Win32 x86
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 83
    First seen 2023-08-09 08:39
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd86bda99b9dc8e0854f8c22d32f097a19f2e096f3eab22595

      Databases: 481, row count: 5028710, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3093 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 507183 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 243 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 502010 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 558437 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 21193 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13497 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13179 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 57 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 12971 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 12197 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2404 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 171 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 71800 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormultipayment with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 208682 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 748165 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 11945 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstcategory with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 249105 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 66779 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 225378 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 167 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40312 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 80021 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 280 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 13998 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotemplate with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultiprice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1231 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notenotification with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.oldgstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18543 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15797 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1222 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 23024 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1425 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 144902 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 586 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 61 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 299 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 70 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 77761 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 442666 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204741 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 448249 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 947 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 103 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 08:39
      2.5 GBytes 5028710 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 5007
    First seen 2023-08-09 07:24
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd0441e7011891d8204bf43c60531fa2cabff7ae4ef49c94e

      Databases: 481, row count: 4852739, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2878 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 517869 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 204 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 466656 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 433563 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 21476 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13280 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12795 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 78 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 10694 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13100 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 3195 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 94 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 72009 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormultipayment with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 213937 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 754103 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12729 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstcategory with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 259193 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 79222 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 228305 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 205 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 48 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40312 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 83839 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 159 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 14030 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1152 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18589 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15831 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1297 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22467 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1425 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 322 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 58 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 432945 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 445537 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 21 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 947 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 133 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 07:24
      2.5 GBytes 4852739 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7050
    First seen 2023-08-09 07:09
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd493e90d16a182f3748fd6195a97a3e73df1a94ad932121e5

      Databases: 481, row count: 5071714, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2854 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 538419 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 222 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 505105 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 551794 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 21052 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 11875 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12795 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 95 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13119 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 12185 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2265 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 58 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 120 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 72148 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormultipayment with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 207932 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 739258 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12380 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstcategory with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 252985 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 93790 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 227887 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 181 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 192 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40312 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 83341 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 196 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15831 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1027 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22591 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1935 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 494 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 82 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 448249 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 18 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 74 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 07:09
      2.5 GBytes 5071714 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7071
    First seen 2023-08-09 07:07
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf6772c253fbaf9eb117387b19b391ea72b95599972797900

      Databases: 481, row count: 4800283, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2917 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 527733 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 233 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 470600 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 387565 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20981 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13626 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12987 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 56 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13057 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13123 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2420 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 143 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 71731 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormultipayment with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 211685 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 742227 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12729 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstcategory with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 251433 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 71635 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 226214 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 156 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 48 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40429 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 74709 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 158 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 14014 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15864 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1216 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22715 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1151 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 474 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 58 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 449605 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 33 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 947 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 103 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 07:07
      2.5 GBytes 4800283 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7022
    First seen 2023-08-09 07:00
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc08957f4ba9aa836f5e78812b9185da00a6320b08e4b3041

      Databases: 481, row count: 4869179, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3056 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 521979 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 249 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 485059 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 407263 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 21087 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13237 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13395 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 88 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 12971 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 12233 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2404 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 49 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 117 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 71870 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormultipayment with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 211685 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 748165 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12555 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 258417 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 223705 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 181 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 35 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40546 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 83507 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 16196 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1337 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 2745 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 403 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 70 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204224 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 446215 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 33 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 106 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 07:00
      2.5 GBytes 4869179 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 5004
    First seen 2023-08-09 06:27
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd4c053b4588d417cbfb06b3d19896f087a81f1eb9bf982225

      Databases: 481, row count: 4960570, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3085 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 531762 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 314 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 512992 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 512352 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 18646 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 12718 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13155 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 90 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 12302 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 12993 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2513 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 49 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 120 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 72217 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 179408 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 748165 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12816 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 254537 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 81951 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
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      Found table with 1718 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 454 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 70 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204353 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 448249 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 21 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 1114 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 06:27
      2.5 GBytes 4960570 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7092
    First seen 2023-08-09 06:23
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc8044929b248d58fbf4f7c9d750d304b5d1b9125efd06664

