Hangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.
Linux x86_64
  • MySQL is publicly available
    Port: 3306
    First seen 2024-05-27 06:47
    Last seen 2024-09-19 23:35
    Open for 115 days
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd425297eaa2823c4174703d9d4480b23da17c4361de4b4ba6

      Databases: 162, row count: 10184, size: 7.8 MB
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_record with 46 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_seat with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.ceshi_note with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_main with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_sub with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_monthly_growth_analysis with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_customer with 62 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_main with 14 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_ticket with 46 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_project_nature_income with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict with 41 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict_item with 122 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report with 30 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_data_source with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db with 60 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_field with 540 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_param with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_link with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_map with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_share with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.joa_demo with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_data with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_page with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_relation with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_button with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_java with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_js with 21 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_sql with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_field with 770 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_head with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_index with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_head with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_item with 56 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_param with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_comp with 42 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_head with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_item with 98 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_param with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page with 22 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page_comp with 282 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.oss_file with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_scheduler_state with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_dxtj with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_employee with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_gongsi with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_jianpiao with 86 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement with 16 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement_send with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_category with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_check_rule with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_comment with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_log with 217 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_source with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_permission with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_permission with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_user with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict with 47 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict_item with 176 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_files with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_fill_rule with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_form_file with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_gateway_route with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_log with 309 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission with 329 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_data_rule with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_v2 with 197 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_position with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_quartz_job with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_index with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_permission with 937 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms_template with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_table_white_list with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_perms with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_user with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_account with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_app_config with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_agent with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_depart with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_position with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_role with 18 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_tenant with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_demo with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_enhance_select with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_note with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_customer with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_main with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_product with 20 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_shoptype_tree with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_v3_hello with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_1 with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_income with 5 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 50 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2116 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 749 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 1098 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 132 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 1 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 6 records
      Found table nacos.config_info with 12 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_aggr with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_beta with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_tag with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_tags_relation with 0 records
      Found table nacos.group_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.his_config_info with 28 records
      Found table nacos.permissions with 0 records
      Found table nacos.roles with 0 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_info with 0 records
      Found table nacos.users with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_group with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_info with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_lock with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log_report with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_logglue with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_registry with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_user with 0 records
      Found on 2024-09-19 23:35
      7.8 MBytes 10184 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3302373c8876cc69c33ef9558eb0ee55428971f48ea1c2b5

      Databases: 162, row count: 11004, size: 7.8 MB
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_record with 26 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_seat with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.ceshi_note with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_main with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_sub with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_monthly_growth_analysis with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_customer with 62 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_main with 14 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_ticket with 46 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_project_nature_income with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict with 41 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict_item with 122 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report with 30 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_data_source with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db with 60 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_field with 540 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_param with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_link with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_map with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_share with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.joa_demo with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_data with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_page with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_relation with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_button with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_java with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_js with 21 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_sql with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_field with 770 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_head with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_head with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_item with 56 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_param with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_comp with 42 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_head with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_item with 98 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_param with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page with 22 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page_comp with 282 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.oss_file with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_scheduler_state with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_dxtj with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_employee with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_gongsi with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_jianpiao with 86 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement with 16 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement_send with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_category with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_check_rule with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_comment with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_log with 217 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_source with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_permission with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_permission with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_user with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict with 47 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict_item with 176 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_files with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_fill_rule with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_form_file with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_gateway_route with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_log with 289 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission with 336 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_data_rule with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_v2 with 197 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_position with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_quartz_job with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_permission with 944 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms_template with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_table_white_list with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_perms with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_user with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_account with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_app_config with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_agent with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_depart with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_position with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_role with 18 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_tenant with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_demo with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_enhance_select with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_note with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_customer with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_main with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_product with 20 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_shoptype_tree with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_v3_hello with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_1 with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_income with 5 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 50 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1045 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2460 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 1087 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 1094 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 132 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 1 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table nacos.config_info with 12 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_aggr with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_beta with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_tag with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_tags_relation with 0 records
      Found table nacos.group_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.his_config_info with 28 records
      Found table nacos.permissions with 0 records
      Found table nacos.roles with 1 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_info with 1 records
      Found table nacos.users with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_group with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_info with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_lock with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log_report with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_logglue with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_registry with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_user with 1 records
      Found on 2024-08-31 20:27
      7.8 MBytes 11004 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd104950fa933f6a6dcdffb7cc2e14a4d01f0b6985a01cf4eb

