South Korea
SK Broadband Co Ltd
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2022-04-02 05:28
    Last seen 2022-04-22 03:01
    Open for 19 days
    • Severity: medium
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd4820a4f2f172386649ccbe95582ce7581f6eb2d6e7b37a7c

      Databases: 84, row count: 852, size: 2.7 MB
      Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 3 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.global_priv with 3 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_slave_pos with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 44 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 16 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 36 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 735 records
      Found table mysql.index_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 4 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 1 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 2 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.roles_mapping with 0 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.table_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.transaction_registry with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.ack_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.appfrm_manf with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.appfrm_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.appfrm_mast_hist with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.appfrm_rcv_frm with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.asset_crrct_hist with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.asset_master with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.asset_rpir_hist with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.asset_sub_mach with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.attach_file_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.attach_file_tree with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.auth_role with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.basic_notice with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.bp_master with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.bp_user with 1 records
      Found table bwsdb.clam_expense with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.clam_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.clam_req_item with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_auth_role with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_bp_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_bp_user_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_code_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_dept_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_document_library with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_menu with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cmm_menu_auth_role with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.common_code with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.cur_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.document_library with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.inf_dept_info_rcv with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.inf_person_info_rcv with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.lab_env_chk_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.lab_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.lab_rsv_info with 0 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.menu_auth_role with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.prog_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.prog_issue with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.prog_mrk_rpt with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.quot_expense with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.quot_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.quot_mast_hist with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.quot_req_item with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.rcts_bilclt with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.rcts_parng with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.request with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.request_bp_user with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.smpl_mast with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.smpl_mov_info with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.sms_req_tb with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.tb_member with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.tng_project with 0 records
      Found table bwsdb.user_auth_role with 0 records
      Found on 2022-04-02 05:28
      2.7 MBytes 852 rows
Data leak
2.7 MB
Domain summary
No record