      Databases: 481, row count: 4910533, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2920 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 511215 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 168 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 454168 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 486078 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20875 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 12783 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12987 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardterminal with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 107 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13181 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13112 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 3071 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 70 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 145 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 208682 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 745196 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12467 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 253761 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 227050 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.job with 40 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40429 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22838 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1040 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 130744 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 474 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 68 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 245 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 47 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 78503 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 430984 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 205128 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 448927 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 909 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 46 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 06:23
      2.5 GBytes 4910533 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 5601
    First seen 2023-08-09 05:50
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd0173b32a4a4218e0fb10c4a41c332fba45670302ff75f16b

      Databases: 481, row count: 4923194, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3106 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 521077 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 132 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 484730 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 492618 records
      Found table with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankpaymentlog with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20981 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 12675 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12891 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 88 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13070 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13088 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2993 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 64 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 169 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 199675 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 23024 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1074 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 88269 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 606 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 77 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 247 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 58 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 63397 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 436754 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204482 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 450284 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 18 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 46 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 05:50
      2.5 GBytes 4923194 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7088
    First seen 2023-08-09 04:54
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd536398be71613294fa7673f07cc9abbe29d724eec09cd84d

      Databases: 481, row count: 4865780, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2920 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 516968 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 231 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 484073 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 459777 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20804 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 11745 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 12867 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13045 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 58 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 118 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 197423 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22653 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 2419 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 100772 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 342 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 61 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 255 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 70 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 72453 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 415496 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 192850 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 452996 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 35 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 947 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 101 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 04:54
      2.5 GBytes 4865780 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 9183
    First seen 2023-08-09 02:41
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdf06c1d6650c772dc2bf189e8178c87466877c7d6c930cecc

      Databases: 481, row count: 4972336, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3067 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 519355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 139 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 505105 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 531885 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20946 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13129 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13083 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13094 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 12197 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2373 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 68 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 118 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 209433 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12555 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.oldgstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18543 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15897 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1033 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22962 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 2332 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 89923 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 738 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 61 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 210 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 82 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 61867 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 432777 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204741 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 439353 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 947 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 106 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 02:41
      2.5 GBytes 4972336 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7244
    First seen 2023-08-09 02:40
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb1fac3191b5b7fffce378a4db6defddb2883cd15b86ba203

      Databases: 481, row count: 5003409, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2896 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 520176 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 564717 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 21299 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13086 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13227 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
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      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 52 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 145 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 203428 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 14046 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotemplate with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultiprice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1144 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notenotification with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.oldgstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18359 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15698 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1256 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22405 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1189 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 142879 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 382 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 77 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 245 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 78464 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 426981 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 206033 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 444099 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 33 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 02:40
      2.5 GBytes 5003409 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 8007
    First seen 2023-08-09 01:45
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb9191e88bc2a23fa62e487ae1b5b12e4d5c44a5c3df819df

      Databases: 481, row count: 4926146, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3069 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 527572 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 501819 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 433389 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20698 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13497 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13155 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13119 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13028 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2699 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 68 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 145 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 192919 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 254496 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.job with 35 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40226 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 82718 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 136 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 13982 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotemplate with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultiprice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1248 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notenotification with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.oldgstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18727 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 14933 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1157 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22591 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1866 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 150970 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 474 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 68 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 288 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 70 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 71674 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 423117 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204353 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 449523 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 38 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 909 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 76 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 01:45
      2.5 GBytes 4926146 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7070
    First seen 2023-08-09 01:11
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd28dfac9dbcae86f5a29e13d6872392b42f17545b0aa4ee1