      Databases: 162, row count: 10913, size: 7.8 MB
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_record with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_staff with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_seat with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.ceshi_note with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_main with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_sub with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_monthly_growth_analysis with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_customer with 62 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_main with 14 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_ticket with 46 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_project_nature_income with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict with 41 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict_item with 122 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report with 30 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_data_source with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db with 60 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_field with 540 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_param with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_link with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_map with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_share with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.joa_demo with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_data with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_page with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_relation with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_button with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_java with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_js with 21 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_sql with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_field with 770 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_head with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_head with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_item with 56 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_param with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_comp with 42 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_head with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_item with 98 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_param with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page with 22 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page_comp with 282 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.oss_file with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_scheduler_state with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_dxtj with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_employee with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_gongsi with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_jianpiao with 86 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement with 16 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement_send with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_category with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_check_rule with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_comment with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_log with 217 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_source with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_permission with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_permission with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_user with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict with 47 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict_item with 176 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_files with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_fill_rule with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_form_file with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_gateway_route with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_log with 219 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission with 336 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_data_rule with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_v2 with 197 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_position with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_quartz_job with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_permission with 944 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms_template with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_table_white_list with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_perms with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_user with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_account with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_app_config with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_agent with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_depart with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_position with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_role with 18 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_tenant with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_demo with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_enhance_select with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_note with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_customer with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_main with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_product with 20 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_shoptype_tree with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_v3_hello with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_1 with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_income with 5 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 50 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1045 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2460 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 1087 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 1094 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 132 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 1 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table nacos.config_info with 12 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_aggr with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_beta with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_tag with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_tags_relation with 0 records
      Found table nacos.group_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.his_config_info with 28 records
      Found table nacos.permissions with 0 records
      Found table nacos.roles with 1 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_info with 1 records
      Found table nacos.users with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_group with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_info with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_lock with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log_report with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_logglue with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_registry with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_user with 1 records
      Found on 2024-08-29 21:38
      7.8 MBytes 10913 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd783a18d63adf45bd9f0979212edfd16103263d888c19b143

      Databases: 162, row count: 10892, size: 7.8 MB
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_record with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.biz_seat with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.ceshi_note with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_main with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.demo_field_def_val_sub with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_monthly_growth_analysis with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_customer with 62 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_main with 14 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_order_ticket with 46 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jeecg_project_nature_income with 8 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict with 41 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_dict_item with 122 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report with 30 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_data_source with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db with 60 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_field with 540 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_db_param with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_link with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_map with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.jimu_report_share with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.joa_demo with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_data with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_page with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_auth_relation with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_button with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_java with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_js with 21 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_enhance_sql with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_field with 770 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_head with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgform_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_head with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_item with 56 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_cgreport_param with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_comp with 42 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_head with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_item with 98 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_dataset_param with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page with 22 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.onl_drag_page_comp with 282 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.oss_file with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_locks with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_scheduler_state with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_dxtj with 24 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_employee with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_gongsi with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.rep_demo_jianpiao with 86 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.row_seat_staff with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement with 16 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_announcement_send with 17 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_category with 29 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_check_rule with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_comment with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_log with 217 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_data_source with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_permission with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_permission with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_depart_role_user with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict with 47 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_dict_item with 176 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_files with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_fill_rule with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_form_file with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_gateway_route with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_log with 203 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission with 336 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_data_rule with 25 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_permission_v2 with 197 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_position with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_quartz_job with 3 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_index with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_role_permission with 944 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_sms_template with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_table_white_list with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant with 2 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_perms with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_tenant_pack_user with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_account with 0 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_third_app_config with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_agent with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_depart with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_position with 1 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_role with 18 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.sys_user_tenant with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_demo with 5 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_enhance_select with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_note with 6 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_customer with 9 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_main with 7 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_order_product with 20 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_shoptype_tree with 11 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.test_v3_hello with 4 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_1 with 12 records
      Found table jeecg-boot.tmp_report_data_income with 5 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 2 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 50 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 1045 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 2460 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 1087 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 1094 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 132 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 1 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 1 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 5 records
      Found table nacos.config_info with 12 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_aggr with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_beta with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_info_tag with 0 records
      Found table nacos.config_tags_relation with 0 records
      Found table nacos.group_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.his_config_info with 28 records
      Found table nacos.permissions with 0 records
      Found table nacos.roles with 1 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_capacity with 0 records
      Found table nacos.tenant_info with 1 records
      Found table nacos.users with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_group with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_info with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_lock with 1 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_log_report with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_logglue with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_registry with 0 records
      Found table xxl_job.xxl_job_user with 1 records
      Found on 2024-08-27 21:10
      7.8 MBytes 10892 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd08651df5fcbad5db1026eb56c6878572e4d16e88dfefd12b

