United States
Shanghai Anchang Network Security Technology Co.,Ltd.
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 14:03
    Last seen 2024-09-20 18:24
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 18:24
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-23 03:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-02-01 14:03
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 14:02
    Last seen 2024-09-20 15:38
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 15:38
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 23:04
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-23 00:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-02-01 14:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
    Last seen 2024-09-20 14:44
    Open for 478 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 14:44
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 21:27
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
    Last seen 2024-09-20 14:01
    Open for 478 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 14:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 22:44
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:26
    Last seen 2024-09-20 14:01
    Open for 433 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 14:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 22:44
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 21:27
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-29 02:03
    Last seen 2024-09-20 13:08
    Open for 419 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 13:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:25
    Last seen 2024-09-20 11:35
    Open for 433 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 11:35
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 22:44
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-15 06:25
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:25
    Last seen 2024-09-20 06:36
    Open for 433 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 06:36
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-11 00:10
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 21:28
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-12-16 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-20 06:29
    Open for 643 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 06:29
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:07
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-14 18:51
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-16 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-16 20:02
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-12-16 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-20 06:29
    Open for 643 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223e9c6927

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      Found on 2024-09-20 06:29
      274 Bytes
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947e78dd08e645819d1cc87ef2dbe095674f05709bd0b7aa3626ac7f6e

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      sWY㩷h�uU���(���MO��M����A�8I��C��z�R�#�h^�'/�BP-�=�YI�F�w�aRo�s�7H_�^�). W�s�@���-����vg`2",i�Sv�c��^�3�{��󲴫���0�"���
      ��Y���o?�і��p�`x'!yi���nu�����Z�.}��g�(�G���/?�^��Z��o@3j�Fe���(G����Վx�y�s%�$늘W}F_��ӵe��-����`�(<�S�eQpIA��w��&�F.-:Y�AÄ�f�(t]�zi�;s�e�(ߡJ��^
      *�����䜇���}l�`�W��U��y�A���C�H��^��]_�����m��ŷ�Җ��۾� o>� �;�n�����/?�d)��¼CF��%0ƌ����^��z����^{X�v��t��a�
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      Found on 2023-05-05 18:31
      274 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
    Last seen 2024-09-20 05:54
    Open for 477 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 05:54
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-18 03:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:21
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-19 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-20 05:14
    Open for 701 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 05:14
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 07:25
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-08 06:26
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f

      Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 20:02
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-07-29 10:02
    Last seen 2024-09-20 04:53
    Open for 783 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223e9c6927

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      Found on 2024-09-20 04:53
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      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2023-05-06 10:02
      274 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
    Last seen 2024-09-20 04:04
    Open for 477 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-20 04:04
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-08 09:08
    Last seen 2024-09-18 06:01
    Open for 406 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-18 06:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011e9603eaf

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 01:45
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbec8c0da8d1ab864799a8caa95cf8122e06

      Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544730fcf4a6fea44ef078c74cbd67136fa0

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-29 04:16
    Last seen 2024-09-16 23:07
    Open for 657 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 23:07
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:07
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-04-18 02:46
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-04-18 02:46
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c83d9eabc5ae710915c942fba2

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-29 04:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-29 04:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-29 01:32
    Last seen 2024-09-16 16:07
    Open for 415 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 16:07
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744db0593c00c09fa5aa0726f2cbb30c7622

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 22:45
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:19
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-25 14:20
    Last seen 2024-09-16 12:54
    Open for 599 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66ee4249dad2

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 12:54
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e20ea313f191bf29fcd8161e6bd90794f

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-11 00:10
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744db0593c00c09fa5aa0726f2cbb30c7622

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-11 00:10
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86812efb5dac32385ece57168458eae4d

      Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-16 01:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3af247253af24725df36d5d832c273c2fe3b17e3023569cc

      Found 9 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-25 14:20
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-19 07:33
    Last seen 2024-09-16 06:44
    Open for 697 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-16 06:44
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-01 09:09
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-30 01:43
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-30 01:43
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 07:33
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 07:33
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 07:33
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-03 17:48
    Last seen 2024-09-15 19:12
    Open for 682 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:12
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:12
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 23:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:50
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 17:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd496698b82

