South Korea
SK Broadband Co Ltd
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2022-02-25 16:59
    Last seen 2022-05-15 23:03
    Open for 79 days
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd9a857b6e8f5f77965f00b0ec70c1e8c07b6d1e97d0939c67

      Databases: 50, row count: 20047738, size: 5.5 GB
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_monitoring with 21 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_senson_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_widget_master with 24 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_model_spec with 30 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_user_group with 6 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_raw_transfer_data_tmp with 2285373 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_panel_board_info with 259 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_model_spec_field with 50 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_rtu_control_his with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_street_type_info with 67 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_sun_table with 4018 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_code_detail with 696 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_fault_master with 37 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_fault_stat with 14 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_dimming_profile with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_reduction_stat2 with 39411 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_controller_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_fault_history with 48861 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_collect_stat with 526717 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_epc_equipment_info with 58 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_energy_stat with 16340 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_job_sheet_info with 2 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_parts_mapper with 1611 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_menu with 31 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_daily_reduction_stat with 77442 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_code_master with 76 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_raw_transfer_data with 10700189 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_event_history with 50292 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_tmap_traffic_info with 3179390 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_event_master with 9 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_event_division with 64 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_time_collect_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_email_master with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tbl_submit_queue with 63893 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_controller_history with 3010101 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_fault_history_bak with 21033 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_user_info with 13 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_login_hist with 6476 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_circuit_info with 414 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_menu_language with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_file_attach_info with 3 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_country_language with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_event_detail with 20 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_partners_info with 18 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_user_group_auth with 60 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_rtu_info with 928 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_model_info with 6 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_widget with 14 records
      Found table lemsdb_19.tb_street_lamp_info with 13669 records
      Found table z_readme_to_recover.recover_your_data with 2 records
      Found on 2022-05-15 23:03
      5.5 GBytes 20047738 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd65f52f9e69a44451ac55784e5090da93dbbec7bd13e3bf8f

      Databases: 93, row count: 13991864, size: 3.6 GB
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1028 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_slave_pos with 0 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.column_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 464 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 5 records
      Found table with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 7 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 64 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.roles_mapping with 0 records
      Found table mysql.transaction_registry with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 508 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 127 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.index_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.table_stats with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 39 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_raw_transfer_data_month with 507369 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_monthly_stat with 10 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sec_raw_data with 4711146 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_system_info with 51915 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_daily_stat with 10 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_widget_master with 28 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_user_group with 6 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_street_lamp_info_hs with 11638 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_comma_file with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_email_sedn_info with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_dimming_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_panel_board_info with 255 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_slc_raw_data_month with 111717 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_user_widget with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_event with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sun_raw_data with 244467 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_cbl_hour with 1176 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_complaint_history with 2 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_reduction_daily_stat with 60958 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_login_history with 296 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_code_detail with 244 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sle_raw_data_month with 579343 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_walk_lamp_info with 10 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_cbl with 384 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_fault_history with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_dr_reduction_hour_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_hour_stat with 120 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_panel_sun_schedule with 1914946 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_menu with 38 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_code_master with 42 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_comma_master with 3 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_raw_transfer_data with 500964 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_event_history with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sec_raw_data_month with 1855258 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_dimming_history with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_panel_board_info_hs with 618 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sun_raw_data_month with 26250 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_dr_reduction_monthly_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_comma_history with 9 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_equioment_schedule with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_controller_stat with 109890 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_slc_raw_data with 300628 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_fault_history_new with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_controller_history with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_dr_reduction_daily_stat with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_collect_stat with 163288 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_cbl_daily with 48 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_user_info with 5 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_reduction_monthly_stat with 2101 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_reduction_hour_stat with 1364752 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_file_attach_info with 125 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_street_lamp_info_bak with 15450 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sle_raw_data with 1368950 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_system_disk_info with 0 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_fault_event_master with 24 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_energy_cbl_monthly with 3 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_user_group_auth with 145 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_fault_stat with 11492 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_sun_schedule with 58386 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_widget with 9 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_street_lamp_info with 15092 records
      Found table lemsdb.tb_event_history_new with 4 records
      Found on 2022-02-25 16:59
      3.6 GBytes 13991864 rows
Data leak
5.5 GB
Domain summary
No record