Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Company Limited
el7 x86_64
Software information

nginx nginx 1.24.0

tcp/443 tcp/80

  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2024-01-17 14:14
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd564195777117546cbd2cf25f707f7410019eaaa90e215bd6

      Databases: 1226, row count: 811314, size: 201.5 MB
      Found table ancientpoem.a_scenic_area with 49 records
      Found table ancientpoem.anthology with 81 records
      Found table ancientpoem.api_url_log with 25604 records
      Found table ancientpoem.collection with 109 records
      Found table ancientpoem.complaints with 8 records
      Found table ancientpoem.dubbing with 4 records
      Found table ancientpoem.grade with 6 records
      Found table ancientpoem.likenum with 20 records
      Found table ancientpoem.realm_functional with 18 records
      Found table ancientpoem.realm_functional_role with 17 records
      Found table ancientpoem.realm_role with 1 records
      Found table ancientpoem.realm_user with 2 records
      Found table ancientpoem.realm_user_role with 2 records
      Found table ancientpoem.user_dubbing with 76 records
      Found table ancientpoem.user_info with 810 records
      Found table ancientpoem.user_info_user_scenic_area with 0 records
      Found table ancientpoem.user_scenic_area with 73 records
      Found table ancientpoem.user_sound with 48 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.interactive with 5 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.multiple_categories with 198 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.r_realm_functional with 42 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.r_realm_functional_role with 42 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.r_realm_user with 5 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.r_realm_user_role with 5 records
      Found table attractionsbigdatademo.value_type with 127 records
      Found table big_data_demo.multiple_categories with 198 records
      Found table big_data_demo.r_realm_functional with 45 records
      Found table big_data_demo.r_realm_functional_role with 42 records
      Found table big_data_demo.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table big_data_demo.r_realm_user with 5 records
      Found table big_data_demo.r_realm_user_role with 5 records
      Found table big_data_demo.value_type with 131 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.administrative_penalty with 6 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.coordinator_checks with 5 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.dangerous_goods with 1330 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.dangerous_goods_c1 with 345 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.enterprise with 107 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.enterprisec1 with 26 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.gas_type with 13 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.gas_type_copy1 with 13 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.induction_perception with 6 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.push_notifications with 2 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.push_notifications_record with 5 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.r_realm_functional with 20 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.r_realm_functional_role with 20 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.r_realm_user with 5 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.r_realm_user_role with 5 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.supervision_inspection with 8 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.user with 2 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.video_event with 1 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.video_found with 1 records
      Found table chemicaldrugs.video_found_count with 5 records
      Found table edu_baby.sys_conf with 0 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_activity_info with 1 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_ad with 7 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_baby_school with 13 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_baby_school_type with 3 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_class with 4 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_class_teacher with 0 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_resource with 29 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_role with 2 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_role_resource with 105 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_user with 3 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cms_user_role with 2 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_cookbooks with 4 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_footsteps with 59 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_index_photo with 0 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_information with 0 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_invite_code with 19 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_jdbc_river_log with 1 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_message with 223 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_message_pic with 462 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_message_replay with 147 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_replay with 140 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_school with 2 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_school_mailbox with 2 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_teacher_info with 8 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_user with 55 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_verify_code with 0 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_video_frame with 33 records
      Found table edu_baby.t_wisdom_edu with 17 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_app_download with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_appointment with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_business with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_resource with 28 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_role with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_role_resource with 40 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_user with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_cms_user_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_complaint with 10 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_resource with 16 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_role with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_role_resource with 25 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_user with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_dis_cms_user_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_activity with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_base with 56 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_img with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_imgtext with 38 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_question with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_content_scenic with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_menu with 76 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_doc_type with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_message with 29 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_scenic_spot_marketing with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu.t_user_distribution with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_car with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_carpark with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_carpreview with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_parkdocument with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_payfee with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_recordinandout with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_table_column_map with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.park_table_map with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_announcement with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_app_download with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_appointment with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_bussiness_message with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cart with 14 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_resource with 54 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_role_resource with 71 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_user with 10 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_user_business with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_cms_user_role