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 17:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 17:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-03 16:48
    Last seen 2024-09-15 19:12
    Open for 682 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:12
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-23 15:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-23 15:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-12 16:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 16:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c83d9eabc5ae710915c942fba2

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 16:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-03 16:03
    Last seen 2024-09-15 19:08
    Open for 682 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:51
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 16:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 16:03
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-06 08:47
    Last seen 2024-09-15 19:02
    Open for 679 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 19:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-26 07:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c83d9eabc5ae710915c942fba2

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-06 08:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-06 08:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-25 01:18
    Last seen 2024-09-15 18:55
    Open for 540 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 18:55
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 18:55
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 22:50
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-25 01:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-23 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-15 18:50
    Open for 541 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 18:50
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-01 18:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-01 18:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-23 19:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-15 18:48
    Open for 610 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 18:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-15 18:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-26 04:33
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-25 02:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-03 13:04
    Last seen 2024-09-14 05:16
    Open for 619 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-14 05:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 17:28
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 13:04
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 13:04
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-03 13:04
    Last seen 2024-09-14 05:16
    Open for 619 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a652241148f2e

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-09-14 05:16
      272 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-15 08:06
    Last seen 2024-09-12 19:32
    Open for 394 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-12 19:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011e9603eaf

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 09:13
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525df5986bf0c74c565ad133383bcb81b459

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-16 13:00
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccea69e1e2

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544730fcf4a6fea44ef078c74cbd67136fa0

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-08 09:08
    Last seen 2024-09-12 16:16
    Open for 401 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-12 16:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011e9603eaf

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 09:39
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544730fcf4a6fea44ef078c74cbd67136fa0

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccea69e1e2

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a068c791fdca27dc4d1b6832d0c1e13349

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-14 09:52
    Last seen 2024-09-12 07:49
    Open for 425 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-12 07:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011e9603eaf

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-28 21:43
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719a4a4af441271b8f62c36b3b701eca77e

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-31 19:43
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccea69e1e2

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-14 09:52
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-14 09:52
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544730fcf4a6fea44ef078c74cbd67136fa0

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-14 09:52
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-09-12 12:18
    Last seen 2024-09-10 21:56
    Open for 364 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbec8c0da8d1ab864799a8caa95c4f805279

      Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-10 21:56
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-08 23:40
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011aa485705

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-09-16 21:34
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aeccc97f3d0db

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-09-12 12:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:26
    Last seen 2024-09-04 21:27
    Open for 417 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
    Last seen 2024-09-04 21:27
    Open for 405 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-18 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-04 19:49
    Open for 595 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:49
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-17 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-04 19:43
    Open for 595 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:43
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-04 19:40
    Open for 599 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:40
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-04 19:36
    Open for 599 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:36
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:55
    Last seen 2024-09-04 19:35
    Open for 599 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-04 19:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:59
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:59
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:57
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:57
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:56
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:56
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:55
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:55
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 18:01
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:55
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:55
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:55
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:55
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:53
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:53
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:54
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:53
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:53
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:52
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:52
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 17:31
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:51
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:51
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:51
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:51
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:50
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:48
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:52
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:48
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:47
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:47
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 16:46
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:45
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:45
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:44
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:44
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:42
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:42
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 16:47
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 18:17
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:52
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:41
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:41
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:40
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:40
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:40
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:40
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:39
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:39
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:52
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:39
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:39
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:51
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:38
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:38
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:38
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:38
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:37
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:37
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:37
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:37
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 18:31
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:36
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:36
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:35
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:35
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:35
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-03 01:35
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-03 01:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-23 16:47
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:18
    Open for 588 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-27 14:11
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:18
    Open for 584 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-04 20:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:11
    Open for 576 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-31 18:18
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:06
    Open for 580 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-06 19:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:05
    Open for 574 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:05
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-22 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 23:04
    Open for 589 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 23:04
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-02-04 20:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 22:59
    Open for 576 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-09-02 22:59
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 14:22
    Last seen 2024-09-02 22:57
    Open for 579 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 22:57
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 14:20
    Last seen 2024-09-02 22:46
    Open for 579 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 22:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-22 02:40
    Last seen 2024-09-02 22:42
    Open for 589 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 22:42
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-03 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 22:38
    Open for 577 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 22:38
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 19:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:58
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:58
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:52
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:52
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:17
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:49
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:49
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:10
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:49
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:49
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:01
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:46
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 17:31
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:40
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:40
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:16
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:38
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:38
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-17 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:32
    Open for 594 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:32
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:30
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:30
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 19:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:28
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:28
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:32
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:28
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:28
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 18:32
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:23
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:23
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:22
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:22
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-13 03:41
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:21
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:21
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:17
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:18
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:54
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:17
    Open for 597 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 08:16
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:16
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 03:41
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:14
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:14
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 19:03
    Last seen 2024-09-02 21:12
    Open for 598 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 21:12
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 08:47
    Last seen 2024-09-02 19:30
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 19:30
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 08:47
    Last seen 2024-09-02 19:22
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 19:22
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 20:02
    Last seen 2024-09-02 17:57
    Open for 596 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 17:57
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-15 08:06
    Last seen 2024-09-02 11:08
    Open for 384 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccbb47a7ef

