The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522b242e2b7
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "release-5.0-stable"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/release-5.0-stable
The following URL (usually /.git/config
) is publicly accessible and is leaking source code and repository configuration.
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 2580fa947178c88602b1737db148c044b81b03713d63bb82370a6522b242e2b7
[core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [branch "release-5.0-stable"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/release-5.0-stable
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719f085dc49eb7c96951b6b23d5feac503c
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js /js/lib /js/lib/fwdroyal3d /js/lib/jscrollpane /js/lib/swiper /js/lib/waterwheelCarousel
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fbe7e56f7ca7463ffcd93303712e45e47
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /index.php /js
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cec7f8772ec7f87726028bc72d1f19bf6cd740c728bb56b61
Found 11 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cec7f8772ec7f87726028bc72d1f19bf6cd740c728bb56b61
Found 11 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719f085dc49eb7c96951b6b23d5feac503c
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js /js/lib /js/lib/fwdroyal3d /js/lib/jscrollpane /js/lib/swiper /js/lib/waterwheelCarousel
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fbe7e56f7ca7463ffcd93303712e45e47
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /index.php /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86bfb45c81ca263209df468542428b971
Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fa0a22501dbaa648760475011394f4ffd
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0f5d368b8ca1fd21cb994c5d6
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d336cbabbd7dd8ab5b00fd0f357f2072b
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdafa5447dafa5447b671e3e93017925fbb46bd39f451b214
Found 18 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /upload/addons /upload/addons/alisms /upload/addons/crontab /upload/addons/page /upload/addons/wechat /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88dde2326db0052369dd3e4af47
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /upload/addons /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf022c6763015504ebf43acbea78b2f67
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/dashboard/srtdash-admin-dashboard-master /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a054e84ad98264508985f9a18ff424b065
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf022c6763015504ebf43acbea78b2f67
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/dashboard/srtdash-admin-dashboard-master /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88d260f46cf498a7bab3cb764a7
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /template /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2a439cf82a439cf87ec9e0e858fdca8e920f461e65858abb
Found 31 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/auth /assets/js/backend/categories /assets/js/backend/company /assets/js/backend/customer /assets/js/backend/device /assets/js/backend/employees /assets/js/backend/example /assets/js/backend/fact /assets/js/backend/general /assets/js/backend/notification /assets/js/backend/order /assets/js/backend/products /assets/js/backend/report /assets/js/backend/suppliers /assets/less /assets/libs /template /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88d260f46cf498a7bab3cb764a7
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /template /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe7191bd86887fe9dbc61436720f1bd8810af
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /template /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814ebe1cdd56e39e31d2e5397e8ac6e4851e
Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /img /img/flags /img/vtl /js /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814ebe1cdd56e39e31d2e5397e8ac6e4851e
Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /img /img/flags /img/vtl /js /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0ec0361364f45a706f594bdd7
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbecac82a5dce80b84a2368e5bcab424b7d7
Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/frontend /assets/less /assets/libs /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cc169dbbec169dbbe800eab3a9d7caae8a714445ccb14e243
Found 15 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /uploads
Severity: medium
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cecc85b04ecc85b048d37f294754c94da8ac3d2c2d1954d67
Found 53 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/auth /assets/js/backend/company /assets/js/backend/coupon /assets/js/backend/example /assets/js/backend/general /assets/js/backend/menu /assets/js/backend/notification /assets/js/backend/user /assets/js/frontend /assets/less /assets/less/bootstrap /assets/less/bootstrap-less /assets/less/fastadmin /assets/less/skins /assets/libs /assets/libs/art-template /assets/libs/bootstrap /assets/libs/bootstrap-daterangepicker /assets/libs/bootstrap-select /assets/libs/bootstrap-slider /assets/libs/bootstrap-table /assets/libs/eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker /assets/libs/fastadmin-addtabs /assets/libs/fastadmin-citypicker /assets/libs/fastadmin-cxselect /assets/libs/fastadmin-dragsort /assets/libs/fastadmin-layer /assets/libs/fastadmin-selectpage /assets/libs/font-awesome /assets/libs/jquery /assets/libs/jquery-slimscroll /assets/libs/jquery.cookie /assets/libs/jstree /assets/libs/moment /assets/libs/nice-validator /assets/libs/require-css /assets/libs/Sortable /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /assets/libs/toastr /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c2eda814e2eda814ebe1cdd56e39e31d2e5397e8ac6e4851e
Found 6 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /img /img/flags /img/vtl /js /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf022c6763015504ebf43acbea78b2f67
