The Netherlands
Software information

Solr 8.11.2


  • Solr administration is publicly available
    First seen 2024-03-04 19:15
    Last seen 2024-12-22 01:01
    Open for 292 days
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b44ca9de9383fc9cc42158840

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408334 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 86 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1019 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296988 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found on 2024-12-22 01:01
      1208555 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b02ba033c799fc99d419c49a0

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1019 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296988 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 86 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408334 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found on 2024-12-22 00:44
      1208555 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728be7d2a25abb58891a9daf59a5

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1019 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 86 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296987 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408334 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found on 2024-12-20 00:57
      1208554 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b58857ec640e78e91cad74135

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408334 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1019 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 86 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296987 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found on 2024-12-19 21:29
      1208554 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b58857ec61294b9b26f7041ff

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296970 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 84 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1013 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408312 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found on 2024-12-18 01:46
      1208507 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b863989bb5b46320484d109a1

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 84 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296970 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408312 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1674 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1013 documents
      Found on 2024-12-18 01:09
      1208507 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b44ca9de9541f2b331a6f60df

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296969 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408304 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found on 2024-12-16 00:03
      1208492 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b58857ec65f58b9c6bd453329

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296969 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408304 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found on 2024-12-15 23:54
      1208492 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728ba536bcd1320ea9632ad42c89

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408304 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296969 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found on 2024-12-14 00:07
      1208492 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bff63a921d09a63736f195685

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408304 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296969 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found on 2024-12-13 23:56
      1208492 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b42572f54b0ab941129f67088

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296926 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408263 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found on 2024-12-12 01:05
      1208408 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b8f61182195e121459b4eeda4

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1009 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408263 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 931 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296926 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found on 2024-12-12 01:02
      1208408 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b5455f51badc7ac706671f885

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296907 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408251 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found on 2024-12-10 01:07
      1208371 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bad30a6d3baf1ac3e9a5883e9

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408251 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296907 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found on 2024-12-10 00:56
      1208371 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bf9f685fd2e0466efed5fe3fc

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408243 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296897 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found on 2024-12-08 00:53
      1208353 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bce2f30e650871bcaaac00cdc

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408243 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296897 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found on 2024-12-08 00:40
      1208353 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b863989bb3bd365d01860c11e

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296897 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408243 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found on 2024-12-06 00:56
      1208353 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b44ca9de91228ef33d5908f4e

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1383 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1007 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22322 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296897 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 83 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408243 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 4007 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found on 2024-12-06 00:52
      1208353 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bff9950c5feff30d67fbd8289

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408155 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296805 documents
      Found on 2024-12-04 00:47
      1208071 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bd65106585b66e12833420f1d

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408155 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296805 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found on 2024-12-04 00:06
      1208071 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b02ba033c0522168052dc3030

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296802 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408179 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found on 2024-12-02 01:23
      1208092 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b863989bb05b3824c766ff41c

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408179 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296802 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found on 2024-12-02 01:12
      1208092 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b76247427930543c9f1d6a2b8

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408179 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296802 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found on 2024-11-30 00:45
      1208092 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b351dee9dd6192c237da84c72

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 7 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1673 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1373 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296802 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22320 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3997 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408179 documents
      Found on 2024-11-30 00:19
      1208092 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b58857ec6abb6d5c7c5854007

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97396 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22319 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 215 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 1005 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 104767 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 17580 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2825 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 408111 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 111 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 296778 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 982 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rides_index with 0 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3953 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rides_index with 1664 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68245 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2316 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 925 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 172 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 1371 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 40 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 141695 documents
      Found on 2024-11-28 00:48
      1207937 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bd427c92d30eaa43c7b8cfc5a

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16701 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 955 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97299 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101475 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 293710 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7756 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3781 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 137599 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68884 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 399166 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 874 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2215 documents
      Found on 2024-05-23 22:07
      1184777 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b18c16d6e19ae44fcfaa35c34

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16701 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3781 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7756 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 137599 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101475 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2215 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 399166 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 293710 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97299 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68884 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 874 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 955 documents
      Found on 2024-05-23 21:29
      1184777 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b4c9fceba60388febfe778f84

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 951 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2188 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 398924 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101352 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3754 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97092 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 137439 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 874 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 293451 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16626 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68714 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7682 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found on 2024-05-22 21:40
      1183409 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b4c9fceba9e5b3917ef011560

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16626 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 874 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 398924 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101352 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 951 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68714 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7682 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2188 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97092 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3754 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 293451 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 137439 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found on 2024-05-22 21:25
      1183409 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b16bb460a30285e5049717756

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68527 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 398078 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7632 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3669 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 872 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96632 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136881 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292804 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101081 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16461 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2103 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:54
      1180029 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b6fa92b027935740295328470

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96632 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68527 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 872 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 398078 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136881 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101081 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3669 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16461 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7632 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2103 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292804 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:37
      1180029 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728ba536bcd1f3d4337929cbb045

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68493 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16422 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2066 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292709 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136830 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3632 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101030 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96598 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 397961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7628 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 872 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found on 2024-05-08 13:33
      1179530 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728ba1decb3aac739f129acaa789

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16421 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68493 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 101029 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96598 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 397947 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292702 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136829 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3631 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 729 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 927 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7628 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 872 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 2065 documents
      Found on 2024-05-08 12:51
      1179504 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bef14600513f63315792cf328

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68209 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22293 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292116 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136333 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 397212 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100645 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 863 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 917 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96207 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3543 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1979 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16269 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 723 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7567 documents
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:10
      1176216 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bad30a6d39c84cd734c268a51

