Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 5.4.0-174-generic
  • Kafka instance is public
    Port: 9092
    First seen 2024-04-22 21:57
    Last seen 2024-12-22 00:45
    Open for 243 days
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa890bdda340596e460fc6a2031631a0bab38f5457

      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-12-22 00:45
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771fb655ab1b1aaa63d1f9b8607

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-12-20 00:56
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b7106344664b9b1b73eaf8aa27a9018b6de889

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found on 2024-12-18 01:37
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b7106344664b9b74b425e3565247801d4f6187

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-12-16 00:00
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f93b02230d88c17c4e6202c34bb

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found on 2024-12-13 23:40
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa890bdda340596e46566e9e0ce6ab2cdb52cf4cef

      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found on 2024-12-12 00:59
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa168843d0daadd53f84228cecf9d462c7e104206d

      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found on 2024-12-10 00:54
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa863b352f09560fec8180ea64c4b3ef9dc3f068c7

      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found on 2024-12-08 00:34
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4d01184c813f83a296aaf18b4f556dd38bf10e59

      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-12-06 00:45
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442ab5c612af68ade79c2b1d9b97cedd808b

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found on 2024-12-04 00:10
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaad916019fd7260e901c358f8685ba5b8d7309f0d

      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found on 2024-12-02 01:18
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b710635a499eda27ad1f6962301810ae19ff23

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-11-30 00:23
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa168843d0273fe979a6574ed01c47503f69ac37b7

      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found on 2024-11-28 00:46
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f93193f93dd2b58c304db85e505

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found on 2024-11-26 00:40
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771c6176da02ae436d08a752b93

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-11-24 00:28
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa863b352f95aed03591f76aaacbe16c19d79aa0a3

      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-11-22 00:04
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f93b02230d87fe11d06039592cb

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found on 2024-11-20 01:03
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaad9160199db67b6f235bba7fe92cf79e19c61575

      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found on 2024-11-17 23:54
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4d01184c744871d1955a8e9ed2aa63e6e456083d

      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-11-16 00:22
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f93193f93dd2e75a8095d17fdef

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found on 2024-11-13 23:22
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da6e4b1269eca11f9fc4744487cabd2d7d

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found on 2024-11-11 22:02
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a62aaa1903de0084b35aed375bf36f08d

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found on 2024-11-10 00:38
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa376c89107a0364ffd6b9d4ac6e133c07ede5462d

      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found on 2024-11-08 00:36
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa69aa2e63f2000448b8c629167bca76ff8bf60669

      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found on 2024-11-05 23:51
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa376c89107a0364ff0575f3057db6b07aa15bac01

      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-search
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic pay-result
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-11-03 21:08
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa168843d0f718b4d550bb5184160e33a4b55ecba1

      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-06-23 00:06
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b7106370e2fa0091be5fb28e0dc94930b46007

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-06-21 22:51
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa69aa2e63ccb4b94239af8d18db2a355d25b483cd

      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found on 2024-06-19 21:31
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771c6176da0695e1612b43e0da3

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-06-17 21:25
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b710632df1d3f321e345b03e23f38b471f6ec7

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-06-15 21:16
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa863b352f34f6cc2fa603d6ec09a8476430d3d5b5

      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-06-11 21:15
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a62aaa190dcc62a00be1eaf59afdb811f

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found on 2024-06-09 21:00
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b71063aa30bda639fbe5ff848e1f1e32c2e9cb

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-06-07 20:52
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c8d2d3bc1ec68118d8aacf75c1bff9e43

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic role-update-remove-cache
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found on 2024-06-05 21:12
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771fb655ab1b1aaa63d1170be80

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-06-03 21:21
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa69aa2e63a330648361a18c86ab67b1f6176849e2

      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found on 2024-06-01 23:25
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a2fce5551cf65e6103b9eebc68cd861d6

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-06-01 14:07
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa890bdda340596e46baf1e7b6ed98d27d291c5ff2

      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-05-31 20:36
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771fb655ab1b1aaa63d6f9aa0a7

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found on 2024-05-29 20:33
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa168843d0273fe979156c9375ee2a6b42e543a5e1

      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-05-28 22:38
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f939e86df1656a3bf736276874d

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-05-27 21:36
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f9303605f3240123b4813961901

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found on 2024-05-26 20:07
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa998929da14930f9303605f3214c21cdfb6d7350d

      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found on 2024-05-24 21:47
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a2fce5551cb33e63611d5ce0c2458f4d1

      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found on 2024-05-23 20:48
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b71063aa30bda610c2ab16a62f76dc94b068e5

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic ad-click
      Found on 2024-05-22 19:58
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c6866e771c6176da0695e161208c228ed

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:35
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa481eb62c694141855f5a12b5681557414dc50b23

      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic user-merge
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic ad-impression
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic ad-click
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found on 2024-05-08 13:28
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa168843d0bbee111e6ebcb6578321eaefe74b2563

      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:22
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24b7106344664b9b0247d3a9a6cdef6eed115ec7

      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic user-update
      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found on 2024-04-28 18:31
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa69aa2e63ccb4b94239af8d18443261a610e3faed

      Found topic agency-order-update
      Found topic listing-update
      Found topic listing-click
      Found topic listing-contact
      Found topic listing-impression
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic user-update
      Found on 2024-04-26 02:33
  • ElasticSearch is publicly available
    First seen 2024-06-15 00:11
    Last seen 2024-06-27 22:05
    Open for 12 days
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46bb07a4f3ea8ca9b5fef64791967f9ea34ed13f0433196c02

