Singtel Fibre Broadband
Mac OS X 13.4.1
Software information

Kibana Kibana


  • Kafka instance is public
    Port: 9092
    First seen 2024-05-23 19:12
    Last seen 2024-09-19 23:32
    Open for 119 days
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaa9d40a4f141d15090586b4913871e1d9228c125e

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found on 2024-09-19 23:32
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaacfd36b9a2a0f80d627961afbe7b94d372ac1e85a

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found on 2024-09-17 23:38
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa49cd39fd78abd9184438cd1ecd2ed775de61d6f6

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found on 2024-09-15 23:48
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4afc0ab333201ab17d22d05831b28ceb769e9692

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found on 2024-09-13 23:21
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4afc0ab34c582e3c9fda7de39f908d2c6e78686a

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found on 2024-09-11 23:18
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa9ecaab1d4ae61da2a3dc257203f7756d248eccc2

      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found on 2024-09-10 09:41
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaae832ffa625d7fa4696bd9b59f4dc218c7b02c28e

      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found on 2024-09-09 23:44
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa355df7b8d2bd20a3d139ec704c9fb09eda3eaa16

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found on 2024-09-07 22:00
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa1c734054e934c8024172e975f2f0676b293bf8e4

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found on 2024-09-05 22:58
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa61a7dafa9e7a1d445a4a7afc4ceb41a7f5b46456

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found on 2024-09-03 22:55
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa055662d908fbfbcf19f76f0d06b14927b2602890

      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found on 2024-09-02 01:25
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa156e1b936097777e4b177bec268d6dce861f03c0

      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found on 2024-08-31 22:31
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa79d7f858aee927097302e691fcc87f1319f707e2

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found on 2024-08-29 23:02
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa34ac62f96d8648519092dce3e4c67102335db93c

      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found on 2024-08-27 22:51
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa979990eae99c5082b1603d302edd5473938311da

      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found on 2024-08-25 22:26
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa24f67b7e68baca323ce05352498c61c128b87cd6

      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found on 2024-08-23 20:20
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa9e6ece2596bed60f95e0d3d69effb3209474030e

      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logs
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic dev_audit_logs5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_kafka_audit_logsi
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic dev_auto_log_c
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic dev_audit_logs2
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_audit_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic dev_auto_logs_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found on 2024-08-21 22:08
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa7e1619eb046f91f98e709b50d9109e9dfb531c91

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found on 2024-08-19 21:10
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa1c7340540624b04cf59e7882ec441ecc8e9026bb

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found on 2024-08-17 20:49
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442a5fb96c39062ce4e9f072d3f88a44ba93

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      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found on 2024-08-15 20:52
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa669c3df725f31a4e2fe190b467f90f354e0bf619

      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found on 2024-08-13 22:57
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4afc0ab32d3eaca98e265c0fed2ea05e09e4d96f

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found on 2024-08-11 23:04
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaab19442f57a9fee93ef92b7bdb6e0568f22066b19

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-Join-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_41-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_45-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_43-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_47-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found on 2024-08-09 20:05
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaae9f14a0de6f287a360db59cb54857e7aa307ed75

      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found on 2024-08-07 22:46
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaad05489b4110946016891434e66ca68d2d3ddec2b

      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
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      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
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      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
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      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
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      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
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      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
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      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
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      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic hello_human
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      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
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      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found on 2024-08-05 21:44
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa52ed3a04b0ca2f0ba0e6acf479f0a396fc92f4d1

      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-27 22:12
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaae4d45cf6bce86e9efaac1cee70005e98ccd6ef9d

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-25 21:48
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaae696c2df8d63f33897b5fedc84eb8fd1b27f6807

      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-23 22:46
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa960cb6b9e76d3b809e1d2e29604d0a3f1b5eb901

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found on 2024-06-23 06:35
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa827e3628c114c48b2c9a18ea1959db2affe6233d

      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found on 2024-06-21 22:08
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa055662d938da7513c442da9afd4ea81b354b3453

      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-19 22:22
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4ed7ac34bc9a5dae4b7d49d2bf3ce6b0c6782af9

      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-17 21:59
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa8a77a886237a32a3d213863352f77de6ad1e0283

      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-15 23:24
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaac82b71c421a6fec61eda19d9bb349cc03e36c3e1

      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-15 00:35
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaad41778ced856e7e76f067421441ce29309ac23a7

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found on 2024-06-11 20:56
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaacfd36b9a830ac0a4dfd65fa06b65ffd693e89821

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-09 20:20
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa2a57a78204f79e7d1920fa8dba07c365d88c762d

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-07 20:56
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa055662d9ed21d3a3a9310f03b509821c3090483b

      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-05 21:31
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa6f9122f2b45db1ef781de601ecbdae56fcc4ba01

      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found on 2024-06-03 22:35
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa8f53d90d4bbdf33168ef0466bf2ce1104dd5952b

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic connect-offsets
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      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found on 2024-06-02 18:14
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa6f857abc3f72c589de66d54a12eb52ff51b2ec11

      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found on 2024-06-01 21:22
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaa3e5f623475d91ba49090df4768306a17191f6b5

      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic hello_human
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found on 2024-05-31 21:48
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa4ac5ef602676b46eaf51c0c9d3b34c5e3f9ae3f8

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found on 2024-05-29 21:46
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaae892ce5fba81431edd82d568fdcde5de9cfcab52

      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found on 2024-05-28 20:28
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa2fac6701dadbce6c9b57967d8cd1b4e0af76d7ae

      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found on 2024-05-27 20:48
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa720f377f16652b87c6a4034c3b18672c98a69098

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      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found on 2024-05-26 22:08
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa6f9122f270c60fe3e170fb3b96bfacf81e341306

      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found on 2024-05-25 21:20
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa75c402e9868ad1b969bca5a8ab9718fdb45f5c80

      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found on 2024-05-24 20:21
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa18b98649eb95855dccb8fe2f840f235a60ee4436

      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found on 2024-05-23 22:42
    • Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa94e823a678d385f76de17e161104162c4eeca9a4

