CentOS Linux 7 (Core) 3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64
  • Kafka instance is public
    Port: 9092
    First seen 2022-12-09 15:48
    Last seen 2024-09-13 23:07
    Open for 644 days
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0e2040aec3ab51aa49e6ee0157c86a5e9b8ce627

      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found on 2024-09-13 23:07
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf0f6db627393b35cb1dec12041ab2783fb

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2024-09-11 22:08
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaa27f158e1b48214f842118f7ea213e9261f3b73d

      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found on 2024-09-09 22:41
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaff09df6e42ae4e6e8a91e9253c440f2cea929c91

      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2024-09-07 23:04
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaab274e09a12f418936ad51ac600686bca8e4305cd

      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2024-09-05 22:30
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf0213726bef55e6c3ee2a65e1f9f6a53a1

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found on 2024-09-03 22:07
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf0f6e398034f727bf38eacd3d3777257d7

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-08-31 20:47
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0e2040ae05f296aeb498e7691799611bdabe4b7f

      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found on 2024-08-29 21:18
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa808a17714b8ddaede74a44a92e58dcc1edbf7753

      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2024-08-27 21:28
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf082d41dacdbe1797c1b919148e244e6eb

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2024-08-25 20:47
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa13f02d01a2b6c1d02561a6a4def01dbe35a25cb7

      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found on 2024-08-23 21:11
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace2b971385ba068c1250457678879b2613

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found on 2024-08-21 21:59
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaab274e09a9b1a1dcfbd569e78ead1a7946c6e6835

      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found on 2024-08-19 21:58
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaebce911f5beadfa724874e8beb759ba9ab7b2433

      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2024-08-17 20:54
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaff09df6e0a34eeec339c01f5d409e17ca12b1935

      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found on 2024-08-15 21:06
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaff09df6e4f97276fbada1f035fcbaf6837bde68f

      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2024-08-13 22:42
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace245bec6031f2469355519f7f9878b943

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found on 2024-08-11 22:07
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa72169b0e0d33b3cff15bd6639c4dbef20d0ee0f7

      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found on 2024-08-09 22:47
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa582a5ae95a366549e8ce987b29e6b19a97d1ac99

      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2024-08-07 21:21
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa9002705c9b550b654665c295536057fce9eda84b

      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found on 2024-08-05 22:27
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa582a5ae95a3665497cb597361a030ddaeff81ecb

      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found on 2024-08-02 00:36
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace109c5705fbae88a59d1b71f11e7e127f

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found on 2024-07-31 22:40
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa9002705c4aa289ad21f3578f86caebedda0b1daf

      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found on 2024-07-29 19:53
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67aceda5efc8cc493f155ae1410d5c269b19f

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2024-07-27 22:39
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace6f54a1d680360534e5788322e699fe93

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base_alive
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic change_machine_stock_output
      Found topic refresh_replenishment_output
      Found topic tally_ai_pic_output
      Found topic account_use_output
      Found topic change_on_line_sku_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic wechat_cancel_score_output
      Found topic iot_alive_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic pic_result_output
      Found topic order_fee_calculate_output
      Found topic order_sku_stock_output
      Found topic QUEUE_R_ORDER
      Found on 2024-07-25 22:14
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa874ba6e2206090b662ede9c15bed7185d00b7088

      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found on 2023-09-22 21:19
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67acee9a532d9570304ddf03b7084d599a852

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found on 2023-09-19 17:31
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa874ba6e23690f3904eb5fcc1d627e4361f14ce0c

      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found on 2023-09-18 21:43
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67acee9a532d974c5be8737266fdfd7bb7c3c

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2023-09-16 12:54
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf0219808c59fa5fde98d0b16531f74e568

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2023-09-12 20:11
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa03ef8cf03a322d4f9264ef01a8fa5701a69d0404

      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found on 2023-09-10 09:12
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaac1de99bdb5d75124c4aa3fab9e03ca20397dbfc

      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2023-09-06 23:04
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa08d49bae66bb8b2c06e3e0946ae5e2d97c5eb4de