      Databases: 481, row count: 5017181, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 3067 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 531681 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 168 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 517922 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 492487 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20804 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13561 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13419 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 75 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13008 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13028 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2683 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 68 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 145 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 207932 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 751102 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12729 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstcategory with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 257599 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 110483 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 225796 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 181 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 149 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 48 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 38942 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 82552 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 159 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 14030 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotemplate with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultiprice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1305 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notenotification with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.oldgstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18589 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15831 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1337 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 29 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22715 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 845 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 115482 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 606 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmainitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescn with 77 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 291 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 48 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 64130 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 71752 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 446301 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicepacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateplaninvoiceddate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.saleslead with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadinterestedproduct with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadsource with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemo with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 31 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesteam with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salestransferred with 204224 records
      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemgrade with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemmetertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceperson with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbomitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbrand with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbylocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockcategory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockclass with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassembly with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchange with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockexchangetype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklink with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 613 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackage with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktakeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 445455 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocktransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockuom with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supervisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceived with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceivedid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3367 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.term with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.todolist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenu with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touchscreenmenuitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourguide with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 445 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 74 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicle with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 01:11
      2.5 GBytes 5017181 rows
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 7288
    First seen 2023-08-09 01:08
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd108822b3e262eb7db2e7297b090ea231844a978b7eb8f35a