      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_fx_rate
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-stream-extension-rekey
      Found topic connect-statuses
      Found topic shuup_avro
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-Join-repartition
      Found topic __transaction_state
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-changelog
      Found topic pg_campaigns_basketcampaign
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-metrics-trigger-measurement-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact_last_login_rec3_process_time
      Found topic SHUUP_AVRO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregate-topic-partition-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MetricsAggregateStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-Join-repartition
      Found topic CAR_PARK_GEO
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN
      Found topic default_ksql_processing_log
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-message-rekey-store
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_scala_01
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-Join-repartition
      Found topic kafka_shuuporder_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_avro2
      Found topic __consumer_offsets
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-actual-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-cluster-rekey
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_avro01
      Found topic pg_ib_account
      Found topic _confluent-command
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_error
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-Join-repartition
      Found topic pg_car_park_04
      Found topic shuup_order_af_01_result
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_json
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_order_json
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_error
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-AlertHistoryStore-repartition
      Found topic kafka_covid19
      Found topic kafka_homepage
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-expected-group-consumption-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-telemetry-metrics
      Found topic SHUUP_CONTACT_UPDATE
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerEventsStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON_E1_55-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8_51-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_result
      Found topic pg_shuup_encrypt_user_last_login_json01
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_ERROR
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket
      Found topic _confluent-metrics
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER2
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringTriggerStore-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic promotion-topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_avro_02
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1_53-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic shuup_last_login_crm_af_30_result
      Found topic shuup_last_login_af_30_error
      Found topic pg_shuup_contact
      Found topic pg_shuup_econtact
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-group-aggregate-store-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic SHUUP_LOGIN_LOG
      Found topic aiaaks_encrypt_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json12
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringVerifierStore-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-changelog
      Found topic pg_shuup_contactuser_last_login_json
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-THREE_HOURS-changelog
      Found topic HOMEPAGE_GEO
      Found topic _schema_encoders
      Found topic kafka_shuup_6
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login6
      Found topic connect-configs
      Found topic kafka_shuupitem_6
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-trigger-event-rekey
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default_query_CSAS_CUSTOMER_ORDER2_49-KafkaTopic_Right-Reduce-changelog
      Found topic connect-offsets
      Found topic pg_shuup_last_login5
      Found topic pg_hk_inout_api
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-aggregatedTopicPartitionTableWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-monitoring-aggregate-rekey-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-Group-THREE_HOURS-repartition
      Found topic _confluent_balancer_api_state
      Found topic SHUUP_TXN_GEO
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringMessageAggregatorWindows-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_COUPON8
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-TriggerActionsStore-repartition
      Found topic CUSTOMER_ORDER_E1
      Found topic pg_shuup_front_storedbasket_json
      Found topic _schemas
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTERTHIS-0000000105-store-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-ksql-default__command_topic
      Found topic pg_shuup_txn_json_02
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-repartition
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-MonitoringStream-ONE_MINUTE-changelog
      Found topic _confluent-monitoring
      Found topic _confluent-controlcenter-7-4-0-1-KSTREAM-OUTEROTHER-0000000106-store-repartition
      Found on 2024-05-23 19:12
  • ElasticSearch is publicly available
    First seen 2024-04-23 03:37
    Last seen 2024-09-19 23:32
    Open for 149 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df465ffec56da8e030bf3e778968269834e4e2b9e0bfd354ed98

      Indices: 65, document count: 70069051, size: 8.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 532 documents (86.8 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 24085335 documents (4.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 14031 documents (7.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
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      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 1638393 documents (142.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1421096 documents (104.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 29370 documents (4.9 MB)
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      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
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      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 2987 documents (257.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 35 documents (155.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 13685 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
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      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
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      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 1638393 documents (139.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-19 23:32
      8.9 GBytes 70069051 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4666d63a0247c60ad2477cd2e975804a47d4beb538e74205a4

      Indices: 65, document count: 69628711, size: 8.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 476 documents (128.6 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 24085335 documents (4.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 12526 documents (6.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 421701 documents (46.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 1465695 documents (129.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1416518 documents (104.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 26281 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 2670 documents (351.0 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 25 documents (60.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 12218 documents (2.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 1465670 documents (122.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-17 23:38
      8.8 GBytes 69628711 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b8ddd8c9ba7ecd4b965744249dfd2a68a275333bd0f7ad4c

      Indices: 65, document count: 69196617, size: 8.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 420 documents (99.2 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 24085335 documents (4.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 11066 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 345187 documents (38.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 1293942 documents (113.1 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1410764 documents (103.9 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 23194 documents (5.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 2360 documents (296.1 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 25 documents (60.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 10786 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 1293942 documents (105.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-15 23:46
      8.8 GBytes 69196617 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46965522194bffd39bd7c84ed4b4444658a2e0ed8bd91d65b7

      Indices: 65, document count: 68761061, size: 8.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 364 documents (77.0 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 24085335 documents (4.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 9607 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 267447 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 1119750 documents (95.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1407670 documents (103.3 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 20081 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 2048 documents (271.6 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 19 documents (142.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 9361 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 1119783 documents (98.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-13 23:20
      8.8 GBytes 68761061 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46aa1bde2499a54414ff3403f393bcacd1dd23c60618a90f80

      Indices: 65, document count: 66282517, size: 8.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 308 documents (54.8 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 22041157 documents (4.4 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 8085 documents (5.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 188632 documents (21.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 946560 documents (81.3 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1404996 documents (103.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 16991 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 1731 documents (228.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 19 documents (142.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 7882 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 946560 documents (86.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-11 23:20
      8.3 GBytes 66282517 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ff70531b328b2b2da09f33fe68ffad5a593d67f971fbd9f8

      Indices: 65, document count: 62899247, size: 7.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 280 documents (110.9 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 6894 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 119539 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 808369 documents (70.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1402875 documents (102.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 14485 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 1479 documents (196.4 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 19 documents (142.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 6718 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 808391 documents (67.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-10 08:56
      7.7 GBytes 62899247 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46d6b55a6e444317ee5cfdb005d7d1a01b102aca94347815e5

      Indices: 65, document count: 62802758, size: 7.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 252 documents (99.9 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 6591 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 102756 documents (11.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 769527 documents (66.9 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1402266 documents (102.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 13781 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 1414 documents (210.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 19 documents (142.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 6419 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 769535 documents (123.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-09 22:08
      7.7 GBytes 62802758 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ec00245b12672d6d4910ddbee796471a2b0548b9e860850b

      Indices: 65, document count: 62358853, size: 7.6 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 196 documents (77.7 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 5111 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202409 with 23536 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 591870 documents (50.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202409 with 1399354 documents (102.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 10641 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 1095 documents (144.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 9 documents (71.1 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 4973 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 591870 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-07 20:32
      7.6 GBytes 62358853 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46a041f38264480b52043353691cf213c7f1d5feb89a3312fd

      Indices: 63, document count: 60580465, size: 7.5 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 140 documents (55.7 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 3595 documents (4.9 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 417395 documents (36.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 7504 documents (1.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 781 documents (134.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202409 with 4 documents (28.8 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 3502 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 417346 documents (33.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-05 20:14
      7.5 GBytes 60580465 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46fb6bbbb92fa11c3bd499ab345c3caff8ff3216abbbb8fb80

      Indices: 62, document count: 60233381, size: 7.5 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 84 documents (33.6 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 2097 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 247045 documents (35.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 4408 documents (1.7 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 465 documents (107.1 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 2039 documents (907.9 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 247045 documents (34.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-03 20:38
      7.5 GBytes 60233381 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df460db04c41205d3373482c10dcc7bd4e7014745b23a1290b28

      Indices: 62, document count: 59905302, size: 7.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202409 with 28 documents (11.4 kB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202409 with 728 documents (760.5 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22606 documents (11.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2441569 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202409 with 85977 documents (7.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34794 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202409 with 1526 documents (555.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272492 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202409 with 159 documents (61.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202409 with 709 documents (428.8 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22097 documents (4.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202409 with 85977 documents (7.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2441545 documents (197.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-09-01 23:54
      7.4 GBytes 59905302 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4628ae4f7c8425cb3cc4e55a2b19d3f6596fe0058efce2cce2