      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2023-09-03 13:10
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442ab9a8774ecd6caf1db67d4c8a6f603476

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
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      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found on 2023-08-31 09:58
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace5598e69dac7f46b4d75c9fecfc9871f6

      Found topic hbl_log
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      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
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      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found on 2023-08-27 19:12
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaac1de99b53c5ec2d6a912346952a13943da5aae4

      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
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      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2023-08-26 12:59
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace5598e69d2ac118e5c3b08c23d1cc0198

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found on 2023-08-25 05:30
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa7a9a79d9f06809f09d6b71e28916d52b91fcfe9a

      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found on 2023-08-24 05:30
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa7a9a79d9f84172969f8b84426ff9fc73e35497f8

      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found on 2023-08-21 08:21
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaad9d96ec075cab811435c5f46c2852cf801c18f08

      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found on 2023-08-20 01:53
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaac1de99be7fda7a4fbc049f2b4ee61d532d8dcfc

      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found on 2023-08-19 12:39
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a1cdce253d9e94923905975fae684c2a6

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found on 2023-08-18 11:27
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa034a2fc134271513fd4f4bf90e0e5d4e36026a72

      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found on 2023-08-16 10:37
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa874ba6e29302456a4a61f52b5eece77361b4388e

      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found on 2023-08-15 19:16
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa383082d513d3fd0cb798f7b5bffc2b86c1e1d882

      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found on 2023-08-04 22:32
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa6d89803ccc79cf6d35ae228d610c933ff2184406

      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic push_sms_source_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic push_third_api_output
      Found topic inMemorySwaggerResourcesProvider-out-0
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_output
      Found topic push_third_api_input
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic push_third_delayed_api_input
      Found topic sms_info_input
      Found topic push_sms_sink_input
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic sms_info_notify_back_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found on 2023-07-19 01:58
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaadf7661e3ef34d76c70da67ae3da1cf4d8bfe23cd

      Found topic demo_default_input
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic demo_reply
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic demo_default_output
      Found on 2023-01-20 15:06
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa52dfd6d2ec0a5a386cec79f7f8cdfd2372df7343

      Found topic demo_default_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic demo_default_input
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic demo_reply
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found on 2023-01-03 10:15
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa7a9a79d9ea432fe576673227f2246185eb9f7d43

      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic demo_reply
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found topic demo_default_input
      Found topic demo_default_output
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2022-12-19 07:13
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa23f67ace5598e69d3f3172059745ef354aacd969

      Found topic hbl_log
      Found topic central_hbl_output
      Found topic hbl_iot
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hbl_iot_config
      Found topic central_sf_output
      Found topic hbl_to_es
      Found topic demo_default_input
      Found topic demo_default_output
      Found topic central_hbl2_output
      Found topic central_v1_output
      Found topic demo_reply
      Found topic hbl_iot_base
      Found on 2022-12-09 15:48
  • ElasticSearch is publicly available
    First seen 2022-11-06 17:43
    Last seen 2023-01-17 13:52
    Open for 71 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466a1e32f8cb4e54184dd88b779f78ae8182085f19ab808029

      Indices: 211, document count: 1221024525, size: 146.2 GB
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      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 1936 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.13 with 1879178 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.14 with 1879892 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.14 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.13 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.16 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.15 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.12 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.11 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.17 with 3 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (439.7 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 40 documents (67.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (26.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 539310 documents (50.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 636788 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2023-01 with 22 documents (12.6 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (22.3 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2023-01 with 310864 documents (19.5 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2023-01 with 56911167 documents (8.5 GB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_ex_recog_order_result_idx__2022-12 with 5 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_ex_recog_order_result_idx__2022-11 with 26 documents (59.8 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-2 with 15049672 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-1 with 14169617 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-0 with 14574592 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2023-01 with 3264 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-12 with 1613 documents (587.4 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 5049 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.11 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.13 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.12 with 207312 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.15 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.14 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.17 with 96 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.16 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found on 2023-01-17 13:52
      146.2 GBytes 1221024525 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b7572017b0f62269bcead14f5752b3b6a973426d343193fc

