Hetzner Online GmbH
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 8081
    First seen 2024-04-23 15:11
    Last seen 2024-06-19 22:58
    Open for 57 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd643e35d3a2c8b62cf9d7a679057f1a25d4dfea52d3577dae

      Databases: 337, row count: 148547, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 62 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 212 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 159 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-19 22:58
      15.9 MBytes 148547 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdff06156dd1fc6456ee7788432f8432c7d38c9ea8aac2ac12

      Databases: 337, row count: 148556, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-17 22:26
      15.9 MBytes 148556 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd386436058b6e27ee82e70a4b46dd863fa12fc760ef23630c

      Databases: 337, row count: 148547, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 62 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 212 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 159 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-15 22:53
      16.0 MBytes 148547 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1a886e83e1ec755cf6672d09296cf1d555967aa294e5da98

      Databases: 337, row count: 148556, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-09 22:00
      16.0 MBytes 148556 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda4d151cd298b5936a0ac7923c227012730b2ee48508c25fa

      Databases: 337, row count: 148565, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
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      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-07 21:18
      16.0 MBytes 148565 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd79f63aabf9eb22c4f8d4a5c1c2c9ab3d1b83c6ca6e2b2538

      Databases: 337, row count: 148565, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-06-01 18:41
      15.9 MBytes 148565 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd35e297028582dd81eeb88d1002987cde1d60bcb35e7832d4

      Databases: 337, row count: 148537, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
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      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 61 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 52 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 208 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 156 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-29 21:02
      16.0 MBytes 148537 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fde4da2c4a98a4de896df54bc8b89b1e265b7b9fdb9ba31cd4

      Databases: 337, row count: 148555, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-28 20:50
      16.0 MBytes 148555 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd86c64c309b68e47785293e8e04089e744cd1e45529c9c762

      Databases: 337, row count: 148537, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 61 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 52 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 208 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 156 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-26 22:10
      15.9 MBytes 148537 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7a961a9c7ee8c2cb661ad17ad46a9600de2d4e59e744ed56

      Databases: 337, row count: 148564, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
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      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-25 13:03
      15.9 MBytes 148564 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd928feb68b91119ef340a9b568f685b8cdc9fcf6dbee1e84a

      Databases: 337, row count: 148555, size: 15.9 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:12
      15.9 MBytes 148555 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd42b63c964aa83f1d46e803040b683da24da4a71f64030a8e

      Databases: 337, row count: 148546, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 62 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 212 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 159 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-05-08 12:47
      16.0 MBytes 148546 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7009289ed514ed45090b1f1c23e9b00a6f0b24876396c268

      Databases: 337, row count: 148564, size: 16.0 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 3 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 4 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 23 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 717 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 23 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 25 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 45 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 120 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 9 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 1834 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 52 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 98 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1092 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1984 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 695 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2217 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 317 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1856 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1915 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 124807 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9777 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 2 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 37 records
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:19
      16.0 MBytes 148564 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 8085
    First seen 2024-04-23 10:39
    Last seen 2024-06-19 20:35
    Open for 57 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd820c5dae9014412610d152c6b3c5b7a45eee98d0ec618bff

      Databases: 483, row count: 146722, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 5 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 11 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-19 20:35
      16.4 MBytes 146722 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd1a4bce07c99f47b9616ec44de3db7985ea25a417be9cb53a

      Databases: 483, row count: 146721, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 5 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 9 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-17 20:12
      16.4 MBytes 146721 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd38454060eae01d406d1456209728e46250bbda0a4531f685

      Databases: 483, row count: 146719, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 5 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 7 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-15 20:11
      16.4 MBytes 146719 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd8ad9cb57c3de65e9d7730c9dcad07ed5d3cfb34718bb840f

      Databases: 483, row count: 146718, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 5 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 6 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-14 19:11
      16.4 MBytes 146718 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9eafd575cf8e676750faa82b845617bfde15ba3578990488

      Databases: 483, row count: 146734, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 5 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 5 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 65 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 224 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 168 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-13 06:52
      16.4 MBytes 146734 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd41b50f464c0789be0704bb8ece104dbce44a8cd8b07e64d2

      Databases: 483, row count: 146735, size: 16.4 MB
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 21 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentFiles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 15 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 4 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 3 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 1 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 6 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 1188 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 3 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 19 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 3 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 52 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 1 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 8 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 3 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 65 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 56 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 224 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 168 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-11 21:30
      16.4 MBytes 146735 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc30efc08e1bf5de64e4ed02d2c7e86743b4e9b3b936e6ee8

      Databases: 485, row count: 144860, size: 16.3 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentTestView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 0 records
      Found table hr.Locations_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users_tracking with 0 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table hr.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets_original with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedulesStatus with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks_tracking with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkPermits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Counter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Hash with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Job with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_JobState with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_List with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Server with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_Set with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.backgroundJobs_State with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Codes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table inventory.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ProvisionInfoTable with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure_tracking with 0 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 0 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_history with 0 records
      Found table inventory.scope_info_server with 0 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 49 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 798 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1926 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 571 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2959 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 335 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1885 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 2138 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 125248 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 8884 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_AggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Counter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_DistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Hash with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Job with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobParameter with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_JobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_List with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Server with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_Set with 0 records
      Found table reports.Hangfire_State with 0 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found on 2024-06-09 21:50
      16.3 MBytes 144860 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf70a4cb795f9cde976e3efda7686868fe70bd99ecbd30175