      Databases: 99, row count: 287089, size: 67.0 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 821 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1608 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 625 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 10 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 3 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1480 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132387 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120284 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 607 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found on 2024-08-05 21:57
      67.0 MBytes 287089 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdde121e59271f0ed5bb020b90f41f14d4bccb3b92c6512446

      Databases: 115, row count: 422038, size: 379.6 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 49 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 701 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 149013 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 693 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 769 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 637 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service_vice with 30 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-23 21:30
      379.6 MBytes 422038 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdb1bc0eb9c88de675c31972308be1b5b4194929f2d043cbef

      Databases: 115, row count: 431984, size: 258.8 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 22 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 250 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 56 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 643 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 149013 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 568 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 63 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 25 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2227 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 565 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 693 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 769 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 395 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 2135 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 1705 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 903 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 243 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 702 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service_vice with 30 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-21 20:37
      258.8 MBytes 431984 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd11758dd57ba5de0999c4cc04361fa86089798d9ec4982926

      Databases: 115, row count: 431908, size: 258.8 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 22 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 250 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 56 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 568 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 149012 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 568 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 63 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 25 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2227 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 565 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 693 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 769 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 395 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 2135 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 1705 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 903 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 243 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 702 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service_vice with 30 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-19 21:51
      258.8 MBytes 431908 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd0ad883b5ac3582a91a0074a4cb9d65c05239ef7e3049dc24

      Databases: 115, row count: 429745, size: 188.6 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 22 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 250 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 56 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 504 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 149007 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 568 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 63 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 25 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2227 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 565 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 693 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 769 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 395 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 764 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 982 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 903 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 243 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 702 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service_vice with 30 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-17 21:30
      188.6 MBytes 429745 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd6e9d13ffd19ef897242a96f21285e9765606576c7fcff9db

      Databases: 114, row count: 409750, size: 93.0 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 460 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132218 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-15 21:32
      93.0 MBytes 409750 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdaa07e9a84eb882385f526997a144b8355c4a1dab8e5a6e8e

      Databases: 114, row count: 409646, size: 92.4 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 356 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132218 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-13 21:11
      92.4 MBytes 409646 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdc3ebe3ff3a3dc8977b6906f28fc8b97633f8276c7d5363b5

      Databases: 114, row count: 409593, size: 92.4 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 303 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132218 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-11 22:48
      92.4 MBytes 409593 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd0b592f2e0447fba203d0f031e24540e73160ccddbe440b70

      Databases: 114, row count: 409547, size: 92.4 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 258 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132217 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-09 21:32
      92.4 MBytes 409547 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd999cbdc6d9dfb77a81bdb8f90f222a7f42518b058042e9f0

      Databases: 114, row count: 409510, size: 92.4 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 221 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132217 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-07 20:58
      92.4 MBytes 409510 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fddc9df8f922bf7e35ee037070b04f0874fdf77332e5b40a3e