      Indices: 208, document count: 1154545785, size: 135.0 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.30 with 1774290 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.31 with 1799933 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2023-01 with 31663 documents (11.4 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-10 with 20814 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-11 with 14955 documents (10.8 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-12 with 7575 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index recog_order_state_idx with 45033 documents (5.3 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.29 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-12 with 94764 documents (8.3 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-05 with 8742 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.30 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-06 with 1737 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.31 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-07 with 2016 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-10 with 109677 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.29 with 1775969 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-08 with 7788 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-11 with 101489 documents (8.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-09 with 15126 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-0 with 33423 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-1 with 1474851 documents (194.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-2 with 55961 documents (6.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-09 with 68316 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2023-01 with 10 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2023-01 with 84 documents (237.4 kB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-05 with 55109 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-06 with 14024 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-07 with 38362 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-08 with 30086 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-01 with 42750 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-02 with 32811 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-03 with 91928 documents (8.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-04 with 56536 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.03 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-0 with 13401632 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.02 with 8639 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.04 with 3 documents (150.7 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2023.01.01 with 8640 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-2 with 10528166 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-1 with 5862496 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-11 with 538721 documents (142.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-12 with 482158 documents (125.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-10 with 591515 documents (156.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2023-01-0 with 3684367 documents (513.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-12 with 529561 documents (74.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-11 with 843137 documents (118.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2021-07 with 0 documents (849 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-08 with 161574 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-09 with 363748 documents (96.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-10 with 717296 documents (101.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-06 with 91937 documents (24.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2023-01 with 7514 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-07 with 234312 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-04 with 328753 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-05 with 304550 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-02 with 190768 documents (48.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-03 with 531601 documents (138.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-01 with 243162 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-01 with 3108 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-2 with 9614827 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-02 with 2568 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-03 with 4611 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-0 with 5384690 documents (663.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-1 with 12401521 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-04 with 6675 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-10 with 535566 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-11 with 518400 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-12 with 535588 documents (31.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-2 with 13861068 documents (1.9 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-1 with 5117763 documents (830.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-0 with 8905167 documents (1.3 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-02 with 483840 documents (27.6 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-03 with 535674 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-04 with 501462 documents (28.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-05 with 535680 documents (30.9 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-06 with 479873 documents (27.1 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-07 with 496674 documents (28.3 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-08 with 438900 documents (25.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-09 with 443298 documents (25.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-01 with 714240 documents (40.7 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-04 with 668604 documents (38.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-05 with 714240 documents (43.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-02 with 645120 documents (37.3 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-01 with 535680 documents (30.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-03 with 653994 documents (39.0 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-08 with 558708 documents (32.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-09 with 515363 documents (30.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-06 with 639825 documents (37.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-07 with 660666 documents (38.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-1 with 795963 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-2 with 832688 documents (150.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-0 with 967324 documents (188.2 MB)
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-11 with 691200 documents (40.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-12 with 714120 documents (41.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-10 with 711664 documents (41.7 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-11 with 139454 documents (32.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-12 with 3713 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2023-01 with 68404 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-12 with 106311204 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-11 with 102689888 documents (10.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-10 with 106287539 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 246 documents (103.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 421060 documents (38.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 671476 documents (60.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 1936 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 568452 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.04 with 91786 documents (83.6 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (439.7 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.01 with 1851010 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 40 documents (67.5 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.02 with 1853139 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2023.01.03 with 1854680 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (26.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 539310 documents (50.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 636788 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (22.3 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2023-01 with 16 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2023-01 with 10458824 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.02 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.01 with 207312 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.04 with 96 documents (538.0 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2023.01.03 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_ex_recog_order_result_idx__2022-12 with 5 documents (131.6 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_ex_recog_order_result_idx__2022-11 with 26 documents (59.8 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-2 with 15049672 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-1 with 14169617 documents (2.0 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-0 with 14574592 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2023-01 with 69 documents (261.4 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.29 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-12 with 1613 documents (587.4 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 5049 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.31 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.30 with 207288 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found on 2023-01-04 01:25
      135.0 GBytes 1154545785 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df467c5cb39cc9014edce2faa306cf5de6daa9e5449448ec7972