with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_complaint with 20 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_config_ali with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_config_weixin with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_resource with 16 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_role with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_role_resource with 25 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_user with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_dis_cms_user_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_activity with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_base with 48 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_img with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_imgtext with 29 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_question with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_content_scenic with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_menu with 48 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_doc_type with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_business with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_deliveryaddress with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_forum_info with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_forum_reply with 18 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_forum_type with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_gch_user with 95 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_guider_evaluate with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_lost_message with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_message with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_order_detail with 122 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_order_info with 139 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_order_refund with 109 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_order_zyb_check with 13 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_order_zyb_refund with 34 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_pay_log with 143 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_point_log with 16 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_point_type with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_point_user with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_point_user_gain with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_evaluate with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_info with 17 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_menu with 48 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_spec with 109 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_tips with 15 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_product_type with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_refund_log with 60 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_scenic_map with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_scenic_map_point with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_scenic_spot_marketing with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_tour_guider with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server.t_user_distribution with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_car with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_carpark with 86 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_carpreview with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_parkdocument with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_payfee with 4279 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_recordinandout with 9488 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_table_column_map with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.park_table_map with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_announcement with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_app_download with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_appointment with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_bussiness_message with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cart with 14 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_resource with 64 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_role_resource with 77 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_user with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_user_business with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_cms_user_role with 14 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_common_config with 12 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_complaint with 79 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_config_ali with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_config_weixin with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_authority with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_resource with 16 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_role with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_role_resource with 25 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_user with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_dis_cms_user_role with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_activity with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_base with 54 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_img with 8 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_imgtext with 42 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_question with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_content_scenic with 7 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_menu with 55 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doc_type with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doodle with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_doodle_back with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_business with 1 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_deliveryaddress with 18 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_forum_info with 69 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_forum_reply with 41 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_forum_type with 5 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_gch_user with 191 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_guider_evaluate with 11 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_lost_message with 20 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_message with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_order_detail with 451 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_order_info with 515 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_order_refund with 60 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_order_zyb_check with 123 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_order_zyb_refund with 54 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_pay_log with 346 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_point_log with 678 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_point_type with 6 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_point_user with 203 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_point_user_gain with 351 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_evaluate with 16 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_info with 22 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_menu with 51 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_spec with 123 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_tips with 19 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_product_type with 4 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_refund_log with 102 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_scenic_map with 3 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_scenic_map_point with 2 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_scenic_spot_marketing with 11 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_tour_guider with 9 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_user_distribution with 0 records
      Found table guchenghu_server_back.t_user_log with 1463 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_com_banners with 15 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_com_calendar with 330 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_com_homestay with 17 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_com_order with 2 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_csm_bguser with 7 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_csm_hwurinfo with 1 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_csm_opurinfo with 1 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_csm_owner with 2 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_csm_wxurinfo with 0 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_spm_ctarea with 10 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_spm_role with 5 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_spm_tagtyp with 4 records