      Databases: 114, row count: 409506, size: 92.4 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 219 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132215 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-05 21:31
      92.4 MBytes 409506 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd21098e1437a0a6cc67093d6baf390e3116f25a6722fc41c9

      Databases: 114, row count: 409493, size: 91.3 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 206 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132215 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-03 23:01
      91.3 MBytes 409493 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd8579de3c9783ee745536ba23883b4999ed4817df04fb918f

      Databases: 114, row count: 409441, size: 91.2 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 154 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132215 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 527 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 6275 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_detail with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 2402 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-07-01 21:26
      91.2 MBytes 409441 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd5a82defecd54cd1203ac1ea1e18879d7aed4e00dd2d9fea1

      Databases: 114, row count: 409408, size: 91.1 MB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 818 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1738 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 567 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 492 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 85 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 7884 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 1444 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 3803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 717 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 54 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 121 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 132215 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 563 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 61 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_onus_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 18 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 2035 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 673 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 668 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 366 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 233 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dic with 10 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_resource with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_in_customer_track with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 121812 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 192 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 817 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_record with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 39 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 242 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 645 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_attendance with 657 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 582 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 1000 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 19 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 27485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 605 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 8999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 417 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 79388 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 1405 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 17 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-29 21:28
      91.1 MBytes 409408 rows
    • Severity: high
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdebd6b7609132601091326010913260109132601091326010

      Databases: 1, row count: 2, size: 16.4 kB
      Found table README_TO_RECOVER_A.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found on 2024-06-27 20:11
      16.4 kBytes 2 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd2f125a1401d5340eef32de2d457acfeb91edecb1c4ad7a39

      Databases: 133, row count: 255531, size: 138.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 746 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 527 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 559 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 102 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2616 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 195 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 32 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 560 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 245 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 43 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 1169 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52678 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 558 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 669 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1517 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 206 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120929 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_range_copy1 with 3 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12331 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11134 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24759 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-19 20:45
      138.2 MBytes 255531 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd7e2d508bffc73061cdc4cdacfc7c2ab80bfb96a61e6c68d5

      Databases: 131, row count: 255127, size: 138.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 746 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 527 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 559 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 102 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2616 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 195 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 870 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52648 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 557 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120929 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12331 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11134 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24759 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-09 21:26
      138.2 MBytes 255127 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3b948a6c2a60eb96b1ac52456cfd8513f736af69c0cbbbe1

      Databases: 131, row count: 255094, size: 138.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 746 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 527 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 559 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 102 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2616 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 195 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 837 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52648 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 557 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 626 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1514 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120929 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12331 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11134 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24759 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-07 22:05
      138.2 MBytes 255094 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fdd42929af072596256fb13560eef65e2443d7c7a2915e42d5

      Databases: 131, row count: 255062, size: 138.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 746 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 527 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 559 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 102 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2616 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 195 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 805 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52648 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 557 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 626 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1514 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120929 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 59 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12331 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11134 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24759 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-05 21:10
      138.2 MBytes 255062 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd59955f321e42fe3c7b60385b61474f213b390c57e063f8a5

      Databases: 131, row count: 254954, size: 138.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 746 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 527 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 559 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 102 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 65 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2616 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_user_exam_history with 195 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 239 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 741 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52641 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 557 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 608 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1504 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 120929 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 45 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 50 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4485 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12331 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11134 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24759 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-03 20:24
      138.2 MBytes 254954 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd190a4ad7377e0f7d73cc1a68f1b920dce553024aaeb403ec

      Databases: 130, row count: 254206, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 934 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52579 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 655 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-06-01 20:23
      109.2 MBytes 254206 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd5f28396316831429ebe31924a6bfd7405bd468fec4062f89

      Databases: 130, row count: 254196, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 908 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52578 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 672 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-05-31 22:45
      109.2 MBytes 254196 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd0fbc02d09b6d1b0a1dd218097604e18fca16349555539754