      Indices: 370, document count: 1032261668, size: 124.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index access_logger_2022-10 with 20814 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-11 with 14955 documents (10.8 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-12 with 3081 documents (2.4 MB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_order_state_idx with 42992 documents (5.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-12 with 28417 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index access_logger_2022-05 with 8742 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-06 with 1737 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-10 with 109677 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-07 with 2016 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-08 with 7788 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-11 with 101489 documents (8.9 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-09 with 15126 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-0 with 33423 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_segment-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-1 with 1474851 documents (194.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-2 with 55961 documents (6.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-09 with 68316 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-05 with 55109 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-06 with 14024 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-07 with 38362 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-08 with 30086 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-01 with 42750 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-02 with 32811 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-03 with 91928 documents (8.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-04 with 56536 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-0 with 13401632 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-2 with 10528166 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-1 with 5862496 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-11 with 538721 documents (142.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-12 with 134233 documents (46.4 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-10 with 591515 documents (156.4 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.07 with 4 documents (1.7 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-12 with 122112 documents (27.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-11 with 843137 documents (118.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2021-07 with 0 documents (849 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-08 with 161574 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-09 with 363748 documents (96.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-06 with 91937 documents (24.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-10 with 717296 documents (101.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-07 with 234312 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-04 with 328753 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-05 with 304550 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-02 with 190768 documents (48.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-03 with 531601 documents (138.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-01 with 243162 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-01 with 3108 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-2 with 9614827 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-02 with 2568 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-0 with 5384690 documents (663.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-03 with 4611 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-1 with 12401521 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-04 with 6675 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-10 with 535566 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-11 with 518400 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-12 with 115750 documents (8.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.05 with 8640 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.06 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.03 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.04 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.01 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.02 with 8564 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-2 with 13861068 documents (1.9 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-1 with 5117763 documents (830.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-0 with 8905167 documents (1.3 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-02 with 483840 documents (27.6 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-03 with 535674 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-04 with 501462 documents (28.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-05 with 535680 documents (30.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-06 with 479873 documents (27.1 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-07 with 496674 documents (28.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-08 with 438900 documents (25.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-09 with 443298 documents (25.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-01 with 714240 documents (40.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-04 with 668604 documents (38.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-05 with 714240 documents (43.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-02 with 645120 documents (37.3 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-03 with 653994 documents (39.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-01 with 535680 documents (30.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-08 with 558708 documents (32.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-09 with 515363 documents (30.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-06 with 639825 documents (37.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-07 with 660666 documents (38.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-1 with 795963 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-2 with 832688 documents (150.7 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-0 with 967324 documents (188.2 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.01 with 3255189 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.02 with 3330758 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.03 with 3253799 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.04 with 3252684 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-11 with 691200 documents (40.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-12 with 154336 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-10 with 711664 documents (41.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-11 with 139454 documents (32.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-12 with 3713 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-12 with 23798522 documents (2.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-11 with 102689888 documents (10.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-10 with 106287539 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 72 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 421060 documents (38.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 671476 documents (60.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 1936 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 568452 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.05 with 3251181 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.06 with 3253047 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.07 with 3018398 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (439.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 39 documents (82.0 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (26.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 68786 documents (9.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 636788 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.02 with 200182 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.03 with 207288 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.01 with 190014 documents (13.3 MB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.06 with 207264 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (22.3 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.07 with 96 documents (6.5 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.04 with 207288 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.05 with 207264 documents (13.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index sw_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-0 with 8963035 documents (1.8 GB)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_ui_template with 11 documents (38.7 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-12 with 850 documents (340.2 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 5049 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found on 2022-12-07 22:31
      124.7 GBytes 1032261668 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46dc32fa67ad48bf7906328ef3aee8e6c3282f157a026d4de4