      Found table homestay.tbl_spm_tagval with 14 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.itg_scenic with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.itg_scenic_info with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.itg_type with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.merchant with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_merchant_realm_functional with 27 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_merchant_realm_functional_role with 70 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_merchant_realm_role with 5 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_merchant_realm_user with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_merchant_realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_realm_functional with 49 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_realm_functional_role with 34 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_realm_user with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.r_realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_access_log with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_ad with 25 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_article with 21 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_article_cat with 65 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_cart with 1 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_comment with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_company with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_courier_company with 7 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_delivery_doc with 7 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods with 23 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods_attr with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods_attribute with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods_images with 38 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_goods_type with 6 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_integral_log with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_integral_rule with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_leave_word with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_message with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_message_reply with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_news with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_order with 81 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_order_goods with 69 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_picture with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_plant with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_receiptaddress with 9 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_region with 47688 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_return_goods with 10 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_return_orders with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_scenic with 8 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sensitive_lexicon with 3709 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_setaddress with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_spec with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_spec_goods_price with 43 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_spec_item with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_button with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_dict_type with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_dictionary with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_log with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_res_role with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_resources with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_role with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_user with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_user_role with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_take_out_bonus with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_take_out_bonus_record with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_tally_order with 3 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_ticket_delivery with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_trade with 20 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_train with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_user_info with 15 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_user_message with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_users with 12 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.t_we_chat_pay with 47 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.v_comments with 47 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.v_liuyan with 47 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.v_orderaddress with 47 records
      Found table huangshantechan-shop.v_shopaddress with 47 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.activity with 50 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.itg_scenic_copy1 with 38 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.realm_functional with 17 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.realm_functional_role with 17 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.realm_role with 2 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.realm_user with 3 records
      Found table intelligent_tour_guide.realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table iptid_account.sys_conf with 0 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_app_info with 6 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_cms_resource with 10 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_cms_role with 2 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_cms_role_resource with 69 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_cms_user with 2 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_cms_user_role with 2 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_product_info with 6 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_sso with 47238 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_user with 47261 records
      Found table iptid_account.t_verify_code with 5 records
      Found table klsz_shop.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table klsz_shop.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table klsz_shop.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table klsz_shop.r_realm_functional with 49 records
      Found table klsz_shop.r_realm_functional_role with 46 records
      Found table klsz_shop.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table klsz_shop.r_realm_user with 6 records
      Found table klsz_shop.r_realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_access_log with 36205 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_ad with 29 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_article with 265 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_article_cat with 65 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_cart with 46 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_comment with 14 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_company with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_delivery_doc with 27 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods with 104 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods_attr with 70 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods_attribute with 10 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods_images with 221 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_goods_type with 9 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_integral_log with 483 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_leave_word with 68 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_message with 22 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_message_reply with 6 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_news with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_order with 1191 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_order_goods with 1213 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_picture with 204 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_plant with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_receiptaddress with 202 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_region with 48131 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_return_goods with 45 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_return_orders with 1 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_scenic with 11 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sensitive_lexicon with 3974 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_spec with 5 