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-09-02 11:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cab28146bab28146b29698dc2d636aa546c4cf011e9603eaf

      Found 21 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-13 19:42
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bc02cf2fc1ec46b689af3aecccea69e1e2

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544730fcf4a6fea44ef078c74cbd67136fa0

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbec8c0da8d1ab864799a8caa95cf8122e06

      Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-15 08:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-20 04:34
    Last seen 2024-08-26 16:51
    Open for 676 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-26 16:51
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-12 15:04
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 03:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 03:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 03:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 03:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0570aa49d4b57a23033d20a1a

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 04:34
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 04:34
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 04:34
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-19 19:02
    Last seen 2024-08-18 06:23
    Open for 668 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-18 06:23
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-08-12 02:54
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 18:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 18:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 18:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-28 18:32
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 19:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 19:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fdb2942385ea887f55cf20888e658a59f

      Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-19 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-06 08:48
    Last seen 2024-07-18 23:02
    Open for 620 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 23:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 23:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-04 18:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 20:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-06 08:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2024-07-18 22:34
    Open for 551 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 22:34
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-18 22:34
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-25 02:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
    Last seen 2024-07-09 19:26
    Open for 348 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
    Last seen 2024-07-09 19:26
    Open for 348 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-29 02:18
    Last seen 2024-07-07 21:15
    Open for 344 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:25
    Last seen 2024-07-07 20:20
    Open for 358 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-15 06:26
    Last seen 2024-07-07 20:20
    Open for 358 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-08 12:40
    Last seen 2024-07-07 18:54
    Open for 515 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 03:41
    Last seen 2024-07-05 03:55
    Open for 539 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-05 03:55
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2024-07-05 01:43
    Open for 538 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2024-07-05 01:43
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525df5986bf0c74c565ad133383bcb81b459

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66eebdb5d45b

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66eebdb5d45b

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525df5986bf0c74c565ad133383bcb81b459

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-28 12:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-08-08 09:08
    Last seen 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b66f7205670ae5e867984a66eebdb5d45b

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327c802ffea

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-08-08 09:08
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-10 16:25
    Last seen 2023-07-30 03:06
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-10 16:24
    Last seen 2023-07-30 03:06
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-20 02:57
    Last seen 2023-07-30 03:02
    Open for 71 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-10 16:25
    Last seen 2023-07-30 03:02
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-10 16:25
    Last seen 2023-07-30 02:46
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:13
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-27 10:11
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-01 00:18
    Last seen 2023-07-25 06:33
    Open for 146 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-01 23:38
    Last seen 2023-07-21 02:47
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-12-20 06:02
    Last seen 2023-07-21 02:32
    Open for 212 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-11 05:02
    Last seen 2023-07-21 02:31
    Open for 70 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-21 02:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-20 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-20 10:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-20 03:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-20 02:46
    Last seen 2023-07-20 02:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-20 02:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-28 15:03
    Last seen 2023-07-18 13:31
    Open for 139 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-12 03:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-02 04:02
    Last seen 2023-07-12 03:31
    Open for 70 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-02 04:01
    Last seen 2023-07-12 03:31
    Open for 70 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-02 03:01
    Last seen 2023-07-12 02:31
    Open for 70 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-02 03:02
    Last seen 2023-07-12 02:31
    Open for 70 days
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 09:59
    Last seen 2023-07-12 01:22
    Open for 283 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 09:59
      273 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 09:59
    Last seen 2023-07-12 00:46
    Open for 283 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
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      	bare = false
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      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 09:59
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-18 09:26
    Last seen 2023-07-10 00:03
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-07-04 20:15
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a1f2177331b7f8abbc3e66b42c50bdc6d