      Indices: 55, document count: 59715405, size: 7.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52940 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 19010602 documents (3.8 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 22546 documents (11.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2434306 documents (220.7 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 34666 documents (5.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272479 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 22038 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2434275 documents (204.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-31 22:00
      7.4 GBytes 59715405 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c32180ed9f32a73f48fbf1f598df7956d06af6825b8a5458

      Indices: 55, document count: 56327557, size: 6.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52884 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 15968641 documents (3.2 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 21156 documents (10.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2264431 documents (192.3 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 31637 documents (4.4 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 272162 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 20686 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 66 documents (122.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2264407 documents (186.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-29 22:37
      6.8 GBytes 56327557 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46983e33e9e3febcebf06d74198ad5518a3a8e7ff7d0186334

      Indices: 55, document count: 48598174, size: 5.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52828 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 8595560 documents (1.7 GB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 19675 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 2089492 documents (178.4 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 28510 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 271847 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 19243 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 64 documents (96.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 2089468 documents (169.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-27 22:07
      5.3 GBytes 48598174 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b6ecf210840959408a7014ccdbf7439b53d43ee3943eb650

      Indices: 55, document count: 41123135, size: 3.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52772 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index .ds-metricbeat-8.15.0-2024.08.25-000001 with 1466660 documents (295.5 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 18226 documents (9.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1919578 documents (163.7 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 664014 documents (73.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 25442 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 271527 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 17830 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 59 documents (66.8 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1919554 documents (155.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-25 22:54
      3.8 GBytes 41123135 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46a0e2e2ee70164d6e06346fcaa61223d1a7dc1f0f84b37dc3

      Indices: 54, document count: 39268642, size: 3.5 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52716 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 16794 documents (8.2 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1745585 documents (149.4 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 630501 documents (69.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 22325 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 271205 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 16431 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 51 documents (111.4 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1745561 documents (143.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-23 22:30
      3.5 GBytes 39268642 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c80d670e0d749d0e9c2678aaf0353d71f5d39f8568c061e8

      Indices: 54, document count: 38840125, size: 3.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52660 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs with 7542 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 15324 documents (7.9 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1574125 documents (136.8 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 551226 documents (61.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 19278 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 270885 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 15002 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 51 documents (111.4 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index dev_audit_logs_avro-ip-202408 with 135 documents (154.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1574101 documents (127.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-21 22:39
      3.4 GBytes 38840125 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46a9732d693dc27d6bf57afd99e7485b0a18ba4ab863591286

      Indices: 52, document count: 38380600, size: 3.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52604 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 13764 documents (6.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1396138 documents (131.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 461979 documents (51.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 16110 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 270555 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 13500 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 51 documents (111.4 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1396103 documents (114.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-19 21:09
      3.4 GBytes 38380600 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ae14a0ea930c420af09b82be04a2c6750bb3620e38dac42f

      Indices: 52, document count: 37944101, size: 3.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52548 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 12286 documents (6.9 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1222418 documents (137.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 379377 documents (42.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 12979 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 270230 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 12061 documents (2.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 51 documents (111.4 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1222355 documents (129.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-17 20:50
      3.4 GBytes 37944101 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df466db488a3f3373065161e553bd377e4342477ba43b0dd4152

      Indices: 52, document count: 37511114, size: 3.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52492 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 10791 documents (6.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 1049343 documents (89.4 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 298978 documents (33.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 9845 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 269910 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 10611 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 50 documents (98.1 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 1049298 documents (86.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-15 20:50
      3.3 GBytes 37511114 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46cd7a495224bb12a29cbd39e6e13bc04d581c2c01087cdff0

      Indices: 52, document count: 37103574, size: 3.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52436 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 9335 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 884205 documents (75.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 227949 documents (25.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 6828 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 269602 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 9192 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 50 documents (98.1 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 884181 documents (128.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-13 22:59
      3.3 GBytes 37103574 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df463ef0645fb89996e1fc14f96fffb13f783cc489a4e78b0c97

      Indices: 52, document count: 36678630, size: 3.3 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52380 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 7862 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 711866 documents (61.0 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 154027 documents (17.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 3792 documents (850.1 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 269283 documents (13.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 7762 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 49 documents (84.5 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 711813 documents (114.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-11 23:01
      3.3 GBytes 36678630 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c7f38a46552fb9d6b94811e2833a14d9c558510fb1d32449

      Indices: 52, document count: 36215066, size: 3.2 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202408 with 10000 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52324 documents (3.2 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 6308 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 528860 documents (45.9 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 63178 documents (7.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 513 documents (450.2 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 268956 documents (13.4 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 6250 documents (1.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 45 documents (68.8 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 528836 documents (44.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-09 20:09
      3.2 GBytes 36215066 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46393fa03f43cda6416f34c18fef7b17ab87d15756dc0ffee7

      Indices: 59, document count: 41011269, size: 3.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52268 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 4889 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 494922 documents (41.9 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 280490 documents (31.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 1223409 documents (135.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202407 with 1205170 documents (133.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 8874 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 46105 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202407 with 46947 documents (5.5 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 494599 documents (48.2 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 268585 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 4866 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 27 documents (146.3 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 494922 documents (39.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-08-07 20:15
      3.7 GBytes 41011269 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df468206936e4260baeec0f3504aca69cecf075fd52a60c61c17

      Indices: 59, document count: 40687538, size: 3.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202408 with 52212 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202407 with 40000 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 21410 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202408 with 3460 documents (2.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202407 with 22397 documents (11.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 2588063 documents (219.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202407 with 2626001 documents (223.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202408 with 416744 documents (54.9 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202408 with 195978 documents (22.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 1223409 documents (135.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202407 with 1205170 documents (133.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202408 with 7451 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 46105 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202407 with 46947 documents (5.5 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202408 with 416451 documents (40.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 2586736 documents (255.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202407 with 2064077 documents (202.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202406 with 14 documents (87.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202408 with 268259 documents (14.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202408 with 3442 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202407 with 56 documents (86.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202407 with 21881 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202408 with 27 documents (146.3 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 21290 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 2588063 documents (209.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202408 with 416687 documents (52.3 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202407 with 2626002 documents (212.9 MB)
      Found on 2024-08-05 19:52
      3.7 GBytes 40687538 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46913960cce4cad94ce7c8366841abf4535a4d0ab41f6a5b9c

      Indices: 46, document count: 26651141, size: 2.5 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 2686 documents (343.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 510 documents (131.1 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 26035 documents (6.2 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 1458295 documents (165.6 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 11933 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 11998 documents (7.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 1459039 documents (159.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 1459039 documents (126.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 686795 documents (75.2 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-17 21:59
      2.5 GBytes 26651141 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b986c4d1a3831083636b318b52d78dde7b76338116dfc8fc