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_spec_goods_price with 117 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_spec_item with 17 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_button with 8 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_dict_type with 1 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_dictionary with 15 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_log with 387 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_res_role with 244 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_resources with 86 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_role with 3 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_user with 10 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_user_role with 16 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_take_out_bonus with 14 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_take_out_bonus_record with 11 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_tally_order with 30 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_ticket_delivery with 92 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_trade with 652 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_train with 15 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_user_info with 340 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_user_message with 22 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_users with 313 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table klsz_shop.t_we_chat_pay with 141 records
      Found table klsz_shop.v_comments with 141 records
      Found table klsz_shop.v_liuyan with 141 records
      Found table klsz_shop.v_orderaddress with 141 records
      Found table klsz_shop.v_shopaddress with 141 records
      Found table klsz_website.r_realm_functional with 15 records
      Found table klsz_website.r_realm_functional_role with 15 records
      Found table klsz_website.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table klsz_website.r_realm_user with 4 records
      Found table klsz_website.r_realm_user_role with 4 records
      Found table klsz_website.t_article with 30 records
      Found table klsz_website.t_article_cat with 5 records
      Found table klsz_website.t_investor with 168 records
      Found table lan.sys_conf with 0 records
      Found table lan.t_cms_authority with 3 records
      Found table lan.t_cms_role with 1 records
      Found table lan.t_cms_user with 2 records
      Found table lan.t_user with 19 records
      Found table lan.t_verify_code with 2 records
      Found table marketing.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table marketing.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table marketing.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table marketing.marketing_apply with 4 records
      Found table marketing.merchant with 2 records
      Found table marketing.r_merchant_realm_functional with 23 records
      Found table marketing.r_merchant_realm_functional_role with 23 records
      Found table marketing.r_merchant_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table marketing.r_merchant_realm_user with 1 records
      Found table marketing.r_merchant_realm_user_role with 1 records
      Found table marketing.r_realm_functional with 49 records
      Found table marketing.r_realm_functional_role with 46 records
      Found table marketing.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table marketing.r_realm_user with 6 records
      Found table marketing.r_realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table marketing.receiptaddres with 0 records
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      Found table marketing.t_access_log with 35686 records
      Found table marketing.t_ad with 30 records
      Found table marketing.t_article with 500 records
      Found table marketing.t_article_cat with 65 records
      Found table marketing.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_cart with 46 records
      Found table marketing.t_comment with 14 records
      Found table marketing.t_company with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table marketing.t_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table marketing.t_delivery_doc with 27 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods with 121 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods_attr with 70 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods_attribute with 10 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods_images with 245 records
      Found table marketing.t_goods_type with 9 records
      Found table marketing.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table marketing.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_install_list with 0 records
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      Found table marketing.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table marketing.t_leave_word with 68 records
      Found table marketing.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_message with 22 records
      Found table marketing.t_message_reply with 6 records
      Found table marketing.t_news with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_order with 1189 records
      Found table marketing.t_order_goods with 1239 records
      Found table marketing.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_picture with 220 records
      Found table marketing.t_plant with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_receiptaddress with 245 records
      Found table marketing.t_region with 48436 records
      Found table marketing.t_return_goods with 45 records
      Found table marketing.t_return_orders with 1 records
      Found table marketing.t_scenic with 11 records
      Found table marketing.t_sensitive_lexicon with 4112 records
      Found table marketing.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table marketing.t_spec with 5 records
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      Found table marketing.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_spec_item with 17 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_button with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_dict_type with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_dictionary with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_log with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_res_role with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_resources with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_role with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_user with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_user_role with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_take_out_bonus with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_take_out_bonus_record with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_tally_order with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_ticket_delivery with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_trade with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_train with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_user_info with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_user_message with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_users with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table marketing.t_we_chat_pay with 0 records
      Found table marketing.ticket_delivery_extend with 0 records
      Found table marketing.tour_guide_booked with 0 records
      Found table marketing.user_goods_comment with 0 records
      Found table marketing.v_comments with 0 records
      Found table marketing.v_liuyan with 0 records
      Found table marketing.v_orderaddress with 0 records
      Found table marketing.v_shopaddress with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.itg_scenic with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.itg_scenic_info with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.itg_type with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.merchant with 9 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_merchant_realm_functional with 39 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_merchant_realm_functional_role with 164 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_merchant_realm_role with 9 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_merchant_realm_user with 11 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_merchant_realm_user_role with 10 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_realm_functional with 50 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_realm_functional_role with 34 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_realm_user with 6 records