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/dashboard/srtdash-admin-dashboard-master /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a054e84ad98264508985f9a18ff424b065
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0f5d368b8ca1fd21cfa323854
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cdc57c57adc57c57adf0e4e16700d02722d90031a971ae59f
Found 19 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /upload/addons /upload/addons/alisms /upload/addons/crontab /upload/addons/page /upload/addons/wechat /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88dde2326db0052369d7327a33b
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cec7f8772ec7f877272a0bbaec4b067daa894017224e73d64
Found 11 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbecac82a5dce80b84a2368e5bca78ee4521
Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/less /assets/libs /template /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e925a4a2a4440cc7eee38eff1b70ad75e
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/css/skins /assets/css/wechat /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/api /assets/js/backend/auth /assets/js/backend/course /assets/js/backend/device /assets/js/backend/general /assets/js/backend/home /assets/less /assets/libs /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c9e04c3bc9e04c3bcad0419ccefa2e6dc6116a29851e4d325
Found 22 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /upload/addons /upload/addons/alisms /upload/addons/crontab /upload/addons/page /upload/addons/wechat /uploads /uploads/20200824 /uploads/20200825 /uploads/20200904 /uploads/20200907
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c8329733f8329733fa0a22501dbaa648760475011394f4ffd
Found 10 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d336cbabbd7dd8ab5b00fd0f357f2072b
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88dde2326db0052369dd3e4af47
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /upload/addons /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c4239b3d84239b3d86bfb45c81ca263209df468542428b971
Found 8 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0f5d368b8ca1fd21cb994c5d6
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/home /assets/js/backend/member /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/ckeditor/plugins /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c668fcbec668fcbecac82a5dce80b84a2368e5bcab424b7d7
Found 17 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/frontend /assets/less /assets/libs /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09ca0cc0fcfa0cc0fcfeca42431f55f55d3a66aa2b78c2edb5c
Found 25 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/addons /assets/addons/cropper /assets/addons/editable /assets/addons/example /assets/addons/summernote /assets/css /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/auth /assets/js/backend/company /assets/js/backend/coupon /assets/js/backend/example /assets/js/backend/general /assets/js/backend/menu /assets/js/backend/notification /assets/js/backend/user /assets/js/frontend /assets/less /assets/libs /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a054e84ad98264508985f9a18ff424b065
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c3838040e3838040e925a4a2a4440cc7eee38eff1b70ad75e
Found 20 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/css/skins /assets/css/wechat /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/api /assets/js/backend/auth /assets/js/backend/course /assets/js/backend/device /assets/js/backend/general /assets/js/backend/home /assets/less /assets/libs /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf639e88dde2326dbb3ddc2fac8ad6b65
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/css/skins /assets/css/wechat /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/less /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0f5d368b878f7ee6324ece063
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/css/skins /assets/css/wechat /assets/fonts /assets/fonts/iconfont /assets/fonts/lato /assets/img /assets/js /assets/less /assets/libs /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cec7f8772ec7f877272a0bbaec4b067daa894017224e73d64
Found 11 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /upload /uploads
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a06e009db0f5d368b8ca1fd21cfa323854
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /assets/libs/ckeditor /assets/libs/tableExport.jquery.plugin /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cec7f8772ec7f877272a0bbaec4b067daa894017224e73d64
Found 11 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /assets /assets/css /assets/img /assets/js /assets/js/backend /assets/js/backend/clubhouse /assets/js/backend/member /assets/js/backend/promotion /assets/libs /upload /uploads
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c11d3744d11d3744d6aae32956f829849bc68a6310807cf98
Found 12 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js /js/lib
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c47dfe71947dfe719f085dc49eb7c96951b6b23d5feac503c
Found 16 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /css /favicon.ico /img /img/frontpage /img/general /img/homepage /img/qrcode /img/uploads /img/uploads/import /index.php /js /js/lib /js/lib/fwdroyal3d /js/lib/jscrollpane /js/lib/swiper /js/lib/waterwheelCarousel
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09cccdd54a0ccdd54a054e84ad98264508985f9a18ff424b065
Found 13 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js
.DS_Store” is an abbreviation for “Desktop Services Store”. These files are created automatically by Apples “Finder” software (which is part of their OS).
They store information about the files within a folder, including display options of folders, such as icon positions and view settings.
It may happen that .DS_Store files inadvertently leak filenames such as database backups or private administration panels.
Severity: low
Fingerprint: 5f32cf5d6962f09c39aac35b39aac35bf022c6763015504ebf43acbea78b2f67
Found 14 files trough .DS_Store spidering: /adminer /css /css/bootstrap-select /css/bs4-datetimepicker /css/dashboard /css/dashboard/srtdash-admin-dashboard-master /css/fancy-box-v2.1.7 /css/fancybox /css/newadminlte /css/plugins /css/webfonts /font /img /js