      Indices: 46, document count: 26064808, size: 2.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 2379 documents (287.3 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 450 documents (101.5 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 23080 documents (3.8 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 1291225 documents (137.9 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 10571 documents (2.6 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 10629 documents (6.7 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 1291868 documents (146.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 1291840 documents (112.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 607955 documents (66.6 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-15 23:24
      2.4 GBytes 26064808 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46dcb3c09e2eaa551efdaaf126849a4c1d0028d78271e4eb35

      Indices: 46, document count: 26022351, size: 2.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 2352 documents (301.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 450 documents (101.5 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 22849 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 1278816 documents (136.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 10462 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 10520 documents (6.2 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 1279480 documents (105.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 1279480 documents (111.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 603131 documents (66.4 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-15 19:58
      2.4 GBytes 26022351 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c5221a3d773fba8fc00f0d6f116db1832f0244042c5b6423

      Indices: 46, document count: 24834395, size: 2.2 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 1743 documents (211.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 330 documents (56.5 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 16858 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 942534 documents (97.6 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 7724 documents (1.9 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 7770 documents (4.3 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 943008 documents (78.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 943008 documents (96.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 436609 documents (48.5 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-11 22:19
      2.2 GBytes 24834395 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4618577f2f0c339ff191ba2b15be5d4c22dee2a6fdbebe27d1

      Indices: 46, document count: 24206224, size: 2.2 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 1410 documents (209.4 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 270 documents (101.5 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 13620 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 763102 documents (100.6 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 6255 documents (1.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 6294 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 763470 documents (86.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 763470 documents (90.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 353522 documents (39.3 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-09 20:29
      2.2 GBytes 24206224 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46df291c38d9d4cd5891bfa74c55137d5c578b0283eed2528b

      Indices: 46, document count: 22991122, size: 2.1 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 776 documents (122.9 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 150 documents (56.4 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 7434 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 417288 documents (66.5 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 3421 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 3438 documents (2.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 417505 documents (58.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 417502 documents (60.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 188797 documents (21.1 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-05 20:13
      2.1 GBytes 22991122 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4612e09403beb474c57854f93105260f5e4ae2350172d29858

      Indices: 46, document count: 22406802, size: 2.0 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 460 documents (107.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 90 documents (34.0 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 4434 documents (1.2 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 249514 documents (28.2 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 2006 documents (795.9 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 2018 documents (1.5 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 249642 documents (21.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 249634 documents (22.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 114193 documents (13.1 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-03 21:36
      2.0 GBytes 22406802 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4686bd99a4bebcba94c8214e40acff132f6efe58a8e44bdb40

      Indices: 46, document count: 21833008, size: 1.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202406 with 158 documents (67.4 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202406 with 30 documents (11.5 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202406 with 1498 documents (670.4 kB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4933 documents (373.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46101 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202406 with 84552 documents (8.3 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2589055 documents (257.1 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202406 with 667 documents (603.6 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21486 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202406 with 669 documents (842.7 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22071 documents (11.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202406 with 84576 documents (6.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2572932 documents (217.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202406 with 84576 documents (7.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2572932 documents (208.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1184294 documents (131.1 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202406 with 41471 documents (5.2 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-06-01 23:35
      1.9 GBytes 21833008 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46206c0da1aade5ed3338faafbc4a257bc566a0af52e42a463

      Indices: 37, document count: 21521148, size: 1.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4926 documents (367.7 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 46030 documents (5.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2585228 documents (263.9 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 21453 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 22038 documents (11.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2569133 documents (222.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2569133 documents (211.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1182200 documents (130.7 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-31 22:56
      1.9 GBytes 21521148 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46db3aa9250a61148713f59eb7eaf6c250c94d885944c7c504

      Indices: 37, document count: 21316834, size: 1.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4818 documents (347.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 930 documents (163.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 44994 documents (6.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2526345 documents (264.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 20951 documents (3.9 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 21520 documents (11.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2510178 documents (216.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2510178 documents (215.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1156843 documents (128.2 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-31 06:33
      1.9 GBytes 21316834 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46cede48de2443385ecb336166d59a2b293027629ac9588759

      Indices: 37, document count: 20886137, size: 1.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4588 documents (306.6 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 870 documents (141.2 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 42813 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2403206 documents (252.4 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 19913 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 20461 documents (10.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2387008 documents (205.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2387008 documents (195.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1100193 documents (121.7 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-29 20:14
      1.9 GBytes 20886137 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4677203b211f011b53c502e77b77e6143c0e2470752f4cb619

      Indices: 37, document count: 20677257, size: 1.9 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4453 documents (365.5 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 840 documents (130.0 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 41750 documents (5.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2344129 documents (236.9 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 19452 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 19986 documents (10.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2327909 documents (216.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2327914 documents (190.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1070747 documents (118.4 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-28 23:29
      1.9 GBytes 20677257 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df462df6cd41ff6e6e736201041bf46865dcb09795550e66cb2e

      Indices: 37, document count: 20372841, size: 1.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4294 documents (368.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 810 documents (112.1 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 40224 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2257979 documents (237.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 18734 documents (3.4 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 19253 documents (9.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2241714 documents (192.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2241714 documents (189.9 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1028042 documents (113.6 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-27 23:33
      1.8 GBytes 20372841 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df464326388a1c92592a98f1b2da4bb77d353c915e567ec2947f

      Indices: 37, document count: 20297776, size: 1.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4253 documents (359.3 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 810 documents (112.1 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 39847 documents (5.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2236611 documents (235.2 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 18562 documents (3.3 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 19075 documents (10.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2220266 documents (191.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2220266 documents (187.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 1018009 documents (112.6 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-27 17:34
      1.8 GBytes 20297776 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46e385565c50b3c39c5d369f181e7e0d17a0d1c2841434f45a

      Indices: 37, document count: 20053516, size: 1.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 4124 documents (328.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 780 documents (180.1 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 38547 documents (5.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2165606 documents (221.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 17973 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 18474 documents (9.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2149219 documents (185.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2149219 documents (178.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 989497 documents (109.3 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-26 21:48
      1.8 GBytes 20053516 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df465d5ebde715bc0df9df78606d9618b9729e115647ace7eee5

      Indices: 37, document count: 19766161, size: 1.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 3967 documents (331.7 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 750 documents (160.5 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 37093 documents (5.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 2083181 documents (227.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 17306 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 17785 documents (8.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 2066755 documents (184.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 2066755 documents (221.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 952492 documents (105.0 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-25 22:46
      1.8 GBytes 19766161 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46b2ff294f9432901151bc6e35e6ab081a87a7b5bf8839c3fe

      Indices: 37, document count: 19461865, size: 1.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 3809 documents (281.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 720 documents (142.6 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 35495 documents (4.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 1994717 documents (207.3 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 16556 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 17010 documents (8.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 1978291 documents (173.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 1978291 documents (160.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 916899 documents (101.1 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-24 22:11
      1.7 GBytes 19461865 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df460b787d387a41a8584bff824cb5b78593b92ff3e03e8f7725