      Indices: 370, document count: 1018707030, size: 122.6 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index access_logger_2022-10 with 20814 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-11 with 14955 documents (10.8 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-12 with 1704 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_order_state_idx with 42720 documents (5.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-12 with 18565 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index access_logger_2022-05 with 8742 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-06 with 1737 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-07 with 2016 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-10 with 109677 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-08 with 7788 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-11 with 101489 documents (8.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-09 with 15126 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-0 with 33423 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_segment-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-1 with 1474851 documents (194.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-2 with 55961 documents (6.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-09 with 68316 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-05 with 55109 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-06 with 14024 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-07 with 38362 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-08 with 30086 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-01 with 42750 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-02 with 32811 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-03 with 91928 documents (8.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-04 with 56536 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-0 with 13401632 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-2 with 10528166 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-1 with 5862496 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-11 with 538721 documents (142.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-12 with 92216 documents (34.3 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-10 with 591515 documents (156.4 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-12 with 67883 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-11 with 843137 documents (118.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2021-07 with 0 documents (849 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-08 with 161574 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-09 with 363748 documents (96.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-06 with 91937 documents (24.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-10 with 717296 documents (101.3 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-07 with 234312 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-04 with 328753 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-05 with 304550 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-02 with 190768 documents (48.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-03 with 531601 documents (138.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-01 with 243162 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-01 with 3108 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-2 with 9614827 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-02 with 2568 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-03 with 4611 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-0 with 5384690 documents (663.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-1 with 12401521 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-04 with 6675 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.29 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-10 with 535566 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-11 with 518400 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-12 with 77158 documents (5.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.05 with 3 documents (849.0 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.03 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.04 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.01 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.12.02 with 8564 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.30 with 8640 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-2 with 13861068 documents (1.9 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-1 with 5117763 documents (830.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-0 with 8905167 documents (1.3 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-02 with 483840 documents (27.6 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-03 with 535674 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-04 with 501462 documents (28.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-05 with 535680 documents (30.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-06 with 479873 documents (27.1 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-07 with 496674 documents (28.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-08 with 438900 documents (25.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-09 with 443298 documents (25.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-01 with 714240 documents (40.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-04 with 668604 documents (38.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-05 with 714240 documents (43.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-02 with 645120 documents (37.3 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-01 with 535680 documents (30.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-03 with 653994 documents (39.0 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-08 with 558708 documents (32.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-09 with 515363 documents (30.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-06 with 639825 documents (37.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-07 with 660666 documents (38.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-1 with 795963 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-2 with 832688 documents (150.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.30 with 3182396 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-0 with 967324 documents (188.2 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.01 with 3255189 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.02 with 3330758 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.03 with 3253799 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.04 with 3252684 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-11 with 691200 documents (40.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-12 with 102872 documents (6.4 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-10 with 711664 documents (41.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-11 with 139454 documents (32.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-12 with 3644 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.29 with 3160004 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-12 with 14926930 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-11 with 102689888 documents (10.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-10 with 106287539 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 13 documents (299.2 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 421060 documents (38.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 671476 documents (60.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 568452 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 1936 documents (6.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.12.05 with 1466304 documents (770.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (439.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 39 documents (82.0 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (26.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-12 with 33329 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 636788 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.29 with 189992 documents (13.3 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.02 with 200182 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.03 with 207288 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.01 with 190014 documents (13.3 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (12.9 kB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.04 with 207288 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.12.05 with 72 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.30 with 203868 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index sw_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-12-0 with 6248213 documents (1.4 GB)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_ui_template with 11 documents (38.7 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-12 with 628 documents (269.6 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 5049 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found on 2022-12-05 11:12
      122.6 GBytes 1018707030 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ade6c799eee1381b26fd2fddbce4bbe1bcca6f0cd952ce1b