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22290 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291863 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16196 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 396891 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3510 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 723 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7525 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 861 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136085 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1946 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68053 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100460 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 915 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 95988 documents
      Found on 2024-04-28 18:29
      1174646 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728ba1decb3afa4e687fa2494429

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22290 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 915 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16196 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3510 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291863 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 68053 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 723 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 396891 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 136085 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7525 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 861 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 95988 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1946 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100460 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found on 2024-04-28 17:48
      1174646 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b9727e2a9c0e221dc854ebb0e

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16058 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 135724 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 67949 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 396337 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3426 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 95723 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 709 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100260 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 913 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291336 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1870 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7470 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22290 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 816 documents
      Found on 2024-04-23 12:32
      1172221 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b2cdc4d91aee12c19170dc249

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7464 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 135696 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 67887 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 713 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291227 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 816 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22288 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3410 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16038 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 913 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 95654 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 396186 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100239 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1854 documents
      Found on 2024-04-18 19:06
      1171725 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728ba536bcd1ddca196a676a0e3f

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3410 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7464 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 816 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 100239 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 95654 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 913 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22288 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 135696 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 67887 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1854 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 16038 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 713 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291227 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 193 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 396186 documents
      Found on 2024-04-18 18:43
      1171725 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b4c9fceba53d02fd46ead37fc

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97953 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 70429 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 394933 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15777 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22286 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292816 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1667 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 903 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 663 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7402 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 99803 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3191 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 804 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 134988 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found on 2024-04-10 14:53
      1174939 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b4117a85b7060be341ad6fc9a

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3191 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97953 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 305 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 70429 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 134988 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15777 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 903 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1667 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 663 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7402 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 804 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22286 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 394933 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 292816 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 99803 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found on 2024-04-10 14:25
      1174939 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b4117a85bd673254a8e59f847

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 134398 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 861 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1592 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7399 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 70270 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3060 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97624 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 393569 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 779 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15632 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 99452 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291701 documents
      Found on 2024-03-21 10:34
      1170525 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b351dee9d97aabc2cf8f1ad0d

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 861 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 134398 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 97624 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 70270 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 779 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 99452 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7399 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1592 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 3060 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 291701 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15632 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 393569 documents
      Found on 2024-03-21 10:04
      1170525 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b01ea8bc1488f919715ba4c82

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133447 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391422 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96922 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69830 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 290222 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7318 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98832 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 837 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found on 2024-03-08 04:50
      1163553 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bce2974e8d5fb8e0ce41072de

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69830 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96922 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7318 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 290222 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 837 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391422 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98832 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133447 documents
      Found on 2024-03-08 04:27
      1163553 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b2cdc4d91b6a7c934c38061f8

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 290222 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7318 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69830 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133447 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391422 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 837 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96922 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98832 documents
      Found on 2024-03-07 18:18
      1163553 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b5455f51bf0817dc389673e98

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391422 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98832 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 837 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96922 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7318 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133447 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 563 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69830 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 290222 documents
      Found on 2024-03-07 17:32
      1163553 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728b0f5ea4eb8fd67a7b39fea1b4

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 526 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96921 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69829 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 835 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98831 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7320 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391319 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 289987 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133446 documents
      Found on 2024-03-06 20:53
      1163174 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bd427c92dd9ae981769cbf3a2

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 289987 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 775 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1466 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7320 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133446 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96921 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 835 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 526 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 391319 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98831 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2880 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15414 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69829 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found on 2024-03-06 19:41
      1163174 rows
    • Fingerprint: e1fd3e483f1c60cb23d0522ea6f9f24bf05d728bc24fd1b9911bd716a4c3d804

      Running Solr node without authentication:
      Version: 8.11.2 (8.11.2 17dee71932c683e345508113523e764c3e4c80fa - mdrob - 2022-06-13 11:27:54)
      System: Linux 5.10.0-26-cloud-amd64 (amd64)
      Found core tivolisc10_product_index with 1458 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 12 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_event_index with 98661 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_location_index with 15348 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_press_index with 961 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_crm_index with 96476 documents
      Found core sitecore_master_index with 390790 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 16 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_rating_index with 18056 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 2865 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 108 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_event_index with 69575 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_location_index with 7220 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitfeatures_index with 31 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_press_index with 2298 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_crm_index with 133078 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_product_index with 526 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_product_index with 321 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_tekevent_index with 66 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_app_entitlement_configs_index with 6 documents
      Found core sitecore_web_index with 289304 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 177 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 774 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefits_index with 833 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_rating_index with 9140 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_galaxy_app_products with 128 documents
      Found core cd_tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 15 documents
      Found core sitecore_core_index with 22280 documents
      Found core tivolisc10_luxbenefitcategories_index with 10 documents
      Found on 2024-03-04 19:15
      1160533 rows
  • Open service

    2024-12-22 01:01

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    2024-12-18 01:09

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    2024-12-16 00:03

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    2024-12-13 23:56

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    2024-12-12 01:02

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    2024-12-02 01:23

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    2024-12-02 01:23

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-12-02 by SolrOpenPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-12-02 01:12

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    2024-12-02 01:12

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    Found 2024-12-02 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-11-30 00:45

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    Found 2024-11-30 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-11-30 00:45

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    2024-11-30 00:19

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    Found 2024-11-30 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-11-30 00:19

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-11-30 by SolrOpenPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-11-28 00:48

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-11-28 by HttpPlugin
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    2024-11-28 00:48

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    Connection: close
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  • Open service

    2024-11-27 23:35

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-11-27 by SolrOpenPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-11-27 23:35

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-11-27 by HttpPlugin
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Data leak
0 B
Domain summary
No record