplestory.dueypackages with 388 records
      Found table maplestory.extendedslots with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.famelog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.familiars with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.families with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.gmlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.guilds with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.guildskills with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.hiredmerch with 137 records
      Found table maplestory.hiredmerchequipment with 1888 records
      Found table maplestory.hiredmerchitems with 9014 records
      Found table maplestory.hyperrocklocations with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.imps with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.internlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.inventoryequipment with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.inventoryitems with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.inventorylog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.inventoryslot with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.ipbans with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.iplog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.ipvotelog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.keymap with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.log_chat with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.log_item with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.log_trade with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.macbans with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.macfilters with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.medalranks with 13 records
      Found table maplestory.monsterbook with 2207 records
      Found table maplestory.mountdata with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mts_cart with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mts_items with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mtsequipment with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mtsitems with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mtstransfer with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.mtstransferequipment with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.notes with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.nxcode with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.pets with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.pets_expick with 24 records
      Found table maplestory.playernpcs with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.playernpcs_equip with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.pokemon with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.pwreset with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.questinfo with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.queststatus with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.queststatusmobs with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.reactordrops with 767 records
      Found table maplestory.readable_last_hour_cheatlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.redopassword with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.regrocklocations with 250 records
      Found table maplestory.reports with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.rings with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.savedlocations with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.scroll_log with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.sdfsd with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.shopitems with 4096 records
      Found table maplestory.shopranks with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.shops with 117 records
      Found table maplestory.sidekicks with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.skillmacros with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.skills with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.skills_cooldowns with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.spawn with 6 records
      Found table maplestory.speedruns with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.storages with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.test5 with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.tournamentlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.trocklocations with 905 records
      Found table maplestory.web_bcomments with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_ecomments with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_events with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_gmblog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_ncomments with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_news with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_pcomments with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_profile with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_ubcomments with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.web_userblog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.wedding_data with 10 records
      Found table maplestory.wedding_reserved with 27 records
      Found table maplestory.wedding_wishlists with 11 records
      Found table maplestory.wishlist with 36 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_itemadddata with 0 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_itemdata with 14487 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_itemequipdata with 36114 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_itemrewarddata with 2026 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_mobskilldata with 678 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_oxdata with 318 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questactdata with 3107 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questactitemdata with 4162 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questactquestdata with 18 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questactskilldata with 60 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questdata with 1786 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questpartydata with 163 records
      Found table maplestory.wz_questreqdata with 9323 records
      Found table maplestory.xe_authentication with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.accounts with 141 records
      Found table maplestory2.accountswait with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.achievements with 232 records
      Found table maplestory2.alliances with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.bbs_replies with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.bbs_threads with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.buddies with 34 records
      Found table maplestory2.c_pctime with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.cashshop_modified_items with 9 records
      Found table maplestory2.character_slots with 136 records
      Found table maplestory2.characters with 193 records
      Found table maplestory2.cheatlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.csequipment with 16 records
      Found table maplestory2.csitems with 145 records
      Found table maplestory2.customaccvalues with 825 records
      Found table maplestory2.customvalues with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.dailyquestbonus with 327 records
      Found table maplestory2.drop_data with 20296 records
      Found table maplestory2.drop_data_global with 40 records
      Found table maplestory2.drop_data_p with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.dueyequipment with 69 records
      Found table maplestory2.dueyitems with 745 records
      Found table maplestory2.dueypackages with 46 records
      Found table maplestory2.extendedslots with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.famelog with 14 records
      Found table maplestory2.families with 14 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.gmlog with 3894 records
      Found table maplestory2.guilds with 2 records
      Found table maplestory2.guildskills with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.hiredmerch with 7 records
      Found table maplestory2.hiredmerchequipment with 11 records
      Found table maplestory2.hiredmerchitems with 30 records
      Found table maplestory2.hyperrocklocations with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.imps with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.internlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.inventoryequipment with 6121 records
      Found table maplestory2.inventoryitems with 17358 records
      Found table maplestory2.inventorylog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.inventoryslot with 183 records