      Databases: 363, row count: 142324, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-06-03 21:38
      14.8 MBytes 142324 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf0bebf478d2d02597d796d0a7bc9669fd336618e7ef74171

      Databases: 363, row count: 142333, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-06-01 22:20
      14.8 MBytes 142333 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb2e10bd3df9711a537e0100ece8f0a6bb78ead22ce34b6b2

      Databases: 363, row count: 142342, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 33 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 65 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 56 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 224 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 168 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-31 20:04
      14.8 MBytes 142342 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7b14e85ad004a6e80e1f656fb56076d612eb827590298387

      Databases: 363, row count: 142323, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-29 21:40
      14.8 MBytes 142323 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd0f563860d040c6eef57c25153ac70f0c616ec02336e31aa9

      Databases: 363, row count: 142332, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-24 20:28
      14.8 MBytes 142332 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc5d226246f0c7c82232d13011f3912909364ee0fc6141087

      Databases: 363, row count: 142314, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 32 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 62 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 212 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 159 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-23 03:05
      14.8 MBytes 142314 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdfbdd5e0084e8f44ede1ddaf5f45c466ca3a70e834daaf36b

      Databases: 363, row count: 142318, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 27 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:20
      14.8 MBytes 142318 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd65d03a3256e37490134d0cd7f89db76eac871ebd8970dfcf

      Databases: 363, row count: 142305, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 23 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 62 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 53 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 212 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 159 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-05-08 12:55
      14.8 MBytes 142305 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd56cf7d7bb665021d5a2b0dc62384a8135121345a129a32e5

      Databases: 363, row count: 142306, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 15 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 63 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 54 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 216 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 162 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:07
      14.8 MBytes 142306 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fddf3e3e197e236ceb608fd984f9ab860108e0cc088281007e

      Databases: 363, row count: 142322, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 13 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 65 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 56 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 224 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 168 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-04-28 17:48
      14.8 MBytes 142322 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd007d965de042dc3f7a9a63c0aaba5a054dd98c74434f4e25

