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  • Symfony error leaking informations
    First seen 2021-09-30 09:41
    Last seen 2022-09-18 12:07
    Open for 353 days
    • Fingerprint: 05ab011344cbe668936538b08ec5e8b1d83df01a90afd54a2ea6df6ade5dd9a3

        - 'Not certified'
        - 'IDSBox certified'
        - Waiting
        - Ok
        - Signal
        - Warning
        - Critical
        - Disable
        nuc: 'IDSbox Probox Nuc'
        idsbox: 'IDSBox Evolution'
        idsbox-ultimate: 'IDSBox Ultimate'
        idsbox-mini: 'IDSBox Mini'
        idsbox-r: 'IDSBox R'
        idsunit: IDSUnit
        'idsbox micro': 'IDSBox Micro'
        'idsbox t': 'IDSBox T2T4'
        unknown: Unknown
        sync: Sync
        serv: Serv
        fr: fr_FR
        en: en_US
        de: de_DE
        - Standard
        - 'Silver (10%) '
        - 'Gold (20%) '
        - 'Platinium (25%)'
        home: { module: home, title: Home, color: bleu, link: '@homepage' }
        account: { module: account, title: 'My Account', color: jaune, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], sub: { information: { title: Information, link: account/information }, support: { title: Support, link: account/support }, distributor: { title: 'My Distributor', link: account/parent, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, reseller: { title: 'My Reseller', link: account/parent, credentials: [customer_interface] }, list_customer: { title: 'My Customers', link: account/list, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, list_reseller: { title: 'My Resellers', link: account/list, credentials: [wholesaler_interface] }, register_customer: { title: 'Register Customer', link: home/register, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, register_reseller: { title: 'Register Reseller', link: home/register, credentials: [wholesaler_interface] } } }
        product: { module: product, title: 'My Products', color: jaune, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], link: product/list, sub: { list: { title: List, link: product/list }, activation: { title: 'License Activation', link: product/activation } } }
        faq: { module: faq, title: Faq, color: bleu, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], link: faq/index }
        webstore: { module: webstore, title: 'Web Store', color: vert, credentials: [webstore_interface], link: webstore/index }
        news: { module: news, title: News, color: vert, link: news/index, only_anonymous: true }
        admin: { title: Administration, color: rouge, link: /backend.php, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface] }
        - fr
        - en
        - de
      sf_admin_module_web_dir: /sfDoctrinePlugin
      sf_admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_admin
      sf_app: frontend
      sf_app_base_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend
      sf_app_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev
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      sf_config_dir: /home/www/idserver/config
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      sf_data_dir: /home/www/idserver/data
      sf_debug: true
      sf_default_culture: en_US
        - default
        - sfGuardAuth
        - sfArtichowImages
      sf_environment: dev
      sf_error_404_action: error404
      sf_error_404_module: default
      sf_error_reporting: 32767
      sf_escaping_method: ESC_SPECIALCHARS
      sf_escaping_strategy: true
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      sf_lib_dir: /home/www/idserver/lib
      sf_log_dir: /home/www/idserver/log
      sf_logging_enabled: true
      sf_login_action: signin
      sf_login_module: sfGuardAuth
      sf_module_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/modules
      sf_module_disabled_action: disabled
      sf_module_disabled_module: default
      sf_no_script_name: false
      sf_orm: doctrine
      sf_plugins_dir: /home/www/idserver/plugins
      sf_root_dir: /home/www/idserver
      sf_secure_action: secure
      sf_secure_module: sfGuardAuth
        - Partial
        - Cache
      sf_symfony_lib_dir: /usr/share/php/symfony-1.4.6/lib
      sf_template_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/template
      sf_test_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/test
      sf_test_dir: /home/www/idserver/test
      sf_upload_dir: /home/www/idserver/web/uploads
      sf_use_database: true
      sf_web_debug: true
      sf_web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debug
      sf_web_dir: /home/www/idserver/web
      Found on 2021-09-30 09:41
  • Symfony error leaking informations
    First seen 2021-10-08 01:06
    Last seen 2021-11-27 16:16
    Open for 50 days
    • Fingerprint: 05ab011344cbe668936538b08ec5e8b1d83df01a90afd54a2ea6df6ade5dd9a3