      Found table maplestory2.ipbans with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.iplog with 2357 records
      Found table maplestory2.keymap with 7957 records
      Found table maplestory2.limitedshop with 5 records
      Found table maplestory2.loginlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.macbans with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.macfilters with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.master_ip with 1 records
      Found table maplestory2.medalranks with 9 records
      Found table maplestory2.monsterbook with 3 records
      Found table maplestory2.mountdata with 183 records
      Found table maplestory2.notes with 12 records
      Found table maplestory2.nxcode with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.pets with 208 records
      Found table maplestory2.pets_expick with 3 records
      Found table maplestory2.playernpcs with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.playernpcs_equip with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.questinfo with 607 records
      Found table maplestory2.queststatus with 16281 records
      Found table maplestory2.queststatusmobs with 740 records
      Found table maplestory2.reactordrops with 1616 records
      Found table maplestory2.readable_last_hour_cheatlog with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.redopassword with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.regrocklocations with 81 records
      Found table maplestory2.reports with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.rings with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.savedlocations with 248 records
      Found table maplestory2.scroll_log with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.shopitems with 3750 records
      Found table maplestory2.shopranks with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.shops with 118 records
      Found table maplestory2.skillmacros with 60 records
      Found table maplestory2.skills with 4594 records
      Found table maplestory2.skills_cooldowns with 5 records
      Found table maplestory2.spawn with 15 records
      Found table maplestory2.speedruns with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.storages with 129 records
      Found table maplestory2.trocklocations with 781 records
      Found table maplestory2.wedding_data with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.wedding_reserved with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.wedding_wishlists with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.wishlist with 0 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_itemadddata with 283 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_itembonusexpdata with 3 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_itemdata with 12034 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_itemequipdata with 33893 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_itemrewarddata with 2084 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_mobskilldata with 608 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_oxdata with 322 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questactdata with 4698 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questactitemdata with 5494 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questactquestdata with 19 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questactskilldata with 89 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questdata with 3112 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questpartydata with 177 records
      Found table maplestory2.wz_questreqdata with 17575 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 0 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 1 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 40 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 467 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1047 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 511 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 2 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table v92.accounts with 2674 records
      Found table v92.alliance with 0 records
      Found table v92.area_info with 0 records
      Found table v92.bbs_replies with 1 records
      Found table v92.bbs_threads with 3 records
      Found table v92.bestitems with 372 records
      Found table v92.buddies with 523 records
      Found table v92.characters with 411 records
      Found table v92.cooldowns with 14 records
      Found table v92.cs_categorydiscount with 0 records
      Found table v92.donate_log with 0 records
      Found table v92.donate_log_full with 0 records
      Found table v92.drop_data with 18715 records
      Found table v92.drop_data_global with 0 records
      Found table v92.dueyitems with 0 records
      Found table v92.dueypackages with 0 records
      Found table v92.eventstats with 0 records
      Found table v92.explog with 0 records
      Found table v92.famelog with 128 records
      Found table v92.families with 0 records
      Found table v92.family_members with 0 records
      Found table with 1 records
      Found table v92.gmlog with 0 records
      Found table v92.guilds with 8 records
      Found table v92.hiredmerchant with 0 records
      Found table v92.htsquads with 0 records
      Found table v92.hwidbans with 0 records
      Found table v92.inventoryequipment with 6222 records
      Found table v92.inventoryitems with 16013 records
      Found table v92.ipbans with 1 records
      Found table v92.iplog with 0 records
      Found table v92.keymap with 22911 records
      Found table v92.limitedgoods with 0 records
      Found table v92.macbans with 0 records
      Found table v92.macfilters with 0 records
      Found table v92.machineidbans with 0 records
      Found table v92.makercreatedata with 1849 records
      Found table v92.makerrecipedata with 3582 records
      Found table v92.makerrewarddata with 196 records
      Found table v92.marriages with 0 records
      Found table v92.medalmaps with 113775 records
      Found table v92.migrations with 0 records
      Found table v92.modifiedcashitems with 23 records
      Found table v92.monsterbook with 3070 records
      Found table v92.monstercarddata with 308 records
      Found table v92.monsterkills with 335 records
      Found table v92.mts_bids with 0 records
      Found table v92.mts_cart with 0 records
      Found table v92.mts_history with 0 records
      Found table v92.mts_items with 0 records
      Found table v92.mts_wanted with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table v92.notes with 187 records
      Found table v92.nxcode with 0 records
      Found table v92.password_resets with 0 records
      Found table v92.pets with 86 records
      Found table v92.playernpcs with 1 records
      Found table v92.playernpcs_equip with 6 records
      Found table v92.pqhistory with 18 records
      Found table v92.pqranks with 0 records
      Found table v92.questactions with 0 records
      Found table v92.questprogress with 114761 records
      Found table v92.questrequirements with 0 records
      Found table v92.queststatus with 15401 records
      Found table v92.queue_vp with 0 records
      Found table v92.queue_xp with 0 records
      Found table v92.reactordrops with 832 records
      Found table v92.reports with 0 records
      Found table v92.responses with 0 records
      Found table v92.rings with 2 records
      Found table v92.savedlocations with 75 records
      Found table v92.serverstatus with 9 records
      Found table v92.sessions with 0 records
      Found table v92.settings with 1 records
      Found table v92.shopitems with 3482 records
      Found table v92.shops with 104 records
      Found table v92.skill_ranking with 0 records
      Found table v92.skill_ranking_total with 0 records
      Found table v92.skillmacros with 78 records
      Found table v92.skills with 3679 records
      Found table v92.slayertasks with 0 records
      Found table v92.storages with 267 records
      Found table v92.trocklocations with 521 records
      Found table v92.vote_log with 0 records
      Found table v92.web_account with 0 records
      Found table v92.web_activatetokens with 2441 records
      Found table v92.web_gdcache with 0 records
      Found table v92.web_logintokens with 739 records
      Found table v92.web_news with 13 records
      Found table v92.web_pages with 5 records
      Found table v92.web_passchangetoken with 266 records
      Found table v92.web_shop with 7 records
      Found table v92.weblogs with 0 records
      Found table v92.weddings with 0 records
      Found table v92.wishlists with 44 records
      Found table v92.zaksquads with 0 records
      Found on 2024-04-25 05:00
      44.3 MBytes 680565 rows
Data leak
44.3 MB
Domain summary
No record