.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b63963cd8eb49494111ff5cca83bdcba8
Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/component/pear/font /static/component/pear/module /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/img/mi /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme2 /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040eb3780157142d69b8753bafe17663dc6d
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/component/pear/font /static/component/pear/module /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme2 /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca629b8b1a629b8b15b75e0fea211576f25b3c8d86167cffd
Found 34 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/component/pear/font /static/component/pear/module /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/img/mi /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme1/css /static/theme1/js /static/theme2 /static/theme2/css /static/theme2/fonts /static/theme2/img /static/theme2/js /static/theme3 /static/theme3/css /static/theme3/js /static/theme4 /static/theme4/css /static/theme4/img /static/theme4/js /upload /upload/excel /upload/images
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9e9f71e6648e542e730012850cb388798
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/component/pear/font /static/component/pear/module /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/img/mi /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme1/css /static/theme1/js /static/theme2 /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa5447329947a4072e0edd7c85774eaa85219d
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme2 /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525d591852da445e51bb605902ac4f765853
Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/component/code /static/component/pear /static/component/pear/font /static/component/pear/module /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/img/mi /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme1/css /static/theme1/js /static/theme2 /static/theme2/css /static/theme2/fonts /static/theme2/img /static/theme2/js /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe71999492d5655ebeed761940f408677fdf0
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/admin /static/admin/css /static/admin/css/other /static/admin/data /static/admin/images /static/component /static/css /static/fonts /static/img /static/js /static/theme1 /static/theme2 /static/theme3 /static/theme4 /upload
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65227da0acd3
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-vns88 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652228d7b3e4
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/vns88-landing fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c1a5d9b0f1a5d9b0f2540dd1cbbd28fe20e4cb4be0e4cb4be
Found 3 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/tccp /static/tccp/image
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c1a5d9b0f1a5d9b0fd02d66875fa3a76f7b4945fc7b4945fc
Found 3 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c026392ab026392ab8b46cfcb2fdbdd2322d916c0b9b4ea42
Found 7 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/css/other /static/js /static/tccp
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c1a5d9b0f1a5d9b0f2540dd1cbbd28fe20e4cb4be0e4cb4be
Found 3 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/tccp /static/tccp/image
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814ebe1cdd5698482b1439f911258d3d22f1
Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/js /static/tccp
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c026392ab026392ab8b46cfcb2fdbdd2322d916c0b9b4ea42
Found 7 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/css/other /static/js /static/tccp
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c026392ab026392ab8b46cfcb2fdbdd2322d916c0b9b4ea42
Found 7 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/css/other /static/js /static/tccp
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf465df3bbd2
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719a4a4af442167a743ba16540496b581bc
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc24b634645055bd0e663a19706
Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/images/pc /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313fb1107a584014935df925e3fa
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a1f217733f233f1045be97269ec647750
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719a4a4af442167a743ba16540496b581bc
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc24b634645055bd0e663a19706
Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/images/pc /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313fb1107a584014935df925e3fa
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a1f217733f233f1045be97269ec647750
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a1f217733f233f1045be97269ec647750
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719a4a4af442167a743ba16540496b581bc
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313fb1107a584014935df925e3fa
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc24b634645055bd0e663a19706
Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /888 /app-deskservice /app-download /check.html /event /index.html /landing /landing-login /landing-login/css /landing-login/css/h5 /landing-login/images /landing-login/images/pc /landing-login/js /m /new-download /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-amhg /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522def08037
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-amhg fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c91500896915008961d78971368b31d0a5fbf99e35300bf89
Found 37 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8f03d7bd8f03d7bd6e3758f6f78b7f93dffea9ca2318bbdd
Found 38 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224a4df105
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-aqvns fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c7cf176427cf176428b8bb33b04c6063904c6063904c60639
Found 2 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/tccp
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c1a5d9b0f1a5d9b0f2540dd1cbbd28fe20e4cb4be0e4cb4be
Found 3 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /static /static/tccp /static/tccp/image
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c026392ab026392ab8b46cfcb2fdbdd2322d916c0b9b4ea42
Found 7 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/css/other /static/js /static/tccp
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814ebe1cdd5698482b1439f911258d3d22f1
Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /js /static /static/css /static/js /static/tccp
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a
Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda
Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c248e4f81248e4f8180847e5238f9ae0f3588138ea9fbd45e
Found 41 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static/tccp/html /static/tccp/img /static/tccp/img/new_games /static/tccp/img/new_games/lottery /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon /static/tccp/img/new_games/new_icon_a /static/tccp/login /static/tccp/logo /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2acf29aa2acf29aa23b728ef8b611ac670113797e039d365
Found 33 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /static /static/public /static/public/active /static/public/html /static/public/image /static/public/image/live /static/public/js /static/public/mp3 /static/tccp /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/img/sites /m/img/src /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /m /m/css /m/font /m/img /m/js /m/media /m/static /qphtml /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a
Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71
Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /ts-download/css /ts-download/images /ts-download/js /ts-download/muse-ui /tsnew-download /tsnew-download/css /tsnew-download/images /tsnew-download/js /tsnew-download/muse-ui
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-tccp fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /qphtml/active /qphtml/css /qphtml/img /qphtml/js /qphtml/mp4 /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /app-download/images /app-download/js /check.html /index.html /m /qphtml /robots.txt /static /static-tccp /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-xpj83 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-xpj83 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = root@6669786.com:lottery-site/lottery-repo-xpj83 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /.git /.vscode /888 /app-download /check.html /index.html /m /new-download /qphtml /README.md /robots.txt /static /static-xpj83 /style.css /ts-download /tsnew-download
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