        - 'Not certified'
        - 'IDSBox certified'
        - Waiting
        - Ok
        - Signal
        - Warning
        - Critical
        - Disable
        nuc: 'IDSbox Probox Nuc'
        idsbox: 'IDSBox Evolution'
        idsbox-ultimate: 'IDSBox Ultimate'
        idsbox-mini: 'IDSBox Mini'
        idsbox-r: 'IDSBox R'
        idsunit: IDSUnit
        'idsbox micro': 'IDSBox Micro'
        'idsbox t': 'IDSBox T2T4'
        unknown: Unknown
        sync: Sync
        serv: Serv
        fr: fr_FR
        en: en_US
        de: de_DE
        - Standard
        - 'Silver (10%) '
        - 'Gold (20%) '
        - 'Platinium (25%)'
        home: { module: home, title: Home, color: bleu, link: '@homepage' }
        account: { module: account, title: 'My Account', color: jaune, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], sub: { information: { title: Information, link: account/information }, support: { title: Support, link: account/support }, distributor: { title: 'My Distributor', link: account/parent, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, reseller: { title: 'My Reseller', link: account/parent, credentials: [customer_interface] }, list_customer: { title: 'My Customers', link: account/list, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, list_reseller: { title: 'My Resellers', link: account/list, credentials: [wholesaler_interface] }, register_customer: { title: 'Register Customer', link: home/register, credentials: [resaler_interface] }, register_reseller: { title: 'Register Reseller', link: home/register, credentials: [wholesaler_interface] } } }
        product: { module: product, title: 'My Products', color: jaune, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], link: product/list, sub: { list: { title: List, link: product/list }, activation: { title: 'License Activation', link: product/activation } } }
        faq: { module: faq, title: Faq, color: bleu, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface, resaler_interface, customer_interface, wholesaler_interface], link: faq/index }
        webstore: { module: webstore, title: 'Web Store', color: vert, credentials: [webstore_interface], link: webstore/index }
        news: { module: news, title: News, color: vert, link: news/index, only_anonymous: true }
        admin: { title: Administration, color: rouge, link: /backend.php, credentials: [admin_interface, ids_interface] }
        - fr
        - en
        - de
      sf_admin_module_web_dir: /sfDoctrinePlugin
      sf_admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_admin
      sf_app: frontend
      sf_app_base_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend
      sf_app_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev
      sf_app_config_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend/config
      sf_app_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend
      sf_app_i18n_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend/i18n
      sf_app_lib_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend/lib
      sf_app_module_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend/modules
      sf_app_template_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps/frontend/templates
      sf_apps_dir: /home/www/idserver/apps
      sf_cache: false
      sf_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache
      sf_charset: utf-8
      sf_check_lock: false
      sf_compressed: false
      sf_config_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/config
      sf_config_dir: /home/www/idserver/config
      sf_csrf_secret: 60d7e27211ae01bd1095589408ffce3e2df07b17
      sf_data_dir: /home/www/idserver/data
      sf_debug: true
      sf_default_culture: en_US
        - default
        - sfGuardAuth
        - sfArtichowImages
      sf_environment: dev
      sf_error_404_action: error404
      sf_error_404_module: default
      sf_error_reporting: 32767
      sf_escaping_method: ESC_SPECIALCHARS
      sf_escaping_strategy: true
      sf_etag: false
      sf_file_link_format: null
      sf_i18n: true
      sf_i18n_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/i18n
      sf_lib_dir: /home/www/idserver/lib
      sf_log_dir: /home/www/idserver/log
      sf_logging_enabled: true
      sf_login_action: signin
      sf_login_module: sfGuardAuth
      sf_module_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/modules
      sf_module_disabled_action: disabled
      sf_module_disabled_module: default
      sf_no_script_name: false
      sf_orm: doctrine
      sf_plugins_dir: /home/www/idserver/plugins
      sf_root_dir: /home/www/idserver
      sf_secure_action: secure
      sf_secure_module: sfGuardAuth
        - Partial
        - Cache
      sf_symfony_lib_dir: /usr/share/php/symfony-1.4.6/lib
      sf_template_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/template
      sf_test_cache_dir: /home/www/idserver/cache/frontend/dev/test
      sf_test_dir: /home/www/idserver/test
      sf_upload_dir: /home/www/idserver/web/uploads
      sf_use_database: true
      sf_web_debug: true
      sf_web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debug
      sf_web_dir: /home/www/idserver/web
      Found on 2021-10-08 01:06
  • Open service