      Indices: 359, document count: 954446176, size: 114.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index access_logger_2022-10 with 20814 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-11 with 12588 documents (8.7 MB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_order_state_idx with 41399 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index access_logger_2022-05 with 8742 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-06 with 1737 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-10 with 109677 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-07 with 2016 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-08 with 7788 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-11 with 70704 documents (12.4 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-09 with 15126 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-0 with 33423 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_segment-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-1 with 1474851 documents (194.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-2 with 55961 documents (6.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-09 with 68316 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-05 with 55109 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-06 with 14024 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-07 with 38362 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-08 with 30086 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-01 with 42750 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-02 with 32811 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-03 with 91928 documents (8.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-04 with 56536 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-0 with 13401632 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-2 with 10528166 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-1 with 5862496 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-11 with 311190 documents (145.6 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-10 with 591515 documents (156.4 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-12 with 20424 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-11 with 626577 documents (90.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2021-07 with 0 documents (849 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-08 with 161574 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-09 with 363748 documents (96.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-06 with 91937 documents (24.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-10 with 717296 documents (101.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-07 with 234312 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-04 with 328753 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-05 with 304550 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-02 with 190768 documents (48.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-03 with 531601 documents (138.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-01 with 243162 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-2 with 9614827 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-01 with 3108 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-02 with 2568 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-0 with 5384690 documents (663.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-03 with 4611 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-04 with 6675 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-1 with 12401521 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-10 with 535566 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-11 with 371220 documents (22.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-2 with 1477850 documents (289.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-1 with 5117763 documents (830.1 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-0 with 8905167 documents (1.3 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-02 with 483840 documents (27.6 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-03 with 535674 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.20 with 3149227 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-04 with 501462 documents (28.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-05 with 535680 documents (30.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.21 with 3157514 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.22 with 3158943 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-06 with 479873 documents (27.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-07 with 496674 documents (28.3 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.23 with 445899 documents (459.4 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-08 with 438900 documents (25.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-09 with 443298 documents (25.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-01 with 714240 documents (40.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-04 with 668604 documents (38.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-05 with 714240 documents (43.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-02 with 645120 documents (37.3 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-03 with 653994 documents (39.0 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-01 with 535680 documents (30.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-08 with 558708 documents (32.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-09 with 515363 documents (30.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-06 with 639825 documents (37.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-07 with 660666 documents (38.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.17 with 3150284 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.18 with 3150289 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.19 with 3150291 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-1 with 795963 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-2 with 832688 documents (150.7 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-0 with 967324 documents (188.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-11 with 494960 documents (29.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-10 with 711664 documents (41.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-11 with 113800 documents (26.3 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-11 with 75010513 documents (7.8 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-10 with 106287539 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 421060 documents (38.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 671476 documents (60.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 568452 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 1710 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (440.0 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 38 documents (60.0 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (23.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 488868 documents (45.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (12.9 kB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.17 with 181356 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.19 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.18 with 181377 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.22 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.21 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.23 with 63 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.20 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.18 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.17 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.19 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.21 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.20 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.23 with 4 documents (305.3 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.22 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index sw_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index sw_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_ui_template with 11 documents (38.7 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 4315 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found on 2022-11-23 03:25
      114.3 GBytes 954446176 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4624fdfde7ba4fcdf9ce2c1d73047261614392eb8cb2eac938