      Indices: 95, document count: 1400325, size: 861.6 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29685 documents (22.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.20 with 1717 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.21 with 17909 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.22 with 45334 documents (20.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.23 with 13973 documents (7.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.24 with 74469 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.25 with 58180 documents (24.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.26 with 55260 documents (38.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.27 with 114502 documents (95.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-27 22:05
      861.6 MBytes 1400325 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df465c0e56b65fb60646209afc7ed9fc782e9044f2758c124492

      Indices: 93, document count: 1228614, size: 730.9 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29685 documents (22.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.20 with 1717 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.21 with 17909 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.22 with 45334 documents (20.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.23 with 13973 documents (7.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.24 with 74469 documents (30.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.25 with 56231 documents (28.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-25 21:57
      730.9 MBytes 1228614 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46cd74d1b1d1a76de3d6532f9f10b25bb96c57469299c71399

      Indices: 91, document count: 1097798, size: 672.2 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29685 documents (22.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.20 with 1717 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.21 with 17909 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.22 with 45334 documents (20.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.23 with 13857 documents (7.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-23 22:07
      672.2 MBytes 1097798 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46e5e4a3958b3a99b7a121ca43ac1b3765d79b88de2ccaad8a

      Indices: 91, document count: 1085615, size: 667.9 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29685 documents (22.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.20 with 1717 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.21 with 17909 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.22 with 45334 documents (20.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.23 with 1674 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-23 06:11
      667.9 MBytes 1085615 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df468b36485502e11e77a7b9a003669a78a5e9cd041ef8f51fa8

      Indices: 89, document count: 1035611, size: 642.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29685 documents (22.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.20 with 1717 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.21 with 14913 documents (9.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-21 20:03
      642.8 MBytes 1035611 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df464e914da71629c7b9c5c15ac59b50998f94cf51c011d70360

      Indices: 87, document count: 1018739, size: 630.9 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1220 documents (485.0 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 2437 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.18 with 2119 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.19 with 29443 documents (22.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-19 20:33
      630.9 MBytes 1018739 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df463b9490d6a94aff667e411ddef05ed7ce8a4b69d56be61be7

      Indices: 85, document count: 986394, size: 603.8 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 38 documents (23.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1140 documents (460.5 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.17 with 1734 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 44107 documents (19.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.16 with 32615 documents (15.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-17 20:14
      603.8 MBytes 986394 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46705cd7222172ff72884c80da3fa89d52d591c37988af0ea3

      Indices: 83, document count: 928724, size: 576.2 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 34 documents (52.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1140 documents (460.5 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 20790 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-15 20:06
      576.2 MBytes 928724 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df463b0eab23d8d8e3e58793fbc1fa5a7e33781f99943b8f5580

      Indices: 83, document count: 908149, size: 566.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.19 with 2964 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index read_me with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.18 with 2562 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.17 with 2824 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.16 with 2565 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.15 with 3728 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.27 with 24485 documents (12.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.28 with 4051 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index .ds-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.29 with 29511 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.20 with 2252 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.21 with 1772 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.22 with 1598 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.23 with 1687 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.24 with 18575 documents (9.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.25 with 28110 documents (14.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.26 with 13818 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.14 with 4938 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.13 with 4451 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.12 with 1978 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.11 with 1898 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.10 with 1620 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index ad-impression with 34 documents (52.1 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.29 with 1816 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.28 with 31911 documents (14.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.27 with 3111 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.26 with 2117 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.06 with 31711 documents (14.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.07 with 2013 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.08 with 2462 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.09 with 32287 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.30 with 61649 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.31 with 31760 documents (13.9 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-conversations-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.01 with 32728 documents (16.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.02 with 31903 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.03 with 1929 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.04 with 1661 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.05 with 32229 documents (14.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.25 with 1876 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.24 with 1932 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.23 with 2053 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.22 with 2216 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.21 with 11939 documents (7.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.20 with 22609 documents (10.3 MB)
      Found index listing-impression with 1140 documents (460.5 kB)
      Found index listing-contact with 2 documents (14.2 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.05 with 2304 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.06 with 3991 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.07 with 2010 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.08 with 2331 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.09 with 2167 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.10 with 2649 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.11 with 1777 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.12 with 87641 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.13 with 6407 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.01 with 3257 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.14 with 20221 documents (10.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.02 with 2154 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.06.15 with 215 documents (856.9 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.03 with 33363 documents (14.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.04 with 1962 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.30 with 1901 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.09 with 79369 documents (35.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.08 with 1443 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.07 with 1720 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.06 with 3262 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.05 with 2243 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.04 with 2525 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.16 with 1693 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.17 with 2705 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.18 with 60026 documents (25.2 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.19 with 3489 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index ad-click with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.10 with 2643 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.11 with 3786 documents (6.0 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.12 with 3920 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index listing-click with 11 documents (20.3 kB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.13 with 40465 documents (19.8 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.14 with 16246 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.05.15 with 6298 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index swarm-filebeat-8.7.0-2024.04.03 with 1478 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index .kibana-observability-ai-assistant-kb-000001 with 0 documents (248 B)
      Found on 2024-06-15 00:11
      566.7 MBytes 908149 rows
Data leak
861.6 MB
Domain summary
No record