    2024-06-14 11:10

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    Page title: IDSbox - Home Page
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    <title>IDSbox - Home Page</title>
    <meta name="description" content="IDSbox, la solution de sauvegarde externalisée privative">
    <meta name="keywords" content="idsbox, sauvegarde, externalisée, privative, services, services de sauvegarde, sécurité, Alsace, Strasbourg, backup, backups, Backup, Backups, automatic backup, automatic backups, data replication, outsourcing, data restoration, private, exclusive, self-working, automatic, backup solution, IT data storage, data backup, migration, incremental, increment, hot image, snapshot, file mode, bloc mode, VMware, back up, IDSbox, IDSBOX, idsbox, secure backup, secure backups, encryption, secure, protection, encrypted data, encrypted data recovery, recovery, hard disk, security, storage, network solution, business, business continuity plan, business recovery plan, remote backup, IT security">
    <meta name="author" content="IDSbox Team">
    <meta name="Copyright" content="Disques &amp; Silice - 2012" />
    <meta name="Publisher" content="Disques &amp; Silice" />
    <meta name="Revisit-After" content="10 days" />
    <meta name="Distribution" content="global" />
    <meta name="Expires" content="never" />
    <meta name="Geography" content="Hoerdt, France, 67727" />
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="description" content="IDSbox: la solution de sauvegarde privative, des solutions adaptées à toutes les utilisations" />
    <meta name="authors" content="Olivier CRIQUI, Jean-Bernard YATA, Gilles GAUVENET, Simon FLORENTIN" />
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    																			<li><a href="" class="menu1-1"><img src="/images/keykey.png" width="50" height="50" alt="IDSbox">IDSkey</a></li>
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    Found 2024-06-14 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-06-13 23:48

    <title>400 Bad Request</title>
    <h1>Bad Request</h1>
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    Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.<br />
    Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.<br />
    <blockquote>Hint: <a href=""><b></b></a></blockquote></p>
    Found 2024-06-13 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-06-13 04:43

    <title>400 Bad Request</title>
    <h1>Bad Request</h1>
    <p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br />
    Reason: You're speaking plain HTTP to an SSL-enabled server port.<br />
    Instead use the HTTPS scheme to access this URL, please.<br />
    <blockquote>Hint: <a href=""><b></b></a></blockquote></p>
    Found 2024-06-13 by HttpPlugin
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  • Open service

    2024-06-13 00:07

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    Page title: IDSbox - Home Page
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    <title>IDSbox - Home Page</title>
    <meta name="description" content="IDSbox, la solution de sauvegarde externalisée privative">
    <meta name="keywords" content="idsbox, sauvegarde, externalisée, privative, services, services de sauvegarde, sécurité, Alsace, Strasbourg, backup, backups, Backup, Backups, automatic backup, automatic backups, data replication, outsourcing, data restoration, private, exclusive, self-working, automatic, backup solution, IT data storage, data backup, migration, incremental, increment, hot image, snapshot, file mode, bloc mode, VMware, back up, IDSbox, IDSBOX, idsbox, secure backup, secure backups, encryption, secure, protection, encrypted data, encrypted data recovery, recovery, hard disk, security, storage, network solution, business, business continuity plan, business recovery plan, remote backup, IT security">
    <meta name="author" content="IDSbox Team">
    <meta name="Copyright" content="Disques &amp; Silice - 2012" />
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    <meta name="Revisit-After" content="10 days" />
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    <meta name="Geography" content="Hoerdt, France, 67727" />
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="description" content="IDSbox: la solution de sauvegarde privative, des solutions adaptées à toutes les utilisations" />
    <meta name="authors" content="Olivier CRIQUI, Jean-Bernard YATA, Gilles GAUVENET, Simon FLORENTIN" />
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    																			<li><a href="" class="menu1-1"><img src="/images/keykey.png" width="50" height="50" alt="IDSbox">IDSkey</a></li>
    										<li><a href="/produits/idsbox" class="menu1-2"><img src="
    Found 2024-06-13 by HttpPlugin
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