      Indices: 37, document count: 19148499, size: 1.7 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 3637 documents (347.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 690 documents (131.3 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 33966 documents (4.0 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 1904194 documents (190.4 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 15824 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 16265 documents (8.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 1887719 documents (160.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 1887719 documents (153.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 878408 documents (96.9 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-23 20:09
      1.7 GBytes 19148499 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46ade61d2a96c6ea4a9ce2c1fa083e3ed5ef4846b6e72331e0

      Indices: 37, document count: 18920886, size: 1.8 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 3485 documents (314.1 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 660 documents (120.1 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 32840 documents (5.1 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 1842236 documents (195.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 15302 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 15732 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 1825745 documents (201.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 1825745 documents (166.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 839064 documents (92.7 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-22 21:49
      1.8 GBytes 18920886 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46a67995d314db1915761dff219987138ed061c8d394a8ea66

      Indices: 37, document count: 16237233, size: 1.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 1872 documents (233.8 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 360 documents (107.8 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 17076 documents (2.5 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 1344164 documents (142.4 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 7953 documents (2.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 8141 documents (4.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 949896 documents (81.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 949894 documents (79.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 437800 documents (48.7 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-12 18:44
      1.4 GBytes 16237233 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df4628fcda5654da2fe67633befec40b2fa14eaf3b2223f9b68b

      Indices: 37, document count: 14971831, size: 1.4 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252038 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202405 with 1206 documents (179.4 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202405 with 240 documents (55.9 kB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202405 with 4466 documents (636.3 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854713 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202405 with 10518 documents (2.7 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index pg_shuup_txn_scala_01-202405 with 980981 documents (101.5 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202405 with 10000 documents (1.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20896 documents (10.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202405 with 4924 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20388 documents (3.7 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202405 with 5037 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202405 with 586566 documents (51.6 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202405 with 586566 documents (86.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1575947 documents (133.3 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 2012410 documents (176.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202405 with 275716 documents (31.4 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found on 2024-05-08 13:32
      1.4 GBytes 14971831 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df463b9036000df2e2f06c255c14c7bac71bf909f6f6c0b542c0

      Indices: 28, document count: 12753351, size: 1.1 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49302 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 252014 documents (12.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394594 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 854553 documents (92.8 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 20774 documents (10.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 20266 documents (3.6 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1560506 documents (132.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 1996968 documents (176.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202404 with 267481 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202403 with 11570 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found on 2024-04-30 19:43
      1.1 GBytes 12753351 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df46c3d5750a9a180aaa9311a8c141836a2e7a72bdca43e068b5

      Indices: 28, document count: 12650799, size: 1.1 GB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 49242 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 251693 documents (12.7 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394587 documents (94.9 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 852558 documents (92.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 19722 documents (9.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 19246 documents (3.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1511457 documents (127.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 1947920 documents (170.4 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202404 with 267481 documents (30.0 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202403 with 11570 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found on 2024-04-28 18:36
      1.1 GBytes 12650799 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df468ce31ce18c6c7813c03825cf4dc9ec48b9b294d55d6418ec

      Indices: 29, document count: 11557966, size: 993.0 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 750 documents (170.3 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 3834 documents (314.3 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1394363 documents (103.6 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202403 with 247044 documents (11.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 35103 documents (4.6 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 198710 documents (15.0 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 168 documents (186.2 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 17577 documents (8.8 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 17141 documents (3.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1403032 documents (117.8 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 1839520 documents (159.5 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202404 with 262709 documents (29.7 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202403 with 11570 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found on 2024-04-25 04:50
      993.0 MBytes 11557966 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: 831cb76b8e05df465e80a0ea9df0420a400a8802dec74d5d9ace884a68a56976

      Indices: 29, document count: 11222729, size: 960.7 MB
      Through Kibana endpoint
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202404 with 690 documents (147.6 kB)
      Found index pg_hk_inout_api-202403 with 48402 documents (2.9 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202404 with 3513 documents (273.5 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_6-202402 with 1635 documents (1.1 MB)
      Found index pg_ib_account-202404 with 1391605 documents (103.6 MB)
      Found index pg_fx_rate-202403 with 247044 documents (11.4 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202404 with 32898 documents (4.1 MB)
      Found index pg_shuup_front_storedbasket-202403 with 44891 documents (5.7 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202402 with 5 documents (40.2 kB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202403 with 60000 documents (4.8 MB)
      Found index promotion-topic-202404 with 178710 documents (13.6 MB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202403 with 85 documents (154.5 kB)
      Found index homepage_geo-ip-202404 with 161 documents (130.4 kB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202402 with 1611 documents (846.3 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202402 with 145512 documents (11.0 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202404 with 16556 documents (8.1 MB)
      Found index kafka_shuupitem_2024-202403 with 351 documents (373.7 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202404 with 16146 documents (3.1 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202403 with 2158517 documents (182.5 MB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202403 with 340 documents (210.0 kB)
      Found index customer_order_coupon7-202402 with 1547 documents (800.4 kB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ip-202404 with 972850 documents (97.0 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn_geo-ipx-202404 with 1294199 documents (107.7 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202402 with 221730 documents (17.4 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202403 with 2468968 documents (212.2 MB)
      Found index shuup_txn-ip-202404 with 1730662 documents (150.2 MB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202404 with 172530 documents (19.5 MB)
      Found index read-me-to-recover-data with 1 documents (5.3 kB)
      Found index car_park_geo-ip-202403 with 11570 documents (1.8 MB)
      Found on 2024-04-23 03:37
      960.7 MBytes 11222729 rows
  • Open service

    2024-09-15 23:46

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
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    content-length: 0
    Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 23:46:30 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-09-15 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-15 23:46

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
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          "component_versions" : {
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            "cluster" : {
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            "node" : {
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                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
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            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
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              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 10000
            "watcher" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1500
            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "refresh" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
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                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
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                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
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                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
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                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
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                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
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                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
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              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-15 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-13 23:20

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    Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 23:20:34 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-09-13 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-13 23:20

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
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          "settings" : {
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              "election" : {
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            "node" : {
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                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
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              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
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            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
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              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
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            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
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              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
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              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
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              "type" : "scaling",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
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              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
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              "core" : 1,
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            "ml_utility" : {
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              "max" : 2048,
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              "queue_size" : -1
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              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
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              "size" : 5,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
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            "repository_azure" : {
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              "max" : 5,
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              "size" : 5,
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            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
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              "max" : 1,
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "filter" : {
              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
            "multi_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-13 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-11 23:20

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
            "ml.machine_memory" : "137438953472",
            "transform.config_version" : "10.0.0"
          "settings" : {
            "cluster" : {
              "name" : "elasticsearch",
              "election" : {
                "strategy" : "supports_voting_only"
            "node" : {
              "attr" : {
                "transform" : {
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                "xpack" : {
                  "installed" : "true"
                "ml" : {
                  "max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
                  "allocated_processors" : "24",
                  "machine_memory" : "137438953472",
                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
              "type" : "node"
            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "xpack" : {
              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
          "process" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
            "gc_collectors" : [
              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
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              "core" : 1,
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              "max" : 50,
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "rollup_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "cluster_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
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            "ccr" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "inference_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_utility" : {
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "get" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "system_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
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            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "max" : 10,
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
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              "core" : 0,
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              "size" : 5,
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            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
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              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
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                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
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                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
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                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
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                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "filter" : {
              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
            "multi_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-11 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-11 23:20