      Found table merchant-shop.r_realm_user_role with 6 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_access_log with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_ad with 43 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_article with 35 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_article_cat with 37 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_article_copy1 with 61 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_cart with 12 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_comment with 6 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_company with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_courier_company with 7 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_delivery_doc with 46 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods with 195 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods_attr with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods_attribute with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods_images with 367 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_goods_type with 18 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel with 9 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_images with 21 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_order with 71 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_order_certificate with 60 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_order_specification_time with 70 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_specification with 24 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_hotel_specification_time with 703 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_integral_log with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_integral_rule with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_leave_word with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_message with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_message_reply with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_news with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_order with 380 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_order_goods with 365 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_picture with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_plant with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_receiptaddress with 90 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_region with 45096 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_return_goods with 49 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_return_orders with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_scenic with 11 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sensitive_lexicon with 3908 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_setaddress with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_spec with 15 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_spec_goods_price with 289 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_spec_item with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_button with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_dict_type with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_dictionary with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_log with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_res_role with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_resources with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_role with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_user with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_user_role with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_take_out_bonus with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_take_out_bonus_record with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_tally_order with 19 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_ticket_delivery with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_trade with 164 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_train with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_user_info with 206 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_user_message with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_users with 118 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_we_chat_hote_pay with 59 records
      Found table merchant-shop.t_we_chat_pay with 157 records
      Found table merchant-shop.v_comments with 157 records
      Found table merchant-shop.v_liuyan with 157 records
      Found table merchant-shop.v_orderaddress with 157 records
      Found table merchant-shop.v_shopaddress with 157 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 40 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 538 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1165 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 513 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_amount with 10 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_appform with 552 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_appointment with 61 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_article with 86 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_column with 23 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_fldtyp with 55 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_goods with 50 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_order with 301 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_tabrecord with 49 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_tabtemp with 2 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_usermess with 18 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_com_wxuser with 14 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_spm_admfun with 190 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_spm_admin with 6 records
      Found table putuotemple.tbl_spm_function with 43 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.answer_details_data with 0 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.complain_count_data with 12 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.complain_data with 12 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.r_right with 14 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.r_role with 3 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.r_user with 2 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_answer with 71 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_answer_details with 575 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_answer_img with 26 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_data_type with 4 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_online_comment with 4 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_ota_data with 6 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_provinces with 3233 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_question with 325 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_question_classification with 12 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_scenic_hidden_danger_data with 6 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_scenic_spot with 44 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_scenic_spot_category with 8 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_scenic_spots with 254 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_sentiment_data with 10 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_type with 9 records
      Found table scenic_area_upgrade_consulting_system.t_user_info with 53 records
      Found table shopping.bonus_settlement_excel with 0 records
      Found table shopping.data_recording with 0 records
      Found table shopping.order_after_sales_excel with 0 records
      Found table shopping.order_bean with 0 records
      Found table shopping.order_detail_bean with 0 records
      Found table shopping.outright_purchase_goods with 0 records
      Found table shopping.r_authorization with 4 records
      Found table shopping.r_realm_functional with 67 records
      Found table shopping.r_realm_functional_role with 176 records
      Found table shopping.r_realm_role with 18 records
      Found table shopping.r_role with 2 records
      Found table shopping.r_role_right with 3 records
      Found table shopping.r_user with 18 records
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      Found table shopping.s_bonus_settlement_details with 3 records
      Found table shopping.s_cart with 3 records
      Found table shopping.s_collect_shop with 1 records
      Found table shopping.s_collection_goods with 1 records
      Found table shopping.s_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table shopping.s_day with 31 records
      Found table shopping.s_delivery_address with 7 records
      Found table shopping.s_delivery_doc with 3 records
      Found table shopping.s_goods with 14 records
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      Found table shopping.s_goods_comments_connection with 1 records
      Found table shopping.s_goods_spec with 8 records
      Found table shopping.s_month with 12 records
      Found table shopping.s_order with 8 records