      Databases: 363, row count: 142308, size: 14.8 MB
      Found table docworkflow.ArchFactProcessConfig with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocComponentTypes with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecJournal with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocExecLog with 2 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbers with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocNumbersView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettings with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocSettingsView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocStatuses with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypeComponents with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.DocTypes with 5 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsAggregatedCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsCounter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsHash with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJob with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobParameter with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsJobState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsList with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsServer with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsSet with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.HangfireJobsState with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderDocuments with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.OrderTeams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SysJobParams with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.SystemRecords with 6 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionEmployees with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActionRoles with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowActions with 13 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowReferences with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowStatuses with 0 records
      Found table docworkflow.WorkflowTypes with 1 records
      Found table docworkflow.__EFMigrationsHistory with 58 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogConfig with 1 records
      Found table hr.ActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.CurrentGeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.EntityTypes with 2 records
      Found table hr.ExternalUserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.GeoActionLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.GeoLocations with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.LocationInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationOrgUnit with 0 records
      Found table hr.LocationTypes with 4 records
      Found table hr.Locations with 1 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitAccesses with 2 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnitCalendars with 0 records
      Found table hr.OrgUnits with 1 records
      Found table hr.PhoneInfo with 0 records
      Found table hr.Positions with 0 records
      Found table hr.ProfilePictures with 0 records
      Found table hr.Qualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.RoleClaims with 0 records
      Found table hr.Roles with 1 records
      Found table hr.Signatures with 0 records
      Found table hr.SyncProfiles with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemConfig with 0 records
      Found table hr.SystemLogs with 0 records
      Found table hr.TempUserCodes with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserConfigs with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournalView with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserEmploymentJournals with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserPositions with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserQualifications with 0 records
      Found table hr.UserRoles with 1 records
      Found table hr.UserWorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.Users with 1 records
      Found table hr.WorkTeams with 0 records
      Found table hr.__EFMigrationsHistory with 48 records
      Found table infrastructure.Attachments with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Briefings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckListResults with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CheckLists with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.CurrentEntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DefectListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.DocumentVersions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Documents with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingStandardsView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EntityReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqClassReadingsTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectTypes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqDefectsJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResult with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqInspectionResultView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournal with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintJournalView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqMaintReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandardView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EqReadingsStandards with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentDocumentation with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.EquipmentNotes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.FrequencyUnits with 13 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionFiles with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionItems with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InstructionTypes with 2 records
      Found table infrastructure.Instructions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.InventoryListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobDescriptions with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobRoutes with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobStatuses with 9 records
      Found table infrastructure.JobTypes with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.Jobs with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintRequestRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceScheduleView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.MaintenanceSchedules with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.PermitToWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Priorities with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadingView with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ProdUnitStatRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypeView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingTypes with 1 records
      Found table infrastructure.ReadingsListTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Regulations with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RegulationsAssets with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnitView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.RepairOrgUnits with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfos with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkProInfosView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorkView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.ScheduledWorks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SchedulingTypes with 7 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistries with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SpecEqRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.SysConfig with 35 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskStates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskTemplates with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TaskView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.Tasks with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypeOfMaintenanceView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.TypesOfMaintenance with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadingView with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UnitProdStatReadings with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.UsedInventoryJournals with 0 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkNormStatuses with 4 records
      Found table infrastructure.WorkStartFinishStatuses with 5 records
      Found table infrastructure.__EFMigrationsHistory with 121 records
      Found table inventory.AccountingTypes with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClassAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetClasses with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementCountRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocumentView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocumentResponsibleUsers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetProvisionDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItemView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentItems with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocumentView with 3 records
      Found table inventory.AssetReceiptDocuments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.AssetStatuses with 2 records
      Found table inventory.AssetTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.AssetWriteOffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Assets with 3 records
      Found table inventory.CodeTypes with 4 records
      Found table inventory.Codes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Companies with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Containers with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustodianInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.CustomerStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentStatuses with 6 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatusAccesses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypeStatuses with 60 records
      Found table inventory.DocumentTypes with 10 records
      Found table inventory.ExternalDocumentTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.FileEntityTypes with 15 records
      Found table inventory.FileTypes with 6 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPeople with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryCommissionPositions with 2 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItemFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.InventoryFiles with 0 records
      Found table inventory.LocationCurrentVolumeRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypeConditions with 0 records
      Found table inventory.MovementCountTypes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributeValues with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureAttributes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandardView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclaturePeriodStandards with 0 records
      Found table inventory.NomenclatureView with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Nomenclatures with 0 records
      Found table inventory.ObjectStatuses with 3 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitBarcodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.OrgUnitEntitySequences with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Routes with 0 records
      Found table inventory.Shipments with 1 records
      Found table inventory.StockAccountingGroups with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockInventoryDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItemMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockNomenclatureSetDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockReceiptDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockUnwrapDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItemComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocumentItems with 0 records
      Found table inventory.StockWriteoffDocuments with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockCurrentBalanceRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SupplierStockMovementRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.SystemRecords with 23 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterialComponents with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TaskMaterials with 0 records
      Found table inventory.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table inventory.UnitsOfMeasure with 4 records
      Found table inventory.WarehouseManagements with 0 records
      Found table inventory._MigrationsHistoryForDocManagement with 1 records
      Found table inventory.__EFMigrationsHistory with 57 records
      Found table iot.AssetMileageLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.ControllerTypes with 4 records
      Found table iot.Controllers with 6 records
      Found table iot.CurrentAssetMileages with 0 records
      Found table iot.CurrentHealthChecks with 0 records
      Found table iot.EventQueueStates with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODeviceLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.IODevices with 3 records
      Found table iot.LocationDistances with 3 records
      Found table iot.MqttLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.RfidLogs with 0 records
      Found table iot.TagReports with 0 records
      Found table iot.__EFMigrationsHistory with 11 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.component with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.default_roles with 0 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_grants with 67 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 53 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 762 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2425 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 533 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 2689 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 221 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.password_history with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_asynchronous_connection_failover_managed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_configuration_version with 1 records
      Found table mysql.replication_group_member_actions with 2 records
      Found table mysql.role_edges with 0 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 1443 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 1346 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 122161 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 9416 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table reports.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table reports.DispatchTasks with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireAggregatedCounter with 8 records
      Found table reports.HangfireCounter with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireDistributedLock with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireHash with 64 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJob with 55 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobParameter with 220 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobQueue with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireJobState with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireList with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireServer with 1 records
      Found table reports.HangfireSet with 0 records
      Found table reports.HangfireState with 165 records
      Found table reports.__EFMigrationsHistory with 3 records
      Found table synchronization.__EFMigrationsHistory with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ColumnChangesLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItemView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournalView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleJournals with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLog with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicleLogView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ComposedVehicles with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItemRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerItems with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ContainerTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Containers with 0 records
      Found table tracking.CurrentTrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightLogs with 0 records
      Found table tracking.FreightTempDatas with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingData with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoTrackingDataView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZones with 0 records
      Found table tracking.GeoZonesView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.ProcessingDocumentStates with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeJoins with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinkView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeLinks with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteNodes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.RouteProgresses with 0 records
      Found table tracking.Routes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistries with 0 records
      Found table tracking.TrackingRegistryView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypeView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleTypes with 0 records
      Found table tracking.VehicleView with 0 records
      Found table tracking.__EFMigrationsHistory with 50 records
      Found on 2024-04-23 10:39
      14.8 MBytes 142308 rows
Data leak
16.0 MB
Domain summary
No record