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    Found 2024-09-11 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-11 10:34

    HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
    location: /info
    connection: close
    content-length: 0
    Found 2024-09-11 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-10 08:56

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
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          "settings" : {
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                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
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            "http" : {
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              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
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            "allocated_processors" : 24
          "process" : {
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            "id" : 41656,
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
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            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
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              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 512,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
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              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 50,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
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            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
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              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
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              "queue_size" : 2000
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              "type" : "scaling",
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              "max" : 372,
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              "size" : 50,
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            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
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              "size" : 24,
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
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            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
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              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
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                "type" : "dot_expander"
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                "type" : "foreach"
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                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
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                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
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                "type" : "sort"
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                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
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              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-10 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-10 08:56

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    Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 08:57:00 GMT
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    Found 2024-09-10 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-09 22:08

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
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    Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2024 22:08:53 GMT
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    Found 2024-09-09 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-09 22:08

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
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            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
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          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
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            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
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            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
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                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
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            "http" : {
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                "enabled" : "false"
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
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            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
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              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
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            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
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              "max" : 1,
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              "max" : 5,
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              "queue_size" : -1
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            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
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              "keep_alive" : "30s",
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              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
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              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
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            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "size" : 3,
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              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
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            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
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              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
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              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
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              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "filter" : {
              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
            "multi_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-09 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-07 20:32

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
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    content-length: 0
    Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2024 20:32:54 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-09-07 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-09-07 20:32

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
            "ml.machine_memory" : "137438953472",
            "transform.config_version" : "10.0.0"
          "settings" : {
            "cluster" : {
              "name" : "elasticsearch",
              "election" : {
                "strategy" : "supports_voting_only"
            "node" : {
              "attr" : {
                "transform" : {
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                "xpack" : {
                  "installed" : "true"
                "ml" : {
                  "max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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                  "machine_memory" : "137438953472",
                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
              "type" : "node"
            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
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              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
          "process" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
            "gc_collectors" : [
              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
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              "max" : 512,
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              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
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              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
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              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
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            "ml_utility" : {
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
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            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
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            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
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              "size" : 24,
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              "type" : "scaling",
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "size" : 5,
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              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
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              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
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              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
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              "has_native_controller" : false,
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
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                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
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                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
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                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
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                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
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                "type" : "redact"
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                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
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                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
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                "type" : "user_agent"
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
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            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-09-07 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
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    2024-08-31 22:00

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    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-31 22:00

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
            "ml.machine_memory" : "137438953472",
            "transform.config_version" : "10.0.0"
          "settings" : {
            "cluster" : {
              "name" : "elasticsearch",
              "election" : {
                "strategy" : "supports_voting_only"
            "node" : {
              "attr" : {
                "transform" : {
                  "config_version" : "10.0.0"
                "xpack" : {
                  "installed" : "true"
                "ml" : {
                  "max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
                  "allocated_processors" : "24",
                  "machine_memory" : "137438953472",
                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
              "type" : "node"
            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "xpack" : {
              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
          "process" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
            "gc_collectors" : [
              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "ml_datafeed" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 512,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_fetch_async" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 50,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "snapshot_meta" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 50,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_started" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "esql_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "rollup_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "cluster_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ccr" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "inference_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "get" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "system_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 10000
            "watcher" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1500
            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "refresh" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
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              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
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              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
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              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
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                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
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                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
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                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
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                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
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                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
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                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
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                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
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            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-31 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-17 20:50

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-17 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-17 20:50

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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          "settings" : {
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            "node" : {
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                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
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              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
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            "http" : {
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          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
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            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
            "gc_collectors" : [
              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "ml_datafeed" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 512,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_fetch_async" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 50,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "snapshot_meta" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 50,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_started" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "esql_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "rollup_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "cluster_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ccr" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "inference_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "get" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "system_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 10000
            "watcher" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1500
            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "refresh" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
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              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
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              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
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              "has_native_controller" : false,
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
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                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
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                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
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                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
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                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-17 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-15 20:50

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    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-15 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-15 20:50

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
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            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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            "node" : {
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                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
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              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
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            "http" : {
              "type" : {
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          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
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          "jvm" : {
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
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            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
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            "cluster_coordination" : {
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            "flush" : {
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "get" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "system_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 10000
            "watcher" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1500
            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "refresh" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
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              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "java_version" : "17",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
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              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
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              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
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                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
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                "type" : "csv"
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                "type" : "date_index_name"
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                "type" : "drop"
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                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
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                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
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                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
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                "type" : "remove"
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                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
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                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-15 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-13 22:59

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    Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 22:59:22 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-13 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-13 22:59

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
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            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
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          "settings" : {
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            "node" : {
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                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
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              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
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            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
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                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
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            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
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            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
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              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
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              "size" : 12,
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "size" : 32,
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
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            "ml_utility" : {
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              "max" : 2048,
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              "queue_size" : -1
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              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "queue_size" : 2000
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              "size" : 5,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
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              "size" : 5,
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            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
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              "max" : 1,
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "filter" : {
              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohash_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
            "multi_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-13 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-11 23:01

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "xpack.installed" : "true",
            "ml.config_version" : "11.0.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.allocated_processors" : "24",
            "ml.machine_memory" : "137438953472",
            "transform.config_version" : "10.0.0"
          "settings" : {
            "cluster" : {
              "name" : "elasticsearch",
              "election" : {
                "strategy" : "supports_voting_only"
            "node" : {
              "attr" : {
                "transform" : {
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                "xpack" : {
                  "installed" : "true"
                "ml" : {
                  "max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
                  "allocated_processors" : "24",
                  "machine_memory" : "137438953472",
                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
            "path" : {
              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
            "client" : {
              "type" : "node"
            "http" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "transport" : {
              "type" : {
                "default" : "netty4"
            "xpack" : {
              "security" : {
                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
            "version" : "13.4.1",
            "available_processors" : 24,
            "allocated_processors" : 24
          "process" : {
            "refresh_interval_in_millis" : 1000,
            "id" : 41656,
            "mlockall" : false
          "jvm" : {
            "pid" : 41656,
            "version" : "21.0.1",
            "vm_name" : "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
            "vm_version" : "21.0.1+12-29",
            "vm_vendor" : "Oracle Corporation",
            "using_bundled_jdk" : true,
            "start_time_in_millis" : 1723202422109,
            "mem" : {
              "heap_init_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "heap_max_in_bytes" : 10737418240,
              "non_heap_init_in_bytes" : 7667712,
              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
            "gc_collectors" : [
              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 12,
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            "ml_datafeed" : {
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 512,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
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              "max" : 50,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_started" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "esql_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "rollup_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "cluster_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ccr" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "inference_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "flush" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "fetch_shard_store" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 48,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_utility" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "10m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "get" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "system_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "system_critical_read" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
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            "watcher" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 50,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "search_worker" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "system_critical_write" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1500
            "esql" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "refresh" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 1000
            "generic" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 128,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "warmer" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "auto_complete" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "profiling" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
            "searchable_snapshots_cache_prewarming" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "downsample_indexing" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
              "queue_size" : 256
            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "blob-cache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides a blob store cache",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "data-streams",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "frozen-indices",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
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                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
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                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
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                "type" : "pipeline"
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                "type" : "sort"
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                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
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              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "filter" : {
              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-11 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-11 23:01

