The Kafka instance is available to the public without authentication.
An attacker could connect to the queue to extract private/confidential information in real-time.
Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaaa9e5c235d2f38265d2f38265d2f38265d2f38265
NoAuth Found topic usage_reports_v2 Found topic __consumer_offsets
Fingerprint: 43224224eeda9da960defeaa0efe442ac3386fb5c3386fb5c3386fb5c3386fb5
NoAuth Found topic __consumer_offsets Found topic usage_reports_v2
WARNING: This plugin will generate false positive and is purely informative:
regreSSHion: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems (CVE-2024-6387)
Severity: info
Fingerprint: 3f43e0ebb5dce37ab8b59eb52209347f258fe1ba258fe1ba258fe1ba258fe1ba
Found potentially vulnerable SSH version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_9.6 WARNING, RISK IS ESTIMATED FALSE POSITIVE ARE LIKELY