      Databases: 481, row count: 4948431, size: 2.5 GB
      No or default MySQL authentication found.Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 4 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 9 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tmzakk with 1 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table readme_to_recover_a.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbook with 2914 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbookob with 51 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbooktitle with 30 records
      Found table weilsin-new.accbudget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.acctrans with 520998 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentrole with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.agentsalestarget with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.alternativeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.annuallongerperiodadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmentpriority with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.appointmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.approvalinfo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.arapgroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.archiveaction with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.area with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.asset with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetca with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetcayear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethp with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpincidental with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assethpyear with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assetlocation with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransfer with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettransferitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.assettype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.atmasterdetaildatadef with 274 records
      Found table weilsin-new.attachment with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittrail with 512992 records
      Found table weilsin-new.audittraildetail with 466221 records
      Found table with 29 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.bankrecon with 20875 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bankreconob with 16 records
      Found table weilsin-new.bill with 13713 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billmulti with 13203 records
      Found table weilsin-new.billob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cancelledpresetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoods with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentdisposaltype with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.capitalgoodsitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashbooktype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashier with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashierinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashreceiptdeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.cashtypeinout with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.category with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartfilter with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.chartmanager with 3 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplan with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.collectionplantrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.comment with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamount with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyamountitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbyperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperiod with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.commissionbystkgroupperioditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companybank with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.companyinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.configuretools with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.consignmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.costcentre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.counter with 0 records
      Found table with 232 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditcardtype with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditor with 78 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorbranchaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcn with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnmulti with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorcnob with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditordn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditordnmulti with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditormatched with 13057 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.creditorproposalmatched with 13040 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.currencyrate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customerconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customfield with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customgsttype with 26 records
      Found table weilsin-new.customqueryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dataset with 17 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dbinfo with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtor with 2730 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcn with 64 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnmulti with 145 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcnob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorcontact with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordeposit with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnmulti with 20 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordnob with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtordoaddress with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrecover with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtrelief with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtorgstbaddebtreliefitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtoritemlist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.debtormatched with 72009 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.debtorpricehistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorder with 211685 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderid with 203775 records
      Found table weilsin-new.deliveryorderitem with 754071 records
      Found table weilsin-new.department with 12729 records
      Found table weilsin-new.designform with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.dmrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docno with 83 records
      Found table weilsin-new.docnobankcash with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.draftfolder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailattachment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailmanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.emailreceiver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreport with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.excelreportseq with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.falink with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.fingerprintsetup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountscheme with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.footerdiscountschemeitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreignbankadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.foreigncashadjustmentitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.grnitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.gstpayableclaimable with 14 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstpercentagesetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gstreturnsetup with 15 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttrans with 257599 records
      Found table weilsin-new.gsttype with 60 records
      Found table weilsin-new.importedgoodscleared with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquiryfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirygridsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.inquirymanager with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpr with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalprid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.internalpritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoice with 81954 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoicemulti with 226214 records
      Found table weilsin-new.invoiceob with 265 records
      Found table weilsin-new.irrsetup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformat with 125 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemformatseq with 39 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.itemtransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.job with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpacking with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.joborderpallet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobordertime with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheet with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheetlabourcompleted with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.jobsheettaskitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journal with 40343 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalbooktype with 25 records
      Found table weilsin-new.journalmulti with 83215 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labour with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourcostadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.labourot with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutadvsearch with 203 records
      Found table weilsin-new.layoutgrid with 6 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationdiscountbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.locationpricebookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.loginevent with 14063 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemcolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixitemsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.matrixsize with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.mechanic with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.member with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardbonus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberdebitcardtranc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemption with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointredemptionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memberpointtrans with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.membertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotemplate with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.memotype with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultiprice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metermultipriceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.metertype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.msic with 1174 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notenotification with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.notetemplate with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxn43 with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.partialexemptionadjustmenttxre with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.payment with 18681 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentmulti with 15864 records
      Found table weilsin-new.paymentproposal with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistdoc with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pickinglistitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetacc with 116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.presetreceiptno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebook with 134 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvance with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricebookadvanceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.pricecategory with 73 records
      Found table weilsin-new.privilege with 1317 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promoter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotercommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbook with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionbookitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.promotionitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasescnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesdnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoice with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesinvoiceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemo with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesmemoid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorder with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesorderitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequest with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasesrequestitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.purchasestransferred with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotation with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationid with 5 records
      Found table weilsin-new.quotationitem with 43 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receipt with 22838 records
      Found table weilsin-new.receiptmulti with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringjournaltemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.recuringpaymenttemplatemulti with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.remoteapprovalinfo with 0 records
      Found table with 1116 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportaudittrail with 137547 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportfilter with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportmanager with 9 records
      Found table weilsin-new.reportseq with 494 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaim with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmaclaimreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadelivery with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmadeliveryitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.rmain with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salescnid with 65 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salescnitem with 310 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdn with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnid with 19 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesdnitem with 82 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoice with 63376 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceid with 67267 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoiceitem with 419253 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplate with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesinvoicetemplateid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadgroup with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadstatushistory with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesleadtype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoid with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesmemoitem with 55 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorder with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderdeposititem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.salesorderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.segmentdbsetting with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceadvisor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontract with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractserviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontractsparepart with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicecontracttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceitemdebtorhistory with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.servicenote with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicenoteid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.serviceproblem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.serviceseverity with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicesolution with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicestatus with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.servicetype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.shipmentdeliveryorderid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.shipmenttype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.staff with 1 records
      Found table weilsin-new.status with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stock with 10 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustment with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockadjustmentid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockassemblyitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbatchno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockbom with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockdisassemblyid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockissueitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocklinkvalue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stocklocation with 575 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockmodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockob with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockobid with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stockpackageitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.stockpreset with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocksnin with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.stocktrans with 446811 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreceiveditem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturn with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.supplierconsignmentreturnitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuser with 4 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserdocno with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroup with 2 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysusergroupaccexclude with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.sysuserprivilege with 3355 records
      Found table weilsin-new.task with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskdetail with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.taskitem with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.touragencytype with 0 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroup with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourismcommissionbystockgroupitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.tourist with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossbankcashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscash with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscashitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlosscreditoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtorcurrency with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.unrealizegainlossdebtoritem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varblob with 35 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varbool with 1114 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varchr with 335 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardbl with 8 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vardt with 7 records
      Found table weilsin-new.varint with 59 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vartext with 73 records
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      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclecolor with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicledriver with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemake with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehiclemodel with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicleowner with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.vehicletype with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucher with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissue with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueid with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.voucherissueitem with 0 records
      Found table weilsin-new.warrantytransferred with 0 records
      Found on 2023-08-09 01:08
      2.5 GBytes 4948431 rows
Data leak
2.5 GB
Domain summary
No record