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    Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 23:01:33 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-11 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-09 20:09

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
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    Date: Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:09:54 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-09 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-09 20:09

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
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          "version" : "8.11.3",
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          "index_version" : 8500003,
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            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
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              "logs" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3/logs",
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                "enabled" : "false"
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              "direct_max_in_bytes" : 0
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "max" : 1,
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              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "type" : "scaling",
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              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
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            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
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              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
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            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
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              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
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              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
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              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the frozen indices functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.frozen.FrozenIndices",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
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                "type" : "attachment"
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                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
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                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "children" : {
              "types" : [
            "composite" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "date_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "diversified_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "extended_stats" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "filters" : {
              "types" : [
            "frequent_item_sets" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_distance" : {
              "types" : [
            "geo_line" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
            "geohex_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "geotile_grid" : {
              "types" : [
            "global" : {
              "types" : [
            "histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_prefix" : {
              "types" : [
            "ip_range" : {
              "types" : [
            "matrix_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "max" : {
              "types" : [
            "median_absolute_deviation" : {
              "types" : [
            "min" : {
              "types" : [
            "missing" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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            "parent" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentile_ranks" : {
              "types" : [
            "percentiles" : {
              "types" : [
            "random_sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "range" : {
              "types" : [
            "rare_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "rate" : {
              "types" : [
            "reverse_nested" : {
              "types" : [
            "sampler" : {
              "types" : [
            "scripted_metric" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "significant_text" : {
              "types" : [
            "stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "string_stats" : {
              "types" : [
            "sum" : {
              "types" : [
            "t_test" : {
              "types" : [
            "terms" : {
              "types" : [
            "time_series" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_hits" : {
              "types" : [
            "top_metrics" : {
              "types" : [
            "value_count" : {
              "types" : [
            "variable_width_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "weighted_avg" : {
              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-09 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-07 20:15

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    Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 20:15:07 GMT
    Connection: close
    Found 2024-08-07 by HttpPlugin
    Create report
  • Open service