      Indices: 357, document count: 889680656, size: 107.5 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index access_logger_2022-10 with 20814 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-11 with 4953 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_browser_error_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_order_state_idx with 39142 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-cpm-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index access_logger_2022-05 with 8742 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-06 with 1737 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-10 with 109677 documents (9.7 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-07 with 2016 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_segment-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-11 with 21225 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-08 with 7788 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-09 with 15126 documents (9.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-0 with 33423 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_segment-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-1 with 1474851 documents (194.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-07-2 with 55961 documents (6.1 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-09 with 68316 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-doubleavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_net-2022-05 with 55109 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-06 with 14024 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-07 with 38362 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-08 with 30086 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-01 with 42750 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-02 with 32811 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-03 with 91928 documents (8.0 MB)
      Found index machine_net-2022-04 with 56536 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-0 with 13401632 documents (2.3 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-2 with 10528166 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-10-1 with 5862496 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-11 with 72827 documents (26.7 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-10 with 591515 documents (156.4 MB)
      Found index sw_top_n_database_statement-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-12 with 20424 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-11 with 174841 documents (24.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2021-07 with 0 documents (849 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-08 with 161574 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-09 with 363748 documents (96.1 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-06 with 91937 documents (24.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-10 with 717296 documents (101.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-07 with 234312 documents (63.5 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-04 with 328753 documents (85.4 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-05 with 304550 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-02 with 190768 documents (48.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-03 with 531601 documents (138.6 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-pro_2022-01 with 243162 documents (59.5 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-01 with 3108 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-2 with 9614827 documents (1.2 GB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-02 with 2568 documents (1.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-03 with 4611 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-0 with 5384690 documents (663.6 MB)
      Found index access_logger_2022-04 with 6675 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-08-1 with 12401521 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_log-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-10 with 535566 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-11 with 63372 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-11-0 with 6036181 documents (1.0 GB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-02 with 483840 documents (27.6 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-03 with 535674 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-04 with 501462 documents (28.7 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-05 with 535680 documents (30.9 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-06 with 479873 documents (27.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-07 with 496674 documents (28.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-08 with 438900 documents (25.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-09 with 443298 documents (25.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-01 with 714240 documents (40.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-histogram-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-04 with 668604 documents (38.8 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-05 with 714240 documents (43.1 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-02 with 645120 documents (37.3 MB)
      Found index device_gateway_monitor_2022-01 with 535680 documents (30.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-03 with 653994 documents (39.0 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-08 with 558708 documents (32.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-09 with 515363 documents (30.1 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-06 with 639825 documents (37.5 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-07 with 660666 documents (38.3 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percent-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-1 with 795963 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-2 with 832688 documents (150.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_alarm_record-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-05-0 with 967324 documents (188.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-11 with 84496 documents (6.2 MB)
      Found index device_metrics_2022-10 with 711664 documents (41.7 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-longavg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-11 with 18968 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.10.31 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.02 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.01 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.04 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.03 with 181377 documents (12.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.06 with 63 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-logstash-7-2022.11.05 with 181377 documents (13.0 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-11 with 19987458 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-10 with 106287539 documents (10.8 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 421060 documents (38.5 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 671476 documents (60.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 568452 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 311 documents (542.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 1097 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 449417 documents (40.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 749254 documents (69.8 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-05 with 105123866 documents (10.7 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 411242 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-04 with 99864423 documents (10.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 744790 documents (68.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 710307 documents (65.8 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-09 with 95300558 documents (9.5 GB)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-08 with 96384078 documents (9.7 GB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-07 with 94633697 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 433361 documents (41.0 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-sum-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index jetlinks-metrics_2022-06 with 93236759 documents (9.4 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-0 with 733283 documents (143.8 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-1 with 460911 documents (83.2 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-06-2 with 9319 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-02 with 204 documents (440.0 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 192 documents (579.3 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 176 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 2354 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 37 documents (80.7 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_zipkin_span-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-max-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-09 with 1319 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-06 with 24305 documents (23.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-10 with 526615 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 294 documents (482.4 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 682 documents (722.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_index_node-hbl_2022-07 with 248 documents (516.6 kB)
      Found index hbl_preorder_status_index_node-hbl_2022-11 with 139904 documents (12.9 MB)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_meter-avg-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-apdex-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (12.9 kB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2021-10 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-0 with 1986489 documents (543.9 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-1 with 1975378 documents (537.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-1 with 1279670 documents (290.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-2 with 2696991 documents (673.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-01 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-03 with 8 documents (101.8 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-04 with 1 documents (17.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-05 with 6 documents (68.5 kB)
      Found index hbl_video_order_index_node-hbl_2022-08 with 9 documents (73.7 kB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.01 with 3149706 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.02 with 3147977 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-08 with 31371 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-09 with 17532 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.03 with 3141637 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-06 with 53333 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-07 with 3808 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index sw_instance_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-04 with 69651 documents (17.0 MB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-05 with 92746 documents (23.9 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-02 with 2533 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.10.31 with 3066844 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-03 with 61729 documents (16.5 MB)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_endpoint_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-01 with 2414 documents (902.2 kB)
      Found index device_log_hbl-base_2022-10 with 88305 documents (20.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-03-0 with 1455143 documents (338.4 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-2 with 1461919 documents (420.6 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-0 with 11558570 documents (2.6 GB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-04-1 with 1061154 documents (211.9 MB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task_segment_snapshot-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-rate-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.04 with 3143389 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.05 with 3140220 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.11.06 with 2209817 documents (1.1 GB)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-06 with 2993 documents (931.9 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-05 with 3958 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-04 with 2553 documents (833.4 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-03 with 11038 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_client_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_events-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-02 with 1232 documents (600.7 kB)
      Found index sw_events-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-01 with 2386 documents (773.6 kB)
      Found index sw_network_address_alias-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-1 with 10495390 documents (1.6 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-2 with 13158712 documents (2.1 GB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-09-0 with 10617364 documents (1.5 GB)
      Found index sw_log-20220728 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_log-20220727 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-09 with 858361 documents (117.1 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-08 with 534775 documents (66.0 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.06 with 3 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-05 with 178502 documents (25.3 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-04 with 167143 documents (24.4 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-07 with 662512 documents (88.0 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-06 with 134454 documents (18.9 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-01 with 178347 documents (25.5 MB)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-03 with 174927 documents (25.9 MB)
      Found index sw_events-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index recog_state_idx_2022-02 with 161093 documents (23.5 MB)
      Found index sw_log-20220729 with 0 documents (1.4 kB)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_profile_task-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.03 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.02 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_ui_template with 11 documents (38.7 kB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.05 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.04 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.10.31 with 8639 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.11.01 with 8640 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index sw_metrics-percentile-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-1 with 1052970 documents (237.2 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-2 with 1417690 documents (321.6 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-01-0 with 933234 documents (204.0 MB)
      Found index hbl_log-2022-02-2 with 1261062 documents (354.4 MB)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220728 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_instance_relation_server_side-20220729 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_relation_server_side-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-11 with 2264 documents (649.9 kB)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-10 with 2726 documents (800.0 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220723 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220726 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-09 with 1254 documents (502.7 kB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220727 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-08 with 3651 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220724 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index machine_exception-2022-07 with 11506 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index sw_service_traffic-20220725 with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found on 2022-11-06 17:43
      107.5 GBytes 889680656 rows
  • ElasticSearch is publicly available
    First seen 2022-05-26 16:48
    Last seen 2022-05-27 22:03
    Open for 1 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46099f85afc7326f82def973c3d63507912d482ea383ba8845

