Apache 2.4.29
The application has Symfony verbose mode enabled.
It enables an attacker to access the following sensitive content :
Fingerprint: 05ab011344cbe6683b354869c469082e93c1a45f86b3e6020987cbd81dc0d6f8
app_api_conf: language: { default: en, supported: [de, en], media: [de, en, fr, es, nl, ru, pl, it, dk, no, se, cn, fi, tr, pt], names: { de: German, en: English, es: Spanish, fr: French, nl: Dutch, ru: Russian, pl: Polish, it: Italian, dk: Danish, se: Swedish, no: Norwegian, cn: Chinese, fi: Finnish, tr: Turkish, pt: Portuguese } } calculation: { currency_sign: €, currency_letter: EUR, tax_list: { 0: 0%, 8: 8%, 15: 15%, 17: 17%, 18: 18%, 19: 19%, 20: 20%, 21: 21%, 23: 23%, 24: 24%, 25: 25%, 27: 27% }, tax_default: '19' } app_basehost: pia.landpower.storedata.de app_bdMediaManagerPlugin_media_dir: /srv/rsync/pia app_check_file_size: false app_file_manager: - local app_frontendhost: '' app_image_ratio_normal: 1.33333333 app_image_ratio_panorama: 2.2 app_image_ratio_user: 1 app_lang_import_url: 'http://api.prod.grimme.com/translations' app_lucene_search_models: - MediaLibary - MediaLibaryCategory - ProductCategory - Product - ProductModel - ProductType - ProductVariant - ProductOption - 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ImageMagick, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 147, height: 110, method: center, background: '#FFFFFF' } }, { adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: overlay, param: { overlay: sfImage|/layer/video.png, position: bottom-right } }] } m_small_pdf: { quality: 95, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: resize, param: { width: 147, height: 110, inflate: true, proportional: true } }, { adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: border, param: { thickness: 1, color: '#BEBEBE' } }, { adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 147, height: 110, method: fit, background: '#FFFFFF' } }, { adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: overlay, param: { overlay: sfImage|/layer/pdf.png, position: bottom-right } }] } m_normal: { quality: 95, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 190, height: 142, method: center, background: '#FFFFFF' } }] } m_micro: { quality: 95, mime_type: 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1024, inflate: false, proportional: true } }] } i_normal2: { quality: 85, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: resize, param: { width: 266, height: 266, inflate: false, proportional: true } }] } i_normal1: { quality: 85, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: resize, param: { width: 133, height: 133, inflate: false, proportional: true } }] } i_small2: { quality: 85, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: GD, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 146, height: 110, method: center, background: '#FFFFFF' } }] } i_small1: { quality: 85, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: GD, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 73, height: 55, method: center, background: '#FFFFFF' } }] } i_full: { quality: 95, mime_type: image/jpg, transformations: [{ adapter: ImageMagick, transformation: thumbnail, param: { width: 700, height: 525, method: center, background: '#FF0000' } }] } 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Open service
2024-10-28 23:35
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 23:35:56 GMT Server: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Location: https://ac.braindata.de/ Content-Length: 0 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8