    2024-08-07 20:15

    Through Kibana endpoint
    Cluster info:
      "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
      "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
      "nodes" : {
        "ye0B0DdsQVOB2G8DP-IKPA" : {
          "name" : "",
          "transport_address" : "",
          "host" : "",
          "ip" : "",
          "version" : "8.11.3",
          "transport_version" : 8512001,
          "index_version" : 8500003,
          "component_versions" : {
            "ml_config_version" : 11000099,
            "transform_config_version" : 10000099
          "build_flavor" : "default",
          "build_type" : "tar",
          "build_hash" : "64cf052f3b56b1fd4449f5454cb88aca7e739d9a",
          "total_indexing_buffer" : 1073741824,
          "roles" : [
          "attributes" : {
            "ml.allocated_processors_double" : "24.0",
            "ml.max_jvm_size" : "10737418240",
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            "xpack.installed" : "true",
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            "node" : {
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                  "config_version" : "11.0.0",
                  "allocated_processors_double" : "24.0"
              "name" : ""
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              "home" : "/Users/leungkamhung/app/efk/elasticsearch-8.11.3"
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              "type" : "node"
            "http" : {
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                "enabled" : "false"
          "os" : {
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            "name" : "Mac OS X",
            "pretty_name" : "Mac OS X",
            "arch" : "aarch64",
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            "allocated_processors" : 24
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            "mlockall" : false
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            "version" : "21.0.1",
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            "start_time_in_millis" : 1722966502511,
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              "non_heap_max_in_bytes" : 0,
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              "G1 Young Generation",
              "G1 Concurrent GC",
              "G1 Old Generation"
            "memory_pools" : [
              "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
              "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'",
              "Compressed Class Space",
              "G1 Eden Space",
              "G1 Old Gen",
              "G1 Survivor Space",
              "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'"
            "using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers" : "true",
            "input_arguments" : [
          "thread_pool" : {
            "force_merge" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_coordination" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : 1000
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 32,
              "queue_size" : 100
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              "max" : 1,
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "keep_alive" : "5m",
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
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              "size" : 5,
              "queue_size" : 2000
            "ml_native_inference_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 3,
              "max" : 372,
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "type" : "fixed",
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 37,
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 5,
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 24,
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              "type" : "scaling",
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              "queue_size" : -1
            "repository_azure" : {
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              "max" : 5,
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              "size" : 5,
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              "keep_alive" : "30s",
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              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "size" : 6,
              "queue_size" : 100
            "azure_event_loop" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 1,
              "keep_alive" : "30m",
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            "management" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 5,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "analyze" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 16
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              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 0,
              "max" : 16,
              "keep_alive" : "30s",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "ml_job_comms" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 4,
              "max" : 2048,
              "keep_alive" : "1m",
              "queue_size" : -1
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              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 3,
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            "snapshot" : {
              "type" : "scaling",
              "core" : 1,
              "max" : 10,
              "keep_alive" : "5m",
              "queue_size" : -1
            "search_throttled" : {
              "type" : "fixed",
              "size" : 1,
              "queue_size" : 100
          "transport" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "profiles" : { }
          "http" : {
            "bound_address" : [
            "publish_address" : "",
            "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600
          "plugins" : [ ],
          "modules" : [
              "name" : "aggregations",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" aggregations to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.aggregations.AggregationsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "analysis-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds \"built in\" analyzers to Elasticsearch.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.analysis.common.CommonAnalysisPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "apm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Provides APM integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.telemetry.apm.APM",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
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              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.blobcache.BlobCachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "constant-keyword",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the constant-keyword field type, which is a specialization of keyword for the case when all documents have the same value.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.constantkeyword.ConstantKeywordMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Data Streams",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.datastreams.DataStreamsPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
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              "licensed" : false
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              "version" : "8.11.3",
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "inference",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Configuration and evaluation of inference models",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.inference.InferencePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
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              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-attachment",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses Apache Tika to extract contents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.attachment.IngestAttachmentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for ingest processors that do not require additional security permissions or have large dependencies and resources",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.common.IngestCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-geoip",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that uses lookup geo data based on IP addresses using the MaxMind geo database",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.geoip.IngestGeoIpPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ingest-user-agent",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Ingest processor that extracts information from a user agent",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.ingest.useragent.IngestUserAgentPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "kibana",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Plugin exposing APIs for Kibana system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.kibana.KibanaPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-expression",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Lucene expressions integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.expression.ExpressionPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-mustache",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Mustache scripting integration for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.script.mustache.MustachePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "lang-painless",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "An easy, safe and fast scripting language for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "legacy-geo",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Placeholder plugin for geospatial features in ES",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.legacygeo.LegacyGeoPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-extras",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds advanced field mappers",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.extras.MapperExtrasPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "mapper-version",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a field type to store software versions",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.versionfield.VersionFieldPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "ml-package-loader",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Loader for prepackaged Machine Learning Models from Elastic",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "old-lucene-versions",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for accessing older Lucene indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.lucene.bwc.OldLuceneVersions",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "parent-join",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "This module adds the support parent-child queries and aggregations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.join.ParentJoinPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "percolator",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Percolator module adds capability to index queries and query these queries by specifying documents",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.percolator.PercolatorPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-eval",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Rank Eval module adds APIs to evaluate ranking quality.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.index.rankeval.RankEvalPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rank-rrf",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Reciprocal rank fusion in search.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rank.rrf.RRFRankPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "reindex",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Reindex module adds APIs to reindex from one index to another or update documents in place.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.reindex.ReindexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repositories-metering-api",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Repositories metering API",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.repositories.metering.RepositoriesMeteringPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-azure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Azure Repository plugin adds support for Azure storage repositories.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-gcs",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The GCS repository plugin adds Google Cloud Storage support for repositories.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.gcs.GoogleCloudStoragePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-s3",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The S3 repository plugin adds S3 repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.s3.S3RepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "repository-url",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for URL repository",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.plugin.repository.url.URLRepositoryPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "rest-root",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Adds HEAD and GET / endpoint to Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "runtime-fields-common",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for runtime fields features and extensions that have large dependencies",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.runtimefields.RuntimeFieldsCommonPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "search-business-rules",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for applying business rules to search result rankings",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchbusinessrules.SearchBusinessRules",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "searchable-snapshots",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for the searchable snapshots functionality",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.searchablesnapshots.SearchableSnapshots",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-based-recoveries",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin that enables snapshot based recoveries",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.snapshotbasedrecoveries.SnapshotBasedRecoveriesPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "snapshot-repo-test-kit",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a test kit for snapshot repositories",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.repositories.blobstore.testkit.SnapshotRepositoryTestKit",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "spatial",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for Basic Spatial features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.spatial.SpatialPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transform",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin to transform data",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.transform.Transform",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "transport-netty4",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Netty 4 based transport implementation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.Netty4Plugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "unsigned-long",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the unsigned long field type",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.unsignedlong.UnsignedLongMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "vector-tile",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for mapbox vector tile features",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.vectortile.VectorTilePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "wildcard",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A plugin for a keyword field type with efficient wildcard search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.wildcard.Wildcard",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-aggregate-metric",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Module for the aggregate_metric_double field type, which allows pre-aggregated fields to be stored as a single field",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.aggregatemetric.AggregateMetricMapperPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-analytics",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Analytics",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which handles common async operations",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.async.AsyncResultsIndexPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-async-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "A module which allows to track the progress of a search asynchronously.",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-autoscaling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Autoscaling",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.autoscaling.Autoscaling",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ccr",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - CCR",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ccr.Ccr",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-core",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Core",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.core.XPackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [ ],
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-deprecation",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Deprecation",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.deprecation.Deprecation",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-downsample",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Downsample",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.downsample.Downsample",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-enrich",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enrich",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.enrich.EnrichPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ent-search",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Enterprise Search",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.application.EnterpriseSearch",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-eql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers EQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.eql.plugin.EqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-esql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The plugin that powers ESQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.esql.plugin.EsqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-fleet",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Plugin exposing APIs for Fleet system indices",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.fleet.Fleet",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-graph",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Graph",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.graph.Graph",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-identity-provider",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Identity Provider",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.idp.IdentityProviderPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ilm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Index Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ilm.IndexLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-logstash",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Logstash",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.logstash.Logstash",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ml",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Machine Learning",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : true,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-monitoring",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Monitoring",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.monitoring.Monitoring",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-profiling",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The profiling plugin adds support for retrieving data from Universal Profiling.",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.profiling.ProfilingPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-ql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch infrastructure plugin for EQL and SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plugin.QlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-redact",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Redact",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.redact.RedactPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-rollup",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Rollup",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.rollup.Rollup",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-security",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Security",
              "classname" : "",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-shutdown",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Shutdown",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.shutdown.ShutdownPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-slm",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Snapshot Lifecycle Management",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.slm.SnapshotLifecycle",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-sql",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "The Elasticsearch plugin that powers SQL for Elasticsearch",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plugin.SqlPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-stack",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Stack",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.stack.StackPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-text-structure",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Text Structure",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.textstructure.TextStructurePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-voting-only-node",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Voting-only node",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.cluster.coordination.votingonly.VotingOnlyNodePlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-watcher",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "Elasticsearch Expanded Pack Plugin - Watcher",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.Watcher",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
              "name" : "x-pack-write-load-forecaster",
              "version" : "8.11.3",
              "elasticsearch_version" : "8.11.3",
              "java_version" : "17",
              "description" : "x",
              "classname" : "org.elasticsearch.xpack.writeloadforecaster.WriteLoadForecasterPlugin",
              "extended_plugins" : [
              "has_native_controller" : false,
              "licensed" : false
          "ingest" : {
            "processors" : [
                "type" : "append"
                "type" : "attachment"
                "type" : "bytes"
                "type" : "circle"
                "type" : "community_id"
                "type" : "convert"
                "type" : "csv"
                "type" : "date"
                "type" : "date_index_name"
                "type" : "dissect"
                "type" : "dot_expander"
                "type" : "drop"
                "type" : "enrich"
                "type" : "fail"
                "type" : "fingerprint"
                "type" : "foreach"
                "type" : "geo_grid"
                "type" : "geoip"
                "type" : "grok"
                "type" : "gsub"
                "type" : "html_strip"
                "type" : "inference"
                "type" : "join"
                "type" : "json"
                "type" : "kv"
                "type" : "lowercase"
                "type" : "network_direction"
                "type" : "pipeline"
                "type" : "redact"
                "type" : "registered_domain"
                "type" : "remove"
                "type" : "rename"
                "type" : "reroute"
                "type" : "script"
                "type" : "set"
                "type" : "set_security_user"
                "type" : "sort"
                "type" : "split"
                "type" : "trim"
                "type" : "uppercase"
                "type" : "uri_parts"
                "type" : "urldecode"
                "type" : "user_agent"
          "aggregations" : {
            "adjacency_matrix" : {
              "types" : [
            "auto_date_histogram" : {
              "types" : [
            "avg" : {
              "types" : [
            "boxplot" : {
              "types" : [
            "cardinality" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_bounds" : {
              "types" : [
            "cartesian_centroid" : {
              "types" : [
            "categorize_text" : {
              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
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              "types" : [
    Found 2024-08-07 by ElasticSearchOpenPlugin
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8.9 GB
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