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      Found table shopping.s_order_consignee_address with 1 records
      Found table shopping.s_order_goods with 6 records
      Found table shopping.s_order_return_goods with 2 records
      Found table shopping.s_pay with 0 records
      Found table shopping.s_provinces with 2384 records
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      Found table shopping.s_take_out_bonus with 4 records
      Found table shopping.s_user with 6 records
      Found table shopping.s_user_info with 5 records
      Found table shopping.sales_ranking with 0 records
      Found table shopping.sbonuns_ranking with 0 records
      Found table shopping.sbonus_settlement_details_bean with 0 records
      Found table shopping.take_out_bonus_excel with 0 records
      Found table shopping.user_excel with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_app with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_app_menu with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_app_moudle with 5 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_app_version with 40 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_brand with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_business with 23 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_businessproductshow with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_card with 6 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_cat with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_dot with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_game with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_magazine with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_magazine_cat with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_order with 9 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_people with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_position with 11 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_prize with 17 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_prize_win with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_product with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_product_cat with 11 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_product_sell with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_question with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_question_response with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_supplier with 18 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_supplier_cat with 17 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_bank_wandian with 5 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_business_line with 5 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_business_screen_hide with 34 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_category with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_pub_resource with 8 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_pub_role with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_pub_role_resource with 8 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_pub_user with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_pub_user_role with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_resource with 73 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_role with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_role_resource with 122 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_user with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_user_dot with 26 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_cms_user_role with 29 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_dot with 29 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_dot_screen with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_activity with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad_content with 5 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad_content_item with 75 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad_notice with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad_sort with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ad_sort_time with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_article with 91 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_business with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_common_config with 7 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_doodle with 4678 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_doodle_back with 25 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_food with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_hotel with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_hotel_service with 15 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_map with 32 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_map_recommand with 11 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_msg_board with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_obj_tag with 246 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_product with 25 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_room_type with 11 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_songs with 21 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_statistics with 7 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_statistics_day with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_tag with 9 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_es_tour_ticket with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_business with 39 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_deliveryaddress with 3 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_forum_info with 4 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_forum_reply with 90 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_forum_type with 5 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_order_info with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_pay_log with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_refund_log with 0 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_shop_info with 21 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_shop_spec with 19 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_ticket_info with 19 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_gch_user with 10 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_module with 13 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_offline_download with 12 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_questionnaire with 18 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_questionnaire_question with 31 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_questionnaire_question_res with 289 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_questionnaire_res with 43 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_resource_data with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_resource_res with 68 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_sale_department with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_sale_people with 2 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen with 121 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen_app with 79 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen_app_menu with 12 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen_key with 142 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen_protect with 23 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screen_protect_screen with 1 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_screenshot with 485 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_statistics_card with 18170 records
      Found table smart_screen.t_user_moudle with 7 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_cms_resource with 26 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_cms_role with 6 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_cms_role_resource with 175 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_cms_user with 18 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_cms_user_role with 33 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_consumer with 38 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_contract with 41 records
      Found table smart_seller.t_device with 21 records
      Found table sms.sys_conf with 8 records
      Found table sms.t_business with 2 records
      Found table sms.t_channel with 2 records
      Found table sms.t_cms_resource with 13 records
      Found table sms.t_cms_role with 1 records
      Found table sms.t_cms_role_resource with 13 records
      Found table sms.t_cms_user with 1 records
      Found table sms.t_cms_user_role with 1 records
      Found table sms.t_message_log with 4405 records