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-04 20:15
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9ab4c20b47efeee6614d2c327225b1897

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-07-04 20:15
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-20 01:31
    Last seen 2023-06-30 04:02
    Open for 71 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-08 12:44
    Last seen 2023-06-30 03:31
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 12:01
    Last seen 2023-06-25 05:12
    Open for 143 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-01 11:57
    Last seen 2023-06-23 02:32
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-22 02:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-16 19:02
    Last seen 2023-06-16 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-16 01:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-16 01:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-25 14:19
    Last seen 2023-06-16 00:46
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-25 14:20
    Last seen 2023-06-16 00:32
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-25 14:19
    Last seen 2023-06-16 00:31
    Open for 141 days
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-07 20:48
    Last seen 2023-06-07 20:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-06 08:47
    Last seen 2023-06-04 17:46
    Open for 210 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-04 17:46
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-26 18:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-26 18:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 19:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729baf90f152bdae80647369551f

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-06 08:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-06 08:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 18:17
    Last seen 2023-06-04 16:47
    Open for 139 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-04 16:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-04 16:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-04 16:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 18:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 18:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-11-03 10:48
    Last seen 2023-06-03 18:31
    Open for 212 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-03 18:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-03 18:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 20:02
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a71296f0355ebbf4f3f772e0c

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 10:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35b9dd4fa7ca61c1281f65751198d7ee494

      Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-11-03 10:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 03:04
    Last seen 2023-06-02 20:03
    Open for 140 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c81c345f781c345f7610898f0fc94e7ed2eb3313d062865f6

      Found 32 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-02 20:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c684e525d684e525dc7912d969f5427c7a00b31c7d499756b

      Found 27 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-02 20:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bca7f850319cd7993cd812edcece580857

      Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-06-02 20:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d3a77cc405b16a1eabb7cd4c8

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-24 02:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bcebe57a3e4283850fd4cb7266bc

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-13 03:04
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-06-02 00:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    Port: 80
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-31 07:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-28 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-28 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-05-27 00:46
    Last seen 2023-05-27 00:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-16 14:19
    Last seen 2023-05-26 01:47
    Open for 70 days
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 10:00
    Last seen 2023-05-02 01:02
    Open for 212 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
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      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 10:00
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-30 02:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-08 18:17
    Last seen 2023-04-28 16:16
    Open for 78 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-02-08 18:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 18:31
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:44
    Open for 102 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 18:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:16
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:43
    Open for 103 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 03:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:01
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:39
    Open for 103 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 03:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 02:17
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:39
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 02:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 19:02
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:29
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-13 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:27
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 19:01
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:14
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-13 19:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-14 01:50
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:14
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-14 01:50
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:14
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-13 20:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-13 18:16
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:14
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-13 18:16
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2023-01-13 20:02
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:13
    Open for 104 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65224e6bb8b9

