Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2022-08-02 17:05
    Last seen 2022-11-05 12:49
    Open for 94 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd34952f3b6e4176a89b2b4cb6026b0ab7bb6f7a4c75d5d32c

      Databases: 104, row count: 6019293, size: 1.5 GB
      Found table gripinvestdb.SequelizeMeta with 192 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.agreement_pdfs with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.aif_details with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_breakdown with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_partners with 660 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_repayment_logs with 109598 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.auto_investment with 9419 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_consent with 108 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_preferences with 9428 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankcredit_log with 284541 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawal_log with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawl_log with 156979 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bids with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bonds with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot_relation with 57 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commercial_property_details with 3 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission_structure with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.cube_users with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.depository_holiday_calendar with 18 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.depository_kyc with 182 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.details with 2314 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.difa with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.documents_metadata with 62682 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employee_logs with 55208 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employees with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_rating with 105435 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_reports with 84190 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.group_permissions with 169 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa with 186 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_cashflow with 97044 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_commission with 384 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_enquiry with 155 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.invested_users_and_how_many_times with 155 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.investor_profiling with 12459 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ipo_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.kyc_types with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_order_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mass_withdrawal_transaction with 91062 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mom_lead_vs_investors with 91062 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_funding with 26 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_charges with 183 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_metrics with 398 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_schedule with 7553 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.permissions with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.preferences with 289786 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referral_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals with 43945 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals_bonus_logs with 22196 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.secured_bond_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.short_urls with 9 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_details with 5 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_kyc with 36 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_withdrawal_logs with 110759 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.sql_script_logs with 156 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.startup_equity_details with 39 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.statement_requests with 2119 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblasset_payment_schedule with 7741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdetails with 463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdocument with 2385 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetnotify with 342767 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassets with 442 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetwaitlist with 338 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblbankverifylogs with 32717 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblconfig with 7 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_deliverylogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_sendlogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblesignlogs with 103785 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblkycnotify with 19741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblnotifyme with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorderdocument with 237045 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorders with 87790 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblotps with 3 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdetails with 131 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdocument with 121 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartners with 140 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblrepaymentmetrics with 885 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblsms_logs with 825733 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvbankdetails with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvdocument with 4754 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvs with 349 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltempdocument with 12914 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltransactionlog with 95408 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluser_payment_history with 306741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserbankdetails with 32832 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserdocument with 168637 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserkycdetails with 68406 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers with 399063 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers_utm with 390053 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblwarnlogs with 44987 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_config with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_users with 55 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_ckyc with 33405 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_group_permissions with 83 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_groups with 15 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_kyc with 300205 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_van with 289138 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendor_invoice with 1145 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendors with 405 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.wallet_transactions with 557324 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.website_routes with 15 records
      Found on 2022-11-05 12:49
      1.5 GBytes 6019293 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd59dd6e494d8c921813b687b0c21494caa10c846fa85339da

      Databases: 104, row count: 6280581, size: 1.5 GB
      Found table gripinvestdb.SequelizeMeta with 198 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.agreement_pdfs with 34 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.aif_details with 35 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_breakdown with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_partners with 708 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_repayment_logs with 113469 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.auto_investment with 10098 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_consent with 110 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_preferences with 10105 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankcredit_log with 304630 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawal_log with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawl_log with 163955 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bids with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bonds with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot_relation with 57 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commercial_property_details with 3 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission_structure with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.cube_users with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.depository_holiday_calendar with 18 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.depository_kyc with 65 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.details with 2326 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.difa with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.documents_metadata with 68505 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employee_logs with 59486 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employees with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_rating with 110029 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_reports with 84546 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.group_permissions with 185 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa with 186 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_cashflow with 106244 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_commission with 410 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_enquiry with 165 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.invested_users_and_how_many_times with 165 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.investor_profiling with 13088 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ipo_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.kyc_types with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_order_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mass_withdrawal_transaction with 98245 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mom_lead_vs_investors with 98245 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_funding with 30 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_charges with 201 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_metrics with 396 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_schedule with 7702 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.permissions with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.preferences with 293247 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referral_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals with 46237 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals_bonus_logs with 22421 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.secured_bond_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.short_urls with 9 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_details with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_kyc with 36 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_withdrawal_logs with 114482 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.sql_script_logs with 157 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.startup_equity_details with 39 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.statement_requests with 2233 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblasset_payment_schedule with 7802 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdetails with 463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdocument with 2445 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetnotify with 342767 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassets with 453 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetwaitlist with 338 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblbankverifylogs with 33582 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblconfig with 8 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_deliverylogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_sendlogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblesignlogs with 109826 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblkycnotify with 19741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblnotifyme with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorderdocument with 256205 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorders with 89179 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblotps with 1 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdetails with 131 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdocument with 125 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartners with 142 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblrepaymentmetrics with 941 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblsms_logs with 907261 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvbankdetails with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvdocument with 4980 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvs with 358 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltempdocument with 12994 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltransactionlog with 98508 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluser_payment_history with 314274 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserbankdetails with 34264 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserdocument with 169162 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserkycdetails with 70442 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers with 400184 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers_utm with 403971 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblwarnlogs with 44988 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_config with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_users with 59 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_ckyc with 34435 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_group_permissions with 91 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_groups with 15 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_kyc with 308065 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_van with 290884 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendor_invoice with 1219 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendors with 430 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.wallet_transactions with 587166 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.website_routes with 15 records
      Found on 2022-10-04 18:41
      1.5 GBytes 6280581 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdebbbe25ad520cb693371af956103d5a0c80d0a75d683d5f0