      Found table sms.t_supplier with 2 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_access_log with 13352 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_access_log_copy1 with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_ad with 23 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_article with 402 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_article_cat with 64 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_cart with 24 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_comment with 11 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_company with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_delivery_doc with 6 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods with 68 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods_attr with 14 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods_attribute with 10 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods_images with 44 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_goods_type with 9 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_integral_log with 234 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_leave_word with 20 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_message with 21 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_message_reply with 5 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_news with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_order with 149 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_order_goods with 185 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_picture with 223 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_plant with 9 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_receiptaddress with 26 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_region with 45782 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_return_goods with 8 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sensitive_lexicon with 4439 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_spec with 5 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_spec_goods_price with 65 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_spec_item with 18 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_button with 8 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_dict_type with 1 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_dictionary with 15 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_log with 282 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_res_role with 244 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_resources with 86 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_role with 3 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_user with 9 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_user_role with 15 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_trade with 269 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_train with 15 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_user_info with 5 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_user_message with 21 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_users with 51 records
      Found table test_yxmow.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.v_comments with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.v_liuyan with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.v_orderaddress with 0 records
      Found table test_yxmow.v_shopaddress with 0 records
      Found table yx.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table yx.itg_scenic_copy1 with 42 records
      Found table yx.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table yx.itg_scenic_info_copy1 with 1 records
      Found table yx.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table yx.itg_type_copy1 with 10 records
      Found table yx.r_realm_functional with 49 records
      Found table yx.r_realm_functional_role with 49 records
      Found table yx.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table yx.r_realm_user with 5 records
      Found table yx.r_realm_user_role with 5 records
      Found table yx.t_access_log with 35124 records
      Found table yx.t_access_log_copy1 with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_ad with 42 records
      Found table yx.t_article with 1238 records
      Found table yx.t_article_cat with 65 records
      Found table yx.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_cart with 42 records
      Found table yx.t_comment with 14 records
      Found table yx.t_company with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table yx.t_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table yx.t_delivery_doc with 23 records
      Found table yx.t_goods with 132 records
      Found table yx.t_goods_attr with 70 records
      Found table yx.t_goods_attribute with 10 records
      Found table yx.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table yx.t_goods_images with 283 records
      Found table yx.t_goods_type with 9 records
      Found table yx.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table yx.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_integral_log with 483 records
      Found table yx.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table yx.t_leave_word with 82 records
      Found table yx.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_message with 22 records
      Found table yx.t_message_reply with 6 records
      Found table yx.t_news with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_order with 1217 records
      Found table yx.t_order_goods with 1201 records
      Found table yx.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_picture with 154 records
      Found table yx.t_plant with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_receiptaddress with 1043 records
      Found table yx.t_region with 47383 records
      Found table yx.t_return_goods with 38 records
      Found table yx.t_return_orders with 1 records
      Found table yx.t_sensitive_lexicon with 4123 records
      Found table yx.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table yx.t_spec with 5 records
      Found table yx.t_spec_goods_price with 203 records
      Found table yx.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_spec_item with 21 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_button with 8 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_dict_type with 1 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_dictionary with 15 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_log with 357 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_res_role with 244 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_resources with 86 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_role with 3 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_user with 10 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_user_role with 16 records
      Found table yx.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_take_out_bonus with 13 records
      Found table yx.t_take_out_bonus_record with 11 records
      Found table yx.t_tally_order with 32 records
      Found table yx.t_ticket_delivery with 150 records
      Found table yx.t_trade with 708 records
      Found table yx.t_train with 15 records
      Found table yx.t_user_info with 1005 records
      Found table yx.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_user_message with 22 records
      Found table yx.t_users with 550 records
      Found table yx.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table yx.t_we_chat_pay with 229 records
      Found table yx.v_comments with 229 records
      Found table yx.v_liuyan with 229 records
      Found table yx.v_orderaddress with 229 records
      Found table yx.v_shopaddress with 229 records
      Found table yx1.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table yx1.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table yx1.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table yx1.r_realm_functional with 45 records
      Found table yx1.r_realm_functional_role with 32 records
      Found table yx1.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table yx1.r_realm_user with 4 records
      Found table yx1.r_realm_user_role with 4 records
      Found table yx1.t_access_log with 34821 records
      Found table yx1.t_access_log_copy1 with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_ad with 23 records
      Found table yx1.t_article with 229 records
      Found table yx1.t_article_cat with 65 records
      Found table yx1.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_cart with 35 records
      Found table yx1.t_comment with 14 records
      Found table yx1.t_company with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table yx1.t_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table yx1.t_delivery_doc with 22 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods with 130 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods_attr with 70 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods_attribute with 10 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods_images with 187 records
      Found table yx1.t_goods_type with 9 records