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
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      	logallrefupdates = true
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      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2023-01-13 20:02
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 19:17
    Last seen 2023-04-28 12:13
    Open for 102 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 19:17
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-09-29 12:19
    Last seen 2023-04-27 10:02
    Open for 209 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
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      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-09-29 12:19
      273 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-09-29 12:17
    Last seen 2023-04-27 10:02
    Open for 209 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-09-29 12:17
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-20 01:48
    Last seen 2023-04-20 01:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-08 19:02
    Last seen 2023-04-19 18:16
    Open for 69 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-02-08 19:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-19 03:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-19 03:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-17 15:32
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-17 15:16
    Last seen 2023-04-17 15:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-17 02:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-17 02:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-10 06:36
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-10 01:40
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-10 01:40
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-10 00:02
    Last seen 2023-04-10 00:02
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-09 20:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-08 17:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-08 17:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-08 17:06
    Last seen 2023-04-08 17:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-08 17:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-08 17:06
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-07 15:59
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-07 05:54
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-07 05:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-07 05:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-05 14:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-05 14:35
    Last seen 2023-04-05 14:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-05 08:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-05 08:46
    Last seen 2023-04-05 08:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-04-04 16:09
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-30 01:35
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-28 03:32
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-28 03:16
    Last seen 2023-03-28 03:16
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-27 15:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-15 03:17
    Last seen 2023-03-26 02:32
    Open for 69 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-15 03:17
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-25 04:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-24 13:01
    Last seen 2023-03-24 13:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-21 16:14
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-20 12:23
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-20 12:23
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-20 12:23
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-18 15:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-18 15:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-18 15:56
    Last seen 2023-03-18 15:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-18 15:56
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-17 15:21
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-16 14:19
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-16 14:19
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-15 16:05
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-15 15:59
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-15 15:59
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-15 15:59
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-03-15 15:46
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-25 15:48
    Last seen 2023-03-14 14:16
    Open for 139 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-14 14:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cae99eea9ae99eea9026c29ba53a966e70366bf46026d2dda

      Found 23 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-14 14:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 15:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 15:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-25 15:48
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-25 15:48
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-25 15:49
    Last seen 2023-03-14 14:16
    Open for 139 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a0904d808d014ac6c4955f1f2917ac405e

      Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-14 14:16
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 15:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-03 15:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-25 15:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-25 15:49
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-25 15:49
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2022-10-20 19:03
    Last seen 2023-03-09 17:31
    Open for 139 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57a06acecbf064bb956b71baf87615d4266

      Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-03-09 17:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c31c2f0b631c2f0b6e32174b35a110faab240b3833f580f71

      Found 28 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 18:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c0f8dcf020f8dcf02a719fba72269ac0ec68e593f464f625a

      Found 24 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 18:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb1c2bf373

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 18:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe626f729b199cedc206e898fb9876c4bf

      Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-12-29 18:17
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e7ad6bceb561dd3921d235eeb6bbdda05

      Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 19:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcf947301c8b0d42705be19dc38fb2d4512

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 19:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa544751bf49c0f7025fade1f1516096878ee6

      Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 19:03
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d9930cc46c0a50fa3a2807c7ac11d5508

      Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2022-10-20 19:03
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-09-30 00:48
    Last seen 2023-02-19 02:42
    Open for 142 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-09-30 00:48
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-02-02 03:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-02-02 03:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-31 19:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-31 19:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-31 10:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-31 10:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-31 10:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-31 10:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-29 17:31
    Last seen 2023-01-29 17:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-29 17:31
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-26 12:01
    Last seen 2023-01-26 12:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-26 12:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-26 11:18
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-26 11:18
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-23 19:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-23 19:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-23 19:01
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-23 19:01
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-23 16:47
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-23 16:47
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2023-01-23 04:31
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719155d132a99c1ef57082ade56753264bb

      Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2023-01-23 04:31
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 10:23
    Last seen 2022-10-01 10:27
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 10:23
      273 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 09:59
    Last seen 2022-10-01 10:00
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 09:59
      273 Bytes
  • Git configuration and history exposed
    First seen 2022-10-01 09:59
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a65223dffa661

      	repositoryformatversion = 0
      	filemode = true
      	bare = false
      	logallrefupdates = true
      [remote "origin"]
      	url =
      	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
      [branch "master"]
      	remote = origin
      	merge = refs/heads/master
      Found on 2022-10-01 09:59
      273 Bytes
  • MacOS file listing through .DS_Store file
    First seen 2021-11-04 09:29
    Last seen 2021-12-07 11:53
    Open for 33 days
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814e92d8a97ac829f34e3771c27bc3608b25

      Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2021-12-03 02:05
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcfae9cf9bb5732bb6f1422a0ccb5320ca3

      Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2021-12-03 02:05
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3c1fc5e93c1fc5e947b2df35b7eea8994d6e387174a2b451

      Found 5 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2021-11-04 09:29
    • Severity: low
      Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fc4de7b73d622a88f1fe1f55ba08bf302

      Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering:
      Found on 2021-11-04 09:29
Domain summary 10 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1