      Databases: 130, row count: 254195, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 939 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52575 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 650 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 3 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-05-31 06:07
      109.2 MBytes 254195 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fda018180fd8c9cbc5e4a9f200a7814704f9b6360204914b7d

      Databases: 130, row count: 254174, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
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      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 897 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52572 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 637 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 3 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 60 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-05-29 22:00
      109.2 MBytes 254174 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd74986d2be8a65f41f7c9250cd72bb6d80c731446831b8443

      Databases: 130, row count: 254079, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 803 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52571 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 637 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 3 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 60 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-05-27 23:27
      109.2 MBytes 254079 rows
    • Severity: critical
      Fingerprint: cf350410ecceb5fd3d6a6f6a80d39744c0631773ea5a22a9fb75e12f9be684c3

      Databases: 130, row count: 254056, size: 109.2 MB
      Found table RECOVER_YOUR_DATA.RECOVER_YOUR_DATA with 2 records
      Found table mysql.columns_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.db with 4 records
      Found table mysql.engine_cost with 2 records
      Found table mysql.event with 0 records
      Found table mysql.func with 0 records
      Found table mysql.general_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.gtid_executed with 0 records
      Found table mysql.help_category with 47 records
      Found table mysql.help_keyword with 895 records
      Found table mysql.help_relation with 1837 records
      Found table mysql.help_topic with 358 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_index_stats with 506 records
      Found table mysql.innodb_table_stats with 101 records
      Found table mysql.ndb_binlog_index with 0 records
      Found table mysql.plugin with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proc with 48 records
      Found table mysql.procs_priv with 0 records
      Found table mysql.proxies_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.server_cost with 6 records
      Found table mysql.servers with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_master_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_relay_log_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slave_worker_info with 0 records
      Found table mysql.slow_log with 2 records
      Found table mysql.tables_priv with 2 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_leap_second with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_name with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition with 0 records
      Found table mysql.time_zone_transition_type with 0 records
      Found table mysql.user with 9 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.case_download_record with 2948 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_comment with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_exam_paper_detail with 20 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_field with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_group with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_knowledge_point with 40 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_news with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_practice_paper with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question with 2781 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_point with 2900 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_2_tag with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_question_type with 7 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.et_reference with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table with 31 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.gen_table_column with 552 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_blob_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_calendars with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_cron_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_fired_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_job_details with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_locks with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_paused_trigger_grps with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_scheduler_state with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simple_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_simprop_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.qrtz_triggers with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sheet1 with 36 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_config with 6 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept with 41 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dept_assistant with 29 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_data with 176 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_dict_type with 42 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job with 8 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_job_log with 784 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_logininfor with 52569 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_menu with 410 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_notice with 26 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_oper_log with 635 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post with 24 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_post_dept with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role with 12 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_menu with 1481 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_role_organ with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_service_user_dept with 385 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user with 509 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_dept with 512 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_post with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_user_role with 204 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.sys_wx_user with 109 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_c3p0 with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_designer_kpi with 3999 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict with 416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_dict_service with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.t_organ_ex with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_apply_info with 5 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_auth_corp_info with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_calendar with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_department with 21 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_enternal_user with 119398 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_schedule_info with 2 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.wx_user with 144 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_apply_files with 185 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment with 3 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition with 46 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_condition_post with 4 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_detail with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model with 1 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_condition with 10 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_assessment_model_target with 60 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_bill_refund with 179 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_case with 4416 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_able_dept with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_group with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_designer_order_count with 1291 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_check with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_finance_gd with 12936 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply with 153 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_flow_apply_detail with 577 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_operate_data with 11423 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_opt_logs with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order with 24909 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_designer_user with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_order_tk with 1758 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_paylog with 0 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_person_gz with 256 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_personnel with 265 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_data with 49 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_sale_target with 199 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_service with 13 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_store with 16 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow with 11 records
      Found table xgwc_oa.xgwc_work_flow_detail with 48 records
      Found on 2024-05-27 06:47
      109.2 MBytes 254056 rows
Data leak
258.8 MB
Domain summary
No record