      Databases: 101, row count: 5538776, size: 1.4 GB
      Found table gripinvestdb.SequelizeMeta with 194 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.agreement_pdfs with 29 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.aif_details with 29 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_breakdown with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_partners with 660 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_repayment_logs with 82365 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.auto_investment with 8978 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_consent with 110 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_preferences with 8985 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankcredit_log with 269809 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawal_log with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawl_log with 150133 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bids with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot_relation with 57 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commercial_property_details with 3 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission_structure with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.cube_users with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.details with 2176 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.difa with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.documents_metadata with 12062 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employee_logs with 47301 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employees with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_rating with 95880 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_reports with 85401 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.group_permissions with 149 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa with 170 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_cashflow with 99643 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_commission with 384 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_enquiry with 107 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.invested_users_and_how_many_times with 107 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.investor_profiling with 15463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ipo_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.kyc_types with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_order_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mass_withdrawal_transaction with 83930 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mom_lead_vs_investors with 83930 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_funding with 24 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_charges with 172 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_metrics with 338 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_schedule with 6920 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.permissions with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.preferences with 258493 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referral_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals with 44760 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals_bonus_logs with 20271 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.secured_bond_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.short_urls with 9 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_details with 5 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_kyc with 36 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_withdrawal_logs with 82758 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.sql_script_logs with 119 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.startup_equity_details with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.statement_requests with 190 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblasset_payment_schedule with 7555 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdetails with 463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdocument with 2297 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetnotify with 342767 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassets with 438 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetwaitlist with 338 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblbankverifylogs with 31434 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblconfig with 7 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_deliverylogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_sendlogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblesignlogs with 78453 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblkycnotify with 19741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblnotifyme with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorderdocument with 220413 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorders with 83531 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblotps with 175 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdetails with 131 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdocument with 125 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartners with 134 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblrepaymentmetrics with 833 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblsms_logs with 827337 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvbankdetails with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvdocument with 4116 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvs with 333 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltempdocument with 12376 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltransactionlog with 84604 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluser_payment_history with 296210 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserbankdetails with 29722 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserdocument with 120391 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserkycdetails with 62105 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers with 355011 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers_utm with 359068 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblwarnlogs with 44988 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_config with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_users with 58 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_ckyc with 31010 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_group_permissions with 88 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_groups with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_kyc with 281175 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_van with 274120 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendor_invoice with 1044 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendors with 337 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.wallet_transactions with 503479 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.website_routes with 15 records
      Found on 2022-09-03 14:48
      1.4 GBytes 5538776 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd334efae8e5fe66c1e72b1162dd80ee13d4875ea0212120dd