      Indices: 17, document count: 912546, size: 643.2 MB
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 11 documents (41.4 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.27 with 60298 documents (93.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.23 with 129637 documents (94.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.22 with 8640 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.21 with 5984 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (22.3 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.24 with 146918 documents (106.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.25 with 164205 documents (113.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.24 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.26 with 181450 documents (123.8 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.23 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.26 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.25 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.21 with 65883 documents (29.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.22 with 112344 documents (65.2 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.27 with 2618 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found on 2022-05-27 22:03
      643.2 MBytes 912546 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df460d0b6f5a58f1d1650e3c4a16ae6f280ee089004e6c931be7

      Indices: 15, document count: 659637, size: 477.1 MB
      Found index .apm-agent-configuration with 0 documents (283 B)
      Found index .kibana_1 with 11 documents (41.4 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.23 with 129637 documents (94.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.22 with 8640 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .kibana_task_manager_1 with 2 documents (22.3 kB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.21 with 5984 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.24 with 146918 documents (106.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.25 with 164205 documents (113.9 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.24 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.26 with 93 documents (54.2 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.23 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.26 with 3 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-kibana-7-2022.05.25 with 8639 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.21 with 65883 documents (29.5 MB)
      Found index .monitoring-es-7-2022.05.22 with 112344 documents (65.2 MB)
      Found on 2022-05-26 16:48
      477.1 MBytes 659637 rows
Data leak
146.2 GB
Domain summary
No record