      Found table yx1.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table yx1.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_integral_log with 255 records
      Found table yx1.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table yx1.t_leave_word with 54 records
      Found table yx1.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_message with 22 records
      Found table yx1.t_message_reply with 6 records
      Found table yx1.t_news with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_order with 878 records
      Found table yx1.t_order_goods with 833 records
      Found table yx1.t_order_zyb_check with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_order_zyb_refund with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_picture with 219 records
      Found table yx1.t_receiptaddress with 135 records
      Found table yx1.t_region with 47612 records
      Found table yx1.t_return_goods with 23 records
      Found table yx1.t_sensitive_lexicon with 4181 records
      Found table yx1.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table yx1.t_spec with 5 records
      Found table yx1.t_spec_goods_price with 113 records
      Found table yx1.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_spec_item with 17 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_button with 8 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_dict_type with 1 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_dictionary with 15 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_log with 377 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_res_role with 244 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_resources with 86 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_role with 3 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_user with 10 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_user_role with 16 records
      Found table yx1.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_take_out_bonus with 11 records
      Found table yx1.t_take_out_bonus_record with 11 records
      Found table yx1.t_tally_order with 12 records
      Found table yx1.t_ticket_delivery with 135 records
      Found table yx1.t_trade with 413 records
      Found table yx1.t_train with 15 records
      Found table yx1.t_user_info with 212 records
      Found table yx1.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_user_message with 22 records
      Found table yx1.t_users with 179 records
      Found table yx1.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table yx1.t_we_chat_pay with 0 records
      Found table yx1.v_comments with 0 records
      Found table yx1.v_liuyan with 0 records
      Found table yx1.v_orderaddress with 0 records
      Found table yx1.v_shopaddress with 0 records
      Found table yzs.itg_scenic with 42 records
      Found table yzs.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table yzs.itg_type with 10 records
      Found table yzs.r_realm_functional with 48 records
      Found table yzs.r_realm_functional_role with 42 records
      Found table yzs.r_realm_role with 1 records
      Found table yzs.r_realm_user with 5 records
      Found table yzs.r_realm_user_role with 5 records
      Found table yzs.t_access_log with 8801 records
      Found table yzs.t_access_log_copy1 with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_ad with 28 records
      Found table yzs.t_article with 660 records
      Found table yzs.t_article_cat with 46 records
      Found table yzs.t_balance with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_brand with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_cart with 17 records
      Found table yzs.t_certificate_information with 37 records
      Found table yzs.t_comment with 8 records
      Found table yzs.t_company with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_company_manage_rel with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_config_zhiyoubao with 2 records
      Found table yzs.t_courier_company with 90 records
      Found table yzs.t_delivery_doc with 17 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods with 72 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods_attr with 25 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods_attribute with 7 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods_category with 16 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods_images with 84 records
      Found table yzs.t_goods_type with 5 records
      Found table yzs.t_guide_situation with 3 records
      Found table yzs.t_install_comment with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_install_info with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_install_list with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_integral_log with 255 records
      Found table yzs.t_integral_rule with 6 records
      Found table yzs.t_leave_word with 27 records
      Found table yzs.t_mall_config with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_message with 3 records
      Found table yzs.t_message_reply with 6 records
      Found table yzs.t_news with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_order with 448 records
      Found table yzs.t_order_certificate_information with 40 records
      Found table yzs.t_order_goods with 715 records
      Found table yzs.t_order_zyb_check with 16 records
      Found table yzs.t_order_zyb_refund with 4 records
      Found table yzs.t_picture with 322 records
      Found table yzs.t_receiptaddress with 37 records
      Found table yzs.t_region with 47826 records
      Found table yzs.t_return_goods with 36 records
      Found table yzs.t_sensitive_lexicon with 3778 records
      Found table yzs.t_service_info with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_setaddress with 1 records
      Found table yzs.t_spec with 7 records
      Found table yzs.t_spec_goods_price with 125 records
      Found table yzs.t_spec_image with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_spec_item with 21 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_button with 8 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_dict_type with 1 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_dictionary with 10 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_log with 181 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_res_role with 197 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_resources with 86 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_role with 3 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_server_info with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_user with 8 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_user_role with 13 records
      Found table yzs.t_sys_userlogin with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_take_out_bonus with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_take_out_bonus_record with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_tally_order with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_ticket_date with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_ticket_delivery with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_ticket_msg with 54 records
      Found table yzs.t_trade with 728 records
      Found table yzs.t_train with 18 records
      Found table yzs.t_user_info with 63 records
      Found table yzs.t_user_level_info with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_user_message with 3 records
      Found table yzs.t_users with 95 records
      Found table yzs.t_users_upgrade with 0 records
      Found table yzs.t_we_chat_pay with 141 records
      Found table yzs.v_comments with 141 records
      Found table yzs.v_liuyan with 141 records
      Found table yzs.v_orderaddress with 141 records
      Found table yzs.v_shopaddress with 141 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.itg_scenic with 52 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.itg_scenic_info with 1 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.itg_type with 13 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.r_realm_functional with 18 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.r_realm_functional_role with 18 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.r_realm_role with 2 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.r_realm_user with 4 records
      Found table yzs_audio_guide.r_realm_user_role with 4 records
      Found table zhoudafu.sys_conf with 1 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_cms_user with 2 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_content with 136 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_prize with 3 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_prize_code with 350 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_prize_day with 65 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_prize_product with 1 records
      Found table zhoudafu.t_prize_win with 23 records
      Found on 2024-01-17 14:14
      201.5 MBytes 811314 rows
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