      Databases: 99, row count: 4967147, size: 1.3 GB
      Found table gripinvestdb.SequelizeMeta with 192 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.agreement_pdfs with 22 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.aif_details with 18 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_breakdown with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_partners with 579 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_repayment_logs with 72574 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.auto_investment with 7644 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_consent with 109 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_preferences with 7649 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankcredit_log with 218836 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawal_log with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawl_log with 123615 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bids with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot_relation with 57 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commercial_property_details with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission_structure with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.cube_users with 38 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.details with 2028 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.difa with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employee_logs with 44017 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employees with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_rating with 88982 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_reports with 89804 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.group_permissions with 139 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa with 164 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_cashflow with 97160 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_commission with 384 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_enquiry with 54 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.invested_users_and_how_many_times with 54 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.investor_profiling with 19382 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ipo_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.kyc_types with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_order_attribution with 13 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mass_withdrawal_transaction with 64607 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mom_lead_vs_investors with 64607 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_funding with 18 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_charges with 155 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_metrics with 304 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_schedule with 6604 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.permissions with 32 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.preferences with 244128 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referral_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals with 43170 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals_bonus_logs with 17275 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.secured_bond_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.short_urls with 9 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_details with 5 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_kyc with 36 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_withdrawal_logs with 73259 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.sql_script_logs with 81 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.startup_equity_details with 19 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblasset_payment_schedule with 7235 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdetails with 463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdocument with 2150 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetnotify with 342767 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassets with 388 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetwaitlist with 338 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblbankverifylogs with 29536 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblconfig with 7 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_deliverylogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_sendlogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblesignlogs with 72896 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblkycnotify with 19741 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblnotifyme with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorderdocument with 205162 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorders with 75688 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblotps with 41 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdetails with 131 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdocument with 123 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartners with 129 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblrepaymentmetrics with 782 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblsms_logs with 732372 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvbankdetails with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvdocument with 3937 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvs with 305 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltempdocument with 11789 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltransactionlog with 79405 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluser_payment_history with 242662 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserbankdetails with 27719 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserdocument with 111998 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserkycdetails with 58019 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers with 340538 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers_utm with 337721 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblwarnlogs with 44987 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_config with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_users with 55 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_ckyc with 29038 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_group_permissions with 83 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_groups with 11 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_kyc with 231208 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_van with 259742 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendor_invoice with 891 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendors with 309 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.wallet_transactions with 408865 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.website_routes with 15 records
      Found on 2022-08-06 23:41
      1.3 GBytes 4967147 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2a5bc82f09ec5cdb648750cbbf14ce6f5e4106bb5ec0e11f

      Databases: 99, row count: 5188612, size: 1.3 GB
      Found table gripinvestdb.SequelizeMeta with 201 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.agreement_pdfs with 21 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.aif_details with 19 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_breakdown with 1 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_partners with 595 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.asset_repayment_logs with 70745 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.auto_investment with 7634 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_consent with 110 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.autoinvest_preferences with 7641 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankcredit_log with 233451 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawal_log with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bankwithdrawl_log with 129301 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.bids with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.chatbot_relation with 58 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commercial_property_details with 2 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission with 6 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.commission_structure with 43 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.cube_users with 43 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.details with 2067 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.difa with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employee_logs with 46432 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.employees with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_rating with 95702 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.experian_reports with 91030 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.group_permissions with 152 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa with 171 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_cashflow with 99856 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_commission with 392 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ifa_enquiry with 45 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.invested_users_and_how_many_times with 45 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.investor_profiling with 23871 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.ipo_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.kyc_types with 14 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_attribution with 14 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.lead_order_attribution with 14 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mass_withdrawal_transaction with 64816 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.mom_lead_vs_investors with 64816 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_funding with 18 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_charges with 164 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_metrics with 322 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.partner_reconciliation_schedule with 6814 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.permissions with 34 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.preferences with 267224 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referral_details with 1 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals with 44115 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.referrals_bonus_logs with 18113 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.secured_bond_details with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.short_urls with 9 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_details with 5 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_kyc with 36 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.spv_withdrawal_logs with 72673 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.sql_script_logs with 77 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.startup_equity_details with 20 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblasset_payment_schedule with 7271 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdetails with 463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetdocument with 2146 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetnotify with 365343 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassets with 398 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblassetwaitlist with 341 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblbankverifylogs with 31310 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblconfig with 7 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_deliverylogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblemail_sendlogs with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblesignlogs with 76893 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblkycnotify with 19761 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblnotifyme with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorderdocument with 213983 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblorders with 77623 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblotps with 372 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdetails with 131 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartnerdocument with 129 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblpartners with 130 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblrepaymentmetrics with 797 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblsms_logs with 744243 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvbankdetails with 0 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvdocument with 4252 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblspvs with 311 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltempdocument with 11752 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbltransactionlog with 84463 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluser_payment_history with 250853 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserbankdetails with 29837 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserdocument with 119641 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tbluserkycdetails with 61998 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers with 340915 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblusers_utm with 359150 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.tblwarnlogs with 45053 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_config with 3 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.terminal_users with 60 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_ckyc with 30428 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_group_permissions with 88 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_groups with 12 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_kyc with 247695 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.user_van with 268351 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendor_invoice with 931 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.vendors with 327 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.wallet_transactions with 442201 records
      Found table gripinvestdb.website_routes with 15 records
      Found on 2022-08-02 17:05
      1.3 GBytes 5188612 rows
Data leak